《Digital Me - Angels and Devils》Chapter 1 (4)


Jerald was surprised when a screen popped up in front of him giving him the name of the world, which was called Arctanlis, and the rating class of F next to it. He looked over the information and realized how much he had to change his mindset.

Planet: Arctanlis

Planet Size: Large

Planet Statistics: 58% land, 39% Ocean and 3% polar Ice Caps.

Land Mass: 6 Continents and 11 island chains. 59% Forests, 18% Plains and Flat Lands, 12% Mountains and 11% Rivers and Lakes.

Underground: 45% Oceans, 33% Caverns and passageways, 13% Water ways and lakes and 8% Forests and Fauna.

Sky: 74% Open Sky, 11% Floating islands, 11% Elemental Pockets, 3% Magnetic Polls and 1% Spatial distortion zones.

Denizens: 49% Beast Kin, 21% Monster Races, 21% Alvanti, 7% Human and 2% Spirit Kin.

Planetary Description: Arctanlis population are a mix of hundreds of beast kin races that vary in size. Most of these races live in the forests, sky and mountainous areas. The next plentiful are the monster races that populate the underground and actively compete with the beast kin and Alvanti for forested lands. The Humans live mostly on island chains and are a sea going people that sail the oceans while the spirit kin live in isolated areas away from many of the other races.

“Well this is a change.” Jerald said with a smile. “Humans don’t seem to be doing very well on this world.”

Jerald moved back to the living room and sat down on a couch that a soft wood that was truly comfortable. He brought up the screen on Arctanlis and started to dig deeper into the population. The first one he went to was human’s because they were the ones, he understood the most.

He found that humans were mainly on the chains of islands and they were scattered across the planet. They were only a few island chains that they were the ruling council, and were typically ruled by beast kin or Alvanti.

The Alvanti were like elven people with humanoid shapes but very distinct features and complexions. A majority of the Alvanti lived in the forested areas, and those that ruled the island chains were also in forested areas just not as huge as the main continents. He couldn’t help but smile at elves being real and then moved to the beast kin.


He expected more beast type creatures, but he was wrong. They were also very humanoid like except each beast kin could change. The number of changes was different for each one, but almost all of them had a humanoid form. There were distinctive features for many of the different beast kin races, but this shocked him.

The monster races were the exact opposite, because most of them also can change into a mix beast/humanoid form but none of them could completely change into a human. There main form was a beast and their humanoid forms were predominantly bestial in nature. It was two evolutions that started from the exact opposite point.

The last were the spirit kin and they were something all together different. They did have solid forms, but they wore them like clothes, which could be discarded at any time. They were truly made from spiritual energy and he didn’t understand how they evolved and the information on them was the least of all the races.

Jerald spent a lot of time going through the different races and was surprised when he found himself hungry. He didn’t think that he needed to eat, but then again, he did have a kitchen and a bathroom, and he wondered if he needed to use them as well.

He found his answer quick enough as the urge to go the bathroom came over him along with the grumbling stomach. He went to the bathroom and used the human style toilet and washed his hands before coming out toward the kitchen. He realized at that point that he had no idea on how to use the kitchen since it was alien in design.

Jerald just stood there for a few minutes before he found a tomato that was growing on the vine and later found some grapes. He carefully picked them from there perspective vines and started to snack on them as he went back to the display and sat down. The grapes and even the tomato were really juicy and he couldn’t help smiling at his current predicament.

He went through information on the humans and found that were three different races of humans, which included the standard human, humans with inclination toward elemental arts and those that were geared more toward physical arts. The two art forms matched well with the ocean and their sea fairing culture.


He thought that he would probably put a seed there, but what interested him more were the beast kin. There were hundreds of variations of beast kin through the sky, mainland and underground. The monster races were there main nemesis in many regions. There was a constant struggle between the stronger monster races and the larger numbers of beast kin.

The underground and mainland were major battlefields, while the sky was predominantly controlled by the beast kin. There were many different types of flying beast kin that controlled the skies for the most part, and being able to fly seemed like an awesome thing. He had to truly consider beast kin for the first seed, but he wanted to check out the other major races as well.

The monster races were very visceral and right away it turned him off, because a seed was to easily kill, and that would be a waste. The Alvanti were more peaceful, but they also had extended life spans that meant that it would take a longer time for the seed to grow and mature. In the end it came back to the beast kin and humans and with little hesitation he decided his first seed would be with the beast kin.

Now, the big decision was which beast kin race would he attempt to plant his seed. He went through the different variations of beast kin and finally decided on one of the flying beast kin that lived in the sky. He felt they were safer and just a touch cooler as well. He opened his window to the Seed section and chose Seed Creation.

In the creation, Jerald saw tabs for all the races including another tab that was listed mutated race. He was curious but he didn’t hesitate much to choose beast kin. The next tab had all the variants of the beast skin and used the filter to choose those from the sky realm. That narrowed the number down quite a bit, and from them he started to filter through the three or four dozen variants.

There were a few variants that were surprisingly familiar like the hawk, eagle, vulture, crow, sparrow and falcon. How could animals from earth be here and it just didn’t make sense. He went back and found that quite a few of the beast kin species were animals he recognized, and many more that he didn’t.

“Why are there species from earth here on this planet?” Jerald asked. “It would seem that these species wouldn’t be here because of evolution would be different?”

“They are not really species from your planet, but species that have similarities and are thus created by your consciousness. Others would see them as totally different species, but anything that is in your memories would be translated to you that way. The reason why there are humans and other similar races that you know are because your planet along with many others were actually seeded from the same stock, and that is why you came to this sector in the first place.” The voice stated. “You didn’t actually think that your race was unique, did you? Sure, there are some variations, but in the end that was only due to the environment not because you were the only one that were from the human genetic stock.”

“So, your saying that Earth was some type of experiment?” Jerald asked.

“No not an experiment more like a green house.” The voice stated. “There are many different projects the higher beings of the universe put forward and Earth was one of many of them. They were left free to develop and now through the alliance of worlds they are being purged of undesirables and you just weren’t one of them. You moved from one experiment to another and whether they were wrong in sending you here or if you were actually a bad seed and were just picked to soon will be shown in the way you move forward.”

Jerald felt that there was a change in the tone and emotion behind the voice that was a little condescending, and now his trust for the voice waivered some. He wondered if was on purpose or if the voice was just stating the truth. There was no reason for the voice to lie to him, because he really was at her mercy.

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