《The Last Human》11 Ausnaut (part 1)


Dear reader,

I was roughly awakened from my bed this morning to find the castle in a chaotic frenzy of packing for some elaborate escape of the cargo. The cargo being me. It was discovered by my loving loyal councilor that there is a black hood conspiricy to kill me. Oh, yes, I've been meaning to tell you about the organization. There were rebels in the time my father, mother, the winchesters and the Carpenters were made rulers, that deemed them unfit to rule. The rebels gained followers under the slogan 'They are not of the Land'. There were rumours that we too, were inquisitors and inquisitors were dangerous. So it is that the Great War began in a world that knew nothing but peace. Mama use to say that humans brought discord everywhere they went.

"Even now?" Sylvar growled. "Have you not learned your lesson?"

Adam rolled his eyes. They'd been travelling for hours. The Centaurs had finally claimed to need rest and the carriages and Cargo had been unhooked from their backs. Hasterian had ordered that they set up camp. The camp was small with mostly soldiers and Centaurs surrounding them. Only a few tents were set up for those needing to sleep under a roof. Centaurs had no need for such luxuries. Adam finally looked up. He'd only been alone for a half an hour and that was barely enough time to write. A soldier had haphazardly set up his accomodations. A lump of pillows and blankets in the corner of a small tent. He had to use a box to write on and sit on the hard grass of the field their unexpectantly come to occupy. It was going to be another sleepless night.

Sylvar held out a blade. Adam groaned. He knew what that meant.


"I'm tired." He complained.

"You're also a king now and your fighting skills don't match your status so grow up, get up and go spar with the general."

"But..." Adam knew he was fighting a loosing battle. Sylvar had THAT tone.

"Now, Adam." Adam huffed and reluctantly stashed away his writing then got to his feet.

"Uh uh...." Sylvar shook his head and held out his other hand. "Since you can't seem to be trusted to keep your life intact, I will have to take over the matter at hand. All of your writings, now...."

Adam groaned again and grabbed his written work stuffing it into Sylvar's free hand while taking the sword with the other.


The blade slammed into his own with a sharp clank, knocking the human to the ground. Adam groaned. He was definitely not going to have a good night after this torture session.

"Why don't you block? You're not concentrating." Hasterian said in a cheerful manner. The centaur was 8 feet and bulky with rippling muscles everywhere. Adam was... well, none of the above.

"Why don't you lose a few pounds and feet? " Adam growled as the Centaur helped him back to his feet.

"Maybe you'd prefer someone your own size?" Hasterian offered then glanced off to somewhere behind Adam.

"Actually I'm done."

"Amelia. Come. Grab a sword and spar with our king. He could use the practice."

"No, no..." Adam began as he turned dusting himself off. " I said I was ...." His breath caught in his throat when he saw the elf coming toward them. She started bundling up her long black hair with a hairpin behind her head as she approached. Her body was clothed in tight black leather accenting powerful legs. Her lose white shift hide what was beneath and he could only imagine it would be beautiful to see. Stop it. I'm waiting for Eve. Adam chastized himself as he corrected his posture. She must have been just a couple of years younger than him. She was beautiful. Elves always were.


"Now remember, we're not trying to harm one another. Block an attack. Do not counter it."

Adam rose his weapon and lowered into a stance, grounding his feet. Amelia followed suit and pressed her blade against his. A smirk played across her lips.

"I'm not going to go easy on you just because you're a King. I thing you are spoiled." Amelia whispered, anger dancing in her eyes. Adam frowned.


"And begin. " She pushed him back with her blade and danced around him so that she was behind him ready to strike him in the back. Adam had to twist to his right to block her. She stepped back and slashed for his head. He ducked to get out the way but before he could twist to face her she slammed the hilt into his back, knocking the wind from his lungs and forcing him to go down to one knee.

" Amelia, take it easy." Hasterian warned. When Adam looked up, he found the Elven girl pacing around him like a gromling ready to devour him. He also saw that a crowd was starting to form. He would not be defeated by a girl. It strengthened his resolve and he straightened up. He twisted, catching Amelia off gaurd as he swung for her shoulder but she blocked it. While her concentration was on that he slammed his right shoulder into her left one making her stumble back.

Anger flashed in her green eyed and she let out a yell as she charged toward him sword raised and he side stepped her hitting her in the back.

"First rule of combat. Never attack in anger." Adam strolled forward a few paces adressing the crowd, his back to his combatant. He should have paid attention to the second rule. Never turn your back. But he was taking too much pride in his new audiance's snickering. He felt so something hard hit his knees and he was on them once more as they buckled. A hard knock to his head sent him to the ground. For a moment the world faded into black.

He woke to a heaviness on his chest and hands on his shoulder's shaking him. People were screaming but all he heard was Amelia.

"Adam! Adam please! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!"

"Get off him, girl! He needs air! Get the physician!"

Adam's eyes fluttered open to a worried look on Amelia's fine features, her thin brows furrowed, then she was pulled off him and the Centaur was there looming above him.

"You'll be fine, My King. The Physician is on her way." Adam's eyes fluttered shut again.

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