《Recovery: Ignis》Chapter 5 - Meeting the locals


“Captain Appleknocker, we are 20 minutes from our FTL exit point. I suggest you wake up so we can discuss your cover story.”

“Hey Mari, thanks. I hope you enjoyed yourself during the trip? So, cover story? I figured I’d go with being a scrapper that was attacked by pirates barely escaped, when I came upon a derelict navy boat. With my computer systems fragged in the attack, I landed on it to facilitate repairs. Found the bodies, ship AI was missing. Managed to partially repair my ship using components of damaged craft in its bay. Then came here. Harrowing journey, no main computer, flying by stick through FTL, no life support, stuck in a salvaged combat suit. Should net me a drink in a bar from some of the other spacers if I tell it.”

“That... should be sound. It will take them longer to find the Adavaris if they believe it. What do you intend to go with for your class story? And how do you intend to hide me from them?”

“For my class I plan on claiming either shipwright, or scavenger, but I wanted to hear your thoughts first. A number of my skills align with those two. As for you Mari, I will protect you in the simplest way of all. First off, once we drop FTL, you will need to shut down. Then I pull your core from the Proud Deity, and store it in my belt. That’s why I went to the trouble of putting it on outside the combat suit.”

“Won’t work, Captain Carrothog. As soon as my core goes offline, all power will shut down as well. You ought to know this, you helped design and build the Proud Deity.”

“Yeah, that’s exactly what would have happened had I stuck to your designs. But I wasn’t sure how much I’d be able to trust you once we got you out of the Adavaris, so I may have snuck in a little bypass around your systems. I’m surprised your diagnostics didn’t catch it when you started up.”

“You bypassed me?! In a way that I didn’t notice? I’m the ship! How the fuck did you manage that!?”

“Hahaha, simple Mari. Low tech solution to a high tech problem. I put in a switch. I totally didn’t expect you not to find it though.”

“Don’t fuck with me! I would have noti….. You weasel eyed crook! You fucking did! And you even managed to isolate me in such a way that you could leave me powered up but unable to access any systems. Shit Kieren! That’s shifty!” She called me by name. She called me by name. That tells me there's hope for this partnership to work out! Calm your face, don’t let her see you grinning.

“Bingo Mari. Now enough about that. Now let’s go over what I can expect for price selling the missiles, and what price I should be paying for the needed components.”

“Fine. Don’t think this conversation is over though. Cinder Series B Missiles should be expected to sell for around 1500 credits each on the black market. With 7 crates of 100 you can expect to earn roughly 1000000 credits.” Huh, and they say the first million is the hardest to make. “As for the purchases, you should be able to find the light freighter engines for 50-100000 credits each, the thrusters should cost around 250000 credits for the lot, and the life support module will cost 160000 credits. So around 700000 for the parts. Add an extra 100000 for the labour costs, but knock off maybe 180-200000 for selling the fighter engines and thrusters. So our costs should be in the 600-700000 credit range. You will also want to double our current supply of synthmetal, as well as find some weapons for the keel-side turrets, and get a standard transponder installed. You should be able to manage that with about 150000 credits.” Damn. I was hoping I would be somewhat wealthy after this stop. “Ship upgrades should take a week or so. While the Proud Deity is in the docks, you will need to pay for a room stationside. Don’t pay any more than 1000 credits a night. Try to stay out of trouble while we are here.”


Right. This trip is just getting started. No point in making myself a target just yet. “I’ll do my best, but I’m going to just roll with what the universe gives me.”

“While you are waiting for the repairs to complete, see what you can find for transport jobs. Our next stop should be the Eileris system, so try to find something heading there, or at least one of the nearby settlements.”

“That shouldn’t be too hard Mari. How much longer until we drop back to normal space?”

“3 minutes 48 seconds, Captain Dropknocker.” Dang, I almost thought we were past the insults. Guess I still have a ways to go before she respects me.

I float myself down to the computer systems to get ready to flip the override switch. “Hey Mari, you never did respond to my request for clarification on class choices. Scavenger or Shipwright, which would be best?”

“Scavenger would be the least noticeable. Shipwright’s aren’t often found away from shipyards and manufacturers facilities. Scavengers are always out and about. It would match your cover better. Exiting FTL in 5...4...3...2...1. We are back in normal space.” I flip the switch, and Mari is now disconnected from the Proud Deity’s systems.

“Alright Mari, shut down, and I will store you before we enter scanner range.”

Ok, now that she’s off and stored, I have some work to do. Setting a course for the station, I head in to get started.

I set the coms to open receive broadcasts, and now we just wait for them to contact me as I drift closer to the station. Half an hour passes, and I start to receive chatter just as a couple of fighters pop onto lidar.

“Unidentified craft, this is Vankh Station Security. Heave to, and prepare to be boarded.”

“Proud Deity to Vankh Security, I copy. This is Captain Keiren of the Proud Deity. It’s gonna take a while though. I’m running on mostly salvaged parts here. Was on a scrap run along the frontlines when I was attacked by pirates in the Watochis system. My ship was nearly destroyed. I found a navy supply derelict that had enough material on board in good enough condition to effect temporary repairs. Problem is, I lost everything out in the black there. I’ve been running manual here for the past 18 hours, and I could really use a rest and some food. Be advised my ship is operating at vacuum, so if you want to board, have your EVA suits on.”

“Copy Proud Deity. Our scans show you aren’t lying about the condition of your ship. Since we don’t have EVA suits suitable for boarding ops, you will be permitted to dock at Vankh Station. Note that we have active weapons lock on you. Try anything, and you’ll be wishing the pirates had done a better job of it.”

“Understood Vankh Security. I will begin my approach deceleration in 5 minutes.”

“That’s fine Proud Deity. Your arrival has been approved by Vankh Station command. Bay 14. Commander Terisar will have a security team awaiting your arrival to perform the inspection.”


That went smoother than I expected. I hope this Commander Terisar is a reasonable sort. I should probably plan on being very careful and using my Read Mind skill. Now for an hour of slow deceleration and then to dock with the station.

I managed to somehow land. I wasn’t expecting to be given a sealed bay. It was a close call. I need to practice my landings a bit more obviously. I hope they don’t charge me too much extra for the scratches (more like gouges) in the floor. Realizing that the bay is going to pressurize, I quickly run down to pop the cargo door. Once the bay equalizes with the rest of the station, the inner door opens and six security guards, and the obvious Commander enter the bay. I sit down on the cargo ramp and remove my helmet, trying to make myself as non-threatening as possible.


“So you would be Captain Keiren?” asks the Commander as she walks up to my ship, rifle pointed at my head.. “Quite the... unorthodox vessel you have here. Care to explain yourself? You have no transponder, and no computer system apart from the Navcom, correct?”

Let’s give her a quick inspect as I respond before I try a Mind Read.

Terisar Novaris

Class: Ranged Weapon Master

Age: 47 Lodrian Female

Militia Commander

Status: Healthy, Suspicious

….That’s more information than I expected. Must be the effect of the skill levels. Lodrian. Tall, broadly built, but very feminine. The kind of woman you want and expect to see in black leather… why am I thinking that? Keep your mind on track Kieren! I expected Lodrians to be a bit less… big, I guess. And does Suspicious mean that she is a suspicious person, or that she is suspicious of me?

“That’s correct Ma’am. I lost almost everything out there when the pirates attacked. Limped my way over to the derelict on a couple thrusters, practically rebuilt my ship from the ground up with what was on hand that I could scrounge from it. Here I sit now, no ID, no credits, a barely flyable hulk of a ship, and a load of missiles off the derelict that I’d like to sell to try and get my life back on track with. To be honest, I’m just glad to have the opportunity to take that helmet off and breathe air that hasn’t been in a bottle for who knows how long.” I give her a quick touch with Read Mind. Her thoughts confirm what I expected. She doesn’t trust me, and wants to toss me in jail or out the airlock. She’s just looking for a legitimate reason to do so.

“Interesting story. You’re coming with me down to the holding cells. Once my team has finished ensuring your ship isn’t rigged to blow us all up we can talk about letting you sell your salvaged goods and about where you found them.”

“Understood Ma’am. Will I be permitted to have a shower while in holding? I’ve been stuck in this suit all day and, well, it’s a bit ripe in here. Also, could I trouble you for a bite to eat? Again, stuck in a suit all day.”

“Nanite shower will be permitted. We’ll see about food. Now, give me your weapons and let’s go.” She hefts me up, takes my gun and dagger, and shoves me forward. Been on the station 5 minutes and I’m off to prison.

The nice thing about nanite showers is you don’t have to get naked to get clean protecting me from being recognized racially. The not nice thing is the itch. Sweet Merciful Hells, the itch! They were kind enough to provide me with some food, though I wouldn’t grade it much better than the nasty rations I had taken off the Adavaris. Still, hunger is the best sauce, and I ate every bite joyfully.

After eating I had a nap, and waited for Terisar to come let me out.

Skill Level Increase


Level +2


Level +3


Level +1


Level +1

For reaching level 5 in Navigation you have been awarded +1 INT

Piloting - Light Frieght

Level +2


Level +2

For reaching level 5 in Etiquette you have been awarded +1 INT


Level +1

My skill levels grew nicely today. Seems like using my abilities grows the skills they are linked to.

I wake up to the clanging of the cell door opening. It’s not the commander. Too short, too skinny, too male. Let’s give him a quick inspect.

Adlay We’Tosk

Age: 62 Darvali Male

Station Chief

Status: Healthy, Aroused

Uh, Screen, could we have a talk about what I’m seeing here? No? Great…

“Ah, my apologies Captain. I am Adlay, Chief of Vankh Station. I am truly sorry for the way our security force handled you after what must have been a troubling affair.” Definitely a bureaucrat. I wonder what he wants? “Please, come with me to my offices, we will get this whole situation sorted out so that you may return to your business as quick as possible.”

How about I use Read Mind? [Come on girl, come on! Quickly so I can drug you and get you in my bed… ufufufufu, what a tasty morsel] Ugh, I wish I hadn’t done that, and yet I’m glad I did. Sick fuck.

“Chief! Commander Terisar requested to be present when the prisoner was released. She is on her way now”

[Nooooooo, damnit, fucking guards. That bitch has been trying to gain control since she got here, and now she’s ruining my fun] ”Of course.” Slimy bastard gives a fake smile to the guard. “Once she arrives we can go and take care of the paperwork.” As he finishes saying that the door of the detention area opens and in strides the Commander. “Ah, good, Commander. Come, let’s go to my office and get all the paperwork filled for the Captain here to be on her way.” [Condescending hag! You’re ruining everything]

Okay... so, I’m going to try not to be near this pig alone during my time here. I can stop reading his mind now. A quick check on my status tells me I burned through 15 AP during that exchange, note to self go easy on the Mind Reads from now on. I can only hope the good Commander will let me stay near her when I’m forced to be around him. I’ll just keep to her side on our way.

With the Commander present, the Chief asks me the same questions the Commander did during my earlier interrogation. I answer them the same. He then provides me with my ID and also sets up the transponder codes for the Deity. Thankfully when he offers to guide me around the station, Commander Terisar rejects that and informs him that she will be providing me with an escort until I leave as she still feels I am a security threat. I wish I could decline, for the chance at privacy, or even act indignant, but I just want to steer clear of the gross chief, so I accept it and we leave the chiefs office. Looks like I won’t be getting any goods from the underbelly of society here.

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