《Warden of Success - A LitRPG》29. Aedi III


“Wake up.”




commence extraction

mumbo jumbo

S̷̡̈́u̷̹͝m̷̲̏m̵̮̂u̶̩͒ṁ̷͓: Wake up.

[White Noise]

S̷̡̈́u̷̹͝m̷̲̏m̵̮̂u̶̩͒ṁ̷͓: Wakey wakey Camille.

[Sound of backhand against face]

Camille: [Indistinct]

[sharp intake of breath]

Camille: Which fucking dumbass just hit me?

S̷̡̈́u̷̹͝m̷̲̏m̵̮̂u̶̩͒ṁ̷͓: Wow, that's some crude words for who you should call your saviour.

Camille: Saviour? First of all, where the hell even am I?

S̷̡̈́u̷̹͝m̷̲̏m̵̮̂u̶̩͒ṁ̷͓: Can't you see?

Camille: Nope. Let's not forget I just had my entire body burned alive by magic snakes.

S̷̡̈́u̷̹͝m̷̲̏m̵̮̂u̶̩͒ṁ̷͓: If by entire body you mean upper right convenient half of your face, then yes.

[pained moans]

Camille: Alright, smart ass, would you care to explain what the hell is happening here?

S̷̡̈́u̷̹͝m̷̲̏m̵̮̂u̶̩͒ṁ̷͓: Ok, ok, Camille, always headstrong, aren't you? Fine.

[Short Pause]

S̷̡̈́u̷̹͝m̷̲̏m̵̮̂u̶̩͒ṁ̷͓: You're in your headspace hallucinating right now.

Camille: So not hell?

S̷̡̈́u̷̹͝m̷̲̏m̵̮̂u̶̩͒ṁ̷͓: Nope, you might be high as a kite, but you're technically still alive.

Camille: I don't take drugs.

S̷̡̈́u̷̹͝m̷̲̏m̵̮̂u̶̩͒ṁ̷͓: I meant figuratively, Camille.

Camille: I'm going to figuratively put my foot in your ass if you don't explain what the hell's happening.

S̷̡̈́u̷̹͝m̷̲̏m̵̮̂u̶̩͒ṁ̷͓: [Hoarse laughter] Alright, alright, fine, how do I put this? Well, let's just say I'm the guy who gave you powers.

Camille: I see. Thanks, it's been pretty great.

S̷̡̈́u̷̹͝m̷̲̏m̵̮̂u̶̩͒ṁ̷͓: No surprise, no yells of agony, no none of that theatrics?

Camille: [Sitting up, staring into white space] Nope. I mean, I appreciate it. Shit's weird as hell, sure, but so has everything been these last few days. I mean, hell, I literally have a young boy following me trying to save my ass, some Egyptian bitch, and I even fought literal giant hornets.

S̷̡̈́u̷̹͝m̷̲̏m̵̮̂u̶̩͒ṁ̷͓: Good point, good point indeed!

Camille: Well, I guess this is the moment where I get miraculously sent back moments before my imminent death and kick the shit out of my enemy?


S̷̡̈́u̷̹͝m̷̲̏m̵̮̂u̶̩͒ṁ̷͓: Confident, aren't you?

Camille: Definitely. I'm going to kill that woman, I already swore it, and when I put my mind to it, I do it. That's all there is to me.

S̷̡̈́u̷̹͝m̷̲̏m̵̮̂u̶̩͒ṁ̷͓: Even if it means dying?

Camille: Yes.

S̷̡̈́u̷̹͝m̷̲̏m̵̮̂u̶̩͒ṁ̷͓: Even if offered the opportunity to save your life but lose your powers?

Camille: Yes.

S̷̡̈́u̷̹͝m̷̲̏m̵̮̂u̶̩͒ṁ̷͓: Then go ahead.

Camille: Willdo.


So, that's that.


Despite my seemingly random transportation to a mental prison, I quickly managed to acclimate to reality. Looking around, I see a crosshatch of burns on the walls, and with it, the same place I was moments prior.

The only difference is, now, half of my arm's covered in brown burns.

So much for my barrier. Guess it got destroyed in a single hit.

My HP must be below 50% too, considering I took permanent damage.

Tensing my legs, I quickly get up from the floor. There's no time to contemplate, or rather, no time I want to give.

Without missing a beat, my legs run up the stairs.

"Camilleeee". A painfully self-assured voice rings, accompanied by it the slow yet steady approach of footsteps.

My breathing might be ragged and my body a mess, but I know that I can still get ahead of her.

Unlike Aedi, my win condition doesn't depend on direct confrontation.

No. That never was my intention.


I let out a vaguely obscene chuckle at that thought.

Trying at my plan, I attempt to summon a menu.

Sure enough, it appears. Whether it being allowed in combat, or counting me as out of it, irrelevant.

Inventory Set of Clothes (Equipped) Hotdog Gas Grenade Wine Hotdog Hotdog Gas Grenade Wine Hotdog Gas Grenade Wine

I take out two hotdogs and furiously down them.

Then, moving to my skills, I equip Sucker Strike and Fistwork.


If my theory proves correct, then what I'm about to do should work.

On a fundamental level, Aedi's snake is just that; a mere animal.

Of course, when altered by magic, it should have unnaturally high RES and borderline indestructible DEF.

But that doesn't mean it's HP compensates.

If anything, it means that, for a split second, even if against one, I can kill it.

As if reading my mind, the ambient heat increases.

Right on schedule, I pause.

Without sound to guide me, I use my heat-sensing organs for detection.

Light. The yellow radiance of a snake drops from another vent, two arms length away up my right.

In that time, spanning no longer than a second, I dash.

Running along the wall, I use my momentum and lift to close the distance.

Then in one punch, smash into the snake with all my force.


I feel invincible. Having put my fist through the monster, it now begins to dissipate, leaving sparks of yellow in its wake.

Much as I'd love to celebrate, though, I don't.

Continuing my path, my legs only resume their former speed.

Inside that endless spiral of concrete steps, a seemingly endless cycle of running develops.

Going around and around and around again, I begin to wonder if it'll ever end.

If aboard this path, a destination will show.

Eventually, a sight does manifest, of course.

A final series of ten strides, each one leading me to the roof of the building.


Crash. My body moreso smashes the door to nothingness then opens it.

Before long, I feel the winds of the city brush against my face. A sprawling image of my shithole hometown, more than a hundred meters in height before me.

I take a few steps towards the ledge, feeling with it an unspeakable pressure.

Only for it to be shattered a moment after.

"Yo." Announces Aedi abruptly. "Sorry, but seeing you all sweaty and running convinced me to do a little bit of cardio."


I turn around, seeing for myself that woman.

I have to distract her by whatever means possible.

"Too scared to fight me directly?"

I sputter out an insult in an attempt to bring her closer.

"No, no, far from it, Ms. Camille. If it's a hand-to-hand fight you want, then I'll give it."

Huh. That was easier than expected.

No suspicion, no questions, no nothing?

"What's that look on your face Camille?"

Shit, those are the exact words I do not want to be hearing.

I'd forgotten that I'm not exactly an actor. In fact, I was precisely the opposite, so she must've guessed my intentions.

Then, as if dispelling my belief, she approaches.

For some reason, beyond human sense, she comes closer.


Because at that moment, appearing from behind that small square surrounding the staircase is my trump card.


Molok's voice erupts louder than it's ever been. Loud enough to distract her for an in-phantasmal moment, he spits out his incantation like a rapper.

“Μήπως για την τολμηρή μου Περσεφόνη ο τρόμος, Από τον Άδη θα πρέπει να στείλει ένα απαίσιο κεφάλι τέρατος.”

Wearing his snake mask, I know what comes next.

I close my eyes accordingly and grab onto Aedi.

The rough pores of the stone press against my fingers.

Embracing her in a full-on grab, I wait.

I open my eyes for a split second, seeing Molok don a mask inscribed with magical circles.

Before long, he then grasps onto her, and in the following second, we jump.

Off the side of the building, our destination none other than the rock-hard floor beneath us.

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