《The Attractor》Chapter 119: Liam


It was now Laurent's turn. The ratings, already off the scale, increased. The overall score in the game of Sophie’s father was second only to the President by about two hundred points. The machine loved to keep tract of the score. Sophie was sitting on a stool next to his body back in the Electoral Center. As she caressed him, she tried not to touch the metal electrodes. Laurent did not need to be in a Rho chamber, as the weak body was missing most of what made it work. Regulation of this heartbeat, already at a whisper was pointless. Also, doctor Shin was at his bedside and was ready for any eventuality.

Electoral and the entire world knew one thing, next to his daughter, the universe would end before Laurent suffered anymore. Marilyn saw the invisible power from the girl swell as the man’s simulation began. She cared little about the combined effort by the first thirty players to reach the stranded creatures. In fact, the story was just a distant diversion for what really needed to happen. The Electoral game made it seem like at this precise moment; the players were walking on the planet. They were not.

"What do you think?" asked the young lady to her silent mental companion. Liam replied.

"The human’s rescue efforts are interesting," began the Oldest, "she does not hide her purpose. Her goal truly is to benefit mankind. That seems obvious. She blends the line between reality and her digital world.”

"You think I should have played her game and entered the Purple?"

"At this juncture, kind one, you are free to do as you please. Even the digital creature appears to have moved to a plan which no longer requires your involvement."

"What does that mean?"


"Marilyn wants to save the earth. In her mind, you needed to visit the Purple. She now must be playing to save this colony. She attempted to use guilt to force you into compliance to help your dad. That plan obviously backfired. She must now move on to a plan which focuses on survival. Or better yet, she understands as the Attractor; you have a gift beyond comprehension and logic.”

“The earth is gone?”

“No. I do feel like the destruction of earth can be avoided if you wish so. Your power is beyond imagination. I have faith in you, kind one. The Multiverse picked you for a reason, I now think I know why."

“Why?” joked Sophie.

“The answer will sound ridiculous to you.”


“Let me offer an analogy. You stand in front of a Christmas tree and it is covered by hundreds of shining lights. I ask you to pick one, which one will you take.”

“The brightest?”

"Correct. To the Multiverse, you are the brightest. The question is, what is it looking for and why you shine.”

“I fear I know,” she said to herself. Liam knew better than to continue the line of questioning of the girl. Liam saw Sophie squeeze the plush toy as if it was some type of safety line. “Would you be mad at me if I let the world end?”

Coming from anyone else, the question would be out of character. Sophie on the other hand said what she had her mind.

“No, I expect that may be the ending actually,” offered her companion.


“A good judge must be impartial. I am starting to think you are not here to save these dimensions, you are an impartial judge of them. I trust you alone in this world to decide something as important as the end of all life. Something hurts the Multiverse, I think. You are a doctor who must decide if amputation is needed. I do not envy your role young one. The burden of care for your father might very well have been a test sent by the a Multiverse. A test you passed with flying colors I may add.”


She took a deep breath and changed the topic. "You think my father will do great today?"

"He always does. I have no doubt you will enjoy it. These games must change the monotony of his existence. He controls, impressively, the interface in which he lives. In the game, his world is controlled by the one who calls herself Marilyn. I am rather curious myself to learn what will happen; this game is fascinating."

"Should I help him?"

"I think you already do. But to bring you some consolation, I think he is helping you more than you are helping him." The girl wiped a tear and turned her attention to the screen. She felt he was right. The Multiverse, like her father was unable to help herself. She refused to let Laurent die, maybe the Multiverse wanted someone who, also would not let her die.

“My father will die soon.”

“Define death, I can’t.” She loved his answer on this difficult topic.

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