《Another life another chance》Chapter 5
Huh? Where am I?
I felt like I had a total blackout.
For a few moments, I just stared at the ceiling in front of my eyes. It seemed to be very far away. Looking closely it was not just a plain white ceiling but it looked like a wooden one with carvings that were almost lifelike even though I had no Idea what they were supposed to represent. One looked like a giant … thing? with scales and a very long neck as well as wings that looked very thin but also strong.
There were also other beings all around that were much smaller, and all in all, it looked like a scene.
Fascinated with the ceiling I stretched my arm out, trying to get nearer.
Only the arm that appeared in my vision was small and chubby.
I wiggled it around a bit and soon confirmed that it belonged to me.
I don’t know why but I am very certain that it should not be small and chubby.
This feeling of loss, confusion, disarray and knowing this should not be so, but not knowing why I knew that and where that knowledge came from shocked and unsettled me very much.
I could feel fear building up inside of me.
Suddenly I had the immense urge to cry. I could feel the tears gathering in my eyes and my body started to shake.
Only moments later I couldn’t control myself anymore and started to scream.
I screamed so loud that I could feel my upper body burning, and my throat getting raw as time went by.
A bit of time went by but I suddenly heard a loud crash and the next moment a woman appeared in my field of vision.
She was really beautiful. Long blond hair cascading down to her hips and bright blue eyes looking at me with concern. As I felt myself reflected in her eyes I could relax, since I finally felt safe.
I just knew that this woman, whoever she is would protect me.
Feeling my body calming down I wanted to thank the beautiful woman but the only thing I right now felt in full control of was my facial muscles. So I beamed a sweet smile at her.
Seeing it the woman squealed a bit, bent down scooped me up and started cuddling the life out of me.
“Oooh, you are so cute.” Was the only thing that I could hear her mutter for the time being. And I couldn’t even start looking at my environment since I was almost smothered by her chest.
But wait … why am I able to understand her … if my guess is right and I think it is since I am at least 10 times smaller than the woman I am a baby and somehow or another I am pretty sure that babies should not be able to understand any language at all. Call it a sixth sense if you will.
I let her have her fun for a while waiting for maybe a chance to get her to say something else for a change but suddenly we were interrupted by a very pleasant deep voice.
“Oh, I see that my two treasures are awake and having fun. Care to let me join sweetheart?” The woman whirled around while laying me comfortably in her arms allowing me to finally see the space I was in.
First of all, I looked up to see the reaction of the woman to the new guest, and I saw her smiling blissfully. This must mean that the new arrival was very well liked in this relationship.
After that, I finally moved my head, or you should better say I let my head fall to the side to look at the body which belonged to the very kind voice.
What I saw took my breath away.
A few steps away from us stood a man with red reptilian eyes, dark red hair with a black hairline and a very muscular body. I could see a few dark red scales on his neck and wrist but what was really awe-inspiring was the raw power that seemed to radiate from him even though he just stood there beaming a smile at me and the woman.
“Darling please tone down your power a bit would you? You are scaring our little angel.”
“Oh, I'm so sorry”, and almost instantly the power that had surrounded him a moment ago and that was almost like it was a part of him with which he couldn’t part with, vanished.
“So sorry, sweetheart, did I scare you?” The man came nearer and made a move as if he wanted to take me out of the woman's arm, who I am suspecting to be my mother, but she instantly turned around giving him no chance at all to even touch me.
Which I couldn’t understand since I was quite sure that given by the previous conversation and the feeling of it this powerhouse, which at this time seemed to not be even able to hurt a fly, was my father.
“Oh come on Thelil just hand her over ok? I couldn't even hold her once in the last few hours.”
“No, she cried for me!”
“Darling, she is a baby … she just cried.”
“Well, whatever you were too late so she stays in my arms…”
“haaa~ yes, of course. But Thelil…”
“The next time you rush here could you please not knock over the Nanny? I know you don’t like her but…”
“That woman is not getting near my baby! I know I have to accept her company because of the queen's orders but I am not letting her touch my daughter!”
Ok, and the question of my gender is answered … but why does Mommy hate the Nanny so much … and there seems to even be an issue with some queen … Haaa ~ well nobody said living is a piece of cake … speaking of cake I want one … but what is a cake?
I enjoyed the next few moments where my father tried to convince my mother that it was unfair of her to monopolize me, but very soon I realized that she was very stubborn defying common sense just so that she could get her will.
For example when my father argued that I would not have a deep relationship with him or an emotional attachment when he is not allowed to hold me when I am a baby, my mother just said that he would have to just work harder and be there for me all the time to which he almost screamed: “Woman, I have to work!”, of course, he did not.
He said, “Darling you know that I have responsibilities which I can’t escape.” To which my mother said: “So, your responsibilities are more important than our daughter”, and guilt tripped him into agreeing that he would spare at least 4 hours a day for the family.
Seeing her satisfied expression she had wanted to achieve just that and by the looks of it she had asked for just that for a certain amount of time already and she just used me since he hadn’t promised it before.
Well, I am not angry. Because of her, I get to spend more time with them and I just love it. The cuddling, the warm feeling of being loved even the little fights to determine who could hold me for how long … which of course my mother won all the time, all of that let me feel like I was the most important person in the whole world … well at least for those two.
I could only smile at them (which earned me once again a cuddling session with my mommy) and started to look around for the first time. Well, more like in the position I was in I started to move my eyes left and right.
But the problem I discovered was that everything that was too far away was quite fuzzy.
Speaking of which I once again focused my eyes on my father even his outlines are a bit blurry.
But you know, mommy and daddy, it's very nice to be called “darling”, “sweetheart” and “treasure” but what the hell is my name … and for that matter what are yours?
Before my father called my mother “Thelil” but that really sounded like a nickname…
Almost as if some higher being had heard my plea a knock sounded on the door.
But what really shocked me were the immediate reactions of my parents.
My mother's shoulders slumped a bit and she handed me quickly to my father stepping back behind him with her head lowered, nowhere could the energetic and strong woman be seen that had refused to hand me to my father just a moment ago.
And my father underwent an even greater change.
Although he seemed to be very pleased with me and stroked my tummy, his eyes went cold, his smile vanished and a dark aura descended on him which seemed to push my mother away from us.
“Her Majesty, the Queen of Draco.”
A melodic voice sounded outside the door and the next moment it swung open with a force that let it connect with the wall with a loud “bang”.
In came a woman who made my little body tremble just by being in her presence.
My father tightened his arms around me and I could feel a warm energy enveloping me.
Just who the hell is that woman? She's so cold.
And I am not just talking about her expression. Just like my father, she seemed to be surrounded by power but hers had a chill to it that I could almost see the ice-crystals appearing in her surroundings.
Her hair was the purest white I have ever seen and even though she had a few wrinkles on her face she looked extremely young and mature.
Her face could be described as perfect in proportion, and not considering the small wrinkles she had in the corner of her eyes, she had perfect snow white skin, almost as white as the scales adorning her skin.
Seems like she was of the same race as my father even if she had another coloring. Only she had no wings or horns and her eyes were of a bright blue color that dazzled.
Even her body looked like one of a young woman, being showcased by a tight-fitted dress.
“Well, well, … Mesanth I just heard from my servant that your wife forbade her to go near your child … Did I not tell you to teach her that she has no rights whatsoever in this place? Even the maid is of a higher status than her. I could have her flogged for that.”
I just gaped at her as she started to speak. Her voice was that of an angel very melodic but also very distant. But what she said made me feel like my heart would freeze. So, she was the Queen that my mother talked about. No wonder my parents acted so strangely when her entrance was announced.
Shocked I looked at my father which seemed to still have a very neutral facial expression, but maybe since I was just a little distance away from him I could see the storm brewing in his eyes and his jaw clenching at her words.
But his next words let me almost doubt his previous behavior.
“My Queen, I am very sorry if that thing misbehaved. I tried very hard to teach her the proper conduct but these elves are so stupid … I can’t even take her to any official functions. But since your Majesty was so gracious as to bestow this marriage on me I don’t want to appear like I don’t appreciate your gift and complain. I hope you can forgive her on my account. As soon as we return home I will personally oversee her lessons and punish her.”
If I hadn’t seen his smirk at the end even I would have believed him. Even after witnessing their previous interaction.
Seems like I have a father that is one hell of an actor and mommy isn’t far behind.
I thought that while stealing a glance at my mother who seemed to portrait the perfect picture of an intimidated slave.
“Well, since you are aware of your errors I will hand the education over to you. But please see to it that this bitch never ever touches one of my people again.”
The queen answered satisfied. It seemed like she couldn’t see through my parent's act. I just wonder how long this already went on.
“Of course my Queen.”
My father answered and bowed to her.
But from my position, I could see him grinding his teeth together and I could feel his arms tightening around me.
“Now since we have covered that, tell me how you have named the bastard.”
At her last word, it almost seemed like the time stood still. I could feel my father stiffening. The next moment I could feel an immense power exploding behind my father for a second before it was almost immediately suppressed by his raw power.
Looking at the point of origin of the first power I could see my mother standing there with her face lowered but it seemed like a constant wind played with her hair and I could see little flames licking on her fingers.
Wow … Mommy is so cool! But Daddy is quite powerful too.
It did not escape my notice that the whole room seemed to be suppressed by my father's powers and even the queen had to take a few steps back and I could see a little fright on her features.
But that also made my confusion grow. If my father was so strong why did he have to endure such treatment and not just subdue that woman.
“H-How d-dare y-y-you…” That hateful woman stuttered while trying to muster the strength to oppose my father's raw power.
I could see a smile developing on my father's features.
“My Queen I am very sorry for my emotional conduct but I hope you could refrain from insulting my heir.”
“Don’t be so cocky. Did you forget that I can kill your important person with just a wave of my hand? And that if anything happens to me she dies?”
The sudden loss of power as my father and mother retracted their powers made the room feel hollow. But the pain I saw in my father's eyes was so great that I had to look away.
“How could I forget … you should know that I would never do anything against you my Queen. But how could you do that to your daughter?”
“Like I told you already that waste is not my daughter!” She answered with an impassive face and a monotone voice, like this topic had nothing to do with her.
“She is just not able to use magic … there is nothing wrong with her”, my father almost shouted at her.
“Really … I don’t know why you are so concerned … she is just your half-sister…”
At that, my father remained silent.
“But we steered off the conversation … I wanted to know the name of that … child ... in your arms.”
It seems like even if she has a leverage over my father she still didn’t want to provoke him.
But good point Lady I also want to know my name. And nice save not calling me a bastard again.
“My Queen I named her Speraenya. So her full name would be Speraenya Emerthelil of Praesto.” My father said and bowed.
Wow ~ that is quite a mouthful.
“Well, that is acceptable for a half-blood. Even if she has that disgusting elven blood in her. But she seems to be very quiet...”
Huh? That’s Racial discrimination! Even if I have no idea what that is…
Before she could say more a servant walked in and bowed to her.
“Your Majesty, your appointment with the Council was moved forward and they are awaiting you.”
“What?” I could see a tiny muscle under her eyes twitch. “How dare they decide that without my consent. It must have been that damn Rylarth or that Perrath Clan.
Still can’t accept that they are not in power anymore … those weak water dragons if not for the major territories they possess I would have already crushed them. Haaa ~ well, it seems like I have to excuse myself. I heard that you want to travel back to your territory later this day so I already instructed Luciana to see you off. And of course, you have to bring Lidiana with you.” She glared at my mother.” Even if your … wife is against it.”
“Of course.”
Just as he said the word the Queen turned around and walked out of the room, just to be replaced by a beautiful woman with red scales in a maid outfit, whose red hair was bound in a bun at the back of her head. Her green eyes looking at my parents with disrespect. And as she looked at me I could feel immense hatred in her eyes.
“Master, the Queen ordered me to accompany you to your territory. We are scheduled to leave in three hours.” And with that she turned and walked out swinging her body at each step, drawing the attention of all the soldiers that passed her by and looked at her.
With the closing of the door my father's body slumped and almost immediately I was snatched out of his hands and cuddled by my mother.
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Bobby likes Pabst Blue Ribbon, NASCAR races, and throwing fireballs. A through and through Georgia boy, raised down in the sticks but now working with all things mystic. He is, in other words, a magician. Not just any magician- but one bound by the most egregious of terms: business contracts. See, a long time ago, Bobby got himself involved with a dragon whose business was making magicians, and Bobby wanted magic to be his business. Both of them having common interest, Bobby agreed to sign over his services in exchange for phenomenal (draconic) magic. A pretty awesome deal, right? The contract put him at the top percentage of human magicians, on top of having the backing of a dragon patron, and a fantastic set of benefits befitting an esteemed contractor, so it'd be smooth sailing from then on, right? Not so. That kind of power isn't granted without strings attached, and Bobby's practically bound up in them. Following the esoteric laws set forth by magicians , juggling them with the mortal interests he still has to abide by, and finding himself at the beck and call of a fickle and opaque patron makes his life as a magician a rollercoaster of ups and downs. But when his patron sets him on a strange task- with stranger company, no less, even Bobby has to question what his mission really is. Delving into fantastic crimes and cracking open mysteries is just the least he can do, and he'll do it with the help of his gun, his wand, and his trusted allies both large and small. --- Cover art is of the Georgia Guidestones. Chapters released on a semi-regular basis, at least one every two weeks, sometimes more. Also published on Offprint.net, Webnovel, and Scribblehub under the same title!
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Random imagines about you and Kendall Jenner. Feel free to request some stories. Thank you guys! GXG only. G!F but no smut. 😂 I don't know how to write it. Just kidding! There's SMUT inside. 👌🏼
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