《Digital Me - Angels and Devils》Chapter 1 (6)


Alusha Kravistall was the second wife of the Erio Dezamoor the first son of a merchant family that was rising in the standing of the houses. She had been betrothed to him when she was only 16, and at first she thought it was a death sentence, but soon she found she started to have real feelings for Erio, and as a dream sage she could help him in his business and also raise the status of her his household and her parents family as well.

She reached down to her stomach which was pregnant with Erio and her first child. She truly felt blessed, and about three months into her pregnancy she could feel something wonderful had happened to her and her unborn baby.

Every night she would do a dream forecast and look for signs of good or ill omen and tonight was not different. She laid down in her bed and cradled her stomach as she closed her eyes, and with in minutes she was asleep. Dream sages slept much deeper than most and because of that they were able sense the fragments of foretelling. It wasn’t a prophecy, but a dream and from those dreams she could see the ebb and flow of land around her.

Like every dream Alusha entered the dream scape, where she would walk through a distorted view of the real lands around her. She could use her ability to travel faster than normally possible and even though she was pregnant in the real world her shape was typically of herself in top physical form.

This time though she realized right away that it was different. She looked down and saw every growing bump there and the normal distortion was gone, and it felt like a crisp clear view of the land. She wondered what was going on and that was when she saw another figure sitting on edge of a fountain not a hundred feet away.

She was startled at aura of peace that came from the figure. He had a masculine feeling about him that was likeable and alluring and he was clearly of the Sentura race. Though surprisingly when he looked up and the peaceful smile crossed his face his wings extended and unlike the silver wings that there people had. One wing was a dark ebony black and the other a beautiful ivory white.

“Hello Alusha.” The Sentura said with a hypnotic voice. “I have been waiting for you.”

“Who are you?” Alusha said with a worried tone.

“I have many names.” The man said. “You though can call me Mercer. I am the embodiment of karmic luck and intuition. I have come to see and your unborn child, to both give you blessings and warnings.”

Alusha had never heard of Mercer, but she just knew that he had no evil intent because of his golden aura. He came to see her for what he said and even though she still held fear. She reached down instinctively and touched her belly.

“My lord please let me hear your words.” Alusha said as she went to a knee in front of him.

She looked up and he was not sitting at the fountain but was in front of her and she didn’t even notice his movement. She took her hand and she felt a warmth of his intent and brought her up to her feet again. She felt a trickle of energy flowing into her and it felt wonderful and now she felt her child move.

“Your child inside you has received my blessing and is given to your child wit good intentions, but I must warn you karma and fate are fickle things and even if you have good intentions you must always caution yourself and others on the results of the effects of those around you. I will be watching over you and your family, but it up to you to mold the character of your child and make him understand that these gifts enrich the lives of him and his family, but also can harm them if he uses them unwisely.” The man said. “I will leave you now with a gift too, and this gift will let me hear your voice if you are in doubt. If it is ordained, I will try to help as long as it doesn’t affect the balance.”


The man placed his finger on hand and a mark appeared on it. The mark was a rune and it glowed the same as his glow.

“This will only show in the dream realm, but it is my mark and through it wither connected to them or a talisman if you have faith the words will reach me.” The man as he let go of her hand and turned and faded away.

Alusha was frozen in place looking down at the mark on her hand blushed at his touch. His touch was so kind and gentle, and why his energy and voice were alluring it did tempt her emotions but made them feel stronger. She felt her powers were stronger as well as the dream realm looked less fragmented. She would never forget his words because she knew they were true. She went over and to the fountain where he was at and she noticed that in the middle was a statue of him as clear as what she saw just before him and she bowed before him twice felt blessed to meet the god of karmic luck and intuition.

Alusha finally left the dream realm and finally awoke in her bed, and with out hesitation she got up and went to take a bath and put on new clothes. The meeting with the god really frightened her and made her exhilarated. She looked down at her hand and could see the rune glowing there and she knew that she had to honor the rewards that the god had bestowed on her and her unborn child.

She knew with out a doubt that she had to spread the word of his power to her people. She walked to the salon and with out hesitation she drew out the rune. The rune should be spread because he was her and her family’s benefactor. She could feel the bond with him pulse and would strive to not disappoint him.

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Jerald sighed as he returned from his first dream walk, and to be honest it wasn’t like he thought. He imagined there would be some strange incoherent accidents like every dream. Like finding your self naked in the girl’s locker room or having to go the bathroom and finding all the stalls were locked. The embarrassing stuff, but to his surprise everything was crystal clear. He was there when the mother of the seed appeared and at first, he thought she would panic.

The woman was beautiful be he could tell she was a good person by her aura. He read the speech he had prepared and was worried she would question him, but everything went smoothly. When he put the mark on her he felt the bond form, and from her touch and energy the feeling was quite erotic in a way. He could see how people with bad intentions could really miss use the dream walk.

The meeting with the mother of his seed was pleasant and even though she seemed scared at first, but went better than he thought it would. The seed process seemed enjoyable and he believed he picked the right family to have a seed born from. With a thought the screen popped up with the information about the seed’s mother. He would have to keep track of her and the child to make sure things went in the right direction in the future.

He decided he would make a second seed, but not quite yet. He still had quite a bit to learn, but before he could do anything, he felt his stomach rumble, so he decided to first learn how to use his kitchen and make something to eat. Then he should get some sleep because he was feeling a little fatigued after that dream walk. He took a deep breath and started to learn more about how to use his kitchen and how his sanctuary worked, because until he really got some UC coming in. He had to make do with what he currently had.


It took Jerald some time, but he finally figured out the stoves and how to cook on it. He only had ingredients for fruit and vegetable dishes, but he was ok with that for now. He eats his fill and took a shower before heading to bed. The shower seemed to shake a little of the tension from him and soon he fast asleep.

When he woke up, he felt refreshed and after going through many of the help manuals on the interface. Jerald started to feel a little more comfortable with the system he was working with, and thus set up alerts for important issues with his seed. The screen let him find out that Alusha the mother of the seed had started to pray to him on a regular basis.

She had asked his advice several times and sometimes he answered her with a whisper, and this seemed to make her even more devoted. He had been trying to make guide or manual to tell her, but he wrote it a few times, but it just didn’t seem to be right yet. She currently just prayed to him and because of that no UC had been earned, but he had earned 2 faith points that had helped his altar grow with experience.

So far it was still 24 days till she would give birth according to the system, and surprisingly she is still active. He had kept track of her, and she had done several things that pleased him. She had created over a hundred small necklaces that had my altar symbol on them.

Jerald had a somewhat clearer picture of the altar and its uses. The necklace was a channel to the altar and if somebody paid homage or prayers to the alter, he could possibly receive more faith points and it would increase the level of the altar. With each level came more benefits and that a step in the right direction.

He felt he couldn’t just ignore genuine prayers and would have to in some way reward those that aided him. He also knew right now he could afford to do that, but after a while it would become very troublesome to have to react to every prayer or request.

“Excuse me.” Jerald said. “Is there a way filter out insincere requests or prayers using the altar?”

“Yes, there are those options when the alter raises to the third level.” The voice said.

“Is there something I could do before the third level?” Jerald asked.

“You could also bring a follower from the pool of souls to serve you, but that would cost UC and spirit units.” The voice stated.

“How exactly does that work?”

“I did think you were improving when you were learning on your own, but I expected to much.” The voice stated rather sarcastically. “Under the followers tab there is a tab that lets you bring a soul in the pool of souls to your sanctuary and part of the agreement is they will serve you unconditionally. What benefits you give it is up to you. The contract is a one-sided slave contract, but the soul will benefit from it. The type of soul you get is up to fate though so be careful because not all souls in the pool are inherently good.”

“Will they be a risk to the sanctuary then?” Jerald asked.

“They will be totally loyal to you and can not knowing harm the sanctuary, but whether they will be happy or disgruntled about carrying out the orders isn’t as clear cut.” The voice said. “That is all I am going to help you with because it is important you figure many things out on your own.”

“That kind of sounds freaky.” He muttered. “I guess I will have to look into that, and to be honest it wouldn’t hurt to have another person I could see and talk too as well.”

Jerald continued to research his interface and spent quite a bit of time researching the follower interface tabs and finally understood what the voice meant by the pool of souls. The pool of souls were fragmented souls that weren’t complete and could not enter the rebirth cycle. They would work in his sanctuary as a slave to get an opportunity to repair their souls to a complete state. There souls would never be what they were, but they could become something new.

There loyalty was 100%, but each soul had a personality that could be difficult to work with. Each soul also had retained some of there karma otherwise they would have dissipated long ago. A soul could survive with negative karma and could gain karma with there actions under there master. The pool of souls had souls from many different parts of the universe and they usually retained some of there originality they had life if they were lucky.

The cost in UC was pretty much set, but the cost in spirit units could vary and it depended on how much it took to return them to a conscious state. It was truly a chance for them to come back from the brink of total annihilation. It was a big step, but it also could be a huge help in managing the sanctuary, and eventually allowing him to go down personally with out worrying about everything falling apart.

He would have to think about it more as he looked up again and saw that soon the birth of the seed would occur. He saw that Alusha had done an amazing job as many of her clan and family had started to pray to his altar. They were small at first and many of them had lacked any sense of faith, but it was start. He decided that he would bless her with a boon for her effort, and he really should get started on making some type of doctrine for others to follow.

He truly believed he should set some rules for what his views are, and what things that he is against. He felt somewhat restless about making a bible, but leaving it in the hands of others seemed much more dangerous. So, He decided to do his version of the ten commandments with a little more subtly, and Alusha seemed to be the right person to approach for this and the dream world seemed to be the best landscape to publish it.

He decided to spend a few more UC to visit Alusha, and the only thing he had left in that regard was to pick her boon he would give her. He at first thought about giving her a friendly aura, but thinking about it. He decided to give her something that benefit the seed as well as her. He finally decided and waited till the right moment, and that moment came after she gave birth to the seed.

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