《Death's Heir》Chapter 2: Letting Go


"You must have a lot of questions"

Azreal's entire mind was in a state of complete chaos. he couldn't even form words to respond to the old man sitting across from him; Where was he, What just happened, Why was this happening to him and Who was the glowing man from before?

All questions he wanted to ask, his thoughts were so jumbled that he couldn't produce any words.

Seeing that he was struggling to come to grips with what was happening the old man decides to take the lead.

"I guess you'd first want to know where you are? Hmmm well, this place doesn't have a particular name but you could refer to it as limbo if that would make it simpler. What's happening..."

Instead of continuing the old man just begins laughing.

"It won't really makes any sense if I explain anything else right now. with the state that your mind must be in, it would only be adding fuel to an already blazing wildfire, but for now we need to take care of something"

The old man got up off the ground and walked towards Azreal, patting him on its shoulder. within an instant everything around him changed from the dark void to a vast blue sky.

He was finally out of that endless void! after a moment though he finally realized where he was and it only plunged his mind into more confusion; He was standing in the sky.

For some reason, looking around at the vast beautiful blue sky, with its few little clouds floating off in the distance accompanied by the gentle refreshing breeze, made his mind calm down quite a bit.

But still...

He was standing in the sky!!

Turning toward the old man who still had his hand on his shoulder.

He was the only possible reason he could think of for this. Could it be another illusion?

After calming down a bit and deciding that it was probably an illusion, he tried to ask what was going on but what instead came out was

"Where are we?"

Looking over at the seventeen year old beside him he couldn't help but smile. using his free hand, he pointed downward.


the town below looked incredibly familiar; it was the town he'd lived in for his entire life, the very same town that his father died for and the very same town that killed his mother. the town that he had died in moments ago.

how was he here again? How was that possible? Looking down at the town he felt nothing but endless rage and hatred, it was almost as if his very blood was boiling. his only thought was to once again set everything down there on fire and burn it into absolute nothingness.

Gazing at the reaction from the young man beside him the old man couldn't stop the smile on his face from growing into a big grin before he turned serious.

"Why are you getting angry?? The weak shouldn't get angry when they die and right now you are weak. You aren't qualified to hold on to whatever anger and resentment you feel towards them. Why bother holding onto your hatred when you have no right or strength to carry it."

The words of the old man seemed to be directed at crushing his spirit, and for a moment he couldn't help but stop and consider; was he weak? No of course not! he had survived for years surrounded only people who wanted to see him dead, if he was weak then what would everyone down there be called.

His words just now were never meant to deter him but instead to check to see if he had the right conviction. seeing that his words didn't deter the young man, he couldn't help but start smiling again.

"...But that doesn't mean you won't get your revenge... Enron"

"As you command"

Turning back to the boy

“You might not be able to grasp revenge with your own hands but if you were to wait you'd never accomplish it.”

Only then did Azreal notice the bespeckled gentleman in full white standing behind the old man. after carefully observing the man did he realize that it was the same person whom he'd seen before he'd lost consciousness. Before he could say anything, the man unfurled his six black wings and flew out into the middle of the sky above the town. looking at the man flying away it pretty much confirmed that it was him from before.



"What is that?"

"What kind of bird is that?"

"Are you retarded? What kind of bird do you know that has six wings... and there so huge too....."

The entire town was looking up into the sky, discussing the strange 'bird' that was hovering above them.


While everyone was chattering about the ‘bird’ above them, the being in the spotlight spoke in a calm casual tone.

it didn't shout but everyone could hear it clearly, as if it was said to each of them personally.

Everyone was shocked out of their wits.

"Did it just spea-"

Before anyone could even complete their sentences they all felt a suffocating pressure press down on them. it was as if a mountain had just been dropped onto their entire being, powerless to resist the growing pressure. no matter what they tried the pressure only increased until everything in the town slowly started breaking under the enormous force exerted upon them. bones and organs were slowly being ripped, torn and snapped as they collapsed under the weight.

Despite all this pain no one lost consciousness, making them constantly feel the unimaginable agony; every single one of them, man, woman, and child was still conscious. They felt as if they had just woken up with a hot cup of coffee and their minds were incredibly clear, only serving to make the pain far worst.

At this point no one was wondering why this was happening or what they had done to deserve it, all they wanted to do was to die as quickly as possible. everyone was praying for some divine intervention but no matter how much they prayed or begged, death never came.

streets were covered in the destroyed buildings and homes were painted red. the jagged bones ripped and tore through their skin creating the pool of blood that covering the town.

Still, in spite of all that, in spite of having their bones turned into fine splinters, in spite of them leaking every drop of blood out their bodies they were all still alive and conscious. this was truly a hell like place where you could only beg for death. Death of course would never come.


With that, everything and everyone in the town was engulfed by a raging flame, yet still in spite of the flames they could still feel their bodies slowly being burned into nothingness. they felt a sense of joy about to burst out of them; they were finally about to die. the pain, though, quickally brought them all back to reality and the slow agony that was brought with it.


Looking at the flames raging over what had been his home from his entire life, filled him with no sadness. his eyes only displayed fear of the flames but deep down there was endless happiness hidden beneath it all.


A Few Hour Earlier

The 'person' came to a halt then looked over to the source of the voice; An ordinary looking old man with long grey hair and ink black eyes. The old man looked directly into 'its' eyes. the 'person' spoke in a calm voice as if 'it' was talking to someone who wasn't even worth mentioning.

'Why are you here'

Hearing the question and the tone the old man didn't get mad, but instead smiled.

"I came for the boy"

The glowing 'person' started laughing as if 'it'd' heard the funniest joke but laughter abruptly stopped.

Taking a good look at 'it's' surroundings then taking a deep look at the boy in front of 'it' then look back at the old man the 'person' spoke.

'Is he......'

The old man nodded, seeing the old man nod, the glowing 'person' sank into deep thought for a moment.

'i see.....take him'

After saying that the glowing 'person' turned around and vanished. a trace of sadness briefly flashed across the old man's eyes as glowing 'person' disappeared. Then he turned to the boy.

"You must have a lot of questions"

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