《Beta Test》27. Radiant flowers


After diving, I made a short trip to the market. Once finished, I stopped at the stables to pick up my pet Hobgoblin. I also found the new mount Jorghan had given me, waiting there. I assumed it was a game feature, that if you died or logged out your mount returned to the last stable you visited. I then summoned Lila for a quick discussion about the new update:

[Greetings.] Lila smiled.

"Hi!" I smiled back, "Can you help me out with these patch notes?"

[I will try to be of assistance.] She replied.

"I see they added some new items. I actually found a few in the market already, So I more or less understand those. I see the guards got a small buff ...and it seems Npc's can sneeze now... I also noticed the lobbies now hold 16 people." I paused, while organizing my thoughts.

[Yes, so what did you need help with?] She waited patiently.

"So I hear they added Artifacts. Wanna give me a rundown on those?" I failed to hide my greedy and devilish grin.

[Artifacts are rare and powerful magical items, with a variety of benefits and uses. According to game lore they are objects blessed by the many Gods, found in planet Methuselah's mythology.] She informed.

"Ooh, that's what I was hoping you'd say. So I imagine they will be quite hard to find, like world bosses and dungeon's... Do you know their drop rate?" I inquired.

[ Legendary Artifacts drop at 1% chance, Epic Artifacts drop at 3%, and Uncommon at 5%] She proclaimed.

"Wow! Rare indeed." I exclaimed.

[Yes. Finer thing's are often unique and worth being patient for.] She replied.

"Oh. And the term Methuselah magic was changed to PLSR magic, that seemed important." I recalled.

[Only as far as NPC's and skill menu's being updated with a different term. My data shows this was a popular request of the Beta Tester's.]

"That reminds me, I discussed the update with a Developer while I was IRL. So I understand they made a few adjustments to the Beastkin race, Is that why I can smell better?" I asked the AI on my shoulder.


[The update did 'fine tune' Beastkin senses and instincts according to my data, so I imagine so.] She answered.

"Yeah, dropping by the stable to pick up Hobo, nearly killed me. Seems I have to adjust to these stronger Dragon senses." I complained.

[I would think you would rather have them and not need them, then need them and not have them] She pointed out.

"... Like a condom. Yeah. When you're right, you're right!" I exclaimed.

I swear I heard my little AI release a disgusted sigh just then.

[I will return to my regular functions, good bye.] She stated dryly.

"...K, I'll miss ya! ..Buh-bye!" I called out loudly.

The AI then disappeared and I checked my PAC for someone else to annoy.

"Hey... Cass' is online." I said to myself, "Maybe she'd like some company?"


"What tha hell is a nit, anyway?" I mumbled, while crushing a monsters throat under my Coyodae leather boot.

"...And how does one go about picking it?" I continued, splitting a different wolves skull with my curved sword.

"Is now... the time... to be discuss-... ing the word... nitpicking?!" Casey replied, jumping from shadow to shadow of the wolves and severing the tendants in their back legs.

"Sorry, I can't help it. My mind tends to wonder." I called as I killed the last wolf closest to me. "..Hey look, a squirrel!"

Casey began to finish off the now crawling and yelping wolves around her. I then put the wolf corpses into my inventory for processing later. The white tiger I was riding was licking it's paw in the distance. Casey's new mount was not far away from mine, sniffing the air and licking wolf blood off its lips.

"I'll use my share of this leather to make you and Ned some gear, later. So don't buy any new under armor yet." I informed the assassin, "I need the practice on making light and thin pieces, while keeping them strong and durable."

"Oh, ok. Thanks. Just make them with my share instead. I made some coin and stuff, when I was solo earlier." She smiled at her new Nightcat mount.


Casey's Nightcat mount was another feline species native to PLSR-08, Or Methuselah as we called this digital world. The beast resembled a panther, only a little bigger and stockier. It's midnight colored fur looked like silk, even in the light of day. It had large claws to match its bulky size, and long pointy teeth, like a saber tooth.

"Your so fucking soft, you big sexy kitty." She said while petting her new ride.

"It's the pert plus," I joked while comically stroking the scales atop my head, "And don't call me kitty!"

"You wish your scaly ass was ass soft as my kitty. If silk and velvet had a baby, it would still feel like sand paper compared to Mischief here." She remarked, as she continued to pet the mount.

"That's a dope fucking name. Mischief." I commented.

"I know right!" Casey practically squealed in delight.

We mounted the oversized felines and continued through the forest, heading back to the town of Luhana.

"Will Hobo be ok in those new pet crystals?" Casey asked after a few minutes of riding. "They just came out in this last update. I mean, what if they have bugs?"

"I was worried too, but I saw a few people using the crystals on some horses back at the stables. I'm sure he'll be fine." I replied, while sharing the same concern.

We mounted our predatory cat-like beasts, and followed the road at a brisk but steady pace. We didn't travel at full speed, for one reason. We were unsure if we would aggro half the forest, and have to fight a large number of monsters at once. The mounts were fast, but in short bursts, needing to walk between sprints. At a steady pace they were still faster than common horses. A few hours later, we were exiting the forest into the beginning of the Glowing Plains. We had made it out of the thick trees just in time to see the sun setting on the horizon. As the last rays of sun left the large fields of grass dotted with small blue flower bud's, Casey and I stopped for a short rest, before heading for the town of Luhana. We fed the feline mounts then used the new pet crystals I had purchased at the market to store them in. Casey watched me store my mount, then reluctantly held the crystal against the Nightcat's silky fur. Once settled Casey spawned a cask of beer from her inventory, and two glasses. She tilted a glass and poured the beer with just a small amount of foam on the surface.

"You always did give great head" I joked.

She shot me an evil glare, and possibly activated her Intimidate skill.

"Uh... I apologize, I was just teasing." I conceded.

She broke her stare with a stifled chuckle, and we both looked out at the fields.

When the sun had set, the flowers started opening their petals. Blooming right before our eye's. The veins that traveled the petals of the light blue-ish flowers began to illuminate with a radiant bioluminescent glow. Their brilliant glow reflected along their corolla, and in mass, lit the entirety of the Glowing Plains.

"Wow. Now nothing else can ever be this beautiful." I whispered, my eyes fixed on the stunning vision before me.

"Yeah, It's amazing." Casey stared out into the radiant flowers. Her midnight skinned features accented by the soft blue glow.

I stole a glance at Casey's avatar, and thought maybe I had spoken too soon. Finding it odd I didn't blurt out the uncomfortable compliment like I usually would, I instead took a silent sip of my beer. Maybe Dr. Vock was right. Maybe I flirted with women as some kind of issue with myself.

"Nah,.. Damn witch doctor. It's just fun." I blurted out.

Casey gave me an uncertain stare and inquired, "What's fun?"

"I wish I were cross eyed, so I could see you twice!" I proclaimed.

"You wish... what?!" She blurted, while processing my comment.

"I'm just thinking of important dates in history... wanna be one of them?" I asked.

Before she punched me, I was sure I saw her dark cheeks flush red.

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