《Beta Test》20. Troll'd
"You just took down 5 mounted goblin's at once!" Ned cheered.
"Nah. When Randy and I killed one each so suddenly, it caused the other 4 to hesitate. They're already dumb and slow, so them becoming sloppy just worked to my advantage is all." I summarized, while tending to my wounds.
The four of us stood at the edge of the now depopulated Goblin village. We had killed the warrior's, and began to loot the small primitive village. The only living creatures in town besides two now-docile boars, were the four of us. The women and young Gob's had escaped during the fighting, but the Guild probably didn't need to know that. I began to wonder why the warriors were gathered in the building and the women and young were so prepared to evacuate. Feeling uneasy, I inventoried the two Boar remains and called out to the party:
"There really aint much worth looting, let's get back to camp." I shouted.
"Yeah there aint shit here, but it's not like you to pass up loot. What's the ma-" Randy didn't get the chance to finish his question, before the enraged, bone chilling scream filled the air. Distant thumping could be heard closing in on the small forest clearing, like the sound of a lone stampeding elephant.
"Scatter! Meet at camp. Go!" I shouted to my startled party, then watched them silently disperse amongst the tall trees.
Judging by the pounding noise getting closer and closer to the village, I assumed this thing was faster than all of us and surely faster than I. Only moments later a very tall and muscular creature ripped through the rudimentary barricade blocking the path into the village. The monster resembled a guerilla as it rushed into the clearing, sprinting on all fours despite it's bipedal appearance. Excluding it's belly and face the monster was clad in short blood-orange hair. On top of it's two deeply set eyes, a third eye was adorned on its forehead. It's nostrils were flared wide and flat, resting above its gaping mouth of fangs and incisors. This terrifying hominid-like creature was easily over 7 foot tall and had the bulk of a professional body builder. Each of its non-opposable, four digit paw's were clawless and blunt. It sniffed the air and narrowed its three eyes on me. I charged my shield with Sparks, as it plowed towards me tearing down Goblin lean-to's along the way. It thrust its paws forward, ripping into the air between me and the beast. I raised my electrified shield to it's reach and slipped a throwing knife from its sheath and Quickshot the eye on its forehead. The primate-esque monster had little reaction to my electric shield and bashed me to the ground before it howled at the loss of an eye. The creature shrieked and flailed its arms, pounding the ground in tantrum. A boar rushed by me attempting to flee from its wrath, and I drew another throwing knife and thrust it into the boars upper haunch. With a load squeal the large boar burst for the tree line, dragging me behind it. The frenzied monster had recovered it's senses and focused its two remaining eyes on me. As it rushed towards me and the boar, my knife dislodged from the boars back just outside of the tree line. With the large beast in pursuit, I remembered that death for me, probably meant worse results back in reality. I closed my eyes and thrust out my unreliable wings. After one or two strong thrashes, My body lifted off the ground into the tree tops. Only lasting for a few seconds, it was enough for me to grasp a high branch and pull myself up. I leaned against the trunk of the towering tree, then downed a healing potion and pressed my arm against my bruised ribs. I looked down at the beast, Bashing and pounding on the base of the tree. After several minutes It seemed to give up and trotted over to one of the dead Goblin Swine-riders. It began to crunch and chomp the corpse in it's powerful maw, while not spilling even a drop of blood. This was no doubt the disposal that the Goblin corpses from the PvP fight had gotten. I now also understood why the Goblin warriors were meeting and why the village was ready to evacuate. I took the opportunity to scan the feeding monster:
Mountain Troll: Level 12 HP: 205/220 ST: 88/110
This facultative quadruped is commonly found in high mountain zones. Its health regeneration ignores combat mode restrictions. Cannot use Magic.
The Harpy in the woods didn't bother me, I assumed that was bad luck. The farmer seemed concerned about the Highwaymen, and now there was this out of place Troll. Why are these things leaving their spawn zones, I wondered. I was unable to find a satisfactory theory, In the 90 minutes I watched the Troll snarl, chomp and burp. Thankfully food and drink converted into mana or else that could have been an uncomfortable wait, I thought to myself. Once I was semi-convinced the Troll had forgotten my existence, I stood, carefully balanced on the branch and silently extended my wings. Unfortunately I could feel that they would be of no further use. Looked like I would have to climb down from my safe perch. After moving across a few close branches to a different tree 30 or 40 yards away, I removed my armor and returned it to my inventory. If the Troll caught me The armor would only delay my death a short time. I used the fine rope from my inventory to shimmy down the tree a little at a time, with my focus in the direction of the Troll. After a while, I descended the tree undiscovered. I then carefully made my way back to camp.
After an unimpeded and safe trek though the forest, no doubt thanks to the shrieking of the Mountain Troll, I slowly limped into camp. My distraught party greeted me with blessings of concern.
"You Fat fuck! It took you long enough." Randy yelled in grief.
"What the hell were you thinking! Leave the kiting to the fast and stealthy, you moron." Mewled Casey, in worry.
"Not cool, dude! Not. Cool." Ned distressed.
"Yeah. Acted on instincts. Won't happen again." I pandered
After a collective sigh of authentic relief, Randy cast a Minor Healing on me and we all took a seat to discuss what had happened.
"So what the fuck was that?!" Casey asked, before I even sat down.
"We didn't see it, since we all actually scattered when the time came." Ned scorned.
"That was a Mountain Troll, hunting Goblins way too close to the Starter Town." I sullenly reported.
Randy cursed aloud, the flicked a Silver coin to Ned. "Damn, my money was on Werewolf."
"I told you... No Vampires, no Werewolves." Ned rejoiced.
"Yo! This from the Dead guy... Are we even sure You're not a vampire?! How 'bout you bite my hairy, Dwarven ass and find out?" Randy argued, sounding genuinely upset.
"But why is a Mountain Troll in the Forest?! The Mountain Regions are suppose to be way on the other fuckin' side." Casey ignored the dispute.
"That's what I'd like to know. The other day I hitched a ride with a farmer and he said those Highwaymen we fought, don't ever come to this side of the forest." I replied.
"Shouldn't we report this to the Guild?" Casey asked.
"I was going to suggest it in the morning, since the sun will be setting soon." I sighed, predicting how she was going to respond.
"I can see in the dark remember? This is urgent, it shouldn't wait. I'll leave right now and be back in a few hours." She responded, exactly as predicted.
"You have a valid point, but didn't I just get scolded for doing dangerous shit by myself?" I pointed out.
"Yeah but that was a terrifying Troll, and this is a walk to town. With all the shadows I'll probably get there in record time, and who's safer to travel back at night, than a Nightkin.. duh! Besides your way too slow." Smiled Casey.
"And fat!" Randy added without following the conversation. "Now, what's going on?"
"Hey! slow and tubby wins the race, asshole." I retorted.
"Only if tha' race is to a buffet line." Randy Chortled. "Seriously what are we talkin' bout?"
"I'm heading to town, to report the Troll. I'll be back shortly." Casey replied with a grin.
"Is that all? ! Dude she like a fuckin ninja, she'll be aiight." Randy declared, not noticing the pun.
"Yeah I know, and I know that it's ill-timed after what just happened... But I think we should at least travel in pairs from now on. Weird shits happening and we should try to be prepared for anything." I cautioned.
"I don't mind tagging along." Ned volunteered.
"Thanks Ned, but no thanks. I'll be faster if I go by myself. If I get going right now, it might be possible to get back before dark." She asserted.
"Ok, but be careful! treat everything like a dungeon level threat ok. Boss level Bunnies ya hear me!" I shouted into the thin air, Casey had just moments ago occupied.
After two hours had went by Randy, Ned and I sat at the campfire as the sun went down. Randy was cooking the delicious fish from the river, and trying to convert Ned into a carnivore. Ned held his ground, and happily prepared something else, from his inventory. I often found myself carefully watching in the direction of the forest. It was getting very late, so I decided to take watch. Randy and Ned were more than happy to go to sleep, after such a long day. I began to worry about my missing comrade around the time the moon was at it's peak in the starry night sky. I noticed a slight hue of purple radiance in the moons shine tonight. Had that always been there? I couldn't remember, so I made a note to ask someone else when they woke up. Assuming I didn't wake them up to go look for Casey, I thought. While I was lost in thought I felt a torrent of hot breath hit my ear.
"Whatcha lookin at?" Casey whispered in my ear, while standing behind me.
"HOL-Fuck!" I started to shout, then converted to a matching whisper.
Casey was cackling softly, but on the verge of snorting air, when she said "Aw You stay'd up waiting for me?"
"I was on watch and I was thinking about something just now." I scratched my head, wondering if Dragons can blush.
"Mhmm, Yeah. What does a Dragon think about while he's on watch? She teased.
"...I don't remember." I confessed. "I am glad your back safe, though."
" I told you I would be fine." She asserted, I noticed her long sharp ears were pointed straight up. "Any leftover's?" She nodded hopefully, at the cooking pot.
"Yeah. Randy made fish, we saved you some" I grinned.
Casey swiftly spawned a bowl and spoon from her inventory, then helped herself to the contents of the cast iron stew pot. "I grabbed some eggs for tomorrow, before the market closed." She notified, before eating her belated dinner.
I thought for a moment, then asked "So what'd they say about the Troll?"
"They didn't believe me at first, I mean we don't really have any kind of reputation. But they had a report about the destruction of a farm nearby, so they finally made it an Apprentice rank inquiry." She reported wearily.
She finished her meal, but looked unsatisfied. Her ears seemed lower than usual now. I spawned a small pouch from my inventory, and tossed it to her. Her face lit up as she pulled out a cookie from the pouch, her ears went straight up again. I chuckled and looked away before she noticed my observation.
"I guess bureaucracy sucks on any planet." I muttered, while staring into the dancing fire.
"Aint that the truth." She affirmed, "Well I'm gonna turn in. Gnight." She called before turning away, and crawling under a Wolfskin blanket.
"G'night." I returned, still lost in the lambent flame.
The next morning Randy was the first to wake up. While everyone was sleeping I had patched the tears in my armor, but refrained from sharpening my knives and sword due to the noise. Ned emerged from his tent and then Casey began to stir under her heavy blanket. I nodded to the fresh coffee I had made, and Ned grunted in appreciation. I then walked away from the camp, to a shady spot against a tree that overlooked the river. I spawned my Wolf oil, sharpening stone and the weapons that needed sharpening. I was impressed with how my sword needed very little maintenance. After sharpening the blades, I don't remember falling asleep. I awoke to the sight and sound of two young Human girls splashing in the distance. Once my vision adjusted I saw two teenaged women, not swimming in their bathing suits but indeed ...frolicking in their birthday suits. I allowed my eyes to linger for a moment... Ok maybe two moments, before clearing my throat loudly enough to alert them to my presence. At least I thought it was loud enough, or maybe I just wanted to think it was loud enough. Why should I concern myself with trying to alert them to anything? They should have checked for my presence in the first place. Well its not like they knew there was a Troll on the loose.
"You're gonna need to be a lot louder than that, to get their attention." Casey remarked.
My eyes turned to saucers, as my grin flushed from my face. I turned my head to my left, to see Casey propped against the same tree, barely a foot away wrapped in her wolf blanket. Her eyes followed the nude pair's movements and her face was expressionless.
"Oh hey, what're you doin' here?" I tried to sound casual.
She chuckled at my obvious ruse, then stated, "Same thing you're doing here, checking out the latest edition of Wenches gon' wild."
"Hmm ...oh what! Who put all these naked women in my napping spot?!" I improvised false alarm. "I meant like, why are you here?" I added.
"Oh I came to talk bacon, and saw you passed out. It looked like a nice spot so I crashed." She said with a grin, "Why am I interrupting something?"
"No, But It was foolish of me to fall asleep out here. I guess I'll have to go down there and chase them away." I said, pretending it was some terrible burden.
"You were on watch all night, don't bother yourself... I got this." She insisted.
Before I could argue, she was gone and appearing in the shadow of a rock near the human girls. I watched as the girls attempted to cover themselves with only their arms. I also watched Casey hold up her hands and begin speaking. I couldn't hear what she was saying, but the two girls turned to look at me simultaneously, and began screaming hysterically. They ran to the river bank and snatched there clothes with out slowing a step, then ran off to places unknown. Casey was now back in the shadow of the tree, cackling uncontrollably. I grinned and we headed back to camp talking bacon and chuckling to ourselves. Around an hour later I was mid fry with a pan full of fresh bacon, when a Young human male and the two nudist girls approached our camp from a distance. In a fraction of a second Casey had spawned her dagger, and Randy had summoned his bow. Seeing our reaction the young man shouted :
"Hail to the camp! We are adventurer's, may we approach?" He called.
Casey had already jumped to a shadow behind the teen girls and Randy had an arrow aimed at his head.
"Hail to the camp!" He repeated.
"Bitch! Whatchu want!" Randy replied in stunning diplomacy.
"Uh...Er um. We wanted to ask you some questions, that's all." The young man pleaded.
"Oh no Barbara, Its that pervy, Voyeur Lizardman!" One of the teen girls was looking at me now.
"Scotty we should go, a dark elf girl said he captures young women and sells them at gas stations!" The second young teen girl cried.
Ned and Randy, both glared at me while keeping their ranged attacks aimed at our 'guests.'
Casey let out a snort, and the humans now realized she was behind them.
"I said he catches them on camera, just to clarify." She barely got out through her laughter.
"Who's the real perv's here, all I did was wake up from a nap. These two exhibitionists were the indecent ones!" I defended myself. "Hurry up and ask your damn questions, so you can leave!"
Startled and confused, the young man named Scotty blurted out, "We're looking for a Troll in the area, have you seen anything?"
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