《Trench》When even light bends


After Elm made sure that none of his tears were still visible, He quickly hurried up to his room and opened the page describing how to infuse a material,

which seems to be quite simple.

You only have to push the mana around you a few times through the object until it repels it and then its infused.

Without thinking twice, El takes the chalk out of his right pocket and puts it on his desk right next to the book.

He concentrates on the weave around him and tries to get a small ball of mana together, and after it reaches the size of a coin, he pushes the ball through.

At first the chalk began to glow slightly, but after a few seconds it starts to disappear, because he didn't want to ruin the piece that was now almost the same as before,

Elm gathered the ball up again, and after it had reached the same size, he pushed it through.

But now the chalk glowed even stronger, the blue light that radiated out of it even illuminated the room a little. now motivated because of his success El repeated the process several times, and with each time the light became more intense.

But after about twenty attempts, the chalk stopped absorbing the ball and even tried to repel it.

But still Elm is trying to get as much mana into the ball as possible and because of that he continues, but now the task is much more taxing, even sweat starts to build up on his forehead, and his brown hair hangs in front of his eyes an obscures his sight a bit.

After two more attempts, the chalk begins to move as if the ball of condensed mana was a magnet. When he saw the glowing piece rolling around on the table, Elm smiled a little, now a little distracted from the main reason he did this, he starts to push the blue chalk around the open book and tries to maneuver it without hitting anything, after a few rounds the world around him started to blur.


This distracted El, and because of that he started to lose control of the ball and with that it started to dissolve, now without anything to control the momentum of the piece, the chalk got pushed

off the table.

Since he doesn't want it to be ruined because of the fall, he reflexively tries to catch it. And the moment the piece touches his skin, he feels intense pain, as if he had received an electric shock because of that the piece falls on to the floor.

With a tingling sensation in his hand, El sits down on his bed and shakes his arm up and down trying to get rid of this feeling, After a while the pain starts to disappear. With no visible signs of any wound on his hand, El begins to relax, his eyes scanning the floor, looking for the piece that hurt him.

And there it is, it rolled about three feet away from the desk, the piece seems to have darkened, it probably overcharged, and when I touched it, it discharged the excessive energy in to my hand. Since he didn't want to check his theory with his bare hands, he took a sock he had lying around and used it to pick up the chalk, the piece of clothing between his fingers. after a tense moment Elm relaxes.

Nothing happened, now much more confident that it will not hurt him anymore, El touches it with his left hand, ready to pull his hand away if he feels something.

Again nothing happened and after he removed the sock he had used to pick it up Elm went to sit down on his desk, the book still open to his right and the chalk in his hand, ready to do some magic.

he began pressed the chalk onto the hardwood trying to draw a rune that looks like the letter A and M combined, its interesting how the rune reacts when the line of the chalk crosses a part of the already drawn rune, little sparks of glowing blue energy discharged when it happened, at first El was a little bit worried, that it might ruin the table he was writing on, but after making sure that nothing happened, he continued.


After a few hours of constant work the matrix was ready, almost the whole table is covered with runes, each one connected with each other by small lines, it almost looks like a complex work of art.

The only part left to do is to put a mana source in to the smaller circle, and hopefully the matrix will start to work, since he had already considered using the plant he had in his room to power it,

he made the circle big enough to fit the pot the plant is in inside of it, and after he took it and put it in he waited, at first nothing happened, but after a few seconds the runes began to glow and the air in the main circle began to slightly blur.

It seems to have worked.

With excitement, El inspects the dome that

should slow down everything that comes inside. First he took a pencil and let it fall from the top of the dome, at the first few centimeters nothing special happened, but the moment the pencil crossed the dome, the pencil slowes down mid air, it almost looks like it is falling through water, but much slower,

some objects later El notices that the reflection on his cup out of tin, from which he normally drinks, does not react correctly, the image on it seems to be delayed, not by much just enough to notice it, if he waves his hand in front of the dome towards the cup, the motion seems to not be copied directly.


The emergency alarm of the village goes of

Surprised Elm looks out of the window, the sun is about to set and because of that the sky is tinted in a beautiful orange.

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