《Queensmen》41. Manipulative


Dawn arrived like a thief, creeping silently into the morning as the sun peeked out from beneath the still ocean and scattered its first rays across the horizon.

It created a beautiful scene, one that ought to be appreciated. Unfortunately, one could only do so from the highest point of Inae and that spot happened to house the Royal Palace.

"Your Majesty?"

Hermes walked away from his balcony, his back to the distant sea as he glanced at the servant standing by his chamber's doors.

"I remember asking not to be disturbed," he said and took off his gauntlets.

Hermes' personal servant hurried to pick the clothes from the floor as he undressed, following close on the emperor's heels as he walked about the room examining this and that.

"Your mother wishes to see you," the servant added, averting her gaze when he started undoing the lace that held up his trousers.

"And she sent you." Hermes laughed.

"Your Majesty?" she squeaked.

"Throw her out of her and cane her thirty times for breaking an imperial order," Hermes' servant told the guards hidden in the room.

He didn't even spare the girl a glance when she began to beg for mercy, only waiting for the moment she was taken away to turn and face the emperor.

"I apologize for being so straightforward," he said and held up a white dress robe. "You may punish me as you see fit."

Those words made something of a smile appear on Hermes' lips. He held out his arms and allowed the man wear the robe on him.

"How about I let my mother think up a punishment?"

There was a moment of hesitation, then the servant said, "Very well. I will resign myself to it."

"Ah, Mikeal, how could I bear to let anyone but myself hurt you?" Hermes asked as he tied off the robe.

"Your sweet talk will not stop me from landing you on your ass when we spar this evening," Mikeal said.

Hermes turned to the full length mirror by his bed. It was not made of bronze but a glazed glass that reflected every single imperfection on his skin. "You seem to be forgetting something, servant."

"Your Majesty?" Mikeal asked, feigning cluelessness.

"My diadem?" Hermes asked back, running a hand over his oiled braids.

"Oh. This?" Mikeal held up the gold piece by its string. "I thought you might forget it and I'd get to sell it for a pretty penny."

"If you act like this in front of mother, she would know straight away that you are no servant."

Mikeal performed a mock bow, a mischievous smile on his lips. "I know my place, my Liege."

He walked up to Hermes and tied the gold plate tightly against the emperor's forehead.

Hermes turned around, a servant's hat in his hand. "You almost forgot yours."

He placed it on Mikeal's head and dusted the man's shoulders. "Quality servant material, if I've ever seen it."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Mikeal put his hands together and bent low. "I will not disappoint your trust in me."


Hermes chuckled and walked to the door. He reached for the handles then paused. "Is it time yet?"

"She would have received twelve by now, so yes-"

The doors opening cut Mikeal off. He hurried to bow his head low and shift his body behind Hermes'.

They started walking, the rubber soles of their sandals slapping loudly on the marble floors.

Mikeal found it hard to keep up since servants here were known for their dainty steps. The fact that his feet made noise was already a giveaway that he was not used to being unseen as the help were meant to be. But he couldn't help it, he was born loud.

When the two rounded their third corner together, they were met with muffled cries and the hoarse screams of a familiar eunuch.

"Dai," Hermes called when he spotted the portly man.

"Oh, your Majesty!" Faeradaigh jumped in fright then hurried to bow.

"Forgo the formalities," Hermes said, displeasure in his gaze. It was a pain to watch the eunuch struggle to bend his waist in a bow so he was one of the few that needn't prostrate themselves in the presence of the Royal family.

"Oh, Your Majesty," Faeradaigh repeated. "Your guards..."

"My guards?"

"They are beating up your mother's servant and I can do nothing to stop them."

"Yes, I came to address that very issue," Hermes said and waved at his guards. "Take her to the physicians and give her fifteen gold. It was all a misunderstanding."

The guards nodded and took the gag out of the servant's mouth. She scrambled off the bench she had been tied to and landed on the floor with a bang.

"T-Thanking H-His M-Majesty for his mercy," she kowtowed, hitting her head hard on the ground each time she repeated the words.

Hermes waved her off and carried on his way. Faeradaigh chased after him, but not before telling some reassuring words to the servant as she was taken away by other eunuchs.

"Your Majesty, you have to stop punishing your mother's help," he cried. "This is the fourth one and the week has yet to end."

"Yes, Dai. I always take your advice to heart," Hermes said and picked up the pace. "And I wasn't the one who punished the poor girl."

"You weren't?" Surprise made Faeradaigh stop and when he gained his senses again, Hermes was already too far to catch up to.

"No," the emperor replied with a laugh. "It was my servant."

"Your Majesty, please stop doing this," the eunuch bemoaned, then collapsed on the floor, out of breath. "This is the fourth time this week. It isn't good for my health."

But there was no one but the hallway guards to hear him.

Some of them went forward to help him up.

"Don't touch me," Faeradaigh screeched and slapped all hands around him away. "This is chaos. Can't you see? Chaos!"


"We really avoided that one, didn't we?" Mikeal said under his breath after they had lost Faeradaigh.

"Mother gets bolder with each new width I give her," Hermes replied with a tired sigh.


"She wants her servants to seduce you?"

"As though the hundreds of women in the palace already are not enough."

"You need them, do not forget."

"How I have missed your wise counsel," Hermes joked. "It is easier being a warrior than a king."

"It doesn't have to be," Mikeal said, but held his tongue when he noticed the grand doors ahead of them. "It seems we have arrived."

"The Emp—"

Hermes stepped past the two eunuchs that had wanted to announce his presence. It had happened enough times for them to understand that he wanted to sneak into his mother's chambers and see what she was up to.

Mikeal laughed on the inside when he noticed the adoring expressions the eunuchs wore. He found it funny how everyone thought Hermes was the founder of filial piety. They all forgot what he had done to his father. That he had killed him with his bare hands.

The doors opened silently and the two men slipped in.

Each step they took had rows of servants and maids prostrating silently until they reached the inner chamber where a stream of conversation was followed by melodious laughter.

Hermes recognized his mother's voice first before the others.

"If you want your flower arrangement to stand out, you have to choose complementary colors. Soft with harsh. Bright with dull. Draw the eyes of your audience with the scenery you create."

"Wonderful, Mother," he chose this moment to step into the room, his gaze taking in the branches strewn over the floors and tables. "You have always been the most knowledgeable when it comes to beautiful things."

"Son," she held her hand towards him, "come."

Hermes walked forward until she was within his reach. He clasped his hand together and bowed his head. "Greetings mother"-his gaze shifted to the other women in the room-"I see Anastasia and Parie are here visiting again."

"Yes, they wanted to learn some things from me today," she grabbed his clasped hands. "Everyday, first light, you come here. You must be tired."

"Not tired," Hermes said. "I have matters to discuss with you."

The Empress Dowager turned to Anastasia and Parie with a smile. They were smart enough to understand what she meant.

"The results of yesterday's test will be announced soon, we must start going," Parie said with a soft smile. "We take our leave."

They both curtsied then dropped the branches they held and exited the room.

"Sweet girls," the Empress Dowager said. "Truly queens in their own right."

"I do not need a queen, I need an empress," Hermes pulled his hand out of his mother's hold and walked to one of the tables.

"Of course, that is what I mean."

"Where is Alice? Doesn't she always follow you around like a little duck?" Hermes asked while admiring the blossom he held.

Across the room, by the entrance, he spotted Mikeal trying to hold back a laugh. He shot the man a warning glance before smiling at his mother.

"Alice isn't small any longer. She left earlier to hear the results."

"She has more discipline than your other students," he commented.

"They just wanted to see your face, you cannot blame them."

"They were being manipulative. They knew I would greet you this morning so they waited." Hermes placed the branch into a nearby vase. "I do not like manipulative women."

Wei Wei walked to his side, her gaze soft. "I just want you to be happy. You are nearly in your thirties, even if you won't make any of them Empress just take them as concubines. I don't care."

"I already said that I don't like manipulative women," Hermes replied smoothly, ignoring the way she stiffened. "And on that note, mother, I heard that you sent a decree last night."

"Yes," Wei Wei smiled. "Some things needed to be tended to."

"Some things," Hermes repeated. "Like the nun you accused of rebellion?"

"Whether she is a nun or not, the evidence is clear."

"Mother, why are you suddenly interested in court politics?"

"What ever do you mean, Son? I am simply handling harem matters."

"Not anymore," Hermes shook his head. "In front of the whole court, I let her go. Whatever it you are using her to cover up, I cannot be a part of it. Accuse one possible bride of treason and all the ministers think their daughters are in danger of being disposed of. It makes the court unstable and it gives me unnecessary headaches."

"I have no intention to delay the selection, and none of my plans will jeopardize your authority."

"I sincerely hope so," Hermes said and took her hands in his. "Have a good day, Mother."

Wei Wei said nothing until he bowed again, about to take his leave.

"You don't have to take your anger out on my servants," she said, turning back to her flower arrangements. "This is not how a mother and son should be."

"Whatever do you mean, Mother? Your servant broke the rules I set. If I let her go it would be setting a bad example for other servants. I just let them hit her a little then bestowed a reward."

"That is good then," Wei Wei said, her smile stiff. "It. . . is her blessing."

"I am glad you think so," Hermes smiled. "Goodbye, Mother. I will come see you tomorrow."

He pretended like he couldn't hear the crash of fallen vases as he made his way out.

"Make sure mother eats her meals on time," he told the maids that were bringing food into the room. "She has not been in a good mood lately."

"Yes, Your Majesty," they said and curtsied before carrying on with their duties.

Hermes turned to Mikeal. "What do you think?"

"I have never seen Her Majesty so livid," he replied quietly.

"Good," Hermes said.

They both laughed.


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