《The Remedy: Catalyst; Static》Catalyst- Ch.27 Till The End
"What's going on here?" Diggery asked, all heads turning in his direction. "Who are you?" Broc asked. I looked between them.
Emery shrugged, "He's a friend of Phyn’s. We ran into at South Gate."
"Phyn's very confused friend." Diggery said, raising his hand. Broc turned to me, waiting for me to speak. I smiled nervously, everyone's eyes switching to me.
"How do I start?" I threw my hands in the air. Diggery rolled his eyes, "Just try."
I frowned, taking a sigh. "Something terrible is going to go down and I have the power to stop it." I offered vaguely.
"All four capitals will fall unless Merle dies first." Emery added, putting her hands on her hips. Diggery frowned confused, "What does that have to do with Phyn?" He asked, first looking at Emery, sweeping his eyes to me. "
I'm meant to kill him." I lifted my head. Broc's eyes darted over. "You’re what?" He blurted out, a face full of shock. Broc didn't know. My heart dropped to my stomach.
"When did you decide this?" He hissed.
Emery stepped forward, "Broc." Her voice was stern.
"Was this your idea?" He growled at Emery.
"It's no one's idea. It's written in stone, It's apart of the prophecy." I huffed back. Broc's eyes stayed in fury. Diggery stared at me shocked. I didn't like their reactions.
"I'm walking into this with my eyes open. If there was another way I'd take it but this is bigger than me." My voice broke, the room shifting in a grave silence.
"You shouldn't have to do this." Broc echoed. Diggery gave me a saddened look. I darted away my gaze.
Crossed arms, Emery had a frustrated look in her eye. "A lot of things shouldn't have to be. It doesn't change this."
I cleared my throat, "I'm sorry if you don't understand but I've made up my mind."
Broc opened his mouth to protest, the door flying open.
"I AM GROWING TIRED OF WAITING. " Ari's voice boomed, sending Broc stumbling back a few steps. He jumped to grab his sword.
Emery and I rushed to hold him back, "Wait!" she hissed in panic. Broc stopped, his eyes wide.
"He's with us now." Emery spoke frantically. Broc darting his eyes warily at Ari. "He's what?"
"We made a pact with him and he held up his end of the bargain." I explained.
"But he's dangerous." Broc grumbled, eyeing Ari, who seemed oblivious to the tension he just caused.
"Not anymore." Emery returned, stepping back. Broc still glaring, he let Ari wander in. "Fine but if that changes I won't hesitate to-"
"It won't come to that." Emery interrupted.
I took a breath in the sudden silence. I don't think any of us knew what to do next.
Diggery was looking at me funny, a scared sort of a frown, eyes that screamed, we need to talk.
"I need to take a breath of air, want to come with me?" I asked, directing my question to Diggery. He nodded in a bit of a daze.
"Don't go too far." Emery ordered, turning back to Broc. I drifted to the doorway, Diggery in tow. I opened the door, exiting to the clean crisp air. The birds singing against the green forest.
"How did you get mixed up with all this?" Diggery asked, his voice hitting a nerve. I bit back the usual comeback. I didn't need to get mad at him right now.
"I don't know. I guess I've been involved since the beginning, I just didn't know it." I ignored the slight judgement in his eyes.
"But killing someone Phyn? How could you agree to that?" He spat. I rolled my eyes "He's not exactly innocent. Merle killed my family, he deserves what he gets." I growled, surprised by my hunger for vengeance.
"Ya that just shows how dangerous this is! Tell me how you suppose you're gonna do it?" He raised his eyebrows. I tightened my fists, "I don't know…. But that's not important now. It's what I'm supposed to do. I've seen the prophecies."
Diggery snorted, "And when do you ever do what you're supposed to do?" He raised his eyebrows, waiting for an answer. I huffed in frustration. "This is important Diggery!"
"You don't have to do this." His tone dropped less aggravated. I stared at the ground, crossing my arms. "I do."
He shook his head, something real and vulnerable in his eyes. It made me hesitate.
"Why? I mean what is it even for? The world scraps people like you and me off of their shoes. You don't owe them anything." He growled.
I bit my tongue, I didn't know what to say to that. I couldn't disagree but it also didn’t change my mind. I didn’t care if they wanted me.
"You don't have to fall on the sword with me."
He scrunched up his face, "Ha ya, like I'm letting you slip away again." He concluded abruptly. I froze, his words registering. He still wanted to be with me? I didn't know how to respond. The alarm in my eyes must have scared him, he stepped back, breaking eye contact.
"Too soon?" He gave a nervous chuckle. "It's just that I didn't think I was ever going to see you again and honestly, that thought drove me crazy." He shrugged, bringing his eyes back. My heart skipped a beat for a moment. He smirked, pushing back his blond hair.
"Diggery..." I started shuffling my arms awkwardly.
"We don't have to stay, you know. We could go anywhere, do anything. Get a cottage just like this one somewhere out in the woods, just you and me. No one to tell us what to do, no more stealing to eat. Just us and the wilderness, somewhere Merle would never find you. Sure we'd fight like dogs but we'd always make up. We could be happy." His eyes brightened as he spoke.
I stared at him, stuck for a moment. His image sounded nice, bright and far away from all the misery. I believed him. We could be happy there. I could imagine it. I didn't really want to face Merle, the thought was desperately terrifying.
Still though, I was certain. I knew I wasn't meant for that fairytale. I wasn't made for happy endings. I was made to face the unfaceable. Even if the world treated me like dirt, that didn't matter. Someone, somewhere, was too weak to fight for themselves and I wasn't going to let them bleed.
The light shining off his green eyes, it faded as he realized he wasn’t convincing me.
I hung my head, "I can't be happy, not knowing I could've stopped this." He gave a pained nod, turning his head, "It was worth a shot." He sighed. I bit my lip "I'm sorry."
"No it's fine, I just don't know a lot about killing bird wizards." He replied, a spark of humor lighting his eyes. "You don't have too-"
"And miss all the fun? Not a chance." His grin widened, "I want to help you Phyn. Especially if you won't listen to reason." I punched him in the arm, hiding my grin. Diggery rubbed it pretending to be in pain. "You're such a loon and you know it." I shook my head, putting my hands on my hips.
"Ya well I-"
"Phyn!" Emery called out of the house, running out at me wide eyed. Her hair a frantic mess, she was scattered. Diggery and I stopped at her panic.
"You need to find Luca now!" She yelled, real fear in her eyes.
"What?" I asked desperately, looking for more.
"You deaf? If you don't stop Luca now there won't be anything left of our Dreamer friend." A sick fear building in my gut, "I don't understand?"
Emery stumbled, stopping in front of me. "If he follows through with what he's attempting, he's gonna get himself killed."
My heart dropped to my stomach. "...I'll be back as soon as I can." I apologized, leaving Diggery gawking at me. I didn’t have time to hesitate. Emery wasn't one to exaggerate things.
I tapped into my heartbeat feeling the deeper pulse. It pulled me in quickly, my mind rested on Luca. The cabin disappeared, as I shut my eyes.
The heat was the first thing I noticed, the sun warming up my skin. I opened my eyes to the streets of Manic, surrounded by crowds of people. I panicked for a second, turning I realized no one had noticed my appearance. They were all too focused on a man yelling on a stage. Eyes fixed, fear creeping deep in their minds. Everything felt grim.
I went on my tippy toes catching a glimpse of the wide eyed middle aged man. He was pointing to the crowd, yelling at them. He particularly spat at the crowd, I could feel them tremble.
I bit my lip, knowing something was very off here. His words were frantic and messy, the crowd deathly silent. I had never been in a crowd this large, this quiet. Something in the mood unstereotypical of Manic. The energy that they usually held was gone. Still decorated in their colorful patterns, their expressions were bleak. Despite the heat of the sun, this place was cold.
I almost forgot I was supposed to find Luca.
I scanned the crowd, desperately searching. Darting my head around the people trying to figure out where he could be in this crowd. He had to be here somewhere. I thought of him to get here, not Manic.
I found a window between the rows of heads. I swallowed a gulp seeing the rest of the stage. A line of men with bags over their heads, a half a dozen or so, all awaiting execution. Ropes around their necks, standing on the platform. I swallowed a shiver. My heart pounding hoping Luca wasn't one of them.
Emery was so urgent when she ran out. I was scared that it was true. There was one that maybe could be, a similar height and build. My heart fell, panic setting in. I darted around people, making my way to the stage.
"Treason! These men are traitors! To you! to your nation! To humanity!" The man on stage yelled out to the crowd. "Going against what your GREAT rulers have decreed. To defy their authority is to defy your queen! Their great and glorious plan will see us prosper. To fight that is to fight our only remedy." He boomed, causing something in me to tremble. What was he talking about?
A man from the crowd pushed forward. "Your 'great leaders' want to bury us in the ground! You will have to kill me before I obey them!" All eyes darting to him.
The man on stage clenched his fists, his eyes were filled with rage. "That can be arranged." He boomed, guards running into the crowd to grab the outlier. The crowd scurried in panic, as they surrounded him. Murmuring the silence broken in confusion.
I stepped back, catching sight of someone ducked in the corner of the stage. A dagger in hand he sat crouched, waiting to launch onto the stage. Luca. I felt a rush of relief. He wasn't one of the prisoners.
Using the struggle between the guards and the objector to my advantage, I darted through the crowd. I had to get to him quickly.
They pulled the man up on stage, the speaker grinning a sinister smirk. I watched cautiously, moving in.
I darted to the side, right behind Luca. He jumped up, launching himself towards the stage. No! I grabbed his wrist, catching it before he could.The tension yanking him back. His head flicked around, his eyes huge in surprise.
"Wait." I whispered, finding it hard to speak.
"Phyn?" He stared in shock, his eyes searching mine.
"I'm back, I've changed my mind. I'm ready to end this."
He looked like he'd seen a ghost, pale and wide eyed. His head turned back to the stage, a torn look in his eyes. I tightened my grip on his wrist. "That's not going to end well."
He hung his head, clenching his fists. "I can't watch them do this."
"Then let me help you Luca."
His eyes darkened. Opening his mouth to speak, he shut it.
"We can't stop this, can we?" I watched him shake his head. I swallowed the knot in my throat.
"What are you doing Luca?"
He met my eyes shakily. "...the only thing I know how to do."
I gave him a weak grin, "Where would the world be without you?"
He darted his gaze away. "It would still be here." He mumbled gruffly.
"I'm not going anywhere, not again."
His gaze steady on mine, a slight tremor in his hand.
"I will fight with you Luca, even to death."
He clutched my hand tighter as I said it. I was ready to finish this. I wasn't going to let him do this alone.
He looked back at the stage, a despair in his eyes. “We should go then.” he whispered. I nodded dully. What was he thinking with this plan? He would've gotten himself killed. It made me feel sick knowing I was this close to missing him.
He gave me a subtle nod, tightening his posture, "I need to grab the horse and then we can go." He muttered, letting go of my hand.
"Where is it?" I asked. Luca, backed away, motioning for me to follow.
"I tied her up over here." He beckoned, going away from the square and into the alley way. Sorrow on his face as he left the men on stage to their fate.
A horse with a shiny black coat, shifted nervously in the small space. Luca walked up the horse giving Its nose a pat, he turned back to me. "Can you teleport a horse?"
I studied the horse, tilting my head. "I've never done it before but I don't see why not." I stepped up to the horse, admiring it.
"It's not going to make you sick though is it?" His eyes wide with concern. I shook my head, "I've got that fixed now."
Walking up to the majestic beast, I carefully put my hand on Its neck. I took Luca's hand in the other. Time to go. We had a world to save.
I let my heart beat stick in my mind, the beat drawing me to the deeper pulse. My mind drifted back to the cottage and that warmth that filled my stomach when I thought of it.
We slipped away from Manic, our feet hitting new ground. I opened my eyes, the horse rearing up. Luca quickly grabbed Its bridal, settling it down. I stumbled back, letting out a nervous laugh.
“You good?” His eyes smiled at me. I nodded, slowing my heartbeat.
"Teleporting definitely felt different this time." He kept his hands on the reins. "Emery's lessons helped me a lot." I grinned, taking a step closer.
"Thank you for coming back." He purposely met my eyes. I nodded, settling in my decision. “This is where I’m meant to be.”
"Who's that?" Luca asked, looking out towards the house. Diggery stepped off the porch, looking out towards the forest. My mind went blank. I didn’t know what to say. Luca raised his eyebrows waiting for an answer.
"He's a friend of mine we ran into at South Gate." I rambled, watching Luca's eyes shift in recognition.
"He's the one from the camp." A bit of annoyance in his tone. "Ya…" I mumbled, a little surprised by his sour expression. I hadn’t seen Luca make that face before.
Diggery caught sight of us. He slowly walked over, hands in his pockets. Luca pulled the horse with him, making a clicking noise.
He stopped in front of Diggery, holding out his hand, "It's nice to meet you, under better circumstances." His voice sounded especially formal. Diggery hesitated in taking it, "Ya sure. Luca right?"
Luca smirked, "I never got your name?"
"Diggery." He frowned, looking at me for a second. I darted my eyes between them, everyone standing stiffly.
Luca frowned, "So Diggery, what's your plan here? We don't have time for dead weight so if you're bent on staying we could use the help."
Diggery snorted, "I have no intention of being dead weight, I'm here for Phyn." He stood straighter.
Luca's eyes flickered strangely. "Okay then, welcome aboard." He averted his gaze, tightening his grip on the horse.
“We should see what Emery and Broc are doing." I interrupted, my voice scattered.
"That we should." Luca met my eyes, holding them there for a second.
“Agreed, c’mon Phyn.” Diggery pulled my arm, breaking our eye contact. Luca’s lips pursed together, he looked between us.
"I'll meet you guys inside. I got to bring back the horse." He held up the reins. I nodded, following Diggery’s pull.
Luca walked off, leading the horse away. I watched him, as he left. Confused by this whole interaction. I knew Diggery was probably going to have a problem with Luca but I didn’t expect the reverse would also be true. Maybe I was just imagining it.
I turned my eyes back forward. Hopefully time would smooth it out. We had too much on the line. I had to figure out how to kill a monster that could stop time. I was the last thing that could stop what was coming, as terrifying as that was. The world was counting on me.
How everything wove together was unclear. I don't think any of us really knew. Even if it was destiny for Merle to die by my hand, that didn't mean I wouldn't die in the process.
At least if I died I would be surrounded by friends. I had so much more than when I started, I had so much more to lose. If it came between me and them, I was determined, I would die for them.
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