《The Guild Chronicles》Chapter 1


“Hold,” I muttered under my breath. Loud enough to be heard by those at the table but inaudible to the rest of the of the tavern’s patrons. Everyone at the table noticed when our target entered the room. The plump man was clothed lavishly, albeit terribly, with a fur-lined cloak. Other patrons were starting to notice the man’s arrival and greet him in turn. I could sense that my fellow Bastards were starting to itch with the desire to complete our task.

“Let the man order a drink. It’s only polite.” I settled back into my chair, grabbing my own mug of dark brew and drained it in one long pull. Smirks and raised drinks were their response.

As our target moved through the crowd, I was able to determine our best course of action by the time he stopped to talk to a few tables. One table, in particular, stood out as a group of companions to the man versus mere acquaintances. Most likely lackeys. They could be a problem.

“So, now what do we do?” whispered Tarik. His eyes were darting across the tavern, taking in everything he could. He was practically unable to keep his hands still without a mug to hold. He was against coming into the tavern to begin with, worried his age would give us away. At this point he very well may give us away but because he couldn’t keep still and not because he’s only seen fourteen season cycles.

“Now we set,” l said as I tapped my fist lightly twice on the worn wooden table, then I nodded towards the table of lackeys. A few moments later Jonah, a tall, burly yet handsome man with a dark trimmed beard sitting across from me stood up and started towards them.

I leaned to my right, closer to Tarik so only he could hear “It’s all about ensuring you are covered in any situation that might arise” I tapped my fist once and nodded towards the opposite wall of where Jonah leaned. At which point Roy, the wild looking giant of a man to my left stood up and made his way over. He leaned against the opposite wall similarly to Jonah.

“Ready?” I asked him as I stood. Tarik nodded. I removed my weather-worn cloak, grabbed my now empty mug and silently left the table as Jonah and Roy had before me.

I made my way up to the front of the tavern. My sword’s sheath lightly bounced on my thigh as I walked. As I moved my way closer, more eyes were on me. An armed woman? I ignored them. Men of this town keep their women close to the home. Women weren’t allowed to do much without their male keeper’s say. Let alone allow them to carry a blade. My being here and armed instantly labeled me as an outsider.

They haven’t the foggiest idea.

The barkeep grabbed my cup and turned to pour from one of the two large barrels behind him. I reached to my change purse hanging lightly on my belt. Before I could open it I felt and heard the plump man waddle to my side and placed a coin in front of me.

“Please, allow me to buy you a drink”. He said to me in a poor attempt of a seductive voice. He wasn’t making eye contact with me but was looking me over. His gaze settling in a leering way at my chest. His breath wafted over me and I could smell the stench of drink mixed with a flowery perfume he must have dabbed himself with. I suppressed my immediate repulsion of the man and smiled. If I was going to get what I came for I needed to have him off guard.


“Oh, thank you, sir. That’s very kind.” I said while leaning against the bar, and taking a drink. The ale’s warmth spread across my chest.

“It’s not often that a woman walks in here so armed.” He said leaning towards me and eyeing the hilt of my sword that my arm was resting on. “Especially a beautiful woman”. Making eye contact with me again.

A woman who understands this world should always be armed. I wanted to say. But that won’t boost his ego. Even if the plan was to demolish it.

“My father owns a farm not too far from here. I like to sneak down here sometimes for a pint.” I slightly raised my cup for emphasis. “And some company,” I said, purposely let my eyes linger on his for a moment before tapping the blade at my side. “The sword was my brother’s. To keep me safe” I smiled at him as I raised my glass to my lips but barely took a sip. I needed my wits. The plump man followed suit with a large gulp, obviously not worried about his.

“Family got a farm around here ya say?” His brow furrowed in slight confusion. “ Don’t think I’ve seen you before. Believe me, I would remember a beautiful woman such as yourself.”

“Father likes to keep us close, out of the way of prying eyes,” I said with a sad tone.

“Your father’s a smart man for keeping ya close. You don’t know what dark things men think of when confronted with beauty” At that moment I could see in his eyes the things he was thinking about. Fun things to be sure, but things that I would never find the least bit enthralling in his company.

“He is.” I said with a pout “But that doesn’t have to stop a girl from trying.” I took another sip from the mug, making doe eyes at the plump man. He smiled wickedly at my implication.

“Since I bought you a drink, might I ask if you’d like to spend some more time together. Away from these prying eyes” He queried, echoing the worries of a fictitious father. He leaned into me, resting his hand close to mine on the bar.

Got him. I took a step closer to him, our bodies almost touching.

“Interesting you should ask,” I sighed dramatically. I rested my right hand lightly on his shoulder. “Because you are just the person I want to spend more time with, Loren Russo” my hand slowly slid down to his wrist. A slight shiver seized his arm.

“Me? How do you know my name?” His smile faltered for a moment.

“Yes, you see I’m here about the items you stole” Before he could form a sentence I seized his wrist and twisted his arm behind him. I grabbed his face with my other hand and slammed it onto the bar counter. Blood almost instantly started to drip from his now broken nose. He struggled to get out of my grasp, but there was little strength behind his plump exterior.

Loren’s friends quickly stood up from their table, unsure of what was happening but recognizing the danger. Jonah stepped up behind them from the place he was leaning forgotten against the wall and pushed them gruffly back into their seats. “I would leave your friend to his own business if I were you.” His voice was deep and terrifying. Between his imposing stature and tone, the rest of the table quickly found their seats again. He nodded to me and I quickly brought my attention back to the task at hand.


“You are no farm wench” he spat at me through the pain of having his arm retched behind him.

“You say wench like it’s a bad thing.” I sighed dramatically. “But you are right about that, Loren. I’m not a farmer’s daughter. I am here on behalf of one though.” I pushed his arm up slightly to emphasize the reasoning for our visit here tonight. “A family lets you into their home. Shares their food with you. Gives you a place to sleep. And how do you show your gratitude?” I asked rhetorically, pushing slightly harder on his restrained arm to emphasize my question.

Loren groaned in a painful response

“You rifle through their belongings until you come across things of value. Things like this shiny ring you got here.” I dug my thumb into his wrist, forcing him to flex open his hand. I released his head to pull the ring harshly off his finger, plopping the ring into another pouch on my belt.

“Did they pay you to track me down?” His voice was slightly nasally due to his bloodied and swollen nose. “Listen, I will pay you double they are if you let me go and leave. You can even keep the ring. I sold the rest.” His voice was shaky as he talked through the pain of having his arm contorted behind him.

I mockingly laughed at that. Grabbing his hair, I slammed his head onto the bar again. Blood started to steadily trickle down from his lips and chin, joining the blood already present from his broken nose.

I released him and step back. He turned to face me and started to raise his fists in front of him. His momentary struggle stopped when I grabbed the knife hidden at the small of my back and press the steel blade to his neck.

“I… I’m sorry” he stuttered. “Please don’t hurt me” his fists unclenched and turned into palms out in surrender. “I’ll disappear! Please. You will never hear from me again. I won’t steal. . .”

Noncommittally I replied, cutting off the rest of his plea. “Hardly. This wasn’t the first time you have swindled people. Why do you think I know your name, Loren? You spend your spoils quickly and boast about them too loudly.” True understanding flashed across his face. His eyes flicked around the tavern and he saw the people watching his humiliation; watching and doing nothing. There was no way out of this for him, and he knew it.

“In so many ways, you’re what’s wrong with the world,” I said, bringing his attention back to me. “Taking advantage of the kind-hearted souls who will share what little they have. That’s why I know it won’t be the last. Unless... ” I pull the blade slightly across his neck just hard enough to break the skin, wetting my knife with his blood. He yelped in pain but didn’t dare move or else risk accidentally killing himself on my knife.

I allowed my gaze to travel his person. The pommel of a shortsword hung at his belt, gleaning in the candlelit tavern. Interesting that he has a blade, yet hasn’t reached for it once. Perhaps it’s new. I could make out the bottom of a few heavy pouches on his opposite hip.

“Remove your belt,” I stated firmly.

Loren was sweating profusely at this point.“What?”

“Remove. Your. Belt.” I punctuated each word with pressure on my knife into his wound. Not enough to cut him again, but enough to hurt.

His hands fumbled with the loops that held his belt around his waist. Holding it out to the side of him and I removed my knife from his throat and stepped back, leaving behind an angry line in the middle of his neck. With one hand, I wiped off both sides of my blade across Loren’s shirt, and with the other, I grabbed his belt. The belt had multiple little pouches dangling from it. Some jingled when I shook it in front of him.

“If you rob another person again; if I hear the slightest whisper of you taking advantage of others; you will cease to be. Your death will be long and painful and I will be the one to do it. Am. I. Understood?” He nodded and stuttered what sounded like agreement. I smiled at him. The same wolfish grin he showed me not too long ago.

I paused in front of him for a final moment. Make sure he remembers.

I heaved my knee up into the juncture of his legs. Loren crumpled to his knees before me. “That’s so you don’t forget.”

Roy walked up to the side of us and picked up the fur cloak that Loren had draped on the stool beside him. He briefly made eye contact with me before he looked down to the fallen Loren. “Lovely cloak you have here,” Roy picked it up and felt the inside fur of the cloak. he threw it up across his back, draping it across his shoulders. “Oh, warm too. I think I will keep this.” Smiling to himself he felt the inside and found a few more pouches.

“Thanks for the drink” I winked down at Loren. Pulling a few coins from Loren’s former coin purse, I placed them onto the bar behind him. Making eye contact with the barkeep, Dougal. “For your trouble.” I turned and strode away from a defeated Loren, with Roy close at my heels.

“Miss Stone, always a pleasure,” Dougal stated through a smile to my retreating self.

As I walked between the tables, Jonah fell into step behind Roy and me. Tarik stood tall at the door, holding it open for me with my cloak in hand. He exuded confidence that I know he wasn’t feeling.

Good, he is learning.

I tossed my cloak across my own shoulders as we left the tavern. The four of us walked quickly to our horses and untied them from the post near the trough where we left them. Almost in step we mount our horses and, with Roy in the lead, we cantered onto the road and away from the little tavern.


We kept a hard pace to put plenty of ground between us and the little tavern. This left no room for conversation but did allow for me to reflect on the night.

Everything about the night went according to plan. My sect of Bastards, plus Tarik, was sent out to deal with Loren Russo in the best way possible for the situation. The focus was to get the stolen items back and deal with him as necessary. As Lead Bastard, life or death was to be my choice after evaluating the situation. I went into the little tavern knowing that I might have to end Loren Russo’s life. However, after finally seeing him, and how he carried himself, I decided we could beat him down enough without having to kill him.

However, if I’m honest with myself, I might have to still. I may have scared him enough to discourage him from harming others again for a long while. Pulling a knife on someone who wasn’t a fighter has that effect. But if Loren ever resorted back to his old tricks, it will be my responsibility to find him and take care of him properly. The Guild believes in second chances, as do I. But not a third.

Thankfully Dougal, the tavern keep, is in contact with The Guild regularly, specifically The Tavern, and can send word if a local patron starts flashing things that don’t belong to him.

After some time I shook myself out of my head and started to focus on the surroundings. The moon shined through the trees, providing plenty of light for night travel. The wind shuffled leaves above us, creating wistful music of nature with The rhythmic sound of the horses keeping the beat.

We finally slowed when Jonah noticed Tarik was falling asleep on the horse. Bringing my horse next to his, I slipped the reins out of his limp hands. Loosely tying Tarik’s traces around the horn of my saddle, we continued on through the night.

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