《Another life another chance》Chapter 19
“I can’t get used to this …” Spera moaned as her consciousness returned to her and she found herself in Deli’s room in the God Realm once again.
Seems like she might appear here every time.
Standing up she dusted of imaginary dust from her being.
Pleasantly surprised she discovered that her soul had once again undergone a change.
Now it had the form of a toddler, making it easier for Spera to move her body since it now resembled her body on Prena.
Looking around she discovered that she was standing in the middle of the room, facing Deli’s work desk.
Seeing Deli working on her desk, behind mountains of papers, she cheerfully called out,
“Hi Deli how are you?” just hoping that her nice personality was dominant right now.
She knew, given Deli’s behavior last time, that she was now obviously ignored by her. It seems like her appearance in the God Realm causes a disturbance in the atmosphere that even Demi-Gods or Saints could feel, so obviously Deli, one of the three most powerful Gods after the Allfather, couldn’t very well not notice her manifestation.
Giving a loud sigh, Deli started answering her, slowly looking up.
“Well, hello to you, too, how was your …” but just as she wanted to ask the question, her eyes finally landed on her soul, causing them to grow wide in shock.
“What the …” she muttered before frowning.
“WIJU! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!” She suddenly yelled causing Spera to take a step back, as she felt the anger that radiated off her.
Did I come at the wrong time? Why is she so mad? Did something make her personally balance tilt to the dark side? I want a cookie!
Spera's thoughts were in turmoil and she didn’t even notice the rather strange thoughts that slipped in, her eyes fixed onto Deli that had walked from around her desk and was starting to pace back and forth before her desk, always sneaking a glance at Spera before starting to mutter to herself.
Spera nerve endings tingled, even if at the moment she didn’t have any, the stress of Deli’s obvious discomfort at her appearance making her agitated. What the hell was wrong?
Moments later, Wiju burst through the door.
Behind him, a nervous Sougua closed them, at the time also repairing the lock that had been busted open by Wiju’s strength, before freezing as he turned around and his eyes fell on Spera who stood in the middle of the room.
Looking at her brother, Deli didn’t hesitate.
Pointing at Spera she bit out “Explain”, confusing the uninformed Wiju. He had run to his sister’s aid when he heard her bellow but didn’t have the time to get extra information. Not that it would have helped since Sougua also hadn’t known what the problem was before entering the room.
Looking at Spera, his eyes also widened. Looking at the three other people in the room, each staring at her with shock, Spera couldn’t help it anymore and snapped.
“What the hell is wrong? You are making me extremely nervous right now … Can one of you please explain your current behavior?”
“Little one …” Wiju started, seeing that her current behavior seemed to anger the already furious Deli he wanted to at least avoid the worst case scenario.
Turning to Wiju, Spera started at him with expectation.
“You see … your current soul form shouldn’t exist …” He started.
Spera’s mind blanked at that. What the hell did he mean?
Uncomfortable at the situation, he slowly walked towards her, distancing himself from Deli.
“Last time you saw your soul form right? This form should stay until you reach Demi-God stage and then your physical form would manifest as your soul form. Since reaching Demi-Godhood, even if one is fast, would need at least 20 years in every time zone in existence, there has never been a toddler-formed soul.
And even Demi-Gods aren’t in their pure soul state like you but have a temporary physical form that is then refined into a physical body when reaching Godhood.
Furthermore, there is also the problem that neither your soul nor your physical form even started to cultivate. So … your current form shouldn’t be possible … even with our blessings and the loosening seal.”
“What does that mean?” Spera asked a quiver in her voice at the uncertainty that made her terrified.
“Well …” Wiju began. But suddenly the entire room decedent in a red light as a high pitched siren started going off.
“What the hell!” Spera screamed startled.
Deli froze in place and her mouth dropped open in shock.
The next moment, she sprang into action.
“MUWA! MUWA! What happened?”
Suddenly the third of the three siblings ran into the room, looking quite exhausted as if he just had an extreme exercise.
“Status!” Deli barked, glaring at him.
“Mass-Genocide in Realm 310 Planet 14. A species is under the influence of a new chemical compound and lost all reason. We look at a casualty rate in the millions.”
“How did this happen?” She asked hurrying back to her desk to sift through documents in agitation.
“Little one …” Wiju suddenly whispered to her.
Looking at him in surprise, Spera “hmmd” in acknowledgment.
“Maybe we should go to my room ... “
“Shouldn’t you help?” She asked looking back at Muwa and Deli running around and screaming at each other. It was like a trainwreck … you just couldn’t look away from it.
“Come on …” He said, lightly pushing her out of the room, the noise and screams quieting down as the door closed behind them.
“You see, it isn’t like I don’t want to help them … It’s just that I can’t.”
“Why?” She asked, but her attention was on the corridor they walked down. It was the first time that she saw anything else other than Deli’s room in the God Realm.
“Well ...” He said looking a bit depressed “... you know that each God has its own domain right?” To which Spera nodded.
“Deli and Muwa’s Domains overlap in such situations like the one Muwa just stated. When a huge number of humanoids are killed in an act of murder, such as war or genocide, they have to navigate together to resolve it.”
“Is that the reason for the sirene? “
“Oh, you mean the new device that the little workers installed?”
“Little workers? Like fairies?”
“Well … that's not wrong or right but in this case no. Fairies are used by Gods to influence the mortal world mostly. In the God Realm, each Domain has its own workforce.
You meet Sougua, right? He is the secretary of Deli or more precisely, the Chief of Deli’s workforce. And a few thousand years ago, since it came to a very serious situation and they couldn’t respond in time since the communication between the Domains wasn’t very good, many souls were lost. In response to that, they set up a system where in accordance with the severity of the situation different kinds of alarms go off in the respective Gods’ Main Chamber.”
“Oh, so the room I always wake up in is Deli’s Main Chamber?”
“Yes … and now you will see mine,” he said, stopping in front of a huge double-winged door that was formed like a book with the symbol of a scale in the middle.
As they entered the room, Spera could see that each wall of the room was packed with books, from top to bottom. The center of the room was occupied by stacks of papers, and she could even see three big computer screens situated around them, calculations running at a high speed through the monitor.
Looking at Wiju, while pointing at the screens, too shocked at the chaos that seemed to increase and decrease while just observing it for a moment, Spera couldn’t even find her voice to ask all the questions that suddenly filled her mind.
“Hoh! I thought that since you had my blessing you wouldn’t be as affected as other souls by my room, interesting…” He said while rubbing his chin. A book suddenly appearing in front of him and a new line magically appeared on the otherwise blank page.
“Wha ...” Spera could finally utter, staring in shock at the book that seemed suspiciously like an observation diary that the scientists on earth used to document animal behavior.
“Oh, this?” Wiju said, the book suddenly disappearing. “This is nothing. Just a little hobby.”
“Aha …” Spera uttered, not believing him, but knowing that she wouldn’t get any answers. At least not now.
Turning back to the center of the room, she pointed once again at the screens.
“What’s that?”
“Calculators … Can’t you see?” Wiju said, looking at her like he was in front of an idiot. And this damn book appeared again.
“Of course I see that this are calculators,” Spera answered, finding it easier to speak when she was facing Wiju instead of his room.
“I mean, what kind of calculations are these? And why do you need them?”
The book disappearing again, but Spera could see out of the corner of her eye that a new line had appeared in it.
“You couldn’t possibly think that I would judge every single soul by myself, could you? Do you know how many souls are in the multiverse? And I don’t even mean those once alive, right now … there are trillions, no, quadrillions more that are awaiting judgment, are being cleaned or, at the moment, wait for their reincarnation.
Even if I had all the time in the world, I couldn’t judge them all personally and at the same time collect the wisdom that was found in the multiverse.
So using the advanced technological process that was found in the multiverse, my helpers created, the Judge123, a device that judges the souls by the universal code of conduct that Deli and the Allfather have set up. Each soul can be processed in a matter of seconds.”
“But isn’t that unfair? They don’t have a real judgment, they are just processed like … like…”
“A product in a factory?” Wiju asked, looking at her with sympathy.
“Yes …” Spera answered, looking down.
“Well, not really. You see, if that was the only thing that ‘The Judge’ did, we wouldn’t be needing three devices for it, would we?”
He said to which Spera found herself nodding.
“You see, what I just described is the function of the middle device. Named Judge1. He compiles a file of the soul’s life and gives a primary judgment if the soul should be processed by Judge2 or Judge3.”
“Ah, that is the reason for the mountain of papers that seem to be alive?”
“Oh, you could see that?” He said a new note in the book being added after it spontaneously re- and disappeared. “Normally that shouldn’t be possible, maybe this has something to do with Muwas blessing…” Wiju started to mutter.
“Wiju?” Spera asked, bringing him back from his thoughts.
“Yes! Right! Was I at Judge 2 and 3 right? Well, they are what you mortals would call heaven and hell …”
“What? These machines?” Spera asked in surprise, remembering on her first meeting with Deli that she had also spoken about being sent to heaven or hell.
“Yes, but it’s more of a calculation of karma and the resulting reincarnation …”
“But, why wasn’t I processed by this? Why did I meet Deli in the first place …”
“Well, you see, your case was really special. You were the grey of the grey area when it came to the calculation of your previous life and the lifetimes before.
And normally if a soul is in the grey area, I will personally judge it, but since it was such a special case ... well, more precisely, the first time such a case appeared, the authority to judge you was handed over to the God or Goddess that has a higher position in the God realm and in my case that was Deli. If Deli also hadn’t found a solution to your case, you would have been judged by the Allfather, and if he hadn’t been able to make a judgment then you would have been given to the void.”
“Ok, that is too much ...” Spera said, her soul not being able to process the entire conversation.
“So, to make it simple … I was very lucky to get Deli to by my caseworker?”
“Caseworker? … Good name for that. But yes, you had tremendous luck in the judgment department. Maybe you should talk with the God of Luck when you have the opportunity and thank him for it.”
“Yes, I would like that … when can I meet him?” Spera asked exhausted.
“Not now ... you have a long way to go before you are capable enough to meet other Gods besides the Origins.”
“But I already met Sougua … Why can’t I meet other Gods?”
“Sougua is protected by being Deli’s worker. All our workers are protected by the God they serve, so it wouldn’t be a problem for you to meet mine and Muwa’s workforce, but other Gods and workers would be compromised by the power of your blessings. So, before you learn how to control them and not let their power leak out, you can’t meet the others.”
He said, giving Spera another blow, that made her quiet down for a few moments.
Wiju could see that she needed a moment for herself, so he manifested a comfortable armchair and started relaxing in it, closing his eyes and leaning his head back, while taking off his glasses.
Coming out of her thoughts, Spera found him like that and couldn’t help but chuckle a bit. He reminded her of Daphne that also loved to relax like that when she had finished perfecting a new spell.
“Hey, Wiju …” She broke the silence with a whisper, not knowing how he would react. She could see him flinch at the sudden noise, but she really wanted to ask this question.
Slowly he opened his eyes, without his glasses Spera could see them for the first time. And the thought that came as fast as it went was that they looked old. So old and lonely.
But with a blink of his eyes, that impression was gone. Back was the fun, witty scholar who couldn’t wait for a new discovery.
Putting his glasses back on, he smiled at her, giving her the hint to talk.
“I wanted to ask you a question …” She started, still slightly disturbed by what she saw in that unguarded moment. But she knew they weren’t friends so she had no right to ask what he hid underneath his mask.
“Well then, you already woke me up … tell me,” he said with a grin. He liked questions. They always gave way to new knowledge.
“Well, you see one of my friends has a very big mana pool … whatever that is … and please wait a moment, I haven’t finished the question yet.” Spera said as she saw Wiju wanting to start an explanation on mana pools.”
“You see because of her big mana pool, she can’t touch other people since that would inflict pain on them. But I am totally fine when she touches me ... why is that?”
She asked, but Spera could see that halfway through the question Wiju became quite uncomfortable, the armchair dematerializing while he started walking back and forth in front of her.
When she had finished her question, he also stopped, directly in front of her, making her take a step back.
Stretching out his hand he placed it on her head, making her flinch from it. But seeing that nothing happened, Spera relaxed. When she did, suddenly a warm current started to flow through her, not uncomfortable, just warm and soothing, making her look up at him with questions in her eyes. But he just shook his head indicating that he would explain later.
Taking his hand back from her head, he looked at her in shock, and also a mixture of fear and excitement that Spera couldn’t explain.
“Well, it seems like you are able to surprise me at every turn ...” He said with a sigh, but at the next moment, he started to chuckle.
“What? What is going on?” She asked in fear.
“Oh my, this is too good. Those two should be finished by now … let’s go back to Deli’s room alright? I want the other two to know this, too.”
He said pushing her out of the room, down the hallway. Spera not able to make sense of his behavior just trotted along. It wasn’t as if she could just leave if she wanted to.
Even if right now the wish was very strong.
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