《The Remedy: Catalyst; Static》Catalyst- Ch.25 South Gate
The sky rumbled, signifying the start of a storm. Not that rain would help much, the fire damage already extensive. Roofs of buildings consumed in flames. The smell of smoke was inescapable. The three of us stood on the outskirts of South Gate staring up at the scorched city. What on earth happened here? I had never seen anything like this. It was horrifying, the level of destruction.
"We have to help them." I asserted, breaking my gaze from the city. Emery didn't comment, staring at me with a dull expression. Her apathy made me angry. "What? We can't just stand by!" I argued, her eyes unchanging.
"Tell me how you think we can do that Phyn? We're too late to do them any good." She decided coolly. I bit my lip, "We can help the survivors. Get anyone out who's still inside the city." I looked to Ari to back me up. He turned his back, avoiding the confrontation.
She shook her head, "Help them with what? We have nothing to give. Our provisions are scarce and we're worn out from fighting. Phyn we are not help, only further burden."
I opened my mouth to protest, finding nothing to argue for. I hung my head defeated, clenching my fists. "But-"
"You want to help anyway. I know, It's who you are Phyn, but it won't do any good here."
She stepped up to the edge, looking to the town outside the wall. I crossed my arms, frustrated by her disagreement. The first of the raindrops began to pelt us. Emery turned back, putting her hands on her hips.
"Ari, you are free to go, we've reached South Gate safely." Emery motioned for him to run along. He stared at her with puppy-dog eyes, sad and confused. "YOU WANT ME LEAVE?" He boomed, in an oddly vulnerable tone.
"You should want to leave, your debt has been paid. You're free." She said exasperated. He blinked at her with a heavy frown. She shook her head, "Do what you will but I'm not responsible for you anymore." She continued her way down to the city.
"Where are you going?" I called after her. She looked up at me dully. "I'm going to see if any booze survived the fire, feel free to do what you will. Just meet back here by nightfall." She grumbled, barely acknowledging me. I scowled in frustration, glaring at her as she walked away. What had gotten into her? Emery was so moody sometimes.
I turned back finding Ari, still standing with wide saddened eyes. I sighed, motioning for him to follow me. "C'mon big guy let's see if there's any food we can find." I gave a bleak smile, wandering down the same path Emery started down.
I didn't know what we'd find down there but it was better than just watching. The rain drops began to pick up as we ran down towards the city. Across the bumpy hillside, we did our best to outrun the drops. The flames started dying down, the world covered in smoke. Ari was humming something as we trudged through the grass. A tune that seemed vaguely familiar, something I heard before. It had a rather haunting quality.
"What are you humming Ari?" I asked him, looking back at him. He furrowed his brow, "I DON'T KNOW. I THINK THe song bird taught me that song." He said, his voice going quiet. The song bird? Something in me made me think he wasn't just talking about an actual bird. Maybe song bird was a title, like King of the Carnivores.
"That's nice Ari." I said, slipping my hands in my pockets. I was getting weary of walking, the rain soaking me. We approached town-like structures that were just outside the city walls. The world in a panic, this little area full of screaming. Wounded and frantic runners, I winced at their fear. People running, stealing what they could get. Anarchy following catastrophe. All bets were off when no one believed their actions would go unpunished.
I choked on the dull ache in my heart, Ari slowly following along. Somehow he managed to keep attention long enough not to rush on ahead. Maybe he noticed how serious this was. We needed food and I wasn't going to steal it, not from these people. I paused ruffling through my bag, trying to find something I was willing to barter with. I didn't own anything valuable.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING SCARY WARRIOR GIRL." Ari asked looking down at me curiously. I frowned looking up from my search, "I'm finding something to trade for food." I explained, looking at my dismal options.
Ari's eyes brightened "OH! I CAN HELP WITH THAT!" Ari exuded, pulling the ring off his finger. It gleamed of gold, a purple gem at the end. My jaw dropped. I hadn't noticed it before. It certainly wasn't a cheap ring, I knew a real rock when I saw one. He rested it in my palm. "Ari you can't, that's gotta be worth a fortune." I said, returning the ring to his hand.
Ari shook his head. "I AM A KING, I HAVE MANY RINGS. WHAT WE NEED IS FOOD." He placed it back in my hand. "Ari I can't accept this." I protested, making him frown.
"I NEED TO EAT SCARY WARRIOR GIRL." He boomed, surprising me. I stepped back, "Fine Ari, fine, your right it's our best bet." I caved, staring at the beautiful waste of rock. I scanned the chaos, looking for someone who, both would have food and would be willing to trade with us. With all the looters and fleeing residents there was one building that looked calm.
A grumpy looking man stacked sandbags around his house, no one dared approach him. He was our most likely candidate. The people feared him, which meant he probably still had supplies. He seemed like the type of person who would see the long game in Ari's gold. I took a deep breath preparing my strategy.
"Ok Ari, just stand beside me and look intimidating. I'll do the talking." I instructed, motioning for him to follow me as I approached the stern looking man. Walking up to his house he eyed us suspiciously.
"Excuse me sir, don't mean to bother you but-"
"Move along if you know what's good for you." He said gruffly. I frowned, not budging from my place. "If you want anything from me, the answer is no. I don't run a charity." He added with a glare.
"I'm not looking for charity, I'm looking to trade. " I returned, showing him the shine of the ring. He raised his eyebrows, his eyes growing twice their size."Can I have a closer look?" He asked. I nodded, holding it up to the light. He studied it, his eyes shining with greed.
"What are you looking to trade for? Not sure if I'm that interested. Things are tight right now" He bluffed stepping back, with crossed arms. I hummed and hawed, pretending to contemplate. "Something edible. What are you willing to give up?" I returned, crossing my own arms. He chuckled, "I'll give you a loaf of bread but that's all."He offered.
I laughed, "You're not serious I could buy a thousand loaves with a piece like that." He frowned, lifting his arms in a shrug, "If you haven't noticed It's hell out there. So as I see it a loaf of bread is the right price, take it or leave it." He turned back to moving sandbags. He didn’t look up. This guy was good, I wasn't going to get one over him.
I scowled, debating my next move. "Two loaves ... and It's yours" I offered reluctantly. He stopped, lifting his head up.
"I think we have a deal." He said, offering me a hand shake. I took it, not thrilled with the outcome but happy enough to get something to eat.
"I'll get those loaves for you right now." He smiled, turning to the doorway. "Hey boy!" He called into the house behind him. A loud crash echoed from the inside. "I need two loaves, get your butt up here!" He yelled impatiently.
"Alright I'm coming." A voice replied straining. My heart stopped, the voice striking me as extraordinarily familiar. No… it couldn't be. I froze, my heart beat going crazy.
"It's about time." The man complained, the boy coming into view. Carrying two loaves of bread, he looked up disheveled. His green eyes wide in disbelief beneath his honey gold hair.
A raw volatile stab of emotion leaving me paralyzed. I wanted to run away. I couldn't handle this, not now. The grouchy man just glared at us confused.
"Well let's get on with it, won't we." He muttered, motioning for me to give up the ring. I broke out of my daze and handed it to him. Diggery, wide eyed as I pulled the loaves from his hands.
"Pleasure doing business with you." The grumpy man said enamoured by the shine of the ring. I nodded, darting off as quick as I could, Ari right behind me.
I blinked back tears in my eyes, my hands shaking. I needed to get away, I walked fast, almost running. Handing Ari one of the loaves, he took it happily. I stuffed the other in my pack. Ari thankfully didn't notice my panic.
"Wait! Phyn!" Diggery's voice called out from behind me. I stopped, turning slowly, looking at him with ashamed eyes. Ultimately I was glad he was alive. The silver lining in this awkward mess.
He stopped staring at me, hesitating to speak. I gave him a weak smile. The wound by his eye started to heal, the memory tearing my heart up.
"What are you doing here Phyn." He spoke softly, shifting his eyes to the cut on my cheek. "Um, well I was just passing through. I'm traveling with someone who's training me to use my gifting better." I explained, nervously tucking my hair back.
"What are you doing here?" I asked back. He scratched his head, "After the night at the camp I've been just drifting. I caught a ride with a caravan and ended up here. I think that my stay here might be short lived." He looked back at the billowing smoke. I frowned at the destruction. "Do you know what happened here?" I asked, keeping an eye on Ari as he wandered off exploring the square, taking big bites out of his bread.
Diggery followed my gaze, turning back to answer my question, "Not fully, just rumors. Apparently a week ago a bunch of strange guards occupied the city. They threw out the governor and started taking people's heads. The people here weren't having it and they started a revolt. The guards left, but not before setting the city on fire. It's been chaos ever since." Diggery muttered. "That's awful." I echoed. My gut wrenching at the destruction. What were they trying to accomplish?
"Where's your friend, from the night at the camp." Diggery interrupted my thoughts. "Luca?" I clarified, watching him nod carefully. "I don't know. He's doing his own thing. " I stated briefly, trying to push back the guilt I felt for abandoning him.
"Who...is he anyway?" Diggery fidgeted uncomfortably. I bit my lip, averting my eyes. "Luca is the boy from my story. He shows up when the wizard is close to killing me."
"He didn't look like a boy." Diggery muttered, darting his eyes away. I sighed, putting my hands on my hips, "Ya well that's what time does, people grow up." I returned, not in the mood to deal with this. I sincerely hoped my face wasn't turning red. I didn't want to talk about Luca with Diggery. This was too painfully awkward.
Diggery shook his head with a sigh, looking over to Ari, "What's up with him." Ari was picking some sort of trash off the street and tossing it in his pocket. I shook my head, putting my face in my palm, "I don't really know. We kinda just stumbled upon him. He doesn't have all his ducks in a row but he has been helpful, a friend even."
"Sounds like trouble still likes to find you." He smirked, making something inside me feel normal once more. "If anything it's even more persistent." I remarked dryly, catching a sliver of pain in his eyes. "Diggery I-"
"I'm not mad at you anymore Phyn." He interrupted, making me stop. "And I'm sorry. I was kinda cruel." He mumbled, regret etched in his voice. I shook my head, the reality of what I'd done to him wouldn't leave me alone, "Stop. Please don't try to make me feel better about this." I argued, taking a deep breath to control myself.
"What?" He spat out with confusion.
"I need it. I need to feel bad about this so I never do something like it again." The words out of my own mouth shocked me. Heat on my cheeks embarrassed at my vulnerability. "That doesn't make sense." He scowled back.
I gave a sarcastic chuckle, "Don't tell me what makes sense Diggery. I'm being real with you here." my eyes stinging with tears.
Diggery gave an angry smirk, "Everytime I try to be nice to you you find some way to be mad about it." He stated. "I don't do that." I fought back. He glared at me, "Ya you do." I opened my mouth to protest, my anger rising. I was ready to tell him exactly how wrong he was.
My rebuttal was interrupted by screams. They grew louder, echoing through the streets. What was happening? Sharing a wide eyed glance with Diggery, I bounded down the street towards them. My feet, running to danger. I had to see if I could help. I couldn’t just stand by.
I could still hear the screams, a wild commotion erupting. I jumped a fence, cutting through someone's yard. Stomping over someone’s garden. I didn't stop to think I just ran.
Something terrible was going down, I knew it.
The aching in my limbs left me, my legs finding fresh strength. I didn't dare look back. As I rounded the bend I stumbled out of the way of a fleeing woman.
Steadying myself, I saw scores of running townsfolk, terror in their eyes. People fleeing from their homes as if a new fire had erupted. What were they running from? I studied the square trying to figure it out.
I couldn’t see beyond the chaos, I stepped out into the square, running against the crowd. Ducking around panicked villagers, I fought my way through. I stumbled from the commotion frozen by what I saw. This wasn’t good.
Emery ran in from a side street across from me, out of breath and run ragged. We stopped looking up at the same view. I swallowed a lump in my throat. Whinnie stood in the center of the square, his bent and beat up metal guards, wreaking havoc on anything in sight. I should've let her kill him.
He laughed at the destruction, turning his head to the far end of the square."I think that clears things up enough, eh?" He called around to someone beyond my view. His armoured puppets tossing the market carts to the edges. The courtyard was blood splattered. I spotted a body and then a second, my stomach feeling sick. If I had let Emery kill him they still would be alive.
"You always had such vulgar taste, Whinnie." A voice scratched out. A screeching tone that made my soul shiver. It couldn’t be.
"And you were always no fun." Whinnie complained, turning towards a figure behind him. A bird-beaked figure, cloaked in feathers. A sick birdish face right behind Whinnie.
I opened my mouth to cry out but nothing came out. I only had terror. He couldn’t be here. Luca never came to warn me.
Sword drawn, Merle's hideous bird-like face left me paralyzed. He swung his sword back in warning, Whinnie's guards turning their attention towards him.
They charged Merle, surrounding him. I barely blinked, his sword slicing through metal as if it were paper mache. The pieces falling to the ground as scrap metal. The sound echoing across the empty space.
Whinnie hissed nervously, his eyes wide in terror. Merle squawked a laugh,"Who did you think you were dealing with Whinnie? That you'd think your cheap puppets would stand a chance." Whinnie didn’t reply. He stumbled back, Merle stalking towards him. Swinging his sword wildly, Whinnie tried to dissuade him. Merle blocked every swing, a bored look in his frightening eyes. He moved menacingly, Whinnie scattered.
"What- are- you- doing-'' Whinnie strained, stumbling back, failing against the force of the attack.
"That seems like an obvious question, don't you think?" Merle concluded, jumping back as Whinnie tried one last attack. The blade fell to the floor. "But why me?" He muttered, the terror real on his face. "Because Whinnie, your only one of many." He stated, swinging his blade around.
"But why now!" Whinnie shouted.
"You can die without knowing."
My heart slowed as if signaling the march to death. I felt weak, my mind drifting away. A sudden shove sent me to the floor. The hard stones knocked the wind out of me. I gasped for air, trying to rise.
Emery holding me down with heavy hands. "Stay down for goodness sake." She hissed at my ear. I pulled my head up, catching one last view of the fight. Merle's sword ripping right through Whinnie's chest, the blood dripping off of the end. The terror in his eyes faded to nothing but a blank expression. That sick twisted grin to never smile again.
Emery pulled at me, yanking me from the scene. Forcibly dragged me up and away. The world felt like a blur, I couldn't breathe. "You can't die today Wanderer." She murmured, her words barely registering amidst my internal panic.
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Various MangaXReader one-shots...Hope you like this book. I will try to update frequently...PLEASE ENJOY READING THIS BOOK 📖📚📚📖📚😊😊😊❤️ ⚠️IM SORRY IF THERE IS SOME WRONG GRAMMAR AND WRONG SPELLING IN THIS BOOK... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THIS!!!!😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
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