《Warden of Success - A LitRPG》30. Conclusive Battle



Alright, I know we have everything under control, but this is still extremely unsettling. I've got nothing against skydiving, but that hobby operates under the safety guideline of something called a parachute.

Not, whatever this is.

"Don't worry!"

I hear vaguely come out of Molok's mouth.

Now I mean, if the plan did work, what he's saying would be true.

Which, when I think about it, does seem to be going accordingly so far.

Prior to our arrival, we managed to, in the short time allotted to us, come up with a series of steps.

So far, we've managed to cover around three of them, those being stuffing Molok's clothes with an extreme amount of lead fishing weights, luring Aedi to the top of the tower and having Molok 'stone' her.

Theoretically, with those two complete, we should be able to kill her.

I realise there's not much time left, and with the only thing I'm able to do (that being grinding my teeth so as to not yell like a maniac), I brace myself.

In the next second, audible even over the sound of the pulversing wind, Molok shouts.


Extending his right hand to the floor, an most distinct sound I never thought I would hear rings.


The sound of Aedi's still stoned body shattering into a dozen pieces.

That's anticlimactic.

Wondering for a moment if it's truly over, my two hands with a slight shake, reaches out.

One at myself, verifying that I am in fact alive, and the other at my enemy.

Curiously enough, my body is unharmed, and with a sigh of relief, I begin to shuffle off my enemy's corpse.

Well. So it did work. Despite being near impervious to physical and magical attack, the methods by which we carried out plan managed to negate both of those.


It seems confusing, but when you play it out step by step, a lot of logic is added to it.

In particular, two things need to be kept in mind.

Sucker Strike, and Molok’s ability to redirect damage.

By grabbing her but not dealing damage, I managed to trigger Sucker Strike and subsequently convert the fall's physical damage to true damage. Through Molok's transfiguro, which transfers force from one place to the other (as seen when he transferred my kick's force to the hornets), he manages to negate our fall damage and thereby send all the force of the fall to Aedi. As a result, Aedi's now in a dozen pieces and pretty much as good as dead.


My innate urge erupts like lava out a volcano. Simply put, I'm about to laugh like an imbecile. A moment of hesitation flashes through my mind as I contemplate whether to hold myself or not. No sooner than half a second in, I decide to screw it and begin anyway.

Regardless of how much of a dumbass I must seem, I continue this display of lunacy for a good ten seconds. Then, once those ten seconds passed, let loose another good few chuckles. Only then, finally, after fifteen seconds, did my exhibit come to a close.

The moment after, a car drives by. Pushing straight through loose metal fencing, an electric vehicle swerves, crashes, and seems to, by all means, grind the leftover pieces of Aedi into nothingness.

"I hope you're both ok!" Shouts out a weary Morgan, who promptly steps out of her car.

"Yeah, never been better."

Morgan only grows drained and immediately rushes forward.

A pair of warm and sweat-soaked arms envelop me.

I freeze, mulling over what should be an easy choice.

Then seeing no reason why not, I hug back.


God, this is so cheesy. I can't even remember the last time I hugged someone, much less with this level of intensity. Well, who cares. If she wants it, then it's fine.

Perhaps looking for validation, or perhaps out of curiosity, I gaze over at Molok.

There, with a look of solemnity in his eyes, he stands.

I can't tell what he's thinking, but his leer is unwavering.

Simply staring at the remains of Aedi's corpse.

It makes me wonder what sort of relationship the two had. Even if it's stupid, considering they'll never speak with each other again.

Well, he doesn't seem that sad, so it's probably nothing.

More like shocked, maybe.

Could be that it's his first time being responsible for killing someone.

I mean, it's mine too, but I'm admittedly a bit deranged already, so I can't exactly use my reaction as a basis for normalcy.

"Hey, Molok."

His face twists into a teary gloom.

"Come over here."

Without any additional prompt as to why, the boy rushes over.

Hugging me from the back, droplets of what I perceive to be tears penetrate my clothes.

Jeez, well, I do have two arms for a reason.

With one on the left on Morgan and the other on Molok, I think I've managed to reach a somewhat apt compromise.

Under the falling orange moon, visible only through dense clouds and even denser lights, I smile.

Camille had survived. She had won, she had killed, and she had surpassed her enemy.

No matter what may lay ahead, the time now is that of celebration.

And to a celebration, I sought.

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