《The Ultimate Supporter》Chapter 6: The Alchemist Center


Mona pulled on her black uniform jacket. She fixed the blue checkered necktie in place. She threw on her nearly empty backpack and headed out the door.

It didn’t take long for her to reach the school, but by the time she got there, it was completely empty outside. The gate had closed and the clock read nine o’clock. She pressed a white button on the side of the gate. A sound rung out. After a while, she saw a man in a blue uniform walking towards her.

“Don’t you know that school starts at eight thirty, what are you doing here at nine?” the old man scolded her as he unlocked the gate to let her in.

“I’m sorry,” she said, her voice void of any emotions.

“Anyways head to the office first before you head to your class. You know the way, right?” the man pulled the gate door back. Mona nodded her head as she stepped onto the school grounds. She let out a sigh.

“Should I just go back?” she muttered to herself.

“What are you still doing standing there miss? Are you not going to class?” the old man frowned. Mona let out another sigh.

“No, I will get going now. Thank you as always,” Mona gave the old man a small bow before she began heading towards the office.

After she signed herself in she headed toward the classroom. Her eyes were hazy she walked through the halls. The sunlight traveled through the windows and shined half of her face, but the shadows on the other half seemed to be more prominent. When she reached her classroom door, she stood outside for a moment before reaching down and grabbing the handle.

“Mona Silvers?” a male voice called out.

“Present,” Mona said as she slid the door open. She looked up and her eyes met familiar dark ones. She bit her lips and averted her eyes.

“Ahhh… so you are Mona…” the man said as he walked up towards her. He held out his hand. “Nice to meet you, student. I am Mr. Ferk, your homeroom and literature teacher., Mona glanced down at his hand but didn’t take it, “No handshake? That’s alright,” Mr. Ferk pulled his hand back, “your seat is the empty one right there. Go ahead,” Mr. Ferk gestured his arm out towards the seat.

Mona made her way towards her desk. She could feel all the student’s eyes in the room were on her. She didn’t care. She placed her backpack on her desk. After that, she placed her head on it, covering her face with her hair.

“Now then, I know some of you guys are nervous for this test but please try to do your best,” Mr. Ferk said and she felt all the eyes move away from her, “after a short introduction of what and what not to do during the test, you guys can get started. Oh, and I almost forgot, please pass this back to our lovely student who decided to join us today,” Mr. Ferk said. Mona sighed as she pulled her head up. She pulled a pen out from her backpack before setting it on the ground. She then took the paper from the student in front of her.

“Do you need a pencil student?” Mr. Ferk asked when he saw her utensil. Mona didn’t answer. “No? Alright then. Anyways, let me get started…”

After three hours of test taking the bell finally rung, indicating it was lunchtime. Mr. Ferk collected all the tests. Afterward, he left the classroom. Some students got up and started heading towards the lunch room while others stayed behind. Mona got up from her desk. She slung her backpack over her shoulder.


“Time to go home now,” she muttered as she started heading out. Before she could exit the room three girls suddenly blocked her way. She looked up to see the leader of the group standing there looking up at her.

“Where are you going now? Home?” the blonde haired girl asked. Mona stared down at them.

“Wherever I go does not concern you, does it?” her words were ice cold.

“Of course it does.”


“I am worried about you Mona. If Mina was here she wo-”

“But she’s not!” Mona’s voice rose. The girl’s concerned blue eyes now changed into conflicted ones.

“Hey! You don’t need to yell at her! Natalie is just concerned for you!” one of the girls yelled.

“Yeah! Natalie, why do you even bother? She’s just a rich spoiled brat,” the other one said.

“Did I ask for her concern?” Mona glared at them and they looked away, "well I didn’t, so stop bothering me from now on,” Mona pushed Natalie aside as she walked through them. She sped walked down the hall trying to get home as fast as she could.

“Hey! Mona!” Natalie cried out from behind her. She ignored it.

Mona opened the school door and turned to head towards the gate. Instead, her face landed into someone's hard chest. She backed away and looked up to see Mr. Ferk. She glanced down before moving to the side. She continued to go on her way. Before she could get far, she felt fingers wrap themselves around her wrist. She stopped.

“Where are you going?” she heard Mr. Ferk asked. She turned to look at him. He looked down at her with an eyebrow raised. She pulled her hand back.

“Out to eat, sir,” she replied.


“Yes, sir.”

“You’re coming back, right?”

“I don’t know,” Mona looked him straight in the eyes, “I go to wherever I wish to, sir. Now, if you’ll excuse me,” Mona turned away and kept walking.

“Where do you wish to go?” she heard Mr. Ferk from behind her.

“Anywhere but here,” she mumbled to herself before breaking off into a sprint.

Mona reached her home within minutes. She threw her backpack on the ground and scrambled out of her uniform. She whipped the checkered pattern skirt onto the ground and stomped on it. She dug her heel into it.

“Mina… Mina… Mina! Even when you’re gone… you’re still here, tormenting me!” she let out a scream. Hot tears ran down her face before she sunk to her knees. “Please leave… leave for good and do not return,” she muttered hopelessly. She clenched her fist. After a while, her anger faded and she grew tired. Her torso fell lifelessly to the ground and she closed her eyes.

When she woke, she felt a gnawing pain in her stomach. The sun had gone down and her apartment was now completely dark. She ignored the pain in her stomach as she headed towards her room. Her eyes traveled around the dark room before they landed on the helmet lying on the floor. She bit her lip and her heartbeat quickened. She bent down and picked up the helmet before laying on the bed.


Ferti opened her eyes to find herself in front of The Herb Garden. She smiled before stretching her arms up. Afterward, she stared at The Herb Garden, thinking about whether she should enter it or not.

“Well, I still don’t know what to do about the admissions fee so… I guess I would stop by later when I know. Let’s head back to the library,” she mumbled to herself.


Ferti entered the library and set the three books on the desk in front of Floy. Floy peeked up from behind his book.

“Are you done with them?” he asked.

“Yes,” Ferti answered. She glanced around the library before setting her hand on the desk. “Say, which way would you recommend I read all these books. The left to the right side, or the right to the left side?” she asked.

“Start from the middle, then make your way out,” Floy said, uninterested. Ferti nodded.

“Thank you,” she bowed before making her way to the center of the library.


Ten game hours passed when Floy came by Ferti. Ferti was on her last book in the middle section. The middle section was going to be the fastest section for the shelves were not that tall. The sides were going to be much more difficult as they went as high as the ceiling.

“The library will be closing soon,” Floy said before turning on his heels and walking back. Ferti shut her book close and placed it back on the shelf. She then headed towards the left side and got on the ladder. She climbed up to the ceiling and grabbed the first three books on the most upper left side. Afterward, she slid down the ladder and headed towards the desk.

She set the books she picked on the desk.

“I would like to check these out,” she said. Floy nodded his head as he marked the books down in his inventory.

Ferti left the library and checked her map.

“Yesterday I went to The Herb Garden, so today I guess I should head to The Alchemist Center,” she mumbled to herself. She pulled out one of the books she grabbed and started reading through it as she made her way to The Alchemist Center. She held the book with one hand and with the other she pulled out her bread bun and started to nibble on it.

When she reached The Alchemist Center, she put her book back into her inventory. She finished her bread and headed inside.

“Welcome to The Alchemist Center!” a cute young lady who was standing next to the door said. Unlike The Herb Garden, The Alchemist Center was bustling with life. There were ten stalls with a staff member in each, and in front of them was a line of people. Ferti jumped in a line and pulled out another book as she waited.

It took a long time but she finally reached the front. She put her book away.

“Welcome adventurer. How may I help you?” the lady at the stall said with a smile.

“I already have alchemy registered as a skill. Where would I go from here?” Ferti said as she leaned on the desk and placed her head on her hand. She stared at the staff member with loving eyes as her lips were slightly curled upwards. The staff member blushed and looked away before answering.

“Since you already have alchemy as a registered skill then all you need to do now is purchase your alchemy tools and ingredients to experience with,” she replied.

“Where would I go for those and how much would they cost?”

“You may head upstairs for them and prices will range depending on who you are buying it from,” the woman batted her eyelashes. Ferti gave her a smile as she pulled herself up.

“Thank you, my lady. May we meet next time,” she bowed. The staff gave her a shy smile and nodded her head. Ferti stepped away from the counter and started to head upstairs.

The strong smells of different ingredients hit her nose first as she opened the door to the second floor. There were tables everywhere with alchemy tools laid out on them. Many of the merchants and blacksmiths were telling novice alchemists to buy the tools they were selling. Ferti decided to look over the tools by starting with the table closest to the entrance first. When she walked up to the table the merchant's face lit up.

“Well hello there!” the merchant discreetly looked her up and down before smiling, “we are selling new products today at a low price! These to your left was made with top quality for novices, sir. For only 40 coppers you can get the whole alchemist set which includes an alchemy pot, potion bottles, a beginners guide book and a variety of herbs. If you only want to buy the pot, then that will be 30 coppers. If your first pot doesn’t work out too well, come back and we will give you another one for free! “ the merchant gestured at the items he just said. Ferti scanned over the items. The pot was shiny and seemed to be a high-grade item, however, it gave off a dark hue for Ferti because of her identification skill. The bottles and bundle of herbs didn’t look bad either, and the deal with the book seemed like a plus.

Ferti glanced around the room and realized why this man’s stall looked so fancy. It seemed that he was leading in his sales from the exquisite signs and tablecloths at his table. Unlike the other tables that were separated by having a table especially for just an item, this one was selling everything at once. Beginners who are eager to start experimenting would just purchase what he gave and ran off not even bothering to look at the other tables. Ferti looked at the items and whispered a word.


Object Identified!

Name: Basic Alchemy Pot

Durability: 4/4

This pot was made with cheap scrap metals and may not last a very long time due to its weak durability but is good for as a temporary pot.

Grade: Black

Object Identified!

Name: Potion Bottles

Bottles to store potions, however, they were not constructed very well and could crack easily depending on which type of potion is stored.

Object Identified!

Name: An Alchemy Beginner’s Guidebook

This guidebook contains basic alchemy recipes that novice alchemists can follow.

Object Identified!

Name: Bag of Herbs

This bag contains a variety of herbs, however also contains many weeds along with the herbs.

Ferti bit on her lips as she saw the descriptions. The only thing that was worth getting was the guidebook, for she could obtain potion bottles somewhere else for a lower price. She looked up and smiled at the merchant.

“Is it alright if I look at the guidebook for just a moment?” she asked. The merchant nodded his head.

“Of course, feel free to look through the things here.” he picked up the book and handed it to her. Ferti took it and flipped through the pages within seconds. She pretended to continue analyzing the book for a bit longer before handing it back.

“Thank you,” she said. She picked up the other items and feigned interest as she analyzed them. “This pot is very well made,” she said.

“Yes! It was made by a very skilled blacksmith! You wouldn’t be able to get this anywhere else,” The merchant looked at her with a bright smile.

“So what do you think? Would you like to purchase the set?” he said as if he had caught her with his bait. She smiled but shook her head.

“I would like to look around just to explore my options. If I can’t find anything else then I would come back here,” she smiled.

“Are you sure? When you come back the price might change,” the merchant said.

“Even if it changes, since I like it so much I might just buy it if I can’t find anything else I like,” Ferti walked away from the stall leaving the merchant there with a hopeful look on his face.

Ferti walked up to the next stall that seemed to specialize in pots. The salesman there did not even bother to look up from his book as he stayed seated, cross-legged, behind the table.

“Welcome,” he muttered. Ferti didn’t mind as she glanced over the pots. Compared to the pot that she saw just now, these pots were dull in color and were not shiny. There was a total of 15 pots. They all seemed to be made equally the same as none of the pots seemed better than the other as their hue was not as dark. Again, Ferti whispered,


Object Identified!

Name: Beginner’s Alchemy Pot

Durability: 25/25

This alchemy pot was made for beginner alchemists. It has great durability and may last for a long time if taken good care of.

Grade: Purple

Ferti nodded her head in acknowledgment. She glanced around the room to see the other pots seemed to be higher level. She knew that in S.A. people needed to be a certain level to use certain tools. Judging with at the attire of the people at the other stalls they seemed to be much higher level than her in alchemist. She judged it was the same in this game.

“How much are you selling these pots for?” she asked. The salesman finally peeked up from his book as he looked at her. He glanced at her up and down, before going back to his book.

“75 coppers,” the salesman replied. Ferti wasn’t shocked at the price but rather agreed with it. She pulled 75 coppers out from her inventory and set it on the table.

“Here’s the money for the purchase,” she said. The man let out a quiet groan as he set his book down and stood up. He had huge shoulders with bulging olive muscles, and he towered over Ferti. He yawned as he picked up the coins. Afterward, he started shoving a pot into a big brown bag. Ferti was ready to accept the bag when he continued to pack more pots. Ferti eyes grew wide.

“Excuse me, sir, what are you doing?” she asked.

“Didn’t you ask how much I’m selling the pots for? I told you I’m selling all of them for 75 coppers,” the man replied, nonchalant. Ferti frowned before realizing she had been tricked. She could have just bought one for five copper coins.

“Excuse me sir, but can I get my money back and just take one?” she asked.

“No refunds,” the man said as he continued shoving the pots into the bag.

“But si-”





“I said no and no means no! Now take your pots and scram!” the man glared at Ferti as he handed Ferti the bag. Ferti could only sigh as she took the bag and stuffed it into her inventory. She squinted her eyes at him as she watched him set out another table of pots. She crinkled her nose before walking away.

As she walked past the tables with pots she saw the salespeople giggle at the sight of her. She ignored them as she headed towards the potion bottle area. She stopped in front of the first stall as it seemed they had the most simple bottles. The bottles from other merchants seemed to be higher grade as they gave off a brighter colored hue to them. She wondered what the difference was, but she pushed it aside for the future. The girl behind the table giggled as she saw Ferti approach her.

“Welcome! Hehe!” she said, still giggling. At this moment Ferti looked up and met her eyes, and her giggling stopped. It was replaced with a slight shyness.

“Hello,” Ferti replied with a smile, noticing her shyness. She moved side to side as she twirled a piece of her blonde hair.

“Looks like you got tricked by Yachtis,” she smiled back.


“The man who sold you the pots.”

“Oh… yeah, I guess I lucked out. If I knew I could’ve bought one for five coppers then I would’ve just took one,” Ferti bit on her lip as she nodded. The girl shook her head.

“Don’t think like that. Just the fact that you got past Trinc is a good sign. That man sells things at too high a price and the things he sells aren’t even good! The only ones who go to his stores are stupid novices that don’t realize he’s cheating them out,” the girl narrowed her eyes towards the direction of the first table Ferti was at. Ferti let out a small laugh.

“I guess... but if he's like that then how come he's all the way at the front?” Ferti asked.

"That's cause he paid the most money for that spot that none of us were willing to pay for."

"Ohh..." Ferti said. The girl nodded her head and changed her gaze towards Yachtis.

“I feel bad for Yachtis though… he’s only doing that because he has a quest to accomplish,” the girl let out a sad sigh. Ferti raised an eyebrow.

“A quest?”

“Mmhmm. His quest is to sell all 5,000 pots that a merchant gave him in one day. If he doesn’t sell 5,000 by the next day then his inventory gets restore back to 5,000 pots. He thought about just selling it to someone for 1 copper coin, but if the merchant doesn’t break even then he also fails his quest. At first, nobody would buy because the price was too high so he lowered it as much as he could. People then begin to buy them, however, Trinc soon came afterward and started his stall. Nobody really goes to his store anymore because they think Trinc has the better pots and besides, only beginners need his pots,” the girl said as she stared down at her fingernails. She let out a sigh before looking back up at Ferti.

“Anyways, how may I help you sir?” she gave Ferti a bright smile. Ferti smiled back.

“I’m interested in buying some potion bottles. If you don’t mind can you tell me the difference between yours and the ones being sold over there?” Ferti asked.

“Sure. The ones I’m selling are just basic potion bottles that can be contained at any temperature. The ones being sold over there have are potion bottles that can keep the potion fresh. The fresher the potion, the more effective it is. Some of them are also special bottles that give special effects if the potion is left in it for a longer duration,” the girl responded. Ferti nodded understanding.

“I see…” she mumbled. She then looked down at the potion bottles in front of her and again whispered, “Identify.”

Object Identified!

Name: Potion Bottles

Bottles to store potions or other miscellaneous items. Made well, and will not break easily.

Ferti nodded her head in approval.

“How much is one of these?” she made sure to ask the right question this time. The girl giggled.

“One is two copper coins and a bunch of ten is 18 copper coins.” the girl said.

“I’ll take 20,” Ferti said as she handed over her silver coin. She had only 64 copper coins left. The girl looked at her surprised for a moment before taking the silver coin, giving back her change, and then giving her the bottles.

“A-anyways, if you are looking for herbs to try out, I recommend the lady with the pink pigtails over there. Her name’s Elizabat. Her herbs are good quality.” the girl said.

“Thank you,” Ferti gave her a bow before striding towards the merchant she just mentioned.

When she arrived the merchant looked at her with disinterested eyes.

“What do you want?” she snarled. Ferti smiled as she looked at her. She glanced at the herbs lying on the table and knew that each of them was mentioned in the beginner’s guidebook. She identified them just in case, but like the other girl had mentioned the herbs here were all good quality.

“If I take a bundle of each herb here, how much would it cost?” she asked.

“40 coppers in total,” Elizabat replied. Ferti thought about it for a bit.

“Don’t you think you’re making it’s a bit too expensive?” Ferti asked. If she had purchased these herbs at The Herb Garden it would have cost her less, but The Herb Garden does not have some of the herbs that Elizabat had.

“Take it or leave it, I don’t bargain!” Elizabat hissed. Ferti cocked her head as she thought about what to do next.

“Elizabat!” she heard a voice call out. Ferti looked up to see dark hair man walk up behind Elizabat.

“If you keep doing that then we won’t be able to sell anything!” the man complained.

“Hmmph!” Elizabat turned her head away. The man walked in front to greet Ferti.

“Hello, there dear customer! You're interested in buying each bundle here?” he said with a friendly smile on his face.


“Now, what do you think would be a fair price for each bundle of herbs here?” he asked, cupping his hands together.

“25 coppers,” Ferti replied. A sweat bead trickled down the man’s face as the once friendly smile was now forced.

“And why do you think so sir?”

“These herbs over here, although it is good quality it can be easily found. The herbs on this side are a bit harder to find, but there is abundant of them when found. If I bought the ones that were available here that’s also available at The Herb Garden, then the price would only be around seven coppers. The other ones I can just look for later, besides in total, all this will cost only about 15 coppers. You guys will be able to profit at least 10 coppers from the price I just gave,” Ferti replied. Elizabat looked at her with a complicated expression while the man looked at her with his mouth hanging down.

“Wow! You know so much from just being a beginner. Since that’s the case, how about 30 copper coins instead?” he said while giving her two thumbs up.


“How about 29?’


“How about 28?”

“26,” Ferti was stubborn in her answer. The man also looked frustrated as he suddenly took in a deep breath.

“Alright then, 26 it is. Hold on and let me get you your herbs,” the man forced a smile and started to pack her herb bundles into a bag. Ferti handed over the 26 copper coins as she received the bag.

“Thank you and have a good day our dear customer!” the man said. Elizabat said nothing as she darted her eyes away. Ferti just gave them a quick bow and thanks. Afterward, she purchased a mortar for 10 copper coins and left The Alchemist Center.


It was already night time in the game. Ferti walked around the town until she found herself a secluded spot near a stream on the outskirts of town. She was near the gate, but she couldn’t leave the town yet. The two months in the game were not over yet.

Ferti slung the brown bag with all the alchemy pots on the ground. She let out a groan before stretching her back.

“Inventory,” she said. Her inventory box appeared in front of her. Luckily in this game item stacking was available. This meant that Ferti could stack items that were the same on top of each other which took fewer slots. She had placed her mortar and potion bottles into the inventory box but did not put her alchemy pots or herbs in yet. She wanted to look over the items herself.

She plopped herself on the ground.

“Let’s get started.” she started to shove her pots into an inventory slot. “Two… five… fourteenth…” Ferti was putting her fifteenth pot in when the pot suddenly hit the inventory box and wouldn’t go in. She frowned. She tried again, thinking maybe the system had a bug to it, but the pot again would not go in.

“Huh? What’s going on?” she tried again, but like before the pot could not be stacked on top of the others. She frowned as she stared down at the pot. “What’s this? Identify!”

Object Identified!

Name: Beginner’s Alchemy Pot

Durability: 25/25

This alchemy pot was made for beginner alchemists. It has great durability and may last for a long time if taken good care of.

Grade: Purple

“It says the same thing… maybe… identify.”

Object Identified!

Name: Beginner’s Alchemy Pot

Durability: 25/25

This alchemy pot was made for beginner alchemists. It has great durability and may last for a long time if taken good care of.

Grade: Purple

Object Identified!

Name: Beginner’s Alchemy Pot

Durability: 25/25

This alchemy pot was made for beginner alchemists. It has great durability and may last for a long time if taken good care of.

Grade: Purple

Object Identified! New information obtained!

Name: Douran’s Alchemy Pot

Durability: 134/200

This alchemy pot was made for Douran.

Grade: ????

Ferti frowned.

“What? Douran? Hmm… identify!”

Object Identified!

Name: Douran’s Alchemy Pot

Durability: 134/200

This alchemy pot was made for Douran.

Grade: ????

Object Identified!

Name: Douran’s Alchemy Pot

Durability: 134/200

This alchemy pot was made for Douran.

Grade: ????

Object Identified!

Name: Douran’s Alchemy Pot

Durability: 134/200

This alchemy pot was made for Douran.

Grade: ????

Object Identified! New information obtained!

Name: Douran’s Alchemy Pot

Durability: 134/200

Level: ???

This alchemy pot was made for Douran. Douran was an alchemist who lived many years ago. He left behind many alchemy recipes, however, he was hunted by nobles and kings for his skills. One day he disappeared and left this pot behind. This pot has veil magic cast on it to hide its powers. Potions or pills made in this pot will be of higher quality. Not only this…

Grade: ????

Ferti stared at the information and tried swiping the screen up to see if there was anything else written on it. She got nothing. She tried again.

Object Identified!

Name: Douran’s Alchemy Pot

Durability: 134/200

Level: ???

This alchemy pot was made for Douran. Douran was an alchemist who lived many years ago. He left behind many alchemy recipes, however he was also hunted by nobles and kings for his skills. One day he disappeared and left this pot behind. This pot has veil magic cast on it to hide its powers. Potions or pills made in this pot will be higher quality. Not only this…

Grade: ????

Object Identified!

Name: Douran’s Alchemy Pot

Durability: 134/200

Level: ???

This alchemy pot was made for Douran. Douran was an alchemist who lived many years ago. He left behind many alchemy recipes, however he was also hunted by nobles and kings for his skills. One day he disappeared and left this pot behind. This pot has veil magic cast on it to hide its powers. Potions or pills made in this pot will be higher quality. Not only this…

Grade: ????

Object Identified!

Name: Douran’s Alchemy Pot

Durability: 134/200

Level: ???

This alchemy pot was made for Douran. Douran was an alchemist who lived many years ago. He left behind many alchemy recipes, however he was also hunted by nobles and kings for his skills. One day he disappeared and left this pot behind. This pot has veil magic cast on it to hide its powers. Potions or pills made in this pot will be higher quality. Not only this…

Grade: ????

After trying for a while and not getting any more information Ferti gave up. She let out a sigh before crinkling her eyebrows. She stared at the other pot in front of her. She bit her lips, wondering what to do before.

“Should I just… use it?” she asked herself. She shrugged her shoulders as she found no harm in trying. She recalled a recipe that she had read earlier. She filled the pot with some water from the stream and selected the herbs and placed them inside the pot.

“Now then, skills menu,” her skills menu popped up in front of her. She tapped on her alchemist skill and saw the sub-skills beneath her main skill. She hovered her hands above the pot. “Mix and heat!” she said. The bowl beneath her started to bubble as the ingredients started to swirl around in the pot. After it was at the right temperature she chanted another spell. “Brew,” she said and then moved her hand away as she watched the liquid boil less violently than before.

She stared at it and touched her chin before another idea popped up in her head. She pulled out an ordinary pot from her inventory and did the same thing. The only difference between the recipes now was just the pots. Afterward, she pulled out a book and waited.


After about an hour passed the pots stopped brewing and Ferti put her book away.

Level Up!

Alchemist Skill Level: Beginner 2

She pulled out her potion bottles and transferred the potions into the bottles. She looked at the two potions.

“Identify,” she said.

Object Identified!

Name: Health potion

This potion can restore up to 50 HP.

Grade: Low

Object Identified!

Name: Health potion

This potion can restore up to 100 HP.

Grade: Normal

"Ooooh..." Ferti said as she looked at the two different descriptions in front of her. One side of her mouth curled upwards as a new plan formulated in her head. She pulled out all of her herbs and pots. She lined each of them up in front of her and prepared a potion from each one. After she was done she pulled out another book and waited.


Ferti rounded up all the supplies in her inventory and started to head back to the center of town. In the center of the town stood two water fountains. One was for ordinary water while the other had Healing water. Healing water was water that would bring one's health or mana bar back to full. The only thing was that Healing water would not work outside the safe zone and one would have to pay money to the kingdom government to use it. Each payment that a person had to make was different also depending on the level the person was at.

"Status menu, open," Ferti said.

Status Menu

Name: Ferti Health: 370/370 Level: 3 Mana 8/424 Race: Human Fire Resistance: 5% Light Resistance: 3% Gender: Female Wind Resistance: 5% Dark Resistance: 2% Class: N/A Water Resistance: 5% Goal: To become the ultimate supporter. Title: N/A Earth Resistance: 5% Goal status: Incomplete Attack: 12 Intelligence: 40 Defense: 11 Wisdom: 18 Strength: 18 Leadership: 2 Agility: 8 Charisma: 21 Fame: 0 Luck: 33 Stamina: 20 Charm: 35

From making all those potions her mana bar ended up almost completely drained. Ferti went up to a soldier and paid him eight copper coins. Four was for her to take a drink and the other four was for her to store it in her potion bottle. After she was done, she headed towards the opposite direction to the other side of the outskirts of town. This side had a lot more forestry than the other side.

She kept walking and walking until she reached the end of the town where there was a brick fence blocking her off from the other side of the world. She reached her hand out and touched the cold rectangle block. Her lips tremble as a cloud fogged her eyes.

"How... nostalgic..." her voice was barely audible. She continued to stare at the brick wall for a long moment before taking a deep breath and turning away. She looked out in front of her to see nature surrounding her. She smiled, however, the smile did not meet her eyes. "I got eight hours until the library opens again. I can do this!" she encouraged herself as she took a step forward. Her eyes were still a bit foggy, but it seems as if most of the fog started to fade away, letting her true self show from behind the windows.

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