《The Last Human》10th Ausnaut, 2021 (part 2)


The council meeting is boring. It started off talking about the ogres of Rockhelm attacking the farms on the outskirts of Aplia and how we could help them to fight off the invasion. That's also the point where I fell asleep or day dreamed or something to that affect. I only woke up when I was kicked hard under the table by Sylvar. I woke up only to find him glaring at me. Now he keeps giving me the side eye. I know he's going to moan at me after this. Yay! You'd think being leader of all of Illvanus would allow me to have more freedom but that's not the case apparentl-

The quill was snatched from Adam's hand and slammed down on the table. Adam looked up to see not only Sylvar's glare but every other eye in the room on him too. He gulped and grabbed for his drink but that too was snatched from him.

"I believe General Hasterian asked you a question, my leige." Sylvar's voice held that edge of strained anger again and Adam silently uttered a curse he'd heard his father use all too often. "Shit."

"Maybe my liege is tired. We may postpone this till tomorrow mo-" Amriel offered gently but she was cut off abruptly by the towering centaur at the other end of the table towering directly across from Adam. His heavy hoof slammed into the floor causing a few of the more delicate decidence around the long square table to jump.

"We cannot hold this off till tomorrow. We are in danger of a war. They are just across the sea. They could easily invade Creton then invade us. We need to take charge! NOW! If the baby king is not man enough yet to take his father's place..." General Hasterian stopped at the sound of a collective gasp from around the room. Adam glared at him and slowly got to his feet. The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife. Adam let it linger a little longer for effect before he spoke.


"Although my pain is still fresh at the loss of my father, I would have expected my council to understand that I am under severe pressure. Now would you like to repeat your question or complete your insult." Adam was trembling. He would have run but he had to show face. It was difficult to stay there and face the hulking half man half horse being half the size the Centaur was but he now had the council on his side and they all turned to watch the General expectantly.

" I... My Leige. I was offering a suggestion, merely. May we...station troops across Creton's coastline in order to have early warning of an invasion." The general asked.

"I believe that's a dangerous idea. The Rockhelm might view it as a threat." Allania, a beautiful Fae that had joined court only a couple of months ago. She was the tactical expert of our council which was surprising since Fae were known for their peaceful nature. She'd joined court because she'd developed a tactical plan to counter an attack along the western coast from the rebellious Black Hoods. Adam made a mental note to explain the Black Hoods in his Chronicles.

And just like that he sank back into his seat as the arguing resumed once again. He knew if he didn't say something he'd be stuck in that chair till tomorrow morning.

"Station civilian soldiers. Don't dress them in our colors. That way the Rockhelm won't see a rebellion. They'll only see families." Adam spoke up.

"You want us to send entire families out there?" Sheedra, a treasurer asked. Her red eyes locked on me in surprise. She was an elemental. They were born from the elements, fire, earth, water and wind. Entire groups of elementals avoided each other and stuck to their remote areas of the world. Most races attempted to avoid them entirely but Sheedra was a trusted friend to Adam's parents and so she'd earned her place on the council.


"Yes." Adam said and got to his feet. "Entire families. The most trusted soldiers and their families. Now if that is all?" The whole table rose as one as the King turned to leave. Sylvar followed just a foot behind.

Outside of the door, Sylvar put a hand on his shoulder. "You made me proud, my liege. " The elf bowed elegantly then took his leave. Adam wouldn't admit it to Sylvar but he'd made himself proud. With a slow smile he pulled the piece of parchment he'd been scribbling on, close to his chest and headed for his room, with plans to rewrite it into his Chronicles.

Upon entering his room, he moved straight to his huge bed and collapsed onto it. He reached under the matress for the Chronicle but instead he found a single parchment. Panicked, Adam scrambled off the bed and fell to his knees searching the entire side between the matress and the hard wood under acting as support. His heart was racing as he unfolded the parchment to look at the fine writing within.

It read:

I know what you want to know....

Adam felt the overwhelming sense of panic flooding his system and he .... screamed...

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