《Trench》Red smoke


She looks around for faces that are laugh at her joke, but finds none.

"Don't worry Erza, you're funny, they just don't get it..."

She whispers embarrasd to herself with her lips curled up.

Alfred then points at El's grandma with an annoyed look.

Relaxed Erza steps towards the wounded woman ignoring Alfred in the process,

but while she walks she pulls an old leather bag in front of her and rummages throgh it.

Shortly before Gran,

she stops in her track.

And after some rustling and searching,

she pulls a bundle of slightly blue leaves from her bag.

"You're lucky it only hit your calf, if it had been your foot there would have been nothing I could do without making it worse".

She murmurs to Gran and shoves the handful of leaves into her mouth.

"You know, your special i dobt do that for everyone"

She adds disgusted after a few chewing motions,

After a while she spits the gruel onto her hand, trying to suppress her gag reflex.

With hasty hand movements she signals Alfred to come forward to her.

When he does what she wants and comes to a halt next to her, however, she doesn't stop her movements,

not only that she becomes even more frantic.

"No, you have your own".

Denies Alfred annoyed with a raised eyebrow.

"Mine is empty! Come on!"

She begs with an open mouth.

Sighing, he then pulls a lighter out of his pocket and presses it into her outstretched hand.

Grinning, she then tries to light it with only one hand.

Gran, who is lying in front of her, is barely conscious and doesn't notice this strange spectacle.

After a few attempts, Erza finally manages to get the lighter to burn.

She then holds it to the wet puddle on her hand.


Suddenly, the slightly yellow liquid bursts into blue flames, and begins to smoke toxic red.

The soft candlelight in the room seems to flicker and the air vibrates with electrical energy again.

"Alfred, when I let you know, you pull the splinter out of her foot".

Erza orders,

Nodding in response, Alfred moves over Gran's calf, and grips both hands around the wood.

Elizabeth moans softly in pain, and Anne, who is sitting next to her, clasps her hand over her mouth.

When Alfred notices this, he loosens his grip slightly and nods to Erza to tell her he is ready.

She blows on the considerably pent-up smoke in her hand that didnt go up to the ceiling like normal smoke, it seems like its rather heavy.

The red smoke creeps like little fingers unnaturally through the air and wraps itself around Gran's leg like a bandage.

From the blue fire in Erza's hand,

grinning faces seem to want to escape,

and not just one or two.

It looks like hundreds of creatures are trying to push their way into the spotlight, even if it's only for a few seconds.

Nodding, she signals Alfred to pull out the shard.

Apparently this is not the first time he has done something like this, because without hesitation

he tears at the wood with all his might.

Surprisingly, not a drop of blood stuck to the splinter and nothing came out of the wound either.

The smoke seemes to stop the bleeding.

Erza was not idle while Alfred pulled out the splinter, because from her pocket she pulles a curved needle and thread,

After slowly threading the string through the hole, she dipped everything into the blue flames.

In no time, the grinning faces spann across the needle and thread,

And without worrying, she reaches in to the flames to pull the needle out again.


With a wave of her hand, the smoke clears and Erza begins to sew up the wound, still no blood comes out of the gash.

It doesn't seem to take her long, because of the speed she sews the injury.

And after that she wraps Gran's foot in a bandage.

"That's it, don't move too much for the next while and you should be fine soon."

She orders Elisabeth and pats her knee before standing up.

"So when's dinner?"

She then asks, addressing the group.

"No meat please, if got enough of that already for today, dont ya think?"

She with a tired face.

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