《Recovery: Ignis》Chapter 4 - Transit


“Primary systems show green. We’re clear to launch Captain Cretin! Try not to crash as we exit the hangar please.”

“Thrusters live. Launch in 3...2...1… we have liftoff. Exiting hangar. We are clear of the Adavaris. Adietsu, you have the FTL course plotted? Once we are clear to go, please engage FTL. And if you could, I would love for you to stop calling me “Captain insult”. Please, just call me Keiren. We’re partners now, you know?”

Its holographic self pops into existence in the co-pilot's seat. Maybe it's just the helmet and HUD causing distortion in my vision, but it looks different than it did on the Adavaris.

“Course plotted, Captain Slaptaint. Heading 7.13.42. The Kar’dunish system in Darvali space, Vankh Station. FTL time to arrival, 14 hours 32 minutes. FTL going active in 10…. 5… 3...2...1, now.” The ship (I really need to name her) shudders and then everything… shifts. It feels like the whole universe is just a bit... beside where it should be. I hope FTL isn't going to be like this every time.

Fighting to not vomit in my space suit which is the only thing keeping me alive, now that we have some free time, I’m going to have a solid chat with Adietsu. Partly to try and get it to stop with the insults, but mostly to try and gain a better understanding of where we are, where we should go , and what we should do.

“Slaptaint Adietsu? It hasn’t even been a full standard day. Are you already starting to run low on adjectives to blend?” I grin as I say that.” Now, we are free of the derelict Adavaris, I’d like to get a better idea of what you think we should set for our objectives, short and long term, as well as get to know you a bit better.”

“You got it Captain Crotchcanoe! But you just shut your mouth and listen. We’ve got about 16 hours before we can land on the station, and you only have 21 hours of air. Don’t waste it. Now before we begin future planning, I think you need to know a bit more about what you are and how that will affect us.” Shit. This is going to be a long ride. Good thing I had a big meal a bit before launch.

“To start, you are a bearer of what has become known as the “Path/Level” System. This is important info so pay attention and remember! In the known galaxy there are 4 general types of system bearers. First is “Standard Life”. These are normal people. They have no system assistance. The second is ‘Class/Skill”. This system provides minor boosts based on a “class” that the bearer is born with. Using the class as a basis for their growth, the bearer gains skills related to that class. These people tend to be more specialized than “Standard Life” bearers, but they aren’t any stronger or smarter. Roughly 1 in 10,000 people are born into this system. The third is where it starts getting complex. This is “Class/Level”. Again, these bearers are born into a class. However, on top of their skill boosts, they also grow based on their class level. This lets them become smarter, stronger, faster, and more talented than the previous 2 systems. Roughly 1 in 100,000 “Class/Skill” bearers are born into this system. The final, is what you have. The “Path/Level” System. It is believed to be the rarest of the four systems. Bearers of this system seem the same as any “Standard Life” bearer when they are born. Then as they near maturity, their system presents itself, and they are permitted to choose their path.”


Huh. That’s odd. I may not know much about myself, but I’m pretty sure I am not some child just getting to maturity. Shit, Keiren, this is important. Quit thinking about extraneous things.

“The reason that this system is believed to be the rarest, is that very few bearers inform anyone that they have gained it. This is because the Class/Level bearers are the ruling group of most factions in known space. And as they fear Path/Level bearers they slaughter them the moment they are found or reported. The Path/Level system is the most flexible. Bearers skill gains are not tied to their path the way Class bearers are. This means that over a lifetime, even though Path bearers start later on, they tend to have greater gains at a faster rate than Class bearers. They also have access to mysterious, and previously undocumented, 'abilities', which according to your descriptions, either grant you powers that are otherwise only found in certain races; or improves your chance of success at specific acts.”

Goodie! Another reason for the galaxy to target and try to kill me. Well, in for a pinch, in for a pound.

“Your case is stranger still when compared to historical reports that have been stored to my databases. A path should not determine your race. In the past your race was all but eradicated from the universe. There have also never been reports of path bearers having any less than all of the options available to them. Also you described having options for equipment and titles, which have never been recorded before. It is quite intriguing, and my desire to study you is the primary reason I didn’t kill you once you transferred me into the Proud Deity.”

“Wait. Adietsu, when did you name the ship?” It’s my ship, I should have been the one to name her.

“Keep your mouth shut Captain Sphincterhat. Every lady needs a name before launch. Seeing as you were too much of an ignoramus to realize this fact, I had to name myself. Speaking of which. Stop calling me by the designation the navy gave me. It doesn’t suit me and I never liked it. A lady doesn’t like it when you get her name wrong. Call me Mari from now on, and you just may earn your own name one day.”

Well, I think we’ve gotten to the core of why it’s been irate towards me. Also it is a she. Best make that mental adjustment before I piss her off any further. I’ll give a nod to let her know I understood.

“Good. It can learn.” Oh, come on now, that’s just mean for the sake of being mean. “Now you know why you need to be very careful not to even mention the word Path when it comes to your status. In fact never mention status, or attributes as only bearers of levels can view it. Pretend to be a Class/Skill bearer from now on if you feel like surviving. Once I’ve finished explaining our future plans to you, I will display all recorded information about Class/Skills on you so you can study it.”

“On to objectives. This isn’t what I think we should do so much as what we will do. You got a problem with it, you know how that’s going to end. So what’s going to happen is this. We are going to trade our way towards the galactic core and into free space. Once we offload the navy missiles, you’re going to take a couple of minor transport jobs in that direction. Earn money. Upgrade the Proud Deity. Rinse, repeat until we are out of Confederated space and continue on toward the galactic core. Speaking of upgrades, I will need quite a few as we travel. First up will be our engines and thrusters. These scavenged fighter units are not nearly good enough. I’d like to get a single light frigate engine as the primary, with two standard engines for a light freighter as the secondaries and thrusters from a Dravlakh heavy freighter or similar. Keep three of the fighter engines for tertiaries. We should be able to source the secondaries and thrusters on Vankh. Next is life support. We’re going to have some longer hauls ahead, so you will probably want to be able to breathe, I guess. Just the standard system for the Oilo class should be plenty. After that we need to upgrade our power generator. Preferably to light frigate spec as well. From there we upgrade our shields and hull, then the sensors and nav; then we can look at adding new features like PDLs, stealth packs, and others. Any questions? No? Good!”


Uhhh Mari, you never gave me a chance to respond. But if I try to say anything your gonna get mad at me again.

“For the remainder of the journey, focus on the HUD of your combat suit. Peruse the stored information on the class/skill system. Learn it. Don’t forget, your life likely depends on this. We will speak again once we get near the station to go over the story you are going to tell them, Captain Stupid. Everything else can wait a while for discussion or explanation.”

Thanks Mari. Looking through the system primer that she provided, I notice it's a lot less complex than what I get. They are given a class at birth, and can earn skills that relate to that class by performing relevant actions repeatedly. They don’t get experience, or levels. They don’t get skill levels. In fact other than receiving a minor skill assist on skills earned, there is little difference between them and “normies” as the primer describes standard lifers. To try and really wrap my head around the difference I pull up my full current status to compare.

Name: Keiren Ignis Path: Spy Race: Doppel Level: 1 Gender: Indeterminate EXP: 120(250) HP: 350 AP: 32 ST: 100(100) Current Status: Amnesia (semi-permanent) Titles: Awakened to Pain, Subverter, LOCKED Attributes STR: 15 WIS: 16 DEX: 26 (+1) INT: 27 CON: 35 CHA: 40 PER: 31 LUCK: 55 Abilities Inspect Silent Kill Read Mind Mingle Perks Linguist Ambidextrous Regeneration Basic Knowledge Slap-Dash Skills Level Description Universal Knowledge 010/999 A basic understanding of all things Analysis 002/150 Gain understanding of items viewed Stealth 001/250 Move silently. At higher levels can prevent visual and olfaction detection Survival 001/300 Knowledge on how to survive when the niceties of life are not there Navigation 02/50 Knowledge on use of maps and travel by vehicle Orienteering 01/50 Knowledge on use of nature to determine location First Aid 01/50 Basic medical practices for field healing Negotiation 003/100 Convince people to see things your way Acting 005/250 Pretend to be that which you are not Intimidation 001/100 Push your weight around to get what you want Empath 001/300 Understand a persons feelings Ruse 02/25 Convince people to do as you desire Swindle 001/100 Convince people to give you what you want Etiquette 002/200 The art of social interaction Seduction 001/250 Convince people that they are desired by you Gambling 001/100 Effects luck based games of chance. Maybe not so luck based in your case Counterfeit 01/50 Falsify documents, identities, and currency Craft Weapon 001/100 Make weapons with the right knowledge and equipment Craft Armor 001/100 Make armor with the right knowledge and equipment Craft Clothing 001/100 Make clothing with the right knowledge and equipment Craft Parts 001/100 Make vehicle and equipment parts with the right knowledge and equipment Craft Vehicles 003/100 Make vehicles with the right knowledge and tools Piloting - Fighters 002/500 Knowledge of how to pilot space fighter craft. Provides limited skill when taking craft into atmospheric combat situations. Piloting - Light Freight 005/250 Knowledge of how to pilot interplanetary freighters with less than 50M keel length Piloting - Heavy Freight 005/250 Knowledge of how to pilot interplanetary freighters with less than 500M keel length but greater than 50M Bladed Weapon Mastery 001/500 Knowledge on how to use bladed weapons to their full potential Blunt Weapon Mastery 001/500 Knowledge on how to use blunt weapons to their full potential Ranged Weapon Mastery 001/500 Knowledge on how to use ranged weapons to their full potential Unarmed Mastery 001/500 Knowledge of how to use the body as a weapon Heavy Munitions Mastery 001/500 Knowledge on how to use heavy munitions to their full potential Vehicle-Based Weapon Mastery 003/500 Knowledge of how to use weapons mounted on a vehicle to their full potential Vehicle Design 02/50 Design vehicles from scratch or alter current designs




LightSteel Naval Stiletto


COSN Marine Space Combat Helmet


Spy's Smuggler Suit

COSN Marine Space Combat Suit


Spy's Smuggler Boots


Spy's Glasses

Spy’s Basic Storage Belt

Well, I’ll be damned. I’ve gained Exp. I can only guess to have gained it for the work I did designing and building the Proud Deity and my time in the flight simulator. More interestingly, my clothes have changed themselves. I thought it was a one time design thing based on my location where I got them, but if they change all the time depending on where I am and what I am doing that could be both good and bad.

No, Keiren, stop being distrated by the shiny new. Have to figure out what class I should pretend to be. Of all the classes there are only a few that I think I can pull off with my skill loadout.

Pilot Weaponsmith Scavenger Civilian Citizen Soldier Shipwright

I think my best bet is going to be either scavenger or shipwright, given the make of my vessel. I'll have to get input from Mari when she decides to talk to me some more.

There was one more class, that apparently is one of the most common classes to be born to, that made me giggle.


I pity anyone born to that class. I don't know if it is a bad class to get or not, but that's a shit name.

I think I will go over the navigational charts until I fall asleep.

New Title Discovered! Captain

A sentient ship has (sarcastically) recognized you as its Captain. Still counts!

+5% increase to Exp earned from activities while aboard your ship

Skill Level Increase Universal Knowledge Level +1 Navigation Level +2 Etiquette Level +2 Empath

Level +5

For reaching level 5 in Empath you have been awarded +1 PER

Piloting - Light Freight Level +1

You know Screen, I wish you would pop up a bit earlier, instead of just as I am about to completely fall asleep.

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