《Unto Dark》Chapter II | Echoes of Laughter, Bridle of Madness
The purr of the combined noise of both my laptop “Beautiful” and my mini fridge “Duchess”, whispers softly inside my dark room under the stairs of my mother’s aging townhouse. Late at night, there is an absence of background noise, so it tends to be the perfect time to clear one’s head.
The day is Monday, and the clock boasts 1:20 AM. I suppose Tuesday would be more accurate…
Due to recent events, I am currently attempting to re-establish a sort of inner balance; A serene mindset, if you will. I must frequently empty my mind of all unnecessary garbage through practiced meditation, or the hallucinations become too difficult to ignore.
This act usually requires a calm atmosphere, and unclouded thoughts, both of which are things I commonly struggle to attain. Tonight, in particular, there is a certain something greatly hindering my concentration.
It has been standing behind me for some time now, just waiting with crossed arms. This fellow’s condescending posture seems to be implying that no matter what I try, I shall never escape my fate, doomed to be consumed by this darkness.
My inner balance is fluctuating. If this thing is going to interrupt my meditation to this extent, I will just have to deal with it and get it over with.
“I guess I should have that idiot doctor up the dose of my pills again.”
“{Kyish shyi shyi shyi…}”
“Your laugh is as vile as ever, you damnable bastard…”
“{I’m flattered, Wade. It is one of my more defining features.}”
This thing was always like that, I suppose. Like a pure undistilled embodiment of the echoing madness of the [Black Corona]. There is nothing humorous about its monochrome, clown-like attire. It just makes it seem even more insane.
With no discernable gender, its appearance is awkward to behold, and the number of masks it hides behind is bottomless. Like an actor, it switches between them according to the circumstances. A rather tired appearance, so no points to my imagination on that part.
“Kind of busy here, so tell me what you want, demon…”
At my command, it bows exaggeratedly like some sort of court jester. I can do without the theatrics you imbecile, they give me a headache.
“{Wade, Wade, Wade… How shallow your existence has become. I seem to remember you being a much more interesting person.}”
“No more nonsense... Out with it already.”
“{Tut tut. You certainly have foregone your usual cordiality, I see… Is it really so scary to live in this world with a mask, Wade? Kyish shyi shyi shyi…}”
With this, as if poking fun at me, the crimson mask it was using is switched out for a white, faceless one. The transition is instantaneous, but the actions are done with an odd mechanical tempo. Coupled with the smoky haze oozing from behind the mask, it creates an unnerving atmosphere.
“{Are you certain that this languor you wallow in is what poor Gwyndolyn would have wanted for you? I am not so certain, Wade.}”
The gall of this lowlife, just spouting my sister’s name like that… Though I myself have lost the right to judge.
“I chose this life for myself because I wanted it, not because I thought it was what she would have wanted. Know your place. Living this empty life is just my selfish way of atonement… Besides, what I do is none of your business.”
I have long since given up on the thought of redemption. Now I just give whatever pittance I can possibly muster. It is meaningless and hypocritical, but I think such a thing just the same. There was never really a point. Simply… Self-satisfaction.
“{I see… You’ve become so stoic, Wade. I was certain you would have been enraged by my provoking. You’re all grown up, so to speak, and the darkness you exude is ever becoming stronger. I am positively giddy to see what you would become if not for those dubious pills you ingest. Kyish shyi shyi shyi…}”
“Ah… Is that so.”
This thing is repugnant. I mean, just listening to its high-pitched voice is setting my teeth on edge. If this charade continues, my migraine is going to become something unmanageable.
“{Yes, yes. I’m interested to no end, you see. In fact, if it were up to me, Wade, I would have thrown away such stifling things and unleashed a bitter hell upon this sad world.}”
I bet you would…
“{However… I couldn’t, such a boorish act. I would much prefer you chose to perform such deeds of your own volition, Wade.}”
“You must be disappointed, clown. I will never betray her memory. Go and get your kicks elsewhere.”
“{I see… Well, I expected as much, but this and that have little to do with the other. I believe you wanted to know why I have appeared again after all this time? The truth is, Wade, I have come with a proposal of sorts, you see. Although I know you have little faith in me, I’m sure you will be inclined to find that this particular instance, is far more appealing than what you imagined.}”
A silken tongue, this bastard. But I know what lies behind the artful guise, and there is no way in hell I would believe these shallow words.
“I could not possibly trust you any less than I currently do, demon... But I am listening. If only to be done with you that much more quickly.”
I cross my arms as I sit facing this apparition, with deadpan eyes of doubt. The clown itself, who I seem to have forgotten the name of, switches its mask to that of an unsettling, squinty-eyed, grimacing pigman. Is this supposed to make me let my guard down? Because instead, it is making me sick.
“{Kyish shyi shyi shyi… You will not be disappointed, I promise you that…}”
Yup… I already regret it…
“{Let me see, where should I begin… Yes… By chance, Wade, do you still believe you will never again see your prized little sister Gwyndolyn?}”
This diabolical slime…
“You know damn well that she… That I killed her that day!”
“{Oh yes, Wade. I know quite well that you killed your precious sister on that beautiful day. It was a rather glorious occasion I should tell you. Kyish shyi shyi shyi shyi…}”
Perhaps, it would be better if I just killed this thing… Then again, it did say that it would find that amusing. In that case, I shall refrain. I am fairly certain that ignoring its jabs is what would piss it off the most, so that is what I will do.
“{My my, back to the topic at hand. I may just know of a way for you to meet her once again. Do you still remain uninterested, Wade?}”
And there it is…
“I refuse.”
There is nothing you could possibly say to make me believe you, monster…
“{Hmm, is that so? What if I told you that your dear sister is in quite a predicament.}”
… Except that. Fuck this clown!
“Tell me, NOW!”
“{Kyish shyi shyi shyi… Ever the little siscon, Wade. Even after she died.}”
“I will strangle you if I have to, demon! You must know that by now.”
I have become impatient, and my inner balance is faltering. I can feel the darkness quiver, as it licks its lips in anticipation. It is absurd that just those simple words have left me in such an unnatural state. This is what I have become. A husk, save for the memory of my sister…
When was it that I lost my way in this riptide? Sitting here, dealing with the devil, I am reminded of what I am; What I have done. Is it any of my business what happens to her now? Not really, but just that much is not going to stop me from doing anything I can to change her fate.
I would rather we not meet though, for I fear what would become of me in my current state. This blade’s edge I dance upon is but that of a single strand of hair. Should I fall, there will be no coming back from the abyss.
I turn and stare into the corner of my room in ponderance. Just what is there to look forward to from such a fragile existence? Even when I know there is something this clown is hiding, I cannot bring myself to refuse if it has to do with my sister’s safety. I foresee that this choice will bring terrible ramifications…
“{Everything comes with a price, Wade. Are you sure this price is worth the trouble?}”
Its tone dropped to a somewhat deep, stern voice. This fellow may have asked me as much, but I only have one answer…
“I will not repeat myself.”
“{Kyish shyi shyi shyi… Very well!}”
And with a sweeping bow, the clown bursts into a cloud of grey smoke. In what was once the dead silence of night, there is now the earsplitting sound of glass breaking. The surroundings shatter into many pieces and drop to the floor, where they become just plain old shards of glass.
Behind the glass that had shown what once was, is a new and vibrant scenery. The glaring sunlight burns my unprepared eyes, as it streams through a patchy canopy of branches and leaves. An eruption of the various cries of wildlife, and the relentless churning of flowing water sound off around me in a dizzying symphony.
The overwhelming bombardment of stimuli leaves me utterly paralyzed. It is all that I can do to curl up in a ball and brace myself, as the forest mercilessly brandishes its tirade against me. Transitioning from the serene silence of my safe house to this busy wilderness is more than my senses can handle.
I threw up… Once again…
Having been brought here by that lunatic clown must mean that I should find my answer in this ridiculous place. No matter how I look at it, this is no longer in the realm of simple hallucinations.
I sit on the ground by the river’s edge and listen to its deafening chorus. It took me quite a while to regain my bodily functions; During which time I was huddled in a pitiful heap, desperately covering my ears to block out the noise.
Once I had finally become acclimated to the uproarious soundscape, I managed a brief scan of my new surroundings. In every direction spans a temperate rainforest, with layers upon layers of mossy fir trees stretching into the clear blue sky.
The large river next to me is the only thing that breaks up this endlessly repeating landscape. It carves its way through the trees, like a great scar inflicted upon the forest.
Dipping my cupped hands into the chilly waters that line the shore, I bring some of it to my lips and down its questionable contents.
“Hmm. Delicious… I suppose?”
The flavor is unlike that of tap-water, and the naturally brisk temperature is appealing. But in the end, water is water. Nonetheless, I greedily partake of its contents, mostly to rinse the taste of bile from my mouth.
Now then, time for some meditation. My mental state has returned to a reasonable degree of steadiness, and the clown has apparently left me to my own devices. If I push the fact that I am lost in the wilderness to the back of my mind, I should have no problem. Thus, I begin the preparations.
My mind and body are one. There is no light, there is no dark, there is only I alone here in this place. Become attuned to my inner sanctuary, and distribute the flow of consciousness evenly throughout my entire body. Think of nothing, of no one. Leave all sensations behind.
More and more, spread my mind thinner and thinner until finally, I am emptiness itself. I have become the vessel, and the entire world is flowing through me. There is no substance, for I am a singularity in space. Let all become nothing.
Within a few minutes, I successfully achieve the perfect state of mind; The state of Nothingness. It is now that I am able to become aware of my physical and mental health, free of the clouds of a weary heart…
Something is wrong. Nothing seems to be wrong with my body; Nevertheless, something is definitely wrong. This does not appear to be a dream, of that much I am certain, but just what is this incongruent feeling seeping into my consciousness from somewhere?
This vile presence... The [Black Corona]… The putrid entity that normally lies dormant in the depths of my consciousness, visible only through mirrors and the like. Why does it feel so tangible? This dry, suffocating air appears to flow around me like an ominous cloak. Even now, I can clearly feel the stagnant pressure from behind me. Its quenchless beckoning is execrably overwhelming.
I feel brittle. The vastness of this new, unchained [Black Corona] is beyond measure. It whispers from behind me, as it releases tiny morsels of its dark radiance from across the void. My body shivers… Despite this, I feel no fear...
Suddenly, the scars on my face and chest erupt with excruciating pain. A burning sensation, unlike any I have ever felt before. Gripping my chest in agony, my carefully honed meditative state crumbles to naught, having been forcefully shut down.
Like waking from a nightmare, the sinister cloak that had surrounded me fades away. The flow of the forbidding aura between the [Black Corona] and myself slows to almost unnoticeable levels. It remains, but so minuscule I can barely tell that it exists.
Inexplicably, as if I had been holding my breath, I deeply gasp for air. My skin tingles and my focus reverts from inner to outer stimuli. A dull throbbing resonates inside my skull, accompanied by a high-pitched ringing in my ears. Pushing firmly above my nasal septum relieves a bit of the pain, but not all.
Nothing around me stirs, drenching the once jubilant surroundings in an eerie silence. I can no longer sense any wildlife within my immediate vicinity. It is as if they had also sensed the disturbing mass that is the [Black Corona], and fled in sheer terror. Of course, I have no way of knowing if that is the case...
An intriguing turn of events. What is the meaning for the [Black Corona]’s sudden transformation? Although I do have my theories, they will, unfortunately, have to wait. There are more important matters at hand.
Let me collect my thoughts. It is safe to assume that I have been ferried to an altogether unfamiliar world by unknown forces. Well… Unknown apart from that it was at the clown’s behest. Then again, as it is a mere figment of my imagination… Did I perhaps bring myself here?
(Did I have such specs?)
Figuring out that I can no longer call this place the Earth I know, is as simple as looking to the sky. A brilliantly shining orb, with an otherworldly cerulean hue, stares back at me. The blue star is accompanied by a set of three diverse bodies, which I assume are the moons of this planet.
Not only are they easily visible during the daytime, their colors are also quite distinct. From largest to smallest, they range from reddish-orange to ashen grey, to shimmering mauve. It looks just like a painting you might find of some kind of alien homeworld.
From my memory, I know of no such planets which are also capable of sustaining life. Which means that either this place is beyond the scope of human knowledge, or could even exist in an alternate dimensional plane. Then again, none of this is of any importance to me at the moment.
First things first, I should establish my whereabouts, keeping a lookout for food at the same time. I have to move fast since this kind of situation requires quick and decisive actions.
Staying here any longer than necessary is pointless. A search party on my behalf does not exist. From what I know about that bastard clown, it is safe to presume such a thing.
Am I going to be okay? I have barely left my house in over two years, and before that, I had been in solitary confinement for another six. You could say that I am very much out of my game.
For now, I should follow this river downstream, or at least until I find something interesting. Who knows, maybe I will find a bridge or a village; That is if there are even people on this crazy planet. That fellow might have implied that this place would be related to my sister’s whereabouts, but I do not trust those words.
Nothing around me stands out as being out of the ordinary, save the alien sky. The atmosphere here is sort of similar to Earth, though the gravity appears to be minutely heavier here. That is the vague opinion I have as I currently travel downstream. Noticeable, yet not so much that it would cause any kind of trouble.
Using a particularly sharp rock which I find by the water’s edge, I make sure to carve an arrow in the trees I pass by every so often. I doubt that I will be returning this way, but it is best to play it safe.
All in all, I spend the better part of three hours hiking with no shoes, before finally, my feet start to bleed. It would have been safer to walk on the mossy forest floor than the rocky riverside, but I wanted to expend as little energy as possible.
Rather than letting myself become infected, I rip a shred of my mustard-colored shirt and fashion myself a makeshift bandage. I have little need to keep up appearances anyways, so this much is not a big deal.
It is quite fortuitous to have a river nearby to drink from, but I should refrain from overindulging in it. Drinking too much will kickstart my metabolism, which in turn would increase my hunger. I have never been one to eat much to begin with, so I should be fine for now.
I am becoming exhausted from the walking though, especially since I have no support for my feet. However, if I stop to rest now, I will probably regret it. It is more beneficial to search while there is still daylight, but my expectations are minimal...
Two hours turns to three hours, and I still have found nothing of importance. I would prefer to have some kind of accomplishment before the day is through, but the chances are becoming increasingly unlikely.
Having become fed up with the unending death march, I decide it is high time I got some rest. Only then do I become aware that a terrible fact had slipped my mind… I am without my medication.
On a good day, I take nine pills of various shapes and sizes in the morning when I wake up, and three more at lunch. But it is nighttime when the real problem arises. At night I take six pills, plus a certain pill which is vital for my being able to sleep. If I do not take that pill… I will not sleep. For this, I am given no quarter.
I have been awake for approximately nineteen hours straight and feel no signs of tiredness, apart from the physical exhaustion of my body from overworking itself. This alone is proof enough.
Without that pill, I will inevitably enter a state of mind I have dubbed [Falling Owl]… Mainly because it sounds appealing. Again, do not judge me. I name everything, you know…
When I am without sleep for over fifty hours, I stand the risk of succumbing to this treacherous fellow. Without warning, I will be cast into an instantaneous, coma-like condition.
Much unlike regular sleep, however, my body does not slumber. Whatever action I should be doing at the time will continue to be carried out faithfully by my sleeping body; In other words, by [Falling Owl]. I could be running at full speed, and [Falling Owl] will keep going, running without end until I wake up.
Obviously [Falling Owl] has almost no cognitive power, so he will strictly adhere to the last action executed before I fall unconscious. These episodes can last anywhere from ten seconds, to four minutes, but tend to stay in the shorter end of the spectrum until I stay up for more than a week.
The longest I have ever stayed awake is three weeks while transitioning between pills during my stay in the facility. When four minutes can go by in what seems like the time span of a blink, it will quickly wear you down. The worst part is that I have absolutely no control over when they happen, or how long they last.
And no, this is not just arbitrary deduction; Everything I know pertaining to [Falling Owl] has been thoroughly documented, as part of my quest to combat this illness. All of this information is kept hidden in a file on my laptop, which is obviously useless to me at the moment.
(This should undoubtedly be interesting…)
Choosing an appropriate tree to huddle under, I make camp at the edge of a clearing along the course of the riverbed. I have not eaten, but for now, I should be fine, as I am sufficiently hydrated. I would rather not eat the wild flora of this world before reading some type of documentation on them; If such a thing even exists.
Evening twilight quickly engulfs my humble camp, as I rest my tired legs. With nothing better to do, I spend my time contemplating some of the mysteries of my new environments.
When I left Earth it was around 1:00 AM, but when I came here it was just passed Noon. Thus, the clock is most likely a mirror image to that of Earth’s. From the amount of time between when I arrived in this world to now, I can roughly calculate that a full day in this world will last very close to twenty-four hours. However, much of my data is based on crude and inaccurate measurements.
Today’s weather would indicate that the season must be anywhere from late spring to early summer. So the night should not be so cold as to require anything more than a tree to lean against.
If I rest here, protecting myself against any predators should be a simple task. There is little chance I will fall asleep without my night pill, so I should be fine. Even if I am unable to sleep, I should still spend my time wisely. There are many important things I must decide upon.
As the sun leaves the sky, I am at last plunged into darkness. It is a potent darkness, free of the busy city’s flagrant light pollution; So dark, I can barely see my own arms in front of me. Only the rhythmic chirping of the creatures of the night keep me company.
“Now then…”
It has been at the back of my mind ever since I got here. My current predicament has an uncanny similarity to the plot of a light novel or a web novel. If they can be used as a reference… A world of swords and magic would be the most likely scenario. For now, I will use that as a basis for any future calculations.
“Magic, huh…?”
How do you figure out whether magic is possible when you lack a proper guide or textbook? You can only try them all one at a time until something works… I have nothing better to do anyway.
I should start with something simple, like Ki. Both the inner kind of Ki that you learn from Qigong, and the considerably more practical outer kind. I have to cover all the bases. That is the scientific method to discovering magic.
Concentration and application are the building blocks of most Ki based manga and anime. Beyond that, guts and plot armor. In theory it is uncomplicated; In practice… We shall see.
Concentrate… Breathe deeply and feel the flow of Ki within my body. Feel it gathering in my core. Feel it squirming and crawling through my veins. Feel it echoing from the chaotic void. I feel…!? I feel sick…
Whatever that was, it was definitely not Ki! How unpleasant. Moving on… What comes next? Chakra? Spirit Power? MP? I have until morning, so I might as well try them all…
I am a very pragmatic person. In fact, emotions are beyond my capabilities altogether. This is nothing new. But, really world? No magic, skill, secret technique, ki technique, chakra, spell, aria, prayer, bending, hand sign, or the like.
Having spent the better part of nine hours trying to recreate anything even slightly related to magic from memory, I finally give up. It is pointless to waste any more time on such a lost cause. Well… At least now I know that magic does not exist in this world. Not that I can so easily reproduce, that is.
With the early light of Dawn to guide me, I am going to continue walking. I may have rested all night, but having nothing to eat since I arrived in this place, I feel slight discomfort.
As time steadily passes, the degree of my hallucinations is also becoming far more difficult to handle. Nonetheless, I have managed to make it through without upset. The added nuisance is rather exhausting though.
Really, it has been awhile since I have had such extravagant episodes. Falling into a pit of lava, or suddenly being attacked by a monstrous ape creature or some such. It is certainly disconcerting when it happens, but for the most part, they leave no lasting effects.
During instances with the demon-eyed girl, however, it is a different matter. As if seeking a connection to her actions, I sub-consciously inflict damage upon myself. It is never anything irreversible, but considering who it is, it usually hurts like a bitch. She is most violent, you know.
Anyways, from the moment I entered this world, it has been a constant battle against hallucination after hallucination; That is to say, right at this moment I am in a bit of trouble…
I have been walking mindlessly for hours, trudging through an endless forest while I follow this unchanging river. The sky still holds its darkish tinge, even though some semblance of a sun is already beginning to peak out in the distance.
I first notice the aberration after I slide down a particularly steep ledge. Its towering form looms above me as it stares at me with its bead-like eyes; A giant arachnid, most likely a harvestman by the looks of it. Its gangly legs stretch to around four meters in length and look about a thumb’s length in diameter.
For a brief moment, my scattered thoughts turn white hot. My brain has reached its boiling point, trying to process the situation; A fruitless effort. There is no logical explanation for this creature’s existence. It must be another one of the ever-increasing amounts of hallucinations as of late.
I doubt that an arachnid would grow so large, even in an alternate world’s climate. Just to be safe, I vigilantly leave a safe margin of distance away from the creature, as I start to walk around it in a circle. From my memory, I am fairly certain that these things are nocturnal. But in that case, would 6:00 AM be considered night or day…?
The clicking of its mandibles is displeasing; The fact that each one is as big as my forearm is also not something I am enthusiastic over. Everything about my current situation is bothersome. But I have no choice but to persevere. I have much more important things to be doing than dealing with unrealistic foolishness such as this.
My brain has started processing at a more even rate, though far more rapidly than usual. Since I stopped taking those pills, the influence of the [Black Corona] might have become more intense; But from my estimations, I am also feeling a three percent increase in functionality. Considering only a day has passed, the significance is quite apparent. However, the cost is too severe.
(Shit! This thing is fast!)
Within the span of a second, it shortens the distance between us to an arm’s length, ferociously catapulting itself towards me. The length of its legs is an inescapable advantage in battle. A meager human such as myself stands little chance. I have gravely underestimated my opponent.
The harvestmen thrusts one of its spear-like limbs at my chest, cutting the air with a sharp whistling sound. There is only a slight resistance, as the terrible force pierces me through and through. The sickening squelch that erupts when the leg breaks the skin echoes deep inside my head and the impact causes me to spew foul liquids from my mouth.
I am cleanly impaled upon the leg of this gigantic arachnid, unable to budge even an inch. Even when I grab onto the shaft protruding from my chest and try to pull myself away, I cannot summon any strength, instead, being met with agonizing pain.
Having sufficiently weakened its prey, the Harvestmen now sees fit to drag me towards its salivating mandibles. With finesse, I am tucked into a deadly embrace. I can only watch pathetically as this monster sinks its grotesque fangs into my flesh in triumph.
Thick liquid begins to fill my punctured lungs, and it soon becomes difficult to breathe. The indescribable pain that radiates throughout my entire body causes my muscles to spasm wildly. A chilling sensation starts building in my extremities and creeps upward, like dipping into a bath of icy water.
The Harvestmen quickly and efficiently drains the blood from my body; Because of this, my consciousness grows weary. All thoughts and sensations begin to fade away, as my brain is deprived of the oxygen it so desperately requires. Before long, darkness envelopes everything around me, and the world becomes empty and black. It is an agonizing and brutal death.
Despite having lost most of my sensory faculties, time continues to slowly trudge onwards. Limply I float, suspended in a vast, endless realm, darker than the darkest night sky. Barely aware of my own existence, I wait in an eternal prison.
As if reveling in my helpless form, a disgusting smile watches from the distant stretches of the void. I cannot see it, but I know that it is there. Watching, and waiting. An ominous, disquieting grin.
After seemingly hours of being in this state of limbo, neither alive nor dead, there is a sudden and inexplicable change; A fire ignites. In the beginning, it is almost unnoticeable, but soon it gains more and more strength. The flames flicker and dance across my feeble body, tracing the scars that adorn my chest and jaw. Vile flames that emit no light, yet burn with the heat of the sun.
Stinging pain seizes me, but I am limp and unable to ease its wrath. My dried-up arms dangle at my side, no longer receiving the signals from my brain. That my nerves are sensing this ceaseless pain, yet cannot act on my behalf is absurd and defies all logic.
With a gut-wrenching jolt, my all but mummified body immediately becomes animate. The frozen heart inside its lifeless husk commands itself into motion, and as such, my chest heaves in reply. The blood, so cruelly stolen from its host by means unfathomable, begins to flow once again.
With blood, the body is rhythmically beaten into resuscitation. Shriveled veins and arteries swell to their former size, circulating enough oxygen to breathe life back into the pale tissue and muscle fibers. Like reinflating the deflated balloon that is my wretched form, I am brought closer and closer to my original state.
At this time, the oxygen reaches my brain, and my sensory faculties become aglow with information. The frenetic transmission of said information causes my eyes to burst open in momentary convulsion. As if my entire body has just now woken up from a state of numbness, all of my nerves fire off uncontrollably. The pain is indefinable.
“Kkkh!?! AAAAARRRRRRGGGHHH!!! Ggggnnnngggghhhh!! Mmmmghhh!”
My teeth violently grind together as I weather the relentless agony. It lasts no longer than ten seconds at best; However, due to the sheer degree of pain, it feels more like an hour. I have never felt anything as intolerable as this in my entire life, nor do I wish to ever experience such a thing again.
After a brief pause, during which I lie panting miserably, I am somehow able to regain my composure. My brain feels hot and sore, while the color has yet to fully return to my surroundings. Flashes of light also bounce across my vision like mischievous fairies, playing hide-and-go-seek. These stroke-like symptoms somewhat bother me, but at least that pain from earlier has eased.
Putting some strength into my right arm, I attempt to reach up and wipe the sweat from my brow. Unfortunately, this act is futile, as I am met with extreme resistance. It seems that I still have little control over my own bodily functions.
The midday sun cheerily peeks through the thick layer of coniferous branches, while I am sprawled in miserable defeat upon the forest floor. Having lived through my encounter with the harvestmen, though just barely, it is my duty to reflect upon the circumstances that have unfolded.
(But, really…)
What the fuck just happened? I... Died? That really happened, right? Was I perhaps hallucinating? These aftereffects would suggest otherwise, however. Honestly, I am having trouble wrapping my head around this. In any case, I am alive now, of that much I am certain. Only that much...
So I guess this means I must have regenerated, or something. I can vaguely recall it happening, despite supposedly having been dead. Just remembering that dark place sends shivers down my spine. Somehow, I do not wish to experience such a thing ever again. It is far too incongruous to be of benefit.
Along with the stroke symptoms, there is a whir of static damping out any lesser sounds around me. It feels as if a disturbing entity is crawling across the back of my mind with its innumerable tentacles, wriggling and squirming like villi.
I can sense it. Something has been opened, and something is slowly being released. I doubt that I will ever be able to close this opening again. The corruption will gradually accumulate and assimilate with me. A dire prophecy with unknown implications. Only time will tell.
That said, I feel that there should be enough time before then to accomplish my goal. The rate of flow is weak, like the drip of a tap. I must be careful not to tamper with said drip, lest it becomes more serious.
After waiting patiently for some time, the muscles in my limbs finally start regaining their functionality. Thus, with the gait of an elderly cripple, I drag myself towards the river’s edge.
My thirst has become problematic. Whether due to the regeneration, or from lying in the sun for hours, or both. Drinking the cool river water is entrancing, and I can feel my energy bolstering just from this act. It is the most refreshing water has ever tasted to me.
While I revel in the partaking of the river’s lifeblood, I catch a glimpse of something darting beneath the water’s surface. A long slender fish speedily passes by on its way downstream. Seeing this sight a few more times as I stare emptily ahead, I come to a certain conclusion. If I am to continue on from here, I will soon need to eat.
With a little preparation, I can tackle this problem quite easily. The only problem is that I will need fire to cook. I should find a sparsely wooded area along the river so as not to set the forest ablaze.
That being the case, I am still weary from the regeneration. Walking on these unsteady legs will surely cause a pointless accident. It would be better to use the current from the river to ferry me to where I need to go. If I float on my back, it will take almost no effort to stay above water. Then the current will act as my legs. Genius!
“Now… When was the last time I went for a swim?”
It would be back when my sister and I went to the beach during summer vacation so many years ago. She was always needlessly athletic, so I had trouble keeping pace with her. I suppose our parents were there as well. It rained in the afternoon, did it not…? To remember such a thing now. How meaningless…
“Wait for me, Gwyn…”
- In Serial62 Chapters
A Wolf's Way
One cold night a boy is left alone in a forest of magical beasts. Discovered by a pack of shadow wolves, the boy is taken in as one of their own where will his story go from here? .................................................................................................................................................... Hey guys this is my first time trying to write a story, so it's not great, but I'd appreciate any constructive criticism or story ideas thanks a lot
8 217 - In Serial7 Chapters
An old man's new world
An old man on his deathbed has many regrets, but the one thing he regrets the most is not fulfilling his sense of adventure. What would he do if given a new change? I always try to make the characters as realistic as possible by giving them lives of their own and motivations for doing different actions, but because I'm a new author, I might miss a few things, so please, feel free to tell me if something feels fake or unrealistic. I also write as a hobby, and my motivation tends to go up and down. If I'm not feeling motivated, I won't force myself to write. This means that the upload schedule might have abrupt gaps and sudden spurts.
8 85 - In Serial10 Chapters
NoS: The Crypts in the Shadow (Hiatus)
"What does one expect from caves? Normally, that would entail something like bats, guano and insects in narrow passages, ones that needs to be squeeze through? But... That is not what we found on our expedition deeper into the mysterious cave system, the one under that island, which has stumped scientists for decades... No, there is something else in these dark passages. Something not to be trifled with." -Yandré Skai ~ This is a parallel story that connects to the bigger world I created. One that I'm readying to reveal. ;) It is about two groups of modern humans discovering a great secret, but upon discovery is left without a way to get away from the perils that lurk within the giant network of dark caves. They will need to learn to survive the dangerous new world that they have tread into, all with the hope of finding a way above ground, maybe even a way back. But if they could by force of will find a way to reach the top; would what they find, give them peace, or change something vital in them... ~ Main Genre: Fantasy Epic, Contemporary twist Genres of the series: Adventure, Mystery, Survival, Discovery, thriller. The bigger story is Nights of Sambria and the Wish of light
8 198 - In Serial14 Chapters
13 Reasons Why
just a load of shitty imagines :)
8 150 - In Serial10 Chapters
Granger-Swan Reunion
Hermione Granger gets a letter telling her about a family reunion. She doesn't get along with her family, especially her cousins who were led by one in particular, Bella Swan. What will happen when two world collide?
8 227 - In Serial34 Chapters
Void [Nightmare X Reader]
Y/N is the Guardian of nothingness. The shrub with flowers that she protects is home to all things that are considered to be nothing.When a walk in the woods allows her to make a new friend,a problem arises from the shadows. As Y/N tries to find balance between the protecting her plant and Nightmare a margin of error disrupts peace between feelings. Destruction and despair have plaguaged her once beautiful home because of this. How will Y/n help revert things to how they once were before.Slow burnish, on going nightmare x readerNot edited, cause most of this is written on the fly.Update monthly cause uninspired and school.Highest rankings:#1 dreamtale#1 Negativity#1 nightmarex reader#1 Sansxreader#1 nothing#1 passive#1 balance#1 Nightmare#1sans
8 384