《Madness with a touch of sanity》Chapter 2: Root Demon, Mirin


How long have I been in this darkness, going forward? I don't even remember, but at least over time, I have come to see thing more clearly, I must be some form of ghost or spirit, my body is a semi-solid mist hued slightly in a dark omminous purple. others spirits have walked with me on this bleak journey, hued in a myriad of different colours, but none ever lasted as long as I have, I feel my senses sharpen the more time I spend in this never-ending dark abyss, but I might be going Mad the longer I stay here too, I have tried moving but I find myself trapped in my own body, forced to watch as I go forward, but I keep seeing a bright light in the distance, and feint voices.

I see it, the light, a shining humanoid figure, like a lantern or spell, no light leaks out of the humanoid shell, the ground around it tinged with red, and trees that surround me seem dead, like they never lived to begin with, they are corrupted, tinged with evil. Transparant vines wrap around the figures body, barely destinguishable if it wasnt for the slightly grey colour they contained, the sun is dimming, the blue light it emits slowly being replaced by the red light of the moon, the figure seems to dimm with the sun.

"Have you noticed" My body spoke, without purpose, to no one, am i speaking to myself? "We would think that such a change would be more easily noticed by you, considering how abrupt it was"

'Who?' I try to speak, fruitlessly, I am not in control of my body, my voice echoes in my mind, mocking me, but this dense forest is as silent as it always was, the only noise is the creatures that inhabit it.

"Mirin, glad you are finally awake, it has been lonely all these years" the shining figuire seemed to dim and glow with each word, its voice was feminine and sweet, sweeter than the sweetest honey, but so tired too, just her words brought a heavy fatigue to my misty body.


"Sorry, she isn't quite available, I'd be happy to leave a message" my body spoke, soundng sarcastic with a tinge of malice.

The glow dimmed and hued in blue "Oh, I see, I must be delusional after all these years, I thought i felt her soul in you, sorry"

"So, what are you? Ghost? Genie? Spirit?" My body spoke with thick sarcasm

"Fu fu fu fu, you are funny, but no, I am none of them, I am a god, sort of" she flashed briefly with yellow but dimmed to a hollow blue with her last words

"Sort of? so a fallen god then? meaning you are mortal? you can die?" a wave of unrestrained malice flooded from the word, fear bubbled inside my chest with every sylable

She glowed a warm yellow before speaking, her words full of vigor "Yes, but to kill a god, even those fallen from grace, is a serious matter, once dead, our killers must uphold everything we represent, everything we stand for, if you worship order then you will recieve only chaos with my death" her word tighten my chest, they are familiar, but something is off about them.

"SPRINKLES!" my body exploded back into my control, promptly frocing my face to the ground, and my limbs to flail around without direction.

"Ha! so i was right, oh joy, my faithful follower has returned to me" my eyes were blinded by her warm yellow light.

The vines that held her body looked slimey as they melted under her yellow radiance.

Definitions slowly forming across her body, her legs were slender and long up to her hips which displayed a pleasant curve that lead into her pleasingly defined and muscluar waist, breasts that could be described as small hills leading to asthetically pleasing pink nipples, her neck was good distance and width to her body and her face held a gentle complexion, displaying slight arrogance, with high cheek bones a petite nose and ears and thick glistening lips, her void black hair slinking down to her waist. but the most eye catching thiings about her were her dark chocolaty skin and flaming black eyes.


She raised her right hand, dark streams pouring into it slowly forming a device, grip, cylinders, and barrel. she positioned the barrel so that it almost touched my forehead.

"Have fun, hope you enjoy my gift" she pulled her finger in.


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