《Beta Test》5. The Tutorial


Choosing a race was an important decision. I was to choose from eight options. Lila informed me that upon official release the players will only choose from the basic four races, then be offered a chance to sacrifice a small amount of future EXP, to roll for a 10% chance at an upgrade. According to undead Ned my class and starting stat's, would be suggested by results of a questionnaire, I took earlier. I looked at all eight races, and their respective benefits, and after a lot of thought and struggle, came to a decision.

"Beastkin sounds like a winner, I love the health and stamina, regen." I said. "But do I get to pick the beast I'm based on, or is it predetermined?"

[Your implants will analyze your DNA and use several complex algorithm's to find a compatible beast.] Lila replied.

"Same with the Faerykin race, those two are the only races with sub race classifications. I hear the faerykin can be a pretty OP build IF you know what your doing." Ned added.

I gave a moment of thought to switching my choice, but the image of a bad-ass werewolf came to mind, and I hit "Confirm."

In a moment I was consumed by light, and I can only describe the sensation as 'being itchy everywhere.' Even my teeth itched. When the light subsided, I looked at my hands to find scales of midnight, trimmed with crimson, and retractable claws. My feet were the same as my hands, and running from above my ass, scraping the floor, was an all black tail. I felt my face with the softer under-scales of my new hands, to find more of the characteristically smooth scales on my newly reshaped face. New soft frills formed above my head in the place of my previously short unkept hair, and on the outside of either frill was a pair of short horns jutting backwards as if slicked-back with hair grease. 'Great, I got a Lizardman-type.' I thought as I failed to notice the bone, and scale collapsed wings on my shoulder blades. I still had the same build, basically, as my real world body. Except now my untoned muscles were much more defined and my mid section was a little less chubby, and to tell the truth I could see a slight resemblance of myself in my new avatar's face. With some directions from Lila, I was able to pull up my status screen.

Name: Bruno Jenkins

Race: Beastkin(Dragon type) Class: Tank*

Age: 22. Height:6ft. Weight: 215 lbs.

Stealth:5, Strength:8, Agility:5, Speed:5, Charisma:7, Mercantile:6, Vitality:10, Endurance:9, Intelligence:7 Wisdom:6.

Skills: Dragon Scales(Racial/passive). Basic fireball (magic/active)(novice)

Active effects: +5% stamina regen(racial), +2% health regen. (racial), +10% elemental resistance(racial).

Armor base: 00. Damage base:00.

"Why is that symbol next to my class?" I showed Ned my PAC status screen. "I didn't choose that."

"That's the suggestion, from your questionnaire." He said, "Press it to edit, or confirm if that's what you want."

I looked at the class, and thought about my personality. Tank fits pretty well. Im built sturdy, to stand against things, not run from them. I'm not sneaky, or deceptive. I've seen awesome magic builds, but they just don't suit me personally. Yeah. A tank seemed fitting, I usually protected the smaller kids from bullies, back in school, because why be my size and not do something about it. Needless to say I wasn't too popular because of that... Oh well.


"Armor and damage base?" I asked the AI now perched on my shoulder, "How do they work?"

[Default base number expressing average offensive and defensive capabilities, based off your equipment] She informed.

"Yeah, your true damage rating can be effected by a number of details, like the strength of a sword swing and your focus while casting. Your emotions in general have the potential to raise or lower your damage depending on the circumstances. Armor works the same, if I threw a rock at you, the effect would change based on your movement or point of contact, etc." Ned contributed.

"Oh I get it," I announced, lowering the PAC I respawned the AVA and equipped them.

To my surprise, the glasses now appeared to be like goggles, formed to fit my new face. I could still respawn them at will, but I liked the information they displayed. Plus, they couldn't break because they were virtual. Even better, they dimmed when there were bright lights, among other changes to ensure optimal visibility. I played with the settings and features a bit and found that they could pull up info on the items Ned held up, and even put them in my inventory, if Ned released ownership of them. He gave me 10 gold coins, and 2 minor health potions to start with. I'm not sure if he provided them or if they were furnished by Ms Raven. I concentrated hard on the Items and basic information windows appeared. The first wasn't something I expected.

Skill learned! Appraise(general/active)(novice)

10x Gold coin

2x minor health potion (poor)

"Oh, fuckin' sweet," I stated as the items began to glow at the same time as the screen on my PAC

I tested and practiced with my new items, and mysterious inventory, that seemed to teleport things to who knows where. All I know is they arrived the moment I summoned them, and they don't smell funny or anything. I wondered If there was any size or weight restrictions, but I assume I will find out later.

"So whats next?" I asked, exited to progress in what was already the greatest experience I've ever had.

[I will return to the PAC Until needed, you should finish the tutorial] Lila imparted, [Goodbye, Bruno]

"Awe, but I'll miss you too much" I beckoned, as she began to ... sparkle, then disappear. "Huh, digi-lady sure can make an exit."

"You sure are a strange guy." Noted Ned, "But you interesting, I'll give you that."

Ned and I began to go over the basics of any tutorial, movement, interfaces, Equipment tests, de-bug protocols. Mostly tedious stuff. A while later Ned posed a series of questions.

"Have you ever played an MMO before?" Ned probed

"I've played a few free trials on library computers, im kinda poor, so most of the nice things I own 'fall off trucks', Na-mean." I chuckled, " But I have several playthroughs on each of 'The Eldertales' games in the series. I tell you I don't know how they're gonna top borrowind..."

"Ah an RPG fantasy game is a good starting point." He acknowledged."You ever used magic before?"

"...The bare skin on my belly is so pale that it reflects sunlight, does that count?" I offered.


"No," He said with his undead forehead in his ice cold hands, "No it does not."

"Check your skills, you should start with a Basic fireball spell. We are gonna practice with that." Ned spawned his PAC and a little digital lady similar, but not identical, to Lila. "Load tutorial test 04, please Elsa."

Suddenly we were standing in a grass field facing a straw practice dummy, with a target on its chest.

"Fire away," Ned laughed at his own pun.

I like Ned.

Wanting to give it a test, I butted my palms together tucked down to my side and activated my new move.

"Kame...ham-" I was nerding out again, when I was struck in the head with a (thunk) that interrupted my embarrassing behavior instantly.

"Hey idiot, ever heard of copyright infringement?!" Ned shouted, after hitting me with a stone. I have no idea where he got it from.

"Yeah I get it, I'll take it more seriously." I answered as I rubbed my head. "I'm a dragon after all, I should be able to handle fire as easy as breathing"

At that moment another screen appeared in my AVA.

Basic fireball: Racial evolution unlocked.

Skill evolved to Basic firebreath (Racial/active) (novice)

"Oh shit, Skills evolve?" I exclaimed "Yo Ned, check this out!"

I concentrated hard on producing fire from my lungs, and focused on projecting it from my mouth. Applying enough force to hit my target. It was a lot harder than I imagined, but after a few tries I managed to set the dummy ablaze.

At that moment an unexpected noise alerted me from my PAC I looked at the screen, and an announcement was running across it.

Connection will be terminated in: 09,08,07...

The numbers were counting down. Once they reached zero, a bright light blinded me unable to be modified by the AVA, because it seemed to originate IN my brain. Reaching 00, I was instantly waking up in a scifi pod, covered in gel of some sort.

"Waking up covered in a strange fluid, remind me never to go camping with you guys." I slurred, as I attempted to get my bearings.

I was dizzy, and light headed, the skin surrounding my implants was sore. The lights were so bright, I desperately wanted my AVA back. I was curious as to the reason for my abrupt Log out.

"Hey lady, why the early wake-up call?" I asked the lady unhooking the tube from my neck.

"The tutorial is designed to keep the first dives short, and allow the Test Engineer, to adapt to the connection," She explained, "There was a peculiar fluctuation in your vitals though... we sent the data for analysis, but I'm sure it was nothing."

Once I was unhooked, the gel had evaporated. I made my way to the bathroom in a slow, and unstable way. Finishing there, I was feeling better, and my equilibrium was returning to normal. I had changed into my street clothes and was heading for Ms Raven's office. She was immersed in paperwork, and didn't even notice me arrive. That is until I called out in my deepest, most seductive voice...

"Cant get enough of your love, babe"

She jumped in her seat, like sitting on a thumbtack.

"Oh jeez!... You know I could thrash you, for that?" She warned.

"Is that a threat, or an offer?" I teased, "So whats up?"

"One of the ticket candidates, died in an accident before receiving the invite. Now we have to find a new candidate, and that's a long process, and a lot of paperwork." She said sorrowfully.

"Oh, that sucks. No worries about the job though, I gotta guy." I said almost sounding like a Mafia stereotype.

"Wha-... I don't think..." She stammered in surprise.

"Don't you worry about a thing, Baby girl, I got this. But hey, Let me handle the transportation prep. eh. That mosquito shit will get somebody killed."

"Hhhhhnhh" She let out a burdened sigh, "Sure. We need someone, and delays are costly. Not to mention the deadlines, ...Ok I will try to send the necessary paperwork for a silver ticket holder alternative, Without Dr. Klink finding out its your recommendation."

"Hey honey bun, what's the difference between silver and gold tickets?" I inquired.

She blushed and stared a warning into my soul, simultaneously.

"Gold ticket holders are elite, high ranking gamer's. Silver tickets are given to the more athletic, casual gamers. Statistically they usually have more compatibility with the technology." She was obviously trying to be delicate with this explanation.

"Oh word. Fatties can get the gold tickets, while the jocks get silver ones. I never thought this day would come." I said, pantomiming tears of joy.

"Elite gamers are still evaluated for their physical conditions, just with a much broader spectrum is all." She argued.

"Hmm. Uh yeah. I swear I wasn't enveloped in your steamy, provocative voice just now ...and missed all of that." I flirted.

"OK, your done for the day. I'll have an officer debrief you and prepare you for the exit protocol. Get a good nights rest and you and your candidate report to the outpost tomorrow morning."

She sounded defeated, and searched her desk for the aspirin.

"What's the exit protocol, I can be getting knocked out every few hour's, have you ever heard Ozzy, I cant be talking like that. My brain deserves a chance!" I proclaimed.

"The exit protocol is just a blindfold, and soundproof earcovers. Your electronic devices you arrived with will be returned at the outpost. Although after your actions today, I assure you we will be revising our induction methods." She explained, "Goodbye Mr. Jen- ...Bruno"

"Oh. ok then. See ya later, Ms Raven" I smiled and left the room.

After a much better exit, than entrance. I layed on my queen sized bed outfitted with my treasured frightmare before Xmas bed set. I stretched out and relaxed, rubbing the Implants that were now covered with a flesh toned material that could pass for latex, But that's just a guess. Now I had the seemingly impossible task of convincing my brother to become a Test Engineer, without breaking my NDA.

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