《The Attractor》Chapter 135: Whiteness


The commercial pause ended, so did the story in the caverns of mars.

Instead, the viewers were transported to a large endless white space, one reminiscent of science fiction digital space. Frequently, in this digital space Marilyn introduce her games or used this place to train players before the start of her games. The brightness made it difficult to distinguish between the floor and the ceiling. In the middle of the infinite room were two white rounded chairs floating a small distance from the floor. In the first sat Marilyn in a red cocktail dress, legs sensually crossed. In the other President Sanchez wore jeans and a t-shirt. His game alter ego was gone and so was his space suit.

"Apologies to all, but as I saw the footage of the last two days, I will not be coerced into lying, anymore. This charade must end." The blond was not joking. Emilio looked at her, this was important. "What I said these last days is not binding."

"This is your world, is the game over?" asked the President.

"Well, turns out during Sophie’s pinch the sand cockroaches showed up and there was a new negotiation. Thanks to Ronaldo playing intermediary and Sophie putting some unknown, I would have negotiated a new truce."

"May I?" The President held up his hand expecting a glass to magically appear in it. She smiled and a large tumbler of Whiskey materialized. The man acted like a child given an extra hour to bedtime. Emilio smelled the liquid deeply and was beside himself. "God yes!" He saluted and drank a large portion in a single gulp and swallowed after ringing the alcohol in his mouth. The liquid burned going down, he felt it and loved how alcohol moved back up his nose. He closed his eyes almost expecting the buzz to be instantaneous, it wasn’t. "Thank you, thank you."


"Let's hope alcohol does not hinder you gift here."

"How could that be? We are in your world."

"My friend," she began very seriously, "the barrier between dream, the worlds and my reality all appear to be fading. The same can be said between the layers of the Multiverse. Sophie’s reality is merging with ours I fear. If today she believed in unicorns, I would not be surprised to hear some have been discovered in a forest in Russia. We all are at fault of thinking science protects us from her. Unless I am mistaken, this and other phenomenons will only accelerate." Emilio finished the glass as quickly as he could.

Marilyn added, "I would have agreed to lie and deceive mankind into thinking, as you just saw, that man is linked with these scummy monsters, in exchange they were going to give us the three weeks we need to get to the final. Now because of the Communion, I have changed my mind. I would rather be wiped clean of my servers rather than lie to anyone. That entire introduction was false, everything about it was sickening. I am sure everyone at home watching this garbage felt the same way. I know you did."

"It was very convincing,” said Emilio holding onto his glass like a lifeline. “The pyramid was a bit much.” He needed to lighten up the mood, "Maybe they wanted us to call them daddy? Some people like that. Ancestors, really? Adam and Eve?" His words made her chuckle. Emilio knew when a woman was talking herself into rage.

Marilyn finally looked directly at the camera. “We should have used one of my solutions instead of your three words.“

"Oh la la," he said. "you made yourself clear. No need to terraform yet. I am not one to give you any advice, but..." She expected him to talk about the geopolitical situation, instead he just held the empty tumbler up. His request did lighten her expression. She winked and the tumbler was full.


"Thrust is not earned quickly but is lost with one lie. Your trust is important as we go to the Sixth Attraction. But opening the war will not help our chances."

"Should we postpone Round 29? Maybe your efforts would be better spent taking care of your neighbors. I don't mind the wait."

"This is not about us Emilio. Sophie wants us to play, to get to the Sixth Attraction so she can return to earth. I don't blame her. You are going back in."

"Are we besties now?" joked the President.

"Don't push your luck. I do appreciate your help back there. I am not ungrateful. What do you want?"

"What I want? Have you given a though that point of light, the energy wasn’t a game but something else?”

“Interesting. Like what?”

“Truth. You want to pay me? While you are in this truthful mode, can I ask you a couple of questions. Trust my gift to get something on air Sophie will enjoy."

She thought and then got up just long enough to kiss him on the lips. "You get one question and don't talk about that stupid phone."

"One? That's all?"

"Yes, make it count baby."

"You just lied to all of mankind and used me like a puppet, surely we get more?" The man had a point, she smiled. She valued Emilio, he was one of the three humans she really cared about. "Three, make them count. Let’s see that gift of yours working."

The President's mind saw thousands of questions. Each was equally pointless until he found the one of importance which felt like he would get the most powerful reaction. His mind did not tell him what emotion laid ahead, but it was a doozy. He just asked, "What's, according to you, the meaning of life for us humans?"

She was thinking. Fuck him, she thought, he was right. Once she understood where she needed to go, Marilyn first smiled trying to keep her composure. Then she was flooded by more emotions.

Then her eyes started to tear up. She turned her head to the side to wiped the tears. "You are ruining my makeup." The question hit her like an arrow sent to her heart. Emilio and mankind waited for the answer. "The meaning of life, isn't it obvious?"


"You really want to know, big boy? Live or a simulation in my world?"


"I knew you were going to say that. Promise not to be upset at me. You will be the show. You mind if I show everyone at the same time?"

"Not at all."

She kissed snapped her fingers.

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