《That one time i was killed then i was Transported to an alternative world where i had to fight in a dungeon to survive》Chapter four I'm a slave now How will I survive? I can't even fight and never even killed anything?




“My Name is Kai”

“Ok listen up you’re not in here for murder are you because I’m trying to do the breakout”

“Ok yea I remember they say if your not in here for a murder you are able to get free if you make it to the desert before you get recaptured”

“Yes so tell me are you skilled in any form of combat any weapon mastery, skills, powers”

“Uhh I don't think so I’ve never even killed anything in my life and I remember somebody told me I’m able to use powers but I don't know how to use them”

“I see I’m skilled in sword mastery especially with a light sword like a Katana but they only give us old rusted weapons to kill the lower level monsters”

Actually come to think of it didn't that one good thing say that she gave me a weapon and powers so how do I use them and how come it feels like no one remembers their past lives as I do so how come they don't know anything “hey do you remember anything about your past life or what”

“What do you mean past life haha are you one of those weirdos that think there are other worlds besides this one of _____”

Oh so I guess that I’m an exception but that doesn't make since I wasn't born here I was born on earth so why doesn't anyone remember their other lives I remember she said that I was able to choose my powers and other stuff about eraser worlds but I don't get it now

“Ok, tomorrow I will partner up with you because you gonna be one of us trying to escape and you need to train and if it is true that you can use powers we can help you tr-



Everyone to bed besides Night shifts on guard people

“OK Kai see you tomorrow”

“Yea see you tomorrow”

This is so uncomfortable how do people even sleep on this ground and I don't get it what is the point of these camp things anyway if they don't even have food to feed the people who kill the monsters and what's the point of adventurers sleeping in the dungeon can't they just go to their home then come to the dungeons later.

*I’m getting tired I’m just gonna go to uhh


Everyone up get ready for breakfast

Uhh breakfast I wonder what it's going to be

*walks into the cafeteria

“Oh you are the new guy huh ha here's your food”

“A slice of bread that’s all”

“Oh I’m sorry that this isn't a 5-star restaurant”



What’s this guys problem I never said it was I guess what that man said was true there isn't any food over here wow what a shame I don't know how I’m going to live on 3 slices of bread a day

*sits down

“Hey new guy give that here”

“No way man sorry I need my fill to”

*shoves into mouth and eats it

“What is your problem

*grabs his collar

“Say that to my face big guy”

“Please let me go I already ate it so there's no point in hitting me”

* a crown gathers

“Haha I don’t care I love picking on the newbies haha your in for it now they call me the newbie breaker want to know why”

“Because you pick on them until they hate themselves or what”

“No, because I love to hear the sound of breaking bones”

*grabs his arm

“ hey let me go let me g-”

*breaks his left forearm

Ahhhhhhhhh what's your ahh why just for a piece of bread what's this man's problem



“That's the newbie breaker for you ha sucks to be that guy”

“Yea man remember two months ago when he broke that kids skull with his palm”

“Oh yea I remember that it's crazy how did he do that just by squeezing his skull and it split open like a watermelon it was a horrible sight to see but he did it”

“Hey kid now remember not to get in his bad side he used to be a gold-ranked adventurer so he's scary”

Oh I see he's a gold huh

“You are a waste of time I can tell you've never even been in a fight till now”

“Someone take this kid to the infirmary”


in the infirmary

“Ok so it should be healed within a weak like usual that man knows how to do a clean break”

“Yep I should've given him that one slice of bread”

She spoke to me with a warm tone as if she actually cared

“Listen to me kid this place is bad so if I were you if you want to make your time here better listen to what the stronger people say and don't try to break out it's a fool's errand people have tried and you think that they'll just bring you back here no they'll kill you it's like hunters and prey and the one defending the desert while there's a breakout is the crazy girl Ms.Kazami shell kill you in a second even with just one slice shell kill you in an instant so just stay here and serve the long sentence you most likely have”

.Oh, I see they just get a sick sort of pleasure from killing us or watching us starve huh.

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Yes ask away boy.”

“I want to know why did you take a job in here in the dangerous dungeon”

“ do you want to now something Mr.kai”


“You remind me of someone dear who was killed during the 2-year monster war”

“Ok how?”

“My boy was killed by that witch Ms.Kazami”

I wonder if she’s talking about the same person who died in that mans arms”

“Never mind that you’re able to stay and rest in here for 10 more minutes”

You better survive this boy I know you can do it.

“Ok I think I’ll take a short nap”

Hmm I guess I’ll just sleep here



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