《The Story of an Unusual Dungeon》Chapter 6.5: Emergent Soul


No enemies detected. Moving to room 6H.

I pass by the hunter wolves that was waiting to enter this room. God had ordered us to ambush some dark elves that were attacking our elk comrades, we chased them out. I wonder why god told all the hunters to attack, we can't enter the same room, but god's orders are absolute. Without needing to convey the message to my companions we moved in an arrow formation with me at the lead.

Entering room 1H

My first mission was successful, I wonder if my god is proud of me, I chased away my first intruders.

Entering room 2H

Now that the Floor guardian is dead I must do my best to protect my god. When did the floor guardian die? Is that why god created me? To protect it until the revival of the floor guardian?

Entering room 3H

I hope to find more intruders soon, to prove my usefulness to god.

Entering Room 4H

No intruders here

Entering room 5H

I wonder when I will get my next order from god

Entering room 6H

No intruders detected

Moving to room 10J

Entering room 6I

These wolverines here have empty eyes almost like they are soulless, like machines. I wonder if my eyes are like that as well

Entering room 7I

I wonder how many Intruders the floor guardian killed before being defeated by intruders, probably a lot, I hope to be as useful to god as the floor guardian was.

Entering room 8I

The sector lord died as well, shame I could use the buff to better serve god. I have no doubts that my Sector lord was useful to god, I should aspire to be as strong and useful as my superiors

Entering room 8J

I know what to aspire to be! The Dungeon Emperor! Yes god hasn't made one yet, God I shall prove my worthiness to you and become the best dungeon emperor

Entering room 9J

Hello, Mr. bears keeping this room safe for god?

Entering room 10J

Time to set another room to patrol!

the hours passed by until I got another order from god

"My adorable Loro go to this room and ambush the intruders there!"

although god said "this room" I seem to know exactly what room god wanted me to know; god surely is powerful.

Moving to room 3B

running there I pass room by room, the monsters there didn't even look at me, what devotion to gods orders, such diligence makes my eyes tear up with pride.

"Sir there is a strong monster heading our way"

we are not far from that room now my keen hearing could pick up the words of the scout. We rush in to aid tigers in this room, 2 of them already died.

"Form up ranks soldiers! Let's make this expedition a success!" Their leader commanded, the intruders lined up with shields covering them and spears pointing forward. There are still 3 intruders fighting the last tiger

I charge into the shield wall breaking their ranks allowing my companions to attack uninhibited. I took several hits and the blood from the cuts dyed my white fur red. I swipe the intruders with a paw the size of their heads knocking them away and attacked their leader. He blocked my attack with his tower shield and stabbed me with his sword. I bit down but he blocked that attack with his shield as well.

[Indomible will] [Call of Duty] the leader used skills but that won't help him, I howled using my [Call of the pack] to bolster my allies. I use my next ability [Hunter's sense]. I thrash about knocking away intruders trying to get too close to me.


"Sir that one is a boss, should we retreat?"

"No, we take it down here! Kill the other two wolves then focus on this one"

"Yes sir"

The soldiers engaged in battle with my companion behind me


I felt a strong urge to relentlessly attack my target, a red haze started to fill my sight. I bit and batted my target knocking him around. the knight drops his sword after a well-placed swipe and he held his arm which hung loosely.

"Gaaah! I need healing!" the knight called. The red haze grew stronger and opening my jaws wide I move to bite him in half.

[Chains of Binding]

White transparent chains shot out from the ground and wrapped around me holding me back inches away from the knight's face.


The knight's wounds closed, but his arm is still broken. Behind me I hear the death whine of one of my companions, Stalker Wolf 1.

Stalker wolf 1!

Rage filled me.

Buff Acquired: Enraged: +10% Strength,

Stalker Wolf 1 was there for me the entire time, since the beginning. He was there for me when we chased away those intruders, he was there for me when we patroled this holy place for god, the times we spent together flashed by me. His memory will stay with me and I will have vengeance!

I pulled at the chains and growled in anger, Stalker wolf 2 was fighting all alone I must help him. The red haze had cleared, as much as I'd like to get vengeance I must protect the living first

stalker wolf 2 fought fiercely but took a sword slash to the back, stumbling an intruder with a spear took the opportunity and stabbed Stalker wolf 2 in the side.

No, not Stalker wolf 2 too, I can't lose them both, not like this!

I struggled and crakes appeared on the chains

[Fatal strike]

A sword fell and Stalker wolf 2's head rolled.

Buff Acquired: Vengeful: +40% Strength

Buff removed: Enraged

I growled pushing against the chains and the cracks grew larger until the chain broke.

the intruder scream and ran away from me. I swat an intruder knocking him far away and charged down the one who killed Stalker wolf 2

You'll pay for that! you'll all die!

"Sir we need to run away! the boss gained a powerful buff, we shouldn't have killed the adds first" the scout warned

"Y-yes, Retreat men! Retreat!" the leader, still holding his broken arm, commanded.

The intruders dodged out of my rampage and ran toward the exit I followed them into the hall gaining on them

[Wall of Ice]

in front of me, a wall of ice appeared and before I could slow down, ran headfirst into the wall causing many cracks to ripple across its surface. chips of ice fell down and disappeared, evaporating before it could hit the ground. I hit the wall with my paw knocking a chunk out revealing the intruders gaining distance. I hit the wall again and again until there was enough room for me to squeeze through and I began my chase again.

the intruders had just crossed the border into the insect sector.

You won't get away!

I charge them but hit an invisible wall

What the?! Why can't I-

I realized that I can only be allowed within the borders of the beast area, I can't get my revenge.

God please! please! Let me through so I can get revenge and kill these intruders!

No reply

God, why are you blocking my path?! Haven't I served you well enough? Do I have to surpass the great sector lords? How can I gain enough favor for you to allow me passage?


beyond the border, the intruders relaxed, seeing me unable to go any further. I attacked the invisible wall again unable to break it.

I must have failed god somehow, I am being punished.

I sulk back and began patrolling, alone. I look back for the first time only to see no one following me.

I couldn't protect them, I couldn't kill any intruders. It's no wonder I am being punished.

I patroled, with no destination in mind, odd I shouldn't be able to do that. In fact, that might have been a reason why I couldn't cross the border, there is a reason, why can't I know it? What's wrong with me?

I walked aimlessly until I heard a surprising voice.

"Loro, we failed you, sorry"

I look back and see Stalker wolf 1 and 2, wait, that's not their name... they don't have a name, it's just their designated identifier.

I should have known my companions would revive, why didn't I know that?

"I am just glad you both are back" (me)

"What's our destination? there wasn't one when we revived" (SW2)

"I was just patrolling without one" (me)

"How is that possible?" (SW1)

"Now that you mention it, how can it do that?" (Me)

"What's going on Loro?" (SW2)

"I don't know" (me)

I started walking

"I can't seem to set a destination... just follow me" (Me)

After walking around for a few hours I had decided something.

"Let's give you guys some names"

"What? why? god only named you not us" (SW1)

"Perhaps God wanted me to name you, I serve God, but you serve me" (Me)

"Seems logical enough" (SW2)

"What would you name me?" (SW1)

"How about Fido" (me)

"That sounds like a terrible name" (Fido)

"Then what about Fluffy? based of your long fur" (Me)

"Hmmm, doesn't sound ferocious enough, I need a name that'll strike fear in the hearts of our enemies" (Fluffy)

"If that's what you want then how's Devourer Wolf of Doom" (Me)

"In hindsight, let's just go with a cool short name" (Devourer Wolf of Doom)

"Alright then, Kuro, based on your black fur" (Me)

"Close enough" (Kuro)

"What about me?" (SW2)

"Pochi?" (me)

"Isn't that an equivalent of Fido?" (Pochi)

"But it sounds better" (Me)

"That it does... let's see if we can't think of a better name" (Pochi)

"Then how's Devourer Wolf of Doom?" (Me)

"Fuck it, let's just go with Pochi" (Pochi)

"Lor...kil...Intr...ers...o here...." (God)

What? Why can't I properly hear god anymore? something is definitely wrong. In any case the Intruders are somewhere in C column

"Come this way!" I Command Kuro and Pochi


We quickly run to the room where the intruders are most likely to be 5C but the room defenders are still alive. Which way? Up or down? Trusting my instincts I chose down and soon we enter a room where the defenders are slain; The snakes suffered magical wounds and slashes, their magic core was stolen and the snakes had their fangs removed. I caught the scent of the intruders and followed it, they are heading to the slime sector.

We caught up to the intruders as they are fighting hunter squad 3. We won't be able to enter that room right now, why was that?

"Loro why can't we just go in? I thought I knew but I just can't remember" (Kuro)

"Same here" (Pochi)

I thought about it, trying my best to remember why I remember one of the hunting squads running into a barrier, I remember knowing why but I can't remember why

"I'm the same as you, for some reason, God has revoked our knowledge of this, I couldn't really hear God's command, almost as if our connection was weakening" (me)

"It must have been the intruders, they must be causing this" (Pochi)

"We Should kill them all!" (Kuro)

The intruders slew the last of Hunter Squad 3 and before we could attack another hunter squad rushed into the room. It seems like the intruders were waiting for them.

"They must have some way of knowing that we are here, they were waiting for another attack before falling for an ambush when already fighting room defenders" (Me)

"What should we do?" (Pochi)

"We should be strong enough! just kill them!" (Kuro)

"Wait Kuro!" (Me) He didn't wait and instead just ran forward forgetting that we can't enter the room, but instead of hitting an invisible wall he was allowed in somehow. We looked at each other then ran after Kuro to join the fight.

"Uwaa! this one's a boss!" A child-like elf holding a bow said. Wearing blue dyed armor his color matched the other intruder except for 2 who doesn't seem to be fighters.

"It's can't be that strong let's just blast it away!" A woman with blond hair with a strip of blue, a blue armored dress with a large bosom and holding a parasol said in a bored manner. She isn't actively participating in the battle but once she heard that we were a "boss", whatever that was, she drew a rapier from her parasol and held her scabbard parasol offhand as if to parry incoming attacks.

I got a very bad feeling from her as if she's dangerous, all of those intruders look very strong, chances are we can't defeat them. Odd how can I sense their strength now, I didn't have that ability a few hours ago.

"Be careful! They are very strong" I command.

[Thrust]! the blond haired woman dashed forward at me aiming for my left eye. It happened so fast but my instincts were screaming at me to move and before I knew it pain erupted from cheek. I had dodged unconsciously. the woman looked surprised and now she, having jumped at me, is now in a bad position. Turning my head I managed to catch her ankle before she passed by me and I swing her around and threw her into her group then immediately charge into them while they are recovering.

"This one's different" The blond woman groaned "Monsters don't move like that"

An orc woman got in my way holding her axe in a defensive stance, the flat of the axe held in my direction. She took my attack head on and stumbled backward. I howled using my [Call of the Pack] and activated my [Hunter's sense] and used my last skill, for some reason I didn't have it before; odd but now's not the time to contemplate these things. [Ferocity] I growed and felt power flow through me.

[Chains of Binding] Hearing the word "chains" I immediately jump to the side, having experienced the spell before I knew what to expect but it was not enough and the chains wrapped around my one of my hind legs. I fell to the ground feeling as if I've been jerked back.

"Now's our chance!" A man said getting up and aiming two weapons at me. The weapons shot blasts of raw magic at me, piercing through my hide. I whined in pain taking shot after shot. The man was just out of my range.

[Ice Javalin] a javelin of ice shot past me and hit Kuro.

"Run!" I command them with a bark, "Run! These guys are too strong for you"

"We can't just leave you here" (Pochi)

"Now's our chance! Kill the boss!" A man holding a curved sword ran at me but I snapped at him and swiped a paw to deter him from coming any closer

[Many shot] the child-like elf shot out 4 arrows at once at my side. Blood dripped down from my wounds. I struggled to break free from the chains but couldn't.

[Magic arrow] an arrow of light hit me lying helplessly on the ground, unable to retaliate. Kuro and Pochi charged past me charging the ranged intruders but the orc and the swordman blocked their charge, the blond-haired women was receiving healing from a girl with large white feathered wings.

Kuro and Pochi fought valiantly but their efforts were in vain. I struggled as hard as I could against the chains and my precious companions suffered more injuries.

"Run you fools! I'll follow you as soon as I get free" I bark at them

"We can't just leave you hear" Kuro whined as he was sent flying backward from a powerful blow from the orc. The chains were dimming their effect was ending soon, with a last heave I put all my strength in it and managed to break the weakening chains. Kuro was limping toward to orc and Pochi was not any better off, one of her front legs had been cut off. I run forward with a ragged breath, arrows bristling out of me. The fighters back away from me but my intention was not to attack. I grabbed Kuro and Pochi by the scruff of their necks and ran away, the intruders didn't give chase.

I'm sorry god, but I have a feeling that if we die now we won't come back. I failed you, god, I ask not for forgiveness just let my companion live.

I ran as far away as I could before slumping to the ground and fell unconscious.

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