

The goblin ("viridi hominem") is part of the family of greenskins ("viridi pellis") they are found all over the world and are usually considered rather weak life forms. This is quite understandable from the point of view of a trained soldier. Due to their intelligence, which is superior to that of a common monsters, and their bodies, which are strengthened by their hard life in nature, they remain deadly to untrained humans, which is further reinforced by their large number of participants in raids on villages. In fact, their population is so large that the normal population tends to have killed one, at least once by their twentieth birthday.

Common Book of Creatures

by Benjamin Rudelf

When he lifted the gun out of the skull, El felt sick, the previously round skull is shattered the eyes stick out dead and thick blood flows out from the bone splinters that stick out.

The swinging glow of a lantern tears his gaze from the bloody work of art before him.

Staggering, he searches for the source of the light.

There on the dirt street to their home,

Walk a few men in their hands is the lantern El looked for.

"Are there any of them left?"

One of them asks,

Tired, Elm shakes his head

And points to the corpse beside him

"Thats the last one"

At this the handful of men examine the dead goblin next to him.

"Run back and tell Erza we found the shaman".

Says probably the leader of the group to one of his men, He is a good bit taller than the others and looks to be around 40 years old, under his eyes are dark circles from the lack of sleep

"Nicely done"

He compliments Elm and kicks the dead kreatur.

But before El can thank him


A rustling sound is heard in the bushes

Panicked, El raises the carbine, and aims in the direction of the sound.

"Easy boy that's not a goblin, listen to the footsteps they are too heavy for these bastards".

He says calmly and puts his hand on the barrel, pressing it down slightly.

The man seems to be right, as shortly after El's father dashes through the trees.

When Elm's eyes meet his, the old man's heart seems to be lifted.

He quickly hobbles on his prosthesis towards his son and the moment he gets close enough, he wraps his arms around him.

"Thank Ilkas that you are well".

He says with a voice filled with concern

"Let's go inside"

Proposes the man from before and points with his finger towards the house.

Just at that moment a small figure pushes through the door opening, the hands that trie to hold the small creature back don't quite grasp it, and with quick steps Emely rams with her blond hair into her father's arms.

Without saying anything and despite his leg, he lifts his daughter up in an embrace and walks with heavy steps towards the door.

Inside, Anne tries to hoist Elizabeth onto the couch with the splinter still in her foot.

Gran, already pale from all the blood loss and pain, barely reacts to anything.

The room is a pure devastation, blood and wood splinters are everywhere.

And the goblin corpse lying on the wall has seen better days, the flying wood shards have turned the corpse into a macabre hedgehog.

Tired, the two women look up at the visitors.

Without having to say much, two of the newcomers separate from the group and try to get the bloody hedgehog out of the house.

"Don't remove the splinter from her foot or the wound will start to bleed again".


Warns the leader of the group

"I'm Alfred by the way"

he says and extends his hand towards El's father


He answers and shakes his hand.

"Erza should be here any minute, she should be able to help with the problem"

He adds.

"Who are you? I have never seen you in the village"

Erwin asks

"Rose company adventurers"

Alfred answers the question and pulls out a copper badge

Shortly after, the door opens and a woman about 25 years old with brown hair enters the room.

With interested looks her eyes wander around the room

And when she sees the large hole in the wall, her right eyebrow rises.

"Its a bit cold here innit?"

She adds shortly after with a smirk.

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