《Trench》Bloody roses


Meanwhile, El's grandmother hastily opens the door. In comes El's mother Anne on her shoulders is his grandpas arm, he comes stumbling into the house his blood paints red roses on his white pants. In his right hand he holds a leather wrapped axe the blade drips thick blood on to the brown parquet floor.

"Quickly close the door" he said with a pained face

"Those fuckers bit me"He cursed

While leting Gran push him down on to the chair.

A few moments after something hard hit Elm on the temple, one of the goblins took advantage of the distraction caused by the injured man and threw a fist sized rock at El.

His vision blurred slightly and he felt something warm run down his face, luckily the monster was far enough away to weaken the brunt of the stone mid flight, otherwise he probably would have passed out from the impact.


Obscene laughter erupts from the goblin's throat, arms thrown far up,

dancing to its successful throw.

Shocked Elm grabs the handle of his weapon that he accedantally dropped because of the pain.

Black blood drips onto the plaque as his fingers close around the red wood.

He jerks the barrel upward.

His hands tremble too much to aim properly, but El doesnt aim anyway, because the moment the gun points even vaguely in the direction of the opponent, Elm spams the trigger.



Surprised that his victim is still conscious and trying to kill him, the monster reaches for the spear on his back, planning to send El to the land of dreams once and for all.

With a shrill battle cry, the creature charges in El's direction,

Meanwhile Elm still trembles trying to squeeze ammunition into the carbine.

Not one second too late, the moment the goblin lunges with his spear into El's direction the first shot rings out.


With a stumble the attacker staggers on, carried by his own momentum he slams with full force against the wooden house wall, his forehead adorned with a bloody hole.

Shortly after, the tall grass rustles, this time two goblins step out of the green, but they seem to have better equipment, both wear leather armor and have weapons made of steel, the left one has a rusty sword and the small one to the right of him a dagger, they probably took them from their fallen victim, because the armor looks like it once belonged to a human.

Without hesitation they run towards the house, Two shots whiz just past the head of the sword bearer, who throws himself to the ground at the right moment.

The one with the dagger isn't so lucky, one of the last two lead bullets grazes its shoulder and wounds it.

Nevertheless he makes it to the window behind which El sits, with a leap he lands inside, his dagger that reflects his ugly grimace stabs after Elm who tries to dodge, barely he doesn't make it and the blade grazes his thigh.

With a cry of pain, El staggers back, his free hand pressing against the bleeding wound.

Aggressively the monster lunges forward eager to land a death blow.

But El who tries to defend himself grabs the carbine at its barrel and swings it with full force.

His superior reach wins, with a sickening sound the shaft of his gun hits the Greenhide on its temple and like a ragdoll the Goblin slams against the floor. The gun however slippery from the blood of his thigh, slips him out of his hand and slides under the sofa,

The moment before he can retrive his weapon he hears the shattering of glass from the kitchen next door.


Without thinking El runs into the room.

Before him stands his grandfather threatened by the goblin with the rusty sword, the only thing that separates them is his axe that he holds in front of him, but the monster seems to ignore his bluff and inches closer with every passing second, driven into a corner Gramp's doesnt pay attention to where he dodges and so he steps on a pane of glass from the window through which the Greenskin broke through, the shard of glass slips out from under his foot and he lands painfully on his back.

The critter now bent over the old man lunges to strike, but in the last moment something flashes and a kitchen knife rams deep into the armpit of the raised Goblin arm.

Anne El's mother stands behind the now collapsed greenskin,

a red kitchen knife in her hand.

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