《ARC》Book 1 Chapter 26 Mercy


"I'm getting tired of his behaviour," Noah replied indifferently, but still paused his actions.

Out of the corner of his eye, Noah noticed a faint purple flash of light. When Noah turned to look, he could no longer see where the flash may have come from. There were only the large bearded man and the shrouded man who were cautiously watching the ability-users.

"There's no need to sink to his level. You're not a murderer," Mister Kim tried to persuade him.

"No one's safe with him alive."

"We need them both alive. They're the only ability users aside from us, and we need Sophie to get us away from here. Don't forget that she saved us from that Kraken creature."

"Kraken? Why do you call it that?" Noah loosened his grip on Sophie slightly so that she was able to breathe.

"Like in the legends which used to sink ships at sea, I think the name is appropriate." Mister Kim noticed Noah's lessening hostility, so hurriedly replied.

"I'll listen to you now, because of everyone's help against the Kraken."

He agreed to the suggestion before returning his attention to Ronan, who had turned purple from lack of air as he was held suspended above the floor with his hands restrained by the ethereal arms.

"If you harm anyone else, I'm going to put you down like the rabid dog you are. Do you understand me?" Noah promised the struggling Ronan as he released the grip on his throat before gently setting Sophie on the ground.

"Cough… Cough…" Ronan reluctantly nodded his head in agreement, unable to speak as dark bruising appeared on his neck from Noah's merciless grip.

"Good. I cut the tentacle from the Kraken. So I get to decide what I want to do with it. Everyone gets a share. You both will get a larger portion like you deserve as you helped fight it. But if you cause any more trouble, you will have me to deal with," Noah offered them both the carrot after using the stick.


He released them both. Ronan stumbled under the unexpected heavy impact of landing on the ground. Ronan reached up to rub his bruised neck with both hands in a circular motion. His wrists were also beginning to show signs of bruising.

"Thank you, Noah. You did the right thing," Mister Kim said.

"I just hope I don't regret it," Noah replied as he motioned to the shrouded man to start cutting more meat.

The shrouded man resumed cutting the tentacle to distribute among the survivors who had been drawn by the commotion. The shrouded man cautiously approached Ronan and Sophie before offering them large portions of the Kraken's meat.

Sophie accepted with a curt nod of thanks, but Ronan snatched from his hand while hunched over before glaring at him to get lost. The large bearded man took a step in their direction before the shrouded man stopped him with a gesture.

The shrouded man then quickly moved away from them while maintaining his vigilance the entire time in case they made any sudden movements before returning to serving the newly arrived survivors.

Noah approached the shrouded man serving the survivors to speak to him. His approach was interrupted by the large bearded man intercepting him.

Yellow-lifeforce appeared beneath the large bearded man's skin as he activated an unknown ability. The man was already big, but as the yellow light moved beneath the surface, he rapidly grew larger at a rate visible to the naked eye. Ronan stopped glaring at Noah to watch the large bearded man with interest as Noah retreated a step backward.

Noah halted his steps to raise his arms to display his empty hands, indicating that he meant no harm. His gesture had no effect on the bearded man who now towered head and shoulders above him. The bearded man's head bent uncomfortably forward as it pressed against the ceiling.


The shrouded man gently placed his hand on the bearded man's arm, causing the giant's attention to shift towards him with a loving expression. The giant stepped out of the way of the shrouded man as he carried Noah's portion of the Kraken's meat to offer him.

"Forgive Alex, he's very protective of me. We've been together for almost fifteen years now," the shrouded man said.

The shrouded man had a deep melodic voice as he gazed fondly at his lover. It was unexpected considering his frail stature.

"How come if he's an ability-user, he didn't help fight the Kraken?" Sophie interrupted from the sidelines.

"He's only awakened his ability after eating the Kraken's meat. Do you expect him to throw his life away just to annoy it?" The shrouded man curtly replied as he moved in front of his lover defensively.

"Let the man speak for himself," Ronan added hoarsely.

"He's deaf. Or are you just blind?" The shrouded man retorted.

"Watch your mouth blank!"

The shrouded man remained unmoved as Ronan puffed up to his full height, the giant Alex stiffened. Alex clenched his fists as he pushed his tense lover softly to the side while taking a step in Ronan's direction with a sneer. Ronan was tiny compared to Alex, but he didn't back down as he spat on the floor in contempt. Ronan glared at the giant as he rubbed the circulation back into his bruised wrists. Noah moved aggressively towards Ronan, causing him to take a step back as he reconsidered what he was about to do.

"No need to take it to heart. I was just playing is all," Ronan grumbled.

"Alex is not a coward!" The shrouded man snarled.

"I never said he was," Ronan snickered at him.

"Ignore him. He's just taking his humiliation out on you. What's your name?" Noah interrupted what the shrouded man was about to say next.

"My name's Josh. I already know that your name is Noah. Thank you for sharing the food with us," the shrouded man introduced himself.

"No worries, Josh. I wouldn't have eaten it without someone showing me it wasn't poisoned first," Noah jokingly said.

"Is the ability that your boyfriend has the same as the one the Kraken used after I cut the tentacle off to heal itself as it grew larger?" Noah asked.

"Husband." Josh corrected him while displaying his wedding band. "We think so, but don't know for sure. We'd have to ask the monster."

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