《Re: Mimic》2nd - How to open a chest


Author's Notes:

I'M ALIVE! And I sincerely apologises to all who liked this little story and wanted to see more (don't worry, I'm not dropping this, it's just an apology for being VERY late with a new chapter).

I am a very moody person and I've got a lot of reading (novels and mange) to catch up on (oh, and also school work). Those two (actually three) things don't mix well together when you want me to write stories. But then again, those are just excuses so, I returned with a new chapter!

I cannot say how sorry I am for being so very late with this, so I'll be performing in a sliding dogeza (not performed live, or actually ever, sorry).

Again, I'm really sorry, and please enjoy the story!

2nd - How to violate open a chest


As I wake up from my second blackout, the feeling of nausea suddenly hits me with the desire to vomit. When my mind is fully conscious of what is happening, I forced myself to hold back the vomit... or whatever was going to come out from inside my chest body.

Slowly recollecting my memories again, I realised I’m still here, meaning that spider I saw didn’t eat me, or maybe I’m just inside its stomach. Either way, I opened whatever that I’m using to see and realised why I feel like vomiting. I was hanging upside-down on a giant spider web, wrapped tightly in a cocoon made of what feels like steel-strong threads with the ‘lid’ part of my body facing the ground.

(‘Ah. This must be one of the levels of hell. There’s no other explanation for it. I’m so sorry mum and dad, for not interact with you more. I’m sorry to society for being a Neet. I’m sor-’)

Interrupting my apology speech mid-sentence was the giant black spider that I saw previously. Now that I’m seeing it the second time, with my mind is a bit more stable than when I saw it the first time, I can now properly describe it without panicking over every detail.

Though its body is black, it’s not completely pitch black to the point where you won’t see her in the dark. The back of her body has a faint red line across the middle similar to a ‘redback’, but all the way till what would be the neck area where it just blends into the black color. The front of her legs also has dark grey lines, which I thought at first was just light reflecting, going down to the tip of her… er, legs? It’s hard to describe a spider, but I guess that would be it? I’ve never seen such a spider with that type of body patterns, but then again, this spider would be about three times as long and just as high as... that person.


(‘Now that I think about it, if I did vomit, will I vomit the remains of that person out?’)


(‘Oh, sorry. I got side-tracked by that person. Please continue with your hellish torture.’)

I then prayed to god again, not for my life this time but for a painless torture. Ah, wait, it wouldn’t be torture without pain could it? Then I’m praying for a torture with as less pain as possible.


The spider is just staring at me. What is it doing? What is it going to do? What is such a creature of complexity thinking about?

(‘That was quoted by the way, from… some totally legit professor which I don’t remember where I got it from.’)

While thinking to myself to keep myself from panicking, the spider crawled away.

(‘...Wait, what?’)

...And returned with a small key in its jagged mouth.


(‘...Is… Is it doing what I think he’s doing!?’)

Unfortunately, just as I predicted, the key was going to be inserted into me by the spider.


[[[The following scene was too graphic to be described normally and was omitted]]]

[[[Please enjoy this picture of a dog instead]]]

[[[Now back to our regular program]]]

(‘Ha...Ha...God has abandoned me~’)

You have (unfortunately) earned the ability of 'Pain Resistance Mastery (I)'

('...No, never mind. He's here, just mocking me.')


After that hell finally finished, I tried to bring myself back together again. I felt like my body was violated over and over again with that demon spider trying to open me forcefully. Never in my life I’ve wanted something to stop. Just what vile thoughts was it thinking while doing that, even twisting it in a way that nearly sent me to heaven for just a moment there. What’s even worse was the fact that all that lasted for about five seconds.


When I heard the spider come back, my insides died a little, along with a bit of my dignity as a man for some reason, as I finally realised the terrible truth of this place.

(‘...There are three more keys...’)

I was in the deepest parts of hell and I cannot escape it.



I am a spider. A proper, eight-legged spider but giant in proportion with silver lines running down my legs. I think there's also a red line down my back, but spiders can't see their behind since their so-called neck don't really turn around like a human's.

The moment I realised all that was the first time I looked at myself in this world, some place with a wide lake. Emphasis on 'in this world'.


And also, I realised that since my mother is a arachne.

By now you should have realised who I am.

Yes, I'm a reincarnate human. More specifically, I'm a girl, an otaku at that.

No, I'm not that other spider with god like abilities, though I wish.

Maybe, I hope I get OP after a dungeon run/training montage/fortunate meeting with some important figure.

...What? Who doesn't want to be OP? But I wish I could skip the troublesome parts though...

Anyway, enough about my past, it's no use talking about what's gone.

It's already been a couple years since I was born. Because I lived in a dark cave-like place, I don't exactly know how long I've lived though. But despite not knowing the exact time, my biological clock works perfectly! So me and my three digit younger siblings always goes to bed on time.

I say younger but technically we are all born at the same time. I'm just more of a big sister per... spider, compared to all of them. Actually, I'm more of a nanny since mother mostly just leaves me to look after them and go on a honeymoon with dad. What useless parents.

Oh, and erm... My dad is a human. Not kidnapped by mother, I think...

As time moves on, my parents realised that some of us are very intelligent in the whole bunch (of about a hundred, what are the chances?) and decided to personally teach us. We were taught everything, from preying other monster by mother to different languages of this world by dad. Though I can't speak, yet, I could still learn to understand them in the future, probably something my dad predicted we were going to need.

And so like this, I understood many languages from dad and survived from what I would guess, a mini-boss, from mother. Not a fan of mother's teaching method, especially when I realised that she wasn't going to help me nor my siblings in any situation, including life-threatening ones. Actually, especially life-threatening ones.

But somehow, another year passed and I was still alive.

Now that we're much stronger than dad -who was actually once a top-ranked adventure in the past (which I found out recently)- and more intelligent than mother -generally, not in battle, never in battle- we could explore around the place by myself, finally!

('I've been waiting for this!')

The excitement of an adventure, the thrill of a wild encounter battle, the joy of getting loot and treasure!

That was the feeling of taking on the world! A fantasy world!

So, while my fellow siblings went away in different directions, I also explored...

And explored...

...And explored...

...And found nothing.

You have obtained:


('You don't have to rub it in!!!')

Ah man, even the system mocked me.

Oh, right. The system is something that's part of this world's setting. This world is one of those 'game worlds'. Kind of makes sense since this world is actually a parallel world's virtual reality world.

I figured it out when I listened to my dad talk about the history of the world. It's really obvious when there are a race of people who can appear and disappear from this world as they choose and the fact that they call every person an 'An-pi-see'. I'm more surprised that they didn't realise that this world is a game. No, maybe I shouldn't be, I'm alive here aren't I?

Well, getting back to the present, I got nothing.

I walked, or crawled, I don't know, point is that I traveled for as far as I can and yet I did not even see a twitch of movement. It was only when I came back that my mother told me she already cleared out everything in that direction. Still not a fan of her personally.

But after that incident, the next day, I went the other way.

I stuck gold! Well, I found a dungeon, but to me it's more than gold!!

('The excitement of adventure, the... oh, screw it, LET'S GO!!!')

Once again, I traveled. This time, I found something.

You have obtained:

Keys X 4


I can't describe that feeling when you got something so great that you would pass out. Oh wait, I think I just described it.

Making myself a makeshift bag using my natural silk, I wore the new bag on my left side using my leg with the keys inside it and advanced.

But those keys though, I never would thought that I would be using them so soon.

(*Gasp* 'Is that!?')

You hav-


I found a chest.

Edit: I quickly drew up the scene where she found the chest, using the great, old and wise drawing program - MS Paint (Windows Vista).

Yes, you read right, vista. I need a new laptop.

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