《Mutagenesis Phase One Dystopia》CH. 008 The Aftermath of the Entrance Ceremony Incident
We were beat up, covered in dust. I was out of my last strength, both physically and mentally. I thought I was a goner. The only last thing that I could do was to shield this little bunny with my shaking arm. The bull was approaching me with all his might, tucking his head and mounting his horn to kill. I was so afraid that I closed my eyes shut entirely. But that was a waste, since I missed out on how the hell that muscle guy suddenly got there in front of me. He was surrounded by crackling electricity. Then, a tremendous bang deafened my ear as his boots hit the bull’s face. The impact made the beast fall into the left side of me, missing my tucked body and Biely entirely. This guy stood proudly as he said to leave the rest to him. Great, about time for help to come. But even if he’s strong, I doubt that he could face the beast by himself.
”No! We have to run. You can’t face that monster by yourself!” I asked him to rethink his plan. The man just stood there with his fighting stance as the bull approached closer by the second. “Hahaha” He laughed. The Confused me was just frozen in disbelief. Did the electricity get into his brain?
”What makes you think I would face the bull myself, boy?” He glanced at me with an ear to ear grin. “NOW!” He then shouted.
Suddenly from the cloud of dust, 4 javelins with two very short edged blades connected on some wire went flying in. All four of them stabbed into the bull’s soft body part, followed by a loud buzzing sound of electricity. A scream of anger and pain echoing through the field, but the bull stood still. Because of stiff muscle or he simply resisted the attack.
”What a stubborn beast.” The muscle guy then raised his hand. “Fire the darts!” He made a chopping hand sign. Then, some hissing sound of a gas pressured weapon could be heard. 4 darts were flying at a top speed into the bulls and penetrated his skin perfectly. The beast groaned in pain, his front hoof losing its strength, and fell. “Again!” They fired a few more shots until the bull finally downed. His legs finally gave out. His body dropped to his left. Some arrows broke from the fall. Head slammed with the weight of the horn, puncturing the ground. There was still some fire in him. He stared and stared. Until both of his eyes were finally closed and we could hear it snoring.
”Beast subjugated!” The muscle guy declared.
As the dust settled down, I could see dozens of people in black tactical vests were around me. I could read the stitched mark as “security”. They finally came, I made it! I sighed in relief, losing adrenaline straight away. The reality finally got into me. My entire body was in pain. I could collapse or lose consciousness at any moment.
”Archie!” I could hear someone was calling me. It was Kevin and Sarah running towards me. Kevin was going straight to hold my shoulder. “Ouch!” I could feel his hands were squeezing followed by a short, sharp muscle pain. “Whoops, Sorry!” He immediately took his hand off me. “Are you okay?” Sarah stood there and I could see a bit of sparks and a drop of water in her eyes, worrying badly for me. “Not really, hehe.” I could only reply with a painful laugh.
”Umm, Archie. I think you should let that bunny go now.” Kevin pointed his finger into the choked bunny in my arm. I almost forgot I still hold Biely in my arms tightly. “Oh whoops.” as soon as I released the little guy, he immediately ran into Sarah. She then responded by raising him on her embrace. “Heh, this little bastard.” I complained. “No hug for me?” I joked.
Her face turned red, her eyes swelled, tears started flowing as she ran into me. Kevin was in the way and got ram-hugged in the process. “Thank goodness! Thank you guys for everything!” She said that as she cried. I would like this moment to stay a bit longer, but they pressed me at the bottom while Kevin and Biely got sandwiched in the middle. “Ow ow ow. Sure, Sarah.” I replied in pain. She realized that she hurt me and released her deathly hug immediately. Everyone backed off into a comfortable sitting position. We then looked at each other, reviewing our actions. “This feels nostalgic. I’m having deja vu. As if we experienced this before.” I told them. “Yeah.” Kevin put a finger on his chin, thinking. “It’s like our fight at the park!” My eyes grew wide. “Oh!” A pair of memories just wired in my brain. Then realized it was a dark past. “Kevin!” I hissed and rolled my eyes sideway towards Sarah, giving a signal. Kevin realized what I meant immediately. We didn’t want to make Sarah remember the trauma. But she was there, giggling. “You saved me again.” We then looked at each other. It was all in the past. She’s all right now. Kevin followed Sarah, began to laugh. Not long before I joined them, chuckling. The appropriate response when you just barely survived a life or death situation. Slowly, Our jaw began to drop and laughing louder, Only Biely didn’t join.
”Well, well. You’re still kickin’ pretty hard, huh?” The muscle guy walked into us with a huge grin. Behind his back I could see a group of medical teams dressed in white-red, carrying a stretcher and running. “Med team, please take good care of our hero here. He earned his rest.” He ordered the 5 man team. Kevin and Sarah took a few steps back to let them work properly. The muscle guy approached me, stood tall, and scanned my entire look.
”You’ve done well for a supporting student program.” He said while checking up his pocket and paused. “What a waste, you should’ve entered the military program instead and applied for intern under me.” He added as he lit up an electric cigar. At that moment I realized that I haven’t shown my gratitude to my saviour.
”Thank you, Mr Muscle Guy!” I said instinctively. Maybe I shouldn't have said that. I could see a blood vein just popped in his forehead.
”Listen here, you little pups. I’ve got a name. Call me Mr. Ivanov. Your Combat instructor. You got me?” He got angry, but remained in his composure as a pro. “Yes, sir- Sorry, sir. I mean thank you, Mr. Ivanov.” I stuttered a little as I could feel such a powerful pressure in front of me. Kevin and Sarah were showing a pale expression while watching the situation. Unfortunately, they couldn’t help me out of this situation.
”You go and get yourself healed at the infirmary, the officials are probably going to question you later.” He said as he signaled the med team to carry me away. Four people were necessary to carry me carefully into the stretcher. One of the medical staff then helped me to lay down my head properly. Holding my back, distributing the weight to ease the pain. A pillow would be nice, but such luxury would be a lot to bargain for. I could see once again the sky was so blue. I wished I could enjoy the scenery a bit longer, but that was impossible. The voices of murmuring people were slowly fading as the sky was starting to be enveloped with darkness. My last strength was leaving me, I felt so sleepy.
* * *
“So, how’s he doing?” A voice of a man, rough in his 40s. I heard him speaking in darkness.
”He’s doing fine. A bit of bruise here and there. But nothing serious.” A female voice softly replied to that man.
”Great, please tell him that when he woke up.” I heard his footsteps tapped away, followed by hissing air, pressure door opening and closing.
A moment later, my eyes were opening. I stared into the white ceiling, a square pattern laid out neatly. I tried to glance sideways, searching for the source of the voices before. I saw someone on my left. That woman then noticed me looking, regaining consciousness.
”Ah, you’re awake.” She stood and took a few steps from her chair, getting closer to me. She glanced into my overall condition, inspecting briefly. She then reached out my hand, holding it by the wrist to check my pulse. “Hmm. Let’s see.” She then moved her sight into the monitor beside the bed. I peeked into the display. Seemed like the bed had a bio sensor connected to the monitor. The screen displayed various graphics that I couldn’t really comprehend. She then put my hand back. She drew closer, inspecting my face. She used one of her hands to check my eyes. I could see her eyes in return, accompanied by a pair of thin framed glasses. I looked higher. I couldn’t help but notice her dark brown hair with some silver strands, highlighting on the sides. Another detail that I could notice was some freckles on her cheek and a tiny mole on her left chin. A name card was clipped on her white coat. I could read that she’s the academy infirmary staff, Cecilia. She was so close that I could see my reflection in her brown eyes. Man, getting myself inspected this close by a more matured woman was so embarrassing, I hope she didn’t notice my cheek blushed slightly.
”Alright you’re fine. Only some bruises, no internal bleeding or concussion.” She said descriptively.
”Ah. Thanks.” I replied with gratitude.
”Don’t mention it. It’s my job.” She replied.
She then held my left arm. Her facial expression turned a bit more serious.
”This, however. Could be dangerous if it got damaged. The whole chemicals might leak at once and put you into a coma.”
”What? You know about this?” I was a bit surprised.
”Yeah, you’re that kid that Penny brought here, right? Like... 6 or 7 years ago? Armen G Dalton.” She said that as she crossed her hands.
”You know about my aunt?” This time I was really shocked.
”Yes.” She gave a light nod “Let’s say that I was one of the people who helped her get that internal auto injector in the first place.” she turned back, walking into her desk and taking a seat. “Anyway, that was all in the past. This isn’t the right time for that kind of chat.” Her tone changed. It felt like she didn't really want to talk about it. That got me curious, but I understand that any effort to nag her wouldn’t bear any fruit at the moment.
”I could, however, help you get the latest auto injector. With almost no risk of leaking. Come back to me in a week or two. I’ll help you out with that.” Somehow this topic gave her a bit of a spirit. As if a kid is about to get a new toy. This woman might actually be dangerous.
”Meanwhile.” She then slid to her left with the rolling chair. She opened an iron drawer, then pulled out a small jar of pills and an injector.
”Would you like some painkillers? Or blue dolphin mutagen?”
”Painkillers and a what?” I genuinely had no idea what was the later.
”Blue dolphin mutagen, It helps your muscles and bruises heal faster.” She explained. That was a bare minimum of information, I didn’t want something weird like that injected into me. What if I mutated into a dolphin? Experts said, It’s a myth. Taking a mutagen will turn you into the creature they made the mutagen from. But I wouldn’t be taking any risk.
”Just the painkiller please.” I replied politely.
”Right. Suit yourself.” She responded in such a flat tone, acting cold as the northern winter. Her face revealed a frown of disappointment. Was it because I refused the mutagen? Am I a guinea pig? I couldn’t tell. But that kind of expression made her look so cool.
I didn’t think it was possible to take the medicine laying down like this. So, I tried to raise my head and sit on the bed. It was so tough with only a slight amount of my energy returned. I wouldn’t be able to if it wasn’t because of her helping me with her hand on my back. “Here, take a couple.” She then handed the two tablets and a bottle of water. I took the medicine and drank some water from the bottle to help me swallow them. She went back to her seat and then monitored me. Not long after that, she remembered something.
”Oh yeah, they asked you to come into the headmaster's office as soon as you’re awake.” She paused, touching her glasses. “But I advise that you spend a few more minutes resting. You should go there when you feel like it. Don’t push yourself.” She added.
”Okay, thank you miss Cecilia.” I replied to her concern. I hoped she didn't mind that I called her name. Well, what a surprise. She left a tiny trace of a smile. “Your welcome, Armen.” She responded as she focused on the stuff on her desk, minding some documents and browsing on a display monitor.
The room then filled with nothing but the sound of summer bugs buzzing away. A few seconds later was spent in an awkward silence. Or maybe it was just me. I just slowly glanced away, inspecting the surrounding situation. I just noticed that the 20x5m room was actually filled with dozens of beds, separated by carbon-plastic panels and white curtains. Other students who got injured by the incident at the auditorium were using those beds. I could only sit there quietly, reminiscing about the unbelievable turn of events that just happened. Well, I decided to just look at the bright side, I finally have some time to relax. Might as well enjoy every second that I have to be a sloth in this high-tech bed. It was well cushioned. Might a synthetic foam inside this leather. The manufacturer fixed the pillow on top and it was a convertible. Adjustable easily with a touch panel. The configuration supported my neck and sore back perfectly. So comfortable that my eyelids grew heavy. But somehow my heart felt uneasy. Something’s coming.
That comfortable nap was not for long. A moment later, I could hear sounds of footsteps running. The noise was getting louder as they approached the room. A hissing sound of the pressure door then could be heard followed by an ignorant shout beating your eardrum.
”Archie!” It was Kevin. His eyes opened wide, drops of sweat falling on his face. “Are you okay?” He asked, loud.
”SHHH! Please keep the noise to a minimum.” Miss Cecilia stood up. She resembled an assassin with her intimidating glare through her glasses. She definitely hit the boiling point instantly. “This is the infirmary, if you have no emergency. Please leave immediately.” She was so mad, she opened her left hand and then we could hear a small crackling sound of electricity with high intensity. Kevin’s body jerked. He was pale and in shock, as if he saw a mutant ten times scarier than the bull we face before.
”Hiiii. I’m sorry. I’m here to get arch- Armen. Ma’am.” Kevin replied with a stuttering speech. Slowly the sound of crackling electricity in miss Cecilia’s hand fading out. “I see. I suppose someone should help him to get there with his current situation.” She cooled down. “But your action was wrong. Do it again, then I’ll perform defibrillation with my own hand.” Such a sudden sadistic scolding sent down shivers to both Kevin and me. “Eek. Yes, mam.” Kevin gave a salute. Then another footstep could be heard approaching.
”Kevin, what did you do?” It was Sarah. Kevin then changed his focus on her friend. “Nothing, okay. I was just a bit loud.” He excused. Then Sarah continued to give the teenage boy some more lectures. She then apologized to miss Cecilia for her stupid friend’s behaviour. Felt like it won’t end anytime soon.
”Umm guys?” I needed to step in, since they were forgetting my existence. Their comedic scene came into a halt. The room was back in silence. Anytime, now. Someone please break the awkward atmosphere.
”Oh yeah. Archie, we’re here to pick you up.” Kevin tried to defuse the situation. “The headmaster wants to see you.” He remembered his reason for coming.
“Err… I see.” I just nodded lightly.
“alright, you two may enter. Just make sure to keep quiet” Miss Cecilia just slowly sat back, then exhaled a heavy sigh. “Thank, you. Ma’am!”
They entered the room, approaching me, and inspecting my condition. I could see Sarah wanted to say something but couldn’t find the best word to express them.
“So, how are you holding up? You wouldn’t die, would you?” Kevin grinned and put a weak slap into my right arm to break the silence. “Ow!” It was weak but still hurts. “I’ll survive, I guess. Thanks for your concern” I replied sarcastically.
”Archie, thank you!” Sarah finally said some words. “Biely is safe, it was all because of you.” She added with such a sad yet grateful tone.
At that moment, I could feel that she was concerned and probably blamed herself. Obviously, the request to save the bunny resulted in my current situation. I had to come up with something to light up the mood.
”It’s fine. It wasn’t just my effort. You saved Biely as well.” I responded with my best smile. “Yeah, don’t mind it. We’re friends, after all.” Kevin added. Such cliche and cringe lines, Kevin. But it was passable since Sarah was smiling afterwards.
A recognizable cough came behind us followed by an obvious attempt on clearing one’s throat. It was Miss Cecilia with a scary face, sending shock and terrifying memories of not long ago to resurface. Especially Kevin.
”Sorry to interrupt your touchy reunion. But you kids are bothering the other patients.” Miss Cecilia just snapped the drama out of the air. “Right.” Kevin with a traumatic expression lightly nodded. “So Archie, I guess we’ll just wait outside until you feel better?” He asked.
I tried to feel my neck and my back. Sore, but bearable. Then my arms and legs. No problem, just bruises. It wouldn't hurt much as long as you don’t squeeze them. ”Nah, I’m good. Let’s go now.” Truly, I felt okay. Probably the painkiller worked fast.
”Really? Please don’t force yourself.” Sarah doubted it. Her eyes scanned my bluish arms. She wanted to touch the worst-looking part to prove a point, but her hand stopped before it happened. She pulled back, gritting her teeth as if she felt the pain with me. Excellent decision for not touching, it obviously would hurt.
”yeah. I’m fine. See?” I moved my arms energetically. I could actually still feel a bit of pain, but not that troublesome.
”Let’s get this over with, so I can get a proper rest.” I said that in honesty. Better to do this now and get plenty of rest later. I couldn’t get relaxed while thinking about what they would say to me. I might be in trouble. Kevin realized my intention. He put his hand on his hips and sighed.
”Alright then, let’s go.” Kevin started the action. He and Sarah helped me to get down from my bed. Goodbye bed, it was a brief but thanks for the comfort.
* * *
The headmaster room was surprisingly classic. Outside the door you would think they will fill the space with simple looking wall panels. Just like any other parts of the academy. But you’ll be amazed. Instead of that, there were wooden pattern wallpapers and natural themed furniture. His table was like the pre-war era wooden director desk. Mixed with digital tabs embedded in it. The bookshelves were also made of wood, classic dark brown oak. The carpet was a bit too much. It felt soft. You could lie there and sleep in peace. Two light brown sofas on the corner were probably prepared for guests. Complemented with a coffee table in the middle. I would love to spend my time here all day to relax, but the situation was difficult. There were three of us in front of the headmaster. Me, Kevin, and Sarah. We’re being surrounded by these gentlemen with a scowling face. I could see the headmaster a lot closer than before, still wearing that general-military looking outfit. He sat on a large ebony-brown executive chair, with elbows resting on the desk. His fingers clasped, raised in front of his chin. His eyes filled with some thought and showing some concern.
There were three other people that stood there, flanking us from both sides. That muscle guy Ivanov on our left. Two teachers on our right. One with a heavy mustache, frowning while stroking that overlong hair under his nose. Another one besides him stood, also furrowed madly. Glaring at us through thick glasses while rubbing his thin hair halfway toward baldness. I called them the Mustachio and Glasses balding. Later, the few sentences that came from them sent me a thunderous shock. Another glorious pain added to my already hurting spine. Not just that, my back was also having a stormy cold sweat.
”Let’s have mister Armen Expelled immediately! That’s the only way to save our academy integrity!” They said.
Excuse me? Where in the Bloody mutant hell was this logic came from? I saved the freakin’ academy!
I got to admit. I panicked, shaken to the core of my bone.
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