《Mortis Operandi 1- New Hire》Book 2 -Terms and Conditions


I've started working on Book 2, Terms and Conditions. It's located at https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/24562/mortis-operandi-2--terms-and-conditions If you are looking for a continuation of Mortis Operandi.

Someone brought it to my attention that they had no idea of the new book being worked on and suggested I add a chapter pointing people to the other location. Hopefully, this helps, I had submitted a ticket flagging my story as Complete. Hopefully, this doesn't cause any issues.

If so I apologize, and if you read the first and didn't like it as much, well, depending on what you did or did not like book 2 may or may not appeal to you. I do not plan on having any point of views from Players and the story will be purely on the people existing within the game world as they cope with repercussions of book 1's events and general Day to day activities. It will be more Corporate Goblins.

On a different note, as some people have pointed out in comments when I make a continuity error or just make a poor decision, let me know. Writing is always such a lone endeavor and any feedback or comments will hopefully help me improve.

It could be that Royalroad isn’t the best venue for interactive discussions. I know this may sound as desperate, but by reading what I’ve written, I’m taking up your time. With so many different things to consume your time, I am grateful. I do want to provide the best story that I can and openly admit I’m not the best writer. Not even a good one in many ways, so if you are still reading this, please I beg of you, help me get better.

Then we can both journey into some unforgettable worlds.

You can stop reading here, Royal Road requires a chapter to be a min 500 words, I’m going to repost the introduction of book 2 to fill in space. It may give an idea of what to expect.


Mortis Operandi is a different kind of company. One that celebrates diversity. One that celebrates value in individuals. With flexible pay and plenty of advancement opportunities, it is a company that knows its workers are it's most valuable asset. As they design, build, and install traps, rooms, obstacles, and repair they are a one stop shop.

The sudden exit of Mortis Operandi's CEO, the company was facing ruin. The goblin Eft was chosen as the new CEO and boss. The previous CEO made promises and contracts that Eft now has to fulfill, and it is causing a lot of trouble. Restoring the ancestral home of Ogre's seems easy enough, what if a thriving town now resides there? Along with facing corporate invasion, Eft must take on the tasks he wouldn't wish upon his worst foe, Customer Service.

*Note the above statements are forward-looking statements. In no way do they promote or suggest that Mortis Operandi will project greater sales or revenue. Understand that investing in a company does involve some risks, and possibly much rewards.

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