《The Attractor》Chapter 38: The Oldest


Palpable tension was in the air. The Mediator was silent; he knew better than to step between these two foes. The Metil Ambassador knew there was no more delaying. No more hiding the truth. The Ancients knew. He just spoke. "Because of the urgency of the situation, and the mass killings of our citizens by the monsters from the Cold, our ruling body has taken action."

"Explain with greater detail," asked the Ancient.

"The Cold is vast beyond imagination. Yet, the rifts are created by one race next to one precise location in that space. A star they name the sun. Because our words shift, the rifts move. Recently, the recorder validated our assumptions. In the Cold's vastness, one race, one single world is causing our holocaust. The race is called “human”, they inhabit a small colder rock orbiting a warm compressor of matter they call the sun. The relative scales are difficult to fathom. The sun and the small cold ball called earth are hundreds of scales larger than humans. They have already entered our world once, and they will do so again. They have the power to destroy and enslave us. Our desire for self-preservation have forced us to take preventive measures."

The creature from the lower added, "The Purple have insulted the entirety of the Multiverse, but no worse than yourselves. The ignorance and the stupidity of your entire race is shocking, given your level of evolution and technology. Explain what you have done."

"I have been given the responsibility by the Counsel of the Metil of explaining our actions, and to hopefully secure the Nexus' approval ex post facto."

The Moderator sneered. “AFTER the fact? I can confirm that you will not receive this approval. Please provide us with the information so we can decide at a later time as to the best course of action. Universal matters require attention, wisdom and reflexion."


"Our physicists show the problematic species lives in a very confined area of the Cold. The compressors, or as they call them, “stars”, generate multiple types of energy. The creatures and hostile technology resides in orbit of a compressor. We need some time to complete the analysis of this new race. We implemented a plan which should delay the evolution of these creatures as they migrate from the third rock orbiting from the compressor to the fourth. They call it “Earth.” The fourth, they call “Mars.” They're already there. In the Cold, there are millions of these stars. As a star burns, it creates byproducts; larger elements which collect in the core of these stars as a new matter. These higher structures float in a hot magma and when, by chance, they accumulate, they eject new matter. Unstable matter.

He paused. No one was amused.

The creature from the Purple continued, "This new higher element in this star is call Heliocorium. It accumulates slowly, released at different periods in time as small quantities. All stars in the Cold regularly release these cooling drops. In most cases, the balls helps create life as the drops cool. The human system where the rifts are occurring, has at least ten balls in orbit of the their sun. They seem to enjoy living on the smaller and more solid ones. That is the first four in orbit.

"We are not waging war. We think the humans are compelled to create these destructive rifts when they travel from the third planet travel to the fourth. We believe they now wish to expand their race to the fourth rock because they lack the living area on their third planet. If we somehow expand their living area, we think the migration to the fourth rock will end and so will the rifts. We have begun to shift energy in our world in a way to assemble the Heliocorium in their sun to have it eject a new mass to impact the earth, doubling their living space. Our solution is not war, it is peaceful. We will send a new cooling planet to connect with their own. The transition should not harm them."


"Enough," snapped the Ancient, "your ignorance is boundless. Our rules are based on the principle that no world can ever understand a neighboring world without extensive communication. Your actions are very likely to be genocide."

The Metil Ambassador concluded for good or for worst, "We have begun to accelerate this natural process of planetary creation. We think this will be perceived as a gift. By giving them a new larger planet to inhabit, it will slow their expansion and limit the number of rifts. This should give us time to study and understand them."

There was a long silence.

"Is this all?" asked the Moderator. Her tone was anger fused with irony.


There was another long silence on the Nexus.

Finally the voice of an Ancient spoke. "We measure our words carefully, but the lack of intelligence of your race is," she was picking the next word carefully, "non-coincidentally driven. Few cultures and worlds develop sufficient technology to connect to the Nexus. Yours did. Such belligerence leaves us perplexed. We are very disappointed by your haste. Your sheer lack of logic. You have broken more laws of the Nexus than I care to count. Your actions are hostile and based on what appears to be a very cursory understanding of this world. Interference into the Cold may have serious repercussions for all of us. If these entities are in fact capable of entering your world, we hope your offering is seen as one of peace. Additionally, The Cold is not only your concern. I doubt others will let you proceed. If you cease and desist immediately, we may forgive the action. Otherwise, you will open yourselves to what is sure to be lawful retaliation. You've started a war. We hope you understand as much."

"Millions of Metils have died," offered the Ambassador.

"I can promise you, and tell others in your failure of a world, Billions of Metils will die if you continue and we will gladly extinguish all life where you stand."

The second Ancient spoke rhetorically, "Why would the release of a new planet from their sun destined to impact with their existing planet have any negative consequence you wonder.”

“We are very careful and are timing the release so that both bodies connect perfectly. We would welcome such a merger in our world."

The Ancient was done talking with such a stupid creature. The Moderator replied, "The shortsightedness of your race is beyond words." The Moderator refused to swear on the Nexus and held back his words. "This is not the first time the Metils have disappointed us. You benefit from an active line of communication. You can collect information, and investigate, and we will help you. Yet in the face of any principle that dictates precaution, while you act recklessly. Touch that star and we will end you. End your folly.”

The Ancient returned, "We will not declare war immediately on the Purple and be guilty of the crimes we reproach you. We will take no such rash action. But we will...."

All of a sudden, the flow of communication over the bridge stopped. There was a loud bang. War had begun, but it did not begin as expected.

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