《A Wolf's Way》Problems


Navigating the twists and turns of the streets and alleyways, Lupos and Wing soon found themselves at the edge of the slum district. Stopping in front of a small but well-looked after home, Wing nodded towards Lupos. "This is it...."

Lupos noticed the worry etched on Wing's face and smiled encouragingly. "Don't worry we have all of tonight to brief your family on the plan and all tomorrow to make preparations. It'll work out." Wing put on a brave smile and nodded. "Ok...." Taking a deep breath, Wing opened the door to the house and with a bright smile yelled "I'm home."

Sure enough several seconds later, two small boys, twins, who Lupos assumed to be Wing's brothers and a middle aged man with glasses appeared, showering Wing in hugs. "Welcome home!" Wing smiled happily and patted the two small boys on the head. "Thanks dad, thanks Kai and Nico, it's good to be back."

Now that Wings dad had finished hugging his son, he turned his attention towards Lupos hand outstretched. "Nice to meet you young man, I'm Wing's father." Lupos nodded and shook his hand giving a small smile at the likeness to Wing.

"These two," said Wing dragging out the two suddenly shy boys from behind him "are Kai and Nico." Lupos smiled at them "Nice to meet you." He gained some shy nods in return.

Now that everyone had been introduced, Wing smiled sadly and sent his brother's upstairs before turning to face Lupos and his dad. "Dad we need to talk...." Wing's father brought the boys into the dining room and sat down, a suddenly serious expression on his face. "I know what you're going to say and I think it's a good idea but there's nowhere we can run to."


Wing stared at his father in surprise. "How did you know????" Wing's father smiled. "News of Mervyn's death has spread far and with the Emperor looking into it, if anything relates this death to the Yulg family, there is no doubt in my mind they will frame us...."

Wing stayed silent not denying anything, Lupos gave Wing a pat on the back before turning to face Wing's dad. "I have a place you can hide." Wing's father stared in shock "I know a guaranteed safe place within the forest of magical beasts where you will be hidden. If you are willing to take the risk."

No one spoke as Wing's father silently considered his options. "Can you promise me the safety of our family there?" Lupos shook his head "No I can't. I can promise you safety in getting there, as well as hunting as a means of food and survival. However, I cannot control your actions nor can I stop nature. What I can however promise, is that you will be safer there then you will be here."

Wing's father brought his eyes up to Lupos's and gave a shaky smile. "Then I'm counting in you." He lowered his head. "Please help my family." Lupos gave a small smile, "I'll do what I can to help." Wing smiled "Thanks Lupos."

And so, Lupos quickly and quietly explained the plan to Wing's father who's face fell. "There's a problem...." Lupos and Wing looked at each other worriedly. "What is it?" Wing's father bit his lip nervously and stared at Wing. "It's not just your sister in the Yulg's house right now....your mother's there too....."

"Shit." Wing swore aloud while Lupos sighed. One more person in the household, was one more they'd have to sneak out in the night and one more they'd have to protect when the family head realised what was going on. Wing's father sighed.


"It's my fault... Your mother's wanted to go visit Aisha but of course that bastard head of the family wouldn't let her go out to visit your mother, so I suggested she go to her." Lupos gave an encouraging, albeit slightly forced smile. "It's ok.... We'll have to revise the plan but we'll get out of this ok."

Lupos grinned savagely. "After all we're not the only ones helping out...." If one was listening closely enough, then they may have heard a wolf's howl echoing in the distance.

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