《The Guild Chronicles》Chapter 2


Chapter 2

The sun was just barely warming the horizon when Tarik finally woke up. Sleeping on a horse is a particular talent. One that I have struggled to develop. Instead, I usually opt to keep a weather eye on the path.

I looked over as I heard him rustling to my side. He started to rub his eyes and looked about him, taking in the new surroundings.

“Mornin” I greeted him. I handed him my water bladder and he grumbled something that sounded like a response and took a long pull.

“Thank you. Thoughts on when we are going to break for food? I’m hungry” he grumbled.

Jonah, Roy and I exchanged glances. Children.

Before I could answer, Jonah spoke up. “We will stop once we clear these hills. We are expected to be back to The Tavern by midday, so we will only stop long enough to cook and eat.” Jonah lightly tapped the two large geese that he shot out of the sky in the pre-morning fog hanging by a string around their neck that was tied to his saddle bag.

As we crested another hill, we saw the perfect spot to stop. A wide field that the road cut through with a treeline on the other side. Shade from the rising sun and wood for the fire.

Pulling the horses to a stop, we dismounted and quickly went about prepping for our morning meal. Roy grabbed the reins of the horses and walked them back into the field to graze. Jonah grabbed the birds, found a seat under one of the trees and started to de-feather one of them. As he pulled the feathers out, he carefully set them aside into a small pouch, a few other feather tips poking out.

Tarik looked around on the forest floor for dead and dry wood to build a small fire. The pile in his arms slowly growing.

Joining Jonah under the tree, I pulled out Loren’s belt and pouches. Emptying their contents in front of me, I went about counting our haul.

Tarik came to join Jonah and me at the tree line. He went about building a small fire for the birds to cook on. His fire building is a bit time consuming as he had to make a couple of trips for the necessary amount of wood. After a few failed strikes of the flint, the kindling caught.

Jonah grabbed one of the longer sticks that Tarik had found to spear the birds. And went about propping the speared birds over the fire. With our meal cooking, we finally had time to talk about our task.

Roy joined us at the tree line, with Loren’s cloak draped over his arm. “Thirsty?” Roy asked as he rejoined us under the shade. The horses now tethered to a low hanging branch nearby. He tossed my forgotten bladder of water in my direction but Jonah intercepted with a laugh. He took a large pull from the bladder while sitting down to my right.

Roy places the cloak beside me as he sat. “There are some pouches in this too. Weasel hid his treasures all over.” The cloak’s contents made a noise almost to emphasize his point.

“So what’s our haul?” Jonah asked. Taking a final drink from the bladder of water, he handed it to me.

I gulped some water down before answering his question, just long enough to slightly annoy him. “Not including what’s in the cloak and the cloak itself.” I pointed to one of the pouches laid before me. “Change purse has 10 gold cogs and 5 silver cogs. He used some of what he stole for the sword.” I picked up the sword and turned it slightly at the hilt for emphasis. “The hilt is nice. It’s got some intricate design so it’ll fetch a good price. Got a pouch of rings and a small number of jewels. I took the signet ring off him. All in all, just what the Chief asked for.”


Tarik shifted in his sitting position, both trying to get comfortable and out of nerves. “The Chief wanted Loren Russo to be handled as well,” Tarik said quietly.

“You don’t think he has been?” Jonah asked, a tone of obvious shock and annoyance.

“He is still alive.” Tarik paused. His eyes bounced from Jonah to Roy and then to me. I gave him a small nod, encouraging him to continue. “He could do it again. Even you said this isn’t the first time he has stolen from farmers.”

Jonah gave a huff. “Bronwyn did what the circumstances called for. Like Roy said earlier, Loren is a weasel. He needed to be treated as such.” Jonah said with a hint of defense.

“Jonah,” I said warningly. “his confusion is understandable. Try to remember this is a training exercise. Let’s hear him.” I shifted my attention back to Tarik “You are wondering why I didn’t lure him out and kill him.” I said matter-of-factly.

“He would have left with you if you asked. He was interested.” Tarik said a bit sheepishly.

“Yes, he was. I could have convinced him to leave with me. But then what? Take him out back and scare him privately? It would not have been nearly as effective without the humiliation of him getting beaten down by a woman in a public tavern.”

“You could have killed him outside,” Tarik said.

“And make a mess for Dougal to clean up on the steps of his place of business?” Jonah asked sternly, implying that such a thought was a terrible one.

“An unnecessary mess for Dougal aside,” I started, looking to Jonah again hoping he would understand the meaning of my statement.

Back down.

I redirected myself back to Tarik. “Loren was our target, with his loote being our focus. We weren’t looking to intimidate or wrangle in other patrons or beat up some young stud.” I motioned to Roy’s relaxed self briefly but remained focused on Tarik. “So there wasn’t a need for a big and messy display. Those who know of us, know that we are firm but fair. Anything less would have been against our code. That’s why we stayed in the tavern. And That’s why I let him leave.”

“He was offering to leave and you said you didn’t believe him. But then you did after threatening him. How do you know he won’t do it again?” He asked with a little more confidence in his voice, finally realizing that I wasn’t going to be insulted by him questioning my actions as Lead Bastard.

Even though Jonah seems to have taken that offense for me. I looked over to Jonah in order to see if he would need further direction. A tired Jonah is a grumpy Jonah, that’s not what we need when working with the future of the Guild. He silently nodded back. He understood.

I looked back and saw that Tarik was engrossed with every word I was saying. “Because Loren Russo won’t keep his word unless he fears for his life.” I shrugged my shoulders at the unnecessary fact. “That’s how it is for people like that. They will try to get away with something for as long as they can. But will stop if it’s too much trouble.” I responded.

“Exactly,” grumbled Roy, finally joining the conversation from his reclined position against the tree. He looked half asleep, simply waiting for the birds to cook and not sitting alongside a complete conversation. “because at the end of the day, these fuckers are just trying to get by.” He leaned forward and pointed at Tarik “Remember that Flyer. They aren’t looking to lose their hide when they can cut tail and run. We just have to make sure they fear the hunter enough to keep the weasel scared and hidden.”


“The hunter being Miss Stone” Tarik added, Motioning towards me.

“Yes,” Jonah said in more of a mentoring manner. “At least in this instance. The threat of death and emasculation will hinder him from doing it again.”

“If he was younger or had a more aggressive way about him, Roy and I would have traded places.“ I motioned to Roy. “His strength and intimidating disposition would be more suited to a task like that.

Weasels, however, are distracted by a pretty face.” I paused for a moment to give a mocking seductive face and throw my hair behind my shoulder. “We Bastards apply pressure in the best way to be the most effective.” I smiled.

Roy pulled the spear of birds off the fire and blew out a small flame. Wolfishly he looked over at Tarik. “The occasional grunt work and murder aside, being a Bastard is a good life. The pay is good, the company is nice, and it’s fun scaring the baddies.” He laughed at the thought.

With that, Roy cut off a large chunk of bird and handed the spear to me. I followed suit and handed the spear to Tarik. Once it made it to Jonah, the first bird was almost free of meat. He cut into the second and then with a hand stabbed the spear at an angle into the ground.

Silence cut across the impromptu camp. After a few steaming bites, Tarik broke through the silence. “I want to be a Bastard”

Looking to each side I noted the smirk on Jonah’s face as he started to eat. Roy was enjoying the meat almost too much to care and simply made a gruff rumble in his throat as a response.

He has potential.

Jonah spoke through half a mouthful of the bird. “Perhaps you will be, Don’t rush. You will have time to find your best place.”

With a slight smile, Tarik bit into a steaming piece of bird he had on a leaf. The sound of the crackling fire filled the air as we finished our meal.

Once everyone was finished with their pieces of bird, the group quickly broke down their impromptu camp. Jonah and I started to kick dirt onto the small fire, snuffing out the flames with the earth below versus using our limited amount of water to split amongst us for the rest of the trip. Roy and Tarik left the camp to go and retrieve the horses.

As we remounted the horses, we did a final scan of the surroundings. Now that the sun was fully up, we could take in more of the beautiful landscape. shades of blues blanketed the skies above. However, the view of clear skies and rolling green hills was marred by a tall dark column of smoke to the east of us.

I was just about to point out the distant gray obstruction to the rest of my companions when Tarik’s voice cut in.

“What is that?” He queried.

It took a moment for Roy and Jonah to turn about their horses to see what Tarik and I both spotted. “Haven’t the foggiest. ” Jonah stated. “Nothing good though.” Directing his attention away from the rising smoke, Jonah rustled through his side saddle bag to grab and unravel the map he was charged with. I guided my horse to the right side of his.

Jonah looked all around us, noting the mountains off in the northern distance and the direction back to the little tavern we just came from. He looked back to the map he held up in front of him, holding it slightly tilted so that I could also see.

“Frigga’s Tavern is northeast from here. Half a morning’s ride. Looks like the smoke is coming from the region it looks after.”

Roy led his horse to the left of Jonah’s; The three of us now able to confer. Tarik was astride his horse slightly away from us, noting that this was not a time for him to speak.

“I know the tavern’s keeper” Roy stated. “Her name is Freyda. Stubborn woman, hell of a fighter though.” He started to stare off for a moment, and a half smile crept across his distant look.

“We should go and investigate,” I said, pulling him away from whatever fond memory brought about the sentiment. We needed to stay focused.

Giving himself a slight shake Roy pulled himself back to the present, rejoining us. “We will be late” He pointed out.

“We could send the Flyer back. He could explain where we went and send support” Jonah stated, looking to me for a response.

Roy cleared his throat, drawing Jonah’s attention from me. Turning around in his saddle, Roy was facing Tarik. “How many times have you been outside,” he asked.

“Since arriving at The Tavern?” Tarik asked, more to himself than to us. “This is my first time” Tarik stated.

Satisfied with his answer Roy turned back around in his saddle and looked to me. “He will get lost for sure” He gruffly stated.

“Hey!” Tarik said, offended.

“You’re right,” I said to Roy, ignoring Tarik’s comment. “He doesn't know the terrain as we do. He stays with us.” I stated matter of factly

“So we are going?” Jonah asked

“Look at that smoke.” I motioned in the direction of the column in the distance. “See How dark it is? That’s a recent fire with a lot to burn. Not a snuffed fire but one with rage. Anyone that survived is going to be in need of help.”

“Frigga’s might have sent word,” Roy said

“If they did, another sect of Bastards wouldn’t get there until nightfall. At least.” Jonah countered.

“So we are the closest sect to act.” Roy followed

“We go and do what we can. If Frigga’s didn’t send word, there will at least be a carrier pigeon there to send word ourselves. Agreed?.” I asked

“Agreed,” Roy and Jonah said in unison.

Each of us broke away from our conference in tandem. Jonah started to roll back up the map and place it into his saddlebag and took point position. Roy Pulled his horse back to take up the rear guard of our pack. I moved to join Tarik.

“We are going to investigate the smoke. You stay with us at all times unless otherwise told. Do as we say, when we say it. That smoke means trouble and we don’t know what kind. Understood?”

Tarik straightened himself in his saddle. “Yes, Miss Stone” He responded formally.

“On me” I commanded then turned my horse, guiding him behind Jonah’s. Tarik followed suit and took up his place between myself and Roy.

Jonah turned back to ensure that we were all ready. I gave a nod. Without another word, Jonah turned and led us off the main road.

To Frigga’s Tavern, we go.

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