《Art of Mortality》Chapter 68: Venturing Into A Ruin


“So, where are we going, Edward?”, Robert asked.

“There is a ruin a hundred miles ahead of us, and there are no people there. We might get something there, and without conflict.”, Edward said.

“So, that’s how it is. Everyone, follow Edward!”, Robert called out.

Edward was on the lead, and the others were running behind him. Even Jonny Fatso and Little Teddy were able to follow. It was shocking to see, as one of them was fat, and the other had such a huge body. So one would think that they would have trouble running, but they were pretty fast, and as neither Edward nor Robert was running at full speed, they were able to follow. Well, they both were cultivators at the First Level of Qi Accumulation Realm after all. So, even if their body shapes were troublesome, they would still be able to run fast due to their strong cultivation.

"Hey, Robert bro, how much strength do you think the other teams have?", Jonny fatso asked as he followed.

"Currently, we have no idea. Actually, none of the teams had any idea about the others' strengths. But, from the intel we gathered before coming to the tournament, the participants from the 77 small countries are all at the early Qi accumulation realm. I guess even the strongest of them should be at most in the Third or Fourth Level of Qi Accumulation Realm. Participants from the 18 kingdoms are comparatively stronger, but they would still be far weaker than Daniel or me. As for those of the Five Superkingdoms, we have no idea.", Edward said.

"Sigh. That would mean most participants are stronger than me or Little Teddy. Damn it!", Jonny fatso said in frustration.

"We shouldn't worry bro! You and I have our secret weapons, don't we, bro?", Little Teddy said at this moment.


"Yeah, Little Teddy bro, you are right! We have our secret weapons!", suddenly, Jonny fatso became happy and cheerful.

"What's this 'secret weapon' you are talking about?", Robert asked. His curiosity was raised by this sudden mention of a secret weapon which gave Jonny Fatso and Little Teddy such confidence.

"Actually, it's due to our unique physiques. We...", Little Teddy was about to explain something when he suddenly looked back at Jonny Fatso, as if he remembered something.

"Sshhh!!! Secret weapons are meant to be secret. Why are you running your mouth?", Jonny Fatso snapped.

"Sorry, bro! But i...it's okay. I...I didn't tell everything!", Little Teddy said.

"So you don't want to tell me?", Robert asked Jonny Fatso.

"It's not like that. It's just showing you would leave a better impression the telling you. We'll show you when we need to use our secret weapon.", Jonny fatso said.

"Well. Whatever.", Robert didn't care too much. What kind of secret weapon could they have anyway? It might be just some parlor tricks.

At that moment, Edward, who was running at the very front, stopped.

"We're here!", Edward said.

The rest of the team stopped. In front of them, they could see an old, ruined building. It looked like a destroyed castle.

"Let's go inside. Everyone be on guard! Although the fort is old and ruined, it might still have active traps.", Edward said.

"Ok. Everyone follow!", Robert followed as he gave orders.

Everyone else became tense and serious, as well as excited. Who knew what lied under these shady ruins?

After entering the ruined castle, the light became dimmer and dimmer. They soon reached a point where there was no sunlight. Everything became dark.

"None of us are fire element or light element users, so we don't have a source of light. What do we do? Although we can proceed depending on our sharp senses as cultivators, it would be risky that way.", Robert asked Edward.


"Let me think. I can't create actual fire or light from my formless Qi. My formless can Qi can slightly mimic other elements but can not take their true form. Even if I mimic fire with my formless Qi, the light won't be sufficient. I can only recreate form and state, not the actual element. So neither the light nor the heat can be generated.", Edward said.

"Does any of us have a torch or anything like that?", Robert asked as he looked at everyone.

"No.", Little Teddy and Jonny Fatso shook their heads.

"We don't need one.", At this moment, Daniel said.

"Why?", Robert asked.

"'Cuz my element is fire.', Daniel said. Ju7st as he said that, a ball of flame appeared in his hands.

"Whoa!", Little Teddy and Jonny Fatso were shocked.

"Why didn't you use fire element when we fought?", Robert asked Daniel in surprise.

"Because I have not mastered the fire element yet enough to use it in direct combat. And against your fierce attack, I did not have the chance to use it. Although it wouldn't have been very effective anyway. The best I can do is create balls of fire.", Daniel said in frustration.

"Well, at least it would help us walk through the ruins.", Robert said with a laugh.

"You're the one to talk. What element have you mastered, huh? Tell me, or are you embarrased?" , Daniel suddenly snapped.

"You have already gotten a taste of that. I expertize in the metal element. Why do you think my sword attacks are so strong, huh?", Robert said with a smug look.

"Okay, I think that's enough. Let's move forward. Daniel, you have the light source, so you take the lead.", Edward said.

As soon as Edward spoke, they both became silent. They knew that they could show of in front of each othert, but trying to show off before Edward would be a joke. Daniel walked ahead with the ball of fire in his hand and took the lead, while Robert unsheathed his sword to watch out for any sudden danger or trap.

After walking for a while, they reached a large room at the center of the castle. The large room was full of decoration, but they were all broken and worn out. It was clear that time has taken a toll on them.

"It seems there's nothing here.", Daniel said as he looked around the room.

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