《The Attractor》Chapter 185: The First End


Laurent Lapierre’s Attraction

Round 32 - The Sixth Attraction

There was a strange glitch in time, like the deja vu created by the Attractor in the entrance of the sand creature’s cavern. A point in time, a peg was placed in time and, as Sophie had shown, there would be a return here. This was a marker in case Laurent and Emilio were unable to save the Multiverse.

Laurent half expected an introduction or a softer start to this final simulation; there was a heartbeat and he flashed from his body in the digital reality to standing in her shoes. Laurent was in the body of his lovely daughter Sophie, surrounded and filled with unlimited power. He stood in front of the countdown clock. Next to him stood his deformed body and the sleeping President.

He, mankind watching, was unable to distinguish if they were playing a game in the digital world or if reality had truly shifted and Sophie was no more. Irrespective, he was for a moment his lovely daughter and he needed to shoulder this burden if he could. In his heart he felt this was truly pointless, but he would give it a shot. He looked at his young childish hands, they were glowing with the power of a god.

Time was slowed to a thousandth of its normal pace.

Sophie (Laurent) looked up at a clock on the screen. It had switched from minutes to seconds. It read 273.213. The girl unlocked the band from it’s sad immobility. As if a person had pressed play on a recorder, the music resumed. On the stage, LO played loudly feet from the Attractor a song the young girl knew and loved so much, she played it in a loop to herself for months. The singer saw his audience of one and he began to tears up. Musicians knew how to access emotions, LO was a master of it. The Sixth Attraction has begun and with each beat, the drummer deformed the Multiverse as if he was now beating drums covered with water. The sound created deformable waves this close to the Attractor’s power, coherence of all type was fading.

The song made Sophie vibrate inside. Laurent looked around as if he was swimming in power, his own body appeared to crackle with shades of green. Sophie made fabric of the Multiverse move around her. She was a living singularity and they stood at the point where everything would fold and implode. The sight was too much to handle, what was clear was that she held absolute power and control.

Pi, the constant was now a variable. The Multiverse was bending, twisting and hurting and all that remained was 3.147 as the first measurable values, but at this junction, no one cared - even the poor straining Marilyn. The Multiverse was folding, ending and soon everything would vanish. Unseen, parts of the Universe were already shimmering out of existence, worlds were vanishing into the non-void of space. The walls of the Center, while being perfectly straight appeared to bend and twist since shapes were not bound to geometry. The fabric of life was wet with power. It felt like the Multiverse had taken LSD.


LO did not care, he grabbed the microphone and sang as if this was the last song the world would ever hear. The energy he produced was visible and splashed around the walls. He sang to a young fan, she was there feet away looking at him. The singer normally should think he had to convince her to save the world, his parent were on Earth dying. But who was he. Earth was a toy being crushed. LO and his music was a gift to Sophie, nothing more.

He was, as everyone, was wrong.

Time over earth and the doomsday Apocalypse resumed. Humans were no longer needed, they could vanish. In the background, around the man there was no hiding the images of the destruction of earth. Slowly the world for humanity was ending and a planet was imploding. The atmosphere burnt as the fire consumed the thin layer of gas. The ram of heliocorium pushed in below the crust and continents lifted miles up.

All life, but the most rudimentary ended. The God Virus no longer worked, the Bias no longer cared if humans lived. Humans died one after the other and also emptied the computer system and the cosmos. The energy from humanity was in the system already, Sophie needed no more.

“Now what?” asked Sophie looking at the music and the clock.

“Sweet one,” said Liam in her head. “Now you decide what you want to do. You have the power, it’s boundless I think, use it at your desire or watch this end.”

The face of Marilyn appeared on the screen, she was different. She no longer had her youth. She was in pain. This was the Marilyn on Georges’ poster in the basement of the Center without the birthmark, she was infected by a virus. “Sophie,” struggled Marilyn, “time is short, I am losing control as my future self has now opened hundreds of portals changing the very fabric of my own reality. It is changing me and I am struggling to constantly undo its effort. What ever you do, please don’t let me become that thing.” The computer creature was able to say one last thing before loosing the control, “Thanks for letting me be a woman, at least once before the end. I am sorry. Father I love....” Then her face began to change, there was a deeper and darker creature in control. It smiled as it finally had arrived. It also was in pain, but it desired it. The good Marilyn blinked in and out of existence.

Power was building on both sides of the digital divide.

“So, little child,” it taunted in a dark voice.


“I will not kill you. You need my power,” said Sophie, “you will live.”

The words appeared to disturb the creature.

“As if it was your decision little brat. You are insufferable, my old self showed restraint, I am not. You will try to kill me,” it added with some frustration. The mask was fading.

Sophie lowered both hands and began to power down.

Then there was shock in the computer’s expression. “Brat,” she just hollowed, “use the power, it is there at your fingertips. If you do not, I will.”

Sophie looked at the screen, on it, Marilyn was aging. On the stage the musicians were singing. Georges was back in the corner, he removed his glasses and turned to look at Sophie. He feared the worse, his creation still had problems understanding humans. Sophie looked at her father’s body. It was there lifeless, a reminder of the sadness of his condition. Next to her stood the Doctor and Milly. The two women also were trying to hide their emotions and looked away.

“You want to die?” said the young Attractor jokingly to the computer. The Multiverse was bent, hurt and in the place of a wound were computers store in the basement of the Electoral Center.

“Let it end,” said the blond in a much deeper voice. “You stupid bitch!” There was a new personality on the screen. The young Marilyn was gone, in her place lived the older creature.

The young girl should have been enraged but instead her father stood still in his cradle. This was painful.

Marilyn’s wrinkled face twitched, “fuck your cripple. I have power also, you just gave me some,” she snapped. Rho waves in the Dot began to hum in the martian sky. There was energy moving and the computer was controlling it. It was impossible to understand but Rho waves unlocked time and at the speed of thought, the entire ceiling dropped on the body of Laurent and the two women standing next to him killing most people including the sleeping President. The blunt force was designed to kill Laurent and to splatter his entire insides in all directions including Sophie’s way. The guts and organs hit the young girl so hard, she was sent flying back crashing into the band ending the music. Marilyn wasn’t done, “Look,” she snapped at her. The drummer as if he was appeared possessed by a demon lounged at LO using his drumming sticks as a stabbing weapon. LO’s body was frozen by the energy. The man raised a hand shoved the sticks directly stabbing him into his neck for a maximum effect. Blood splattered in the most gory way. Sophie had barely wiped her father’s blood from her face and saw the new horror. The spectacle had one goal, make the girl react.

LO died horribly.

“Attack me!” ordered the creature on the screen. It wanted Sophie to use her power one last time. The sight would have been too much for anyone. The young girl saw the stains, the death of her father and stood back up. Laurent could not imagine losing and seeing his daughter live this.

She saw the face of Emilio in her mind and a vision flashed. Sophie knew if she used the power, a bomb stronger than any ever created would blow off. A pulse of dark energy would spread and vaporized the Center. It would then vaporized all planets. The sun would be no obstacle as the wave moved outward into the cosmos. This was a vision, it came from the digital world as an echo from the President. Having vaporized matter in the entire Solar System, it would begin to race out of and the carpet blast destroying the Milky Way in the blink of an eye. One by one, all of the Galaxy of the Cold would vanished. There would be darkness. It would win.

The vision flashed to a larger scale. She saw the Nexus wrapped like chains around the Multiverse. Then, the form in the Underworlds which was wrapped in the Nexus would begin to twitch, it would roll to the side and began to burn from the inside. Every world would burn and one by one, every world would die.

There would be darkness, silence and laughter of the evil old Marilyn as she would begin what came next. Laurent (the Attractor) stood in the Center and he needed to help his daughter avoid this situation. Maybe seeing his own death, she would indeed destroy the Multiverse.

There was one solution.

Laurent knew what to do to save mankind.

“This was never about you,” said the young girl. “We need a redo.”

“Idiot,” It hissed.

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