《The Attractor》Chapter 86: The Refusal


Hours before

“Sweet one,” said the voice of Marilyn over the speakers of the colorful but empty cafeteria. This place reminded Sophie of her school’s common eating area. Large stainless tables were lined with attached side benches. Marylin snuffed all traces of technology to appease the girl.

Sophie was eating her breakfast of Champions and trying to read from her school tutor on the side. Marilyn only offered branded products here. On the large box of cereals, the blond movie star pretended to win an Olympic medal. The spoon’s shape in her hand was odd, half way as a fork and to be held like a child’s tool.

“Is this even real milk?” she asked sarcastically to the voice from above pouring the small bag over the yellow loops.

“Chemically Yes. But it never saw a cow if that’s what you mean. You like the Cereals?” The computer intelligence was trying to make small talk. It was landing flat with the girl. Sophie’s powers were increasing by the day. As if she was digitally added to her surroundings. She now made the world around her slightly bend and warp in a strange effect. Of course the girl was oblivious to the changes but the Computer knew what was happening and was careful to avoid any confrontation.

“Before we speak, can you broadcast this. I don’t like secrecy and Daddy should see it all if he wants. Parents should be able to keep an eye on their child, if they want.”

“As he should. I have given CNN all access to the cameras the moment you joined. They have eyes on you all day long except in your room.”

The answer satisfied the girl who pushed the image of a mountain on the tutor. “Done. What do you want?”


“The Multiverse wants you to help in the Purple. That is why it sent you there on your way back from Liam’s world. I was stupid and pulled you out early before you had a chance to fix things. The next game in ten minutes is set up there, it requires your help and participation at the end.”

“If you say so.” Sophie clearly has a different idea in mind.

“You know what is going on, about the Purple.”

“Liam briefed me. They are trying to destroy Earth. Kill everyone. You think I alone can help,” she spoke with her mouth full.

“That is true.”

There was a long silence. Finally the girl added, “I don’t think you are right.”

“What do you mean?”

“All this, you, them. I don’t like any of this. Even your game, the President. I am not sure why I should care about any of it.”

“Young one, I understand your frustration. But you want people to die?”

“No one does, but...”

“But what?”

Sophie never bothered to respond. “I am twelve, stuck here on Mars a gazillion miles away from the nearest tree. I keep wondering why everyone just can’t leave me alone.”

“Sometimes we are destined for greater things.”

“Seems to me like no one really knows what is going on yet everyone is set on acting and saying what’s best. Isn’t that the stupid thing to do?”

The computer smiled internally, the girl was right.

“The Multiverse wanted you in the Purple. I stopped your action there.” Sophie continued pushing buttons on her tutor. “Do as you must, young one. At the end, I must trust your judgment. A choice will be given you, that much I can do. But if we do nothing the world will end.”


“Liam is rather clear, no one has a clue what’s going on.”

“You are the Attractor, so who cares what I think.”

“I like that better. Marilyn?”


“Thanks for all you are doing. That much I can see.”

“You should not thank me young one. I fear I may have broken the Multiverse.”

The young girl, with a cold assurance added, “Than trust me a little bit more. Liam and I have a plan.”

“You do?”

“Of course, but you won’t like it.”

“What is your class about?”

“Semi-precious stores.”

“I can,” began the computer.

“No thanks,” cut in jokingly the young girl.

“The game starts in ten minutes,” she added.

“I know.”

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