《Another life another chance》Chapter 11
After Deli sneezed an uncomfortable silence hung in the room.
Well, that was until Muwa and Wiju started laughing almost immediately.
Deli gave both of them a murderous glare that shut them up on the spot but could not prevent a giggle or two slipping out of both of them from time to time.
She turned to Spera and glared at her. A dreading feeling came over Spera but she could not move her soul, feeling like it was bound in place.
“You will crease this immediately! Explain to me how you can make me sneeze! And I dare you to scream once again. I already told you that it causes us, Gods, a splitting headache when you do and I will not repeat myself again! If you so much as try to raise your voice I will squash you like a bug and I will feel no remorse for that. And do you really want to die after only living for a year?”
“I am sorry Deli. I have no excuse for my behavior and I hope that you can forgive me my mistake. But the only thing I do is think about … a higher being in existence as either a prayer, a sight of exhaustion or a curse and you sneeze …”
“Well isn’t that interesting?” Wiju said starting to slowly circle around her soul once or twice prodding her soul with his index finger. His smile giving Spera’s soul a shiver down her imaginary spine.
“Ok, that was not what I imagined …” Deli said looking a bit taken aback.
“Let me check the information once again … Haaa ~ Wiju, you were right … It was a Grand Blessing … How the hell did that happen?”
“Yes, Sougua? Do you have an Idea? It seems I can’t expect my Brother …” she shot a glare at Wiju who still prodded Spera's soul “... to answer. He is like a child on a sugar rush in a Toy Store … Haaa ~”
“Mylady, if the information that I have is correct, the esteemed Masters have both also given this soul a blessing …”
“WHAT? Muwa, Wiju get your asses here immediately!”
“Hey, sis ...” “...we didn’t do it…” “...even though I don’t know what you are talking about…” “... me too … hahaha”
*Pfff ~ Well seems like they can agree on something … if it involves their lives*
Spera had a hard time not projecting her thoughts since she knew she just got away by a hair’s breadth.
And right now her survival was literally on the line.
“Then how do you explain that both of you gave her a blessing, huh? This is not something that just happens by accident!”
“Huh? Musclebrain, you too?”
“Well, at that time it seemed like a good Idea and you did it, too! Like you always say you are the smart one here!”
“Of course I am! I am the God of Wisdom and Judgement what else do you think I am other than smart! BUT if you had just thought about it for one second with the remaining grey cells that are in your overblown head you would have realized that this soul now has the blessing of the three Origin Gods!!!”
“You have to be kidding me! ARGH!!!” Deli screamed and smashed her fist onto the corner of her table, breaking it in the process and leading to her table sagging to the floor spilling all the documents throughout the room. “Sougua! Clean up!” She demanded and without a word of protest, the man started to dissipate into black smoke that spread throughout the room picking the pages up and organizing them into neat stacks of paper next to the broken table.
Spera felt that if she had not been in her soulstate, according to a mirror on the wall, that she had discovered when she followed Sougua’s smoke state cleaning up, consisted of her being a ball of fire that had a light grey tint and hovered in mid-air, her jaw would have dropped down immediately.
Wiju once again started circling her and this time his hands glowed when he touched her.
“Given your reaction, I presume that she has the corresponding title to the miracle?”
A paper materializing in Delis hand, making her aura descent into gloom.
“Yup … here it stands in black and white: “Blessing of the three Origins”. That got to be a joke.”
“Hey! What does the title “Three Origins” mean?” Spera asked Wiju.
He turned to her and his eyes deepened as if she looked at a bottomless ocean. That could devour her at any moment.
“The ‘Three Origins’ is a Title that we Siblings share as we are the first Gods that were created by the Allfather and Allmother, be her soul in everlasting peace. We govern over life and death, Wisdom and Justice, Murder and War. Combined we achieve a power that could erase all that is in existence even our father.” He spoke to her mind, giving her a look that told her she should never share this information with anyone else.
“Sister, it was just a mistake …” Muwa threw in, in a small voice. His imposing body seemingly shrinking into itself to make him appear smaller. He had realized what a blunder he had committed.
“A mistake that evolved my Blessing into a Grand Blessing! You know that it was forbidden to bestow one without the majority of the God’s Council agreeing to it.”
“Why are you so hysterical … these small fries can’t do anything to us.”
“Oh yes they can! They can increase our workload and cut our benefits!”
“Oh …”
“Yes ‘Oh …’ you big buffoon! And that is not even the worst that happened. Did you forget that she got a title to that? The effects are even more dramatic than you can imagine … It not only boosted Deli’s blessing to a grand one, it also gives her protection against most negative effects such as soul or mind magic. It also gives her the ability to interact with any kind of magic that is in existence. No wonder she suddenly appeared here!”
“What exactly do my blessings do?” Spera asked Wiju again. If he was the God of Wisdom he could share a bit with her couldn’t he?
“I am not so sure about the other but my Blessing gives you the understanding of all spoken languages, a fast comprehension of the written language, a cool head to make a good judgement and a photographic memory. I think you already noticed the effects in just the year you lived already.”
“Yeah, I always wondered why I understood everything that someone said and I learned to read so fast.”
“Hey, Muwa, Deli, a little help here! I have a general Idea what your blessings do but our guest wants to hear the full explanation.”
“Hoh? Well listen well and be in awe! With my Blessing, you can use any kind of magic that exists as well as have a resistance against anything, even if it is just a minor resistance. It also grants you Mana vision and allows you to transverse with your soul … one of the reasons for your appearance here. You can also summon me in the moment before your death, meaning the chances of your dying are slim. Not impossible, but slim. And it gives you the privilege to attain full control of your soul prism when you reach the Diamond Stage.”
After ending her explanation Deli motioned Muwa to explain his blessing while she immersersed herself muttering in her own little world.
“Little one … my blessing gives you enhanced physical abilities, but it also makes it easier for you to comprehend fighting techniques as well as see flaws in these techniques giving you the opportunity to either find their weak point and attack or upgrade the technique. A side effect is that you now have a killing mode that activates when you come in contact with violence and shuts down all your feelings, but you will have a backlash afterwards. The power of it is determined by the experience you have to go through.”
“Wow, they all seem quite overpowered. But you said that Deli gave me a Grand Blessing while I only got a minor one from you ... what is the difference there?”
“Hello ~ have you overheard the part where she said that in case you are in mortal danger you can summon her?” What do you think it means that you can summon an Origin Goddess huh?”
“Oh …” Spera just said lost for words.
“Hey … but what does that have to do with my sneezing …” Deli suddenly interrupted having finished her monologue and finding a few points that still weren’t clear to her.
“Wait a moment … let me look. Ah! Deli did you perhaps seal her?”
“Yes, I had to … she was too strong for the mindwipe and so I had to improvise and seal the memories in her soul.”
“Yeah, it seems to me that there was a defect in the seal. Or maybe it was under too much pressure from our combined blessing and the title. See here …” He said pointing at a location, his eyes narrowing and Spera could finally understand how mice felt when they were before a crazy scientist
“... it seems like the seal is frizzled … there is a small hole … can you repair it?”
“I am sorry, but no.”
“Hoh! There is something even you can’t do?”
“Yes, if it is on this magnitude! This seal can’t be repaired. It would take the energy of a small galaxy and do you think father will give you one to repair a mistake that should not have happened?”
“Yes, yes, ok, so, what now?”
“Well, as I see it the reason for your sneezing and her appearance here is the seal. It gathers mana and because of the broken circuit the mana does not stay in the seal but is influenced by her thought. When she thinks these … words … the free mana literally hits you in the face and causes the sneeze, since your body uses that to get rid of the excess mana.”
“How is that possible? It is just a memory seal! It can’t gather mana!”
“Well, not exactly … her blessings gather the Mana and since it seems you also sealed her Soul Space … why exactly did you do that?”
“She almost detonated her soul, ok! I just used it to hinder her on gathering … mana.” As the realisation settled in, Deli’s facial muscles slackened and her knees gave out. Muwa immediately caught her or she would have crashed to the floor.
“It seems you caught on … I take it your second seal is time related?”
“Yes, every year a bit of the seal opens to let her body get accustomed to the Mana. Since she almost destroyed her Soul before, she does not have the normal Mana stages of the other mortals but just one stage that fills with Mana. But that stage is too big for her body, so her body would explode from the excess mana that she would produce.”
“Well, it seems like not only our blessings interacted with each other but also the seals. Haaa ~ From what I can tell you, little one,” he turned to Spera and she could see the pity in his blue eyes “you are going to have to go through this until the seal on your Soul space is fully opened. You will regain all of your memories, but this will take at least ten years. And there is also … do you remember how you came here?”
“Of course, my chest started to hurt and my body gave out.”
“Well, you see, that was a mana explosion that was set free when your seal opened. This means …”
“... this means for ten years I have to endure these ‘mana explosions’ as you call them? On my Birthday?”
“I am so sorry. But that was when the timer was set on the strike of midnight on the day you were born.”
“And I also have to warn you … the last few ‘Openings’ are especially hard since the seal is worn out and more and more Mana is already in your body to react with it.”
“Basically on the last ‘Opening’ you could die.”
“But … that can’t be … there has to be a way!”
“There is a way … but you are too young for that … you will need a better understanding of your planet and maybe even a plan what you want to do with your life. Meanwhile, I will search for different solutions to your problem that you can choose from when you are ready. It was my fault that we are in this situation so I will search for a solution. You have my word.”
“Thank you …” Spera was still shellshocked. She just had her first birthday and was already given a due date in ten years …
“Wiju ... did you find out any way that her thinking will not disturb me?”
“Wha …” Spera said but could not find the words. There she was wallowing in self-pity and the woman that just had shown her compassion and was the reason for this whole mess suddenly changed her entire tone and conduct.
“Oh, are you surprised little one?” Muwa asked stepping closer to her. She could still not figure him out. They insulted him and he was obviously quite strong but he did not retaliate. So, usually, he would be on the good side in her mind. But the atmosphere that he spread spoke of fear and death, so her soul shivered when he came near.
“You see … Deli is the Goddess of Death and Life, or Life and Death, depends on which side of your timeline you are on. So, not only does she has two domains to govern, the two powers are in her, warring over who would get the upper hand, either winning or losing the fight.” He looked at her, his green eyes shimmering with pain.
“In the beginning, it was still quite balanced but the older we got, the more intense their fight became. So, she did what she had to do and created two personalities … One more inclined to Life, one more to Death. They are both her … but both can never be who she is.”
He looked at Deli and Wiju discussing a few feet away. Sougua still cleaning up the room and, to Spera’s surprise, the desk was whole once again.
“You know … in the last few thousand years, it was always like this. I hope with your arrival, there will finally be change.” And Spera could have sworn that he smiled at her before standing up and exiting the room giving a shout to Deli and Wuji that he would return to his room but not waiting for their answer.
“Hey! Deli, Wiju, can one of you tell me how I get home? It seems to me that nothing can be done right now to help … I will refrain from saying the words … But I was already here for a few hours … I think my parents are quite worried.”
“Let’s see I already said that the time here flows 24 faster than in the normal world. So there should have passed less than an hour since you fell ill...”
“Are you kidding me? My parents had to worry for over an hour already? Let me go home!”
“Calm down!”
Deli stunned Spera for a moment giving her the chance to calm down and think about her behaviour. Feeling still a little unsettled, she thought about all the new information she got in the last few hours.
“Hey, now that I remember, you also said something about the different times before.”
“Yes, for example in my room the time is 24 times faster, in Muwa’s room it is 12 times faster and in Wiju’s it is 18 times faster …”
“Isn’t that a bit unfair?”
“Well, considering the other rooms have at the most a three to four-time increase, it is quite good wouldn’t you say?”
“But is that not even more unfair? How is that even possible?”
“Each God-room is especially crafted by the Allfather for that God by using space and time magic. He knew that the most powerful Gods have the most to do so he created the timeline corresponding their power and responsibility.”
“Wow … as good as that is to know, could you sent me back?”
“One way trip to Prena coming right up …” Deli said swiping her hand in the direction of the window which showed the multiverse. And with the motion of her hand Spera’s soul finally moved from the spot it had occupied since the beginning of her visit, flying towards the window and vanishing just before she hit it.
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