《Bonespore》19. Clean Shot


Chapter 19 : Clean Shot

The mechanism in his technology activated, a laser was fired at Tommy’s eyes.

Lucius, satisfied he landed a shot, took the moment to analyze the sheer efficiency of the weapon on cornea. Unlike any pesky ‘firebolt’ or other stupidly contrived spell, the laser actually travelled at light speed. As the product of science, not magic, its origin was none other than his exo-enhanced knuckles.

Brought back to reality from the crippling light that seized his vision, what remained of the Resolve in his body served to protect him from the projectile. What normally would have completely blinded him instead, merely caused the debilitation of his mental state and lo! It reflected in the stability of the monster itself. Which weakened from its master's lack of composure and sight, gave Harux just a tad more leeway in movement.

Wincing from the pain and the fact that he had fallen for such a petty trick, Tommy’s hands, in the cry of wretched instinct, clamored for his face. Powerless before the prospect of pain and blindness, his knees followed suit. Terror had claimed the poor boy's mind, and if he could not deal with it quickly enough then Lucius would (via physical violence and not through some kind of therapy).

With Tommy temporarily out of commission, Lucius could now focus on freeing Harux. He sighed before whispering the words to a simple yet effective spell.

“Jump.” Flaring, the magical energy inside him converted into that of a usable spell. One that if one possessed the deductive capability of a detective, would have deduced would enable him, to, that’s right, jump.

A classic Self-Enhancement spell, not once had it failed Lucius yet.

Newfound power in his legs, it pulsed uncontrollably as he felt the magical channels of his leg activate. His eyes, too, were now a bright blue from the fluctuation of magic.


Lucius, relaxed after determining his next course of action, leaped up dozens of feet into the air.

Momentum and muscle guided him.

In the next instant, his sword cleaved through the monster’s right forearm.

Slash. A trail of miasma and blackened blood followed in the aftermath of his blade.

Free, and with determination in his heart, Harux was now ready.

Enough to turn the tides in their favour, the two stood side to side.

Awaiting the monsters next action, they brandished their blades.

“GRAGHGHGHG.” The creature yelled, the holes in its body contracting.

Whatever sound it was, the two recognized it to be some form of yell of pain. While normally a apposite reaction, Harux remembered the sheer lack of response at its previous wound.

So why now?

Recoiling backwards, it became apparent that the injury inflicted had not actually gone through the entirety of the arm. Even with just a slight sliver of flesh that dangled on for dear life, it still somehow remained operable. Worried that it might be disadvantageous, Lucius cursed himself for it.

Au contraire however, the turn of events proved to be in his favour.

Like a fish yanked out of water, the demon flailed. One time, then twice, then thrice, with each twist, the arm began to disconnect further and further from its body. And upon the fourth twist, said arm was dangling by all but a few threads of sinew until... It wasn’t. Detached, it launched through the air.

All the way to none other than its summoner. Just in time as vision returned to him.

“Hm.” Able to produce a single syllable before his inevitable encasement, Tommy took a moment to contemplate. Larger than him by several times, it moved with the speed of a football.

In conclusion, Tommy realized he was going to get hit.


Thud. The arm that was flying, now made contact with Tommy. All the air in his lungs was wrung out in less than a second. Crack. Pain would flood from his chest area. No doubt, several ribs were just broken, or at least he supposed. He never did understand why every fictional character held knowledge of the intricacies of each and every organ and bone in their body.

What were they, doctors?

Still flying through the air, he braced himself for the second impact, and hoped that the trip to the infirmary was a quick one.

Whatever reason there was for his own demon betraying him, he didn’t want to think about it.

That was until he was forced to at least.

Thrust into a tree, he found that fortune was still on his side. His mind, functionable, he realized that he was still conscious.

Thanks to the snow that cushioned his back, Tommy had come out relatively unscathed. Grateful that he would not spend time in spine therapy, he sighed in relief.

“Oy, that was definitely on purpose, wasn’t it?” Harux smirked, before he casted another spell.

His firebolt striking the monster’s neck dead center. Thanks to the demon, Tommy was most likely weakened. Concussed with a broken rib or two on top of losing a significant amount of blood early on, the battle would be easier from here on out. And it was a rule of thumb that when the summoner was incapacitated, the summon would follow its master’s fate soon after.

Though Harux jested, his focus was not lost. Still en route for the optimal position, he and Lucius had already taken this opportunity to reposition themselves.

Behind the trees that lined the sidewalk, they peeked around to gauge the condition of the monster. Afterall, it wouldn’t be surprising for an additional leg or two to come loose seeing how violently the monster shook itself.

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