《The Story of an Unusual Dungeon》Dungeon Core Short 4: Where's Author?


"Author! Author! Where are you, Author?" I call out lifting up a rock and looking under.

"Are you perhaps behind that tree?" I circle the tree and found no trace of Author.

"Are those butterflies hovering around chapter 3 hiding you?"

I walk over to shoo away the butterflies then stop before getting too close, recalling the last time I tried to shoo away the butterflies.

"I really don't want to get tickled again"

That was funny, you'd have to admit

"Shut up! Narrator!"

Oh common you were laughing the entire time

"Grrrr, it's not the same! Anyway, I am looking for Author, have you seen him?"

Not hide nor hair... have you checked your messages though, Maybe he left a note?

"Why would he leave a note in my message system, I thought only the creator had that privilege" sure enough I did have 1 message

See you soon!

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