《ARC》Book 1 Chapter 30 Abandon Ship


"We're all going to die!" Su wailed as she wrapped her arms around Noah's leg in despair with snot and tears mixing with the unfortunate woman's blood on her face.

Noah was too numb to respond as he processed what he just saw and what it meant for everyone still on board the sinking ferry, with the water rising every second as the boat sank lower. The only person relatively unperturbed by what just happened was Ronan, who stood at the railing, watching the shark disappear back into the water with morbid fascination.

He came to a silent decision as he gripped his fire escape axe tight before looking across the water towards the other survivor in the water. The man had safely reached the cruise ship, where the survivors on board had thrown him down a rope ladder. He was currently scrambling upwards, nearing the railing as the cruise ship survivors all reached out to grab him, dragging him on board to safety.

Noah and the other survivors on the sinking ferry had considered the man dead when the vast shark dragged the woman under. Now it was looking like he was the only one likely to survive this ordeal, while they were the ones in deadly danger.

The short distance between the sinking ferry and the cruise ship had now become uncrossable, with unseen threats the entire span that could claim their lives at any moment.

"Mister Noah, the longer we wait, the more creatures will arrive. We must leave before the ferry is completely submerged. Su, let go of Mister Noah's leg" Mister Kim spoke to Noah as he crouched in front of Su to carefully remove her grasp.

Noah remained silent as he continued to watch the bloodied water. Su threw her arms around her grandpa's neck. Mister Kim lifted her from the ground without struggle despite his age due to his enhancement after the Arrival. He let out a sigh after seeing Noah unresponsive.


Mister Kim nodded to Noah before leaving towards where Sophie and Ronan discussed with their heads together, both occasionally glancing towards different survivors. Chloe stood near the pair conspiring with her arms folded in front of her chest with a fresh black eye and dejected expression. The survivors seemed to sense their intentions, adding as much distance between themselves and the pair as possible.


Noah was attempting to think of a plan until he was disturbed by the sound of a splash nearby, followed by Mister Kim saying something he didn't pay any attention to. It was shortly followed by an ear-piercing scream and thrashing in the water.

Noah cursed as he turned to see Ronan and Sophie decisively diving into the murky red water, closely followed by Chloe and a few of the more opportunistic survivors. He then noticed that the weaker survivors tossed into the ocean in the opposite direction to the cruise ship were now beginning to panic. He reprimanded himself for not anticipating what they would do, considering how they initially boarded the ferry.

He no longer had any time to waste on planning. He tossed his axe to the nearby Josh, whose eyes widened in surprise above his scarf as he reflectively caught it before looking at him questioningly.

He then ran and launched himself into the sea in the direction of the overboard survivors. He didn't continue towards them but turned towards the ferry's broken segment, which was still slowly coasting forward.

Noah braced his hands against the half-submerged ferry before activating his [Six Spirit Arms] ability to help him swim as he began to kick with his entire grade two strength with a roar.

Upon seeing what he was doing, the huge Alex unexpectedly bent down to kiss his lover Josh. The latter seemed to understand what he had in mind before reaching behind his neck, with the hand not holding the fire emergency axe to kiss him deeply with passion. Josh then released his arm from around Alex's neck to gently but firmly push him in the direction of Noah while watching him leave with a worried expression.


Alex pulled his shirt off over his head, which was made of many ragged cloth pieces stitched together to fit his giant frame. His chest radiated immense power from his muscular physique. Alex didn't hesitate as he gracefully dove into the water with far less of a splash than one would expect from his impressively large stature, indicating that he was an experienced swimmer.

He quickly swam to join Noah before giving him a silent, determined nod as he also braced his hands against the sinking boat. As his powerful legs began kicking, the ferry let out a keening screech as it strained under their combined force. The survivors on board let out concerned cries upon hearing the metal groaning but still maintained their newfound hopeful expressions.

Ronan and Sophie successfully reached the cruise ship and had finished climbing the rope ladder, but on seeing their previous cruel actions, the cruise ship survivors backed away warily.

Of the three survivors thrown overboard, one had climbed back onto the half-submerged ferry. Another had bypassed them and the bloody patch in the water, now reaching the rope ladder alone. The third had mysteriously disappeared under the waves.

Behind them, while Noah was searching for what had happened to the man who had disappeared, he watched two giant shark fins with white lifeforce faintly glowing break the water. He tried to motion to Alex to warn him, but he was too focused on paying any attention to him. The most significant portion of the momentum came from Alex despite the fact Noah was grade two with his [Six Spirit Arms] ability activated, he couldn't compete with the monstrous physical strength of Alex after his transformation.

Noah released his grip on the ferry to float in the murky water facing the approaching pair of sharks, causing Alex to pause and look at him questioningly. He just nodded his head in the fins' direction as he didn't have the luxury of shifting his attention to signal him.

Alex gave him a silent look of determination to communicate his promise to Noah before nodding in farewell. Alex once again activated his [Titanic Growth] ability to sacrifice his lifeforce in exchange for desperately needed physical strength. He then pushed off with newfound strength across the final distance between them and the cruise ship.

The ferry was almost wholly submerged now with no space among the survivors on board as they hurried together solemnly watching Noah and Alex's sacrifice for them.

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