《Royal Road Rumble》Match 1
By the next night the stadium had changed again. No longer was it nearly empty outside of a few contestants, now the stadium sized arena was jammed pack with nearly ten thousand people. A majority of the crowd appeared to be humans, but a keen eye could clearly see dozens of clearly alien entities mixed in with the crowd. An excited buzz filled the massive room as snacks were bought, seats chosen, and hundreds prepared to illegally record the fight.
The chatter quieted quickly as the light began to dim and music kicked on. Spotlights danced about the stadium before settling on the square canvas ring. Just off to the side of the ring was a low table where two entities just seemed to pop into existence. One, a rather nonplussed looking woman with platinum hair and slightly pointed ears, sat in her fine red suit, her icy blue eyes scanning everything with an almost military precision. The other a plump, almost greasy, man with his suit unbuttoned and shirt untucked seemed to vibrate in place with nigh on manic energy as he snatched up the microphone before him and shouted in a pitch perfect radio voice, "L~adies, gentlemen, alien overlords, and multi-dimensional refugees. It is with great pleasure that we here in the New York Drake Industries Stadium bring you this first of what promises to be many matches in the first Royal Road Rumble: Multiverse Openwieght Beat-down Raw Mixed Gladiatorial Championships! I will be your shout caster of the night, R~andy R~amirez! And joining me tonight in the announcers both as my professional commentator, you know her, you love her, the spawn of one of the most dangerous men to ever exist, Tessa Xander, more commonly known as the super heroine Gun Elf!"
The crowd cheers and the woman in the red suit's face remains unchanged as she leans forward to calmly and crisply state, "I thank you for your appreciation. Who will be fighting tonight Randy?"
"Well seeing as this is the first match ever it is unlikely any of you have heard of any of these fine folks, freaks, and monsters we have in store for you tonight. So to help you decide on your favorites we've decided to throw multiple four way one fall free-for-alls!" The crowd roars in approval at the announcement. "And for our first match we'll be starting out with an assassin without a true face! A woman lacking a real name! A shape shifting serpent of sinister skill who hunts heroes for the love of cold hard cash! Make some noise for the woman in white, it's Pa~~wn!"
A song of shrieking strings gives way to a heavy beat of drums like a beating heart as a woman walks out in a white button up shirt, black pants, and shoes all of fine quality that would not look out of place in a upper crust establishment or a funeral. "A beast lives deep in the cage, you can't even fathom or envision my rage," the song sings as the woman begins to walk down the ramp completely ignoring the crowd as if they either didn't exist or were beneath her notice, "the weather is cold it's a desert of snow. I'm turnin' to the Wendigo." She moves with a nigh serpentine grace that seems almost alien on a human, not a single movement wasted, every step perfect. Her very body seems sculpted to aid in this nigh deadly perfection, her flesh almost seeming porcelain in the bright lights of the stadium.
The crowd claps and cheers, a few wolf whistle or sling raunchy remarks at the beautiful yet clearly dangerous woman. She makes no attempt at showmanship, simply climbs the steps to the ring and slides in without even touching the ropes before standing in her corner, almost completely motionless as she watches the ramp she just descended as her music fades away and the crowd quiets.
"A rather cold entrance form Pawn, but one full of intent, let's see if our second contestant of the match can stand up to Pawns cool grace. Next up we have a titan of a man. A martial master of blade, fist and flame! Can this ancient beast stand up to the coldness of man? Let's find out and unleash, The Carnivore~!"
A fast electronic beat slowly rises and gives way a hammering guitar as a six and a half foot man with black hair and a thick equally black hair with almost ghostly pale skin confidently advances onto the stage, his unnaturally red eyes seem to shimmer with and inner light as he takes in the crowd before him. He wears naught but black shorts and a red cumberbun, showing off a plethora of scars and swirling tattoos. The most noticeable of these is on his back where a dragon and a flaming spear dominate, surrounded by an odd script. "We've been burring the pages...," the man advances in time to the song doing little to play to the crowd at first, until he notices a man large enough to rival himself and he swerves to give the man a brief smile and share a manly hand shake before resuming his advance towards the stage, "...build a wall between the truth and us."
Like the woman Pawn before him the self titled Carnivore does not give the song time to play out and simply advances into the ring, using his size to simply step over the ropes with little issue.
"We're seeing a rather notable lack of showmanship tonight, but at least Carnivore seems to be more personable than Pawn. But how will these two stack up to our next fighter? The wannabe yakuza. An ever smiling personification of pride itself! A man who had the utter gall to name himself, Peerless~ Champion!"
The high pitched squeal of electronic music accompanied by a heavy beat of drums filled the ring a young man standing 6'3" burst onto the stage so quickly he seems almost to have teleported. A massive burst of air follows in his wake as he pauses to flex off the muscles on clear display as the young man is wearing little more than a red hakama as the music continues. Already the crowd is a mix of jeers and cheers, people seemingly put off by the smugness and ego on full display. If he cares about the jeers he doesn't show any sign of it as he leaps into a crouch and just as the screeching dubstep of his music begins to pick up he leaps the entire distance between the ring and ramp landing in the center with a massive *THOOM* that leaves the ring rattling. He flexes again standing tall and smiling widely to the crowd his yellow blood shot looking eyes seeming to literally glow with glee.
"Well that might be our strongest entrance so far! And P.C. here seems to be displaying strength enough to potentially back his arrogant title, but will our next contestant be able to wipe that smile off his face? He's a quick stepping master of blade and claw! A mighty hero from another dimension! A mighty warrior wielding the power of desolation itself! Give it up for~, The Black Cat!"
A heavy electric guitar riff opens the song before being joined with a screech by a drum as a small wiry man walks casually out onto the stage. He appears almost disinterestedly casual in his black sleeveless cat ear hoodie , black jeans, and well worn boots. His pale blond hair peaks out from under his hoodie as he advances down the ramp, eyes hidden behind green goggles but his gaze seemingly locked on the ring. "City streets and tiny cats," the scattered women in the crowd seem to be loving the equivalently tiny 5'7" hero with a few men even cat calling the slim tan cat boy, "Puppet strings and marionettes." As with most of the others he makes no plays to the crowd, simply climbing the stairs and vaulting the ropes into the ring.
A fit yet balding man in a black and white uniform climbed into the ring just behind B.C. and takes position along the ropes. At the sidelines, Randy Ramirez's toothy smile gets toothier as he announced, "And now that our first round of fighters have gathered, we have a couple more additions for this fight folks. This won't just be a four way one fall free-for-all match! It will also be a CAGE MATCH! From above a large chain-link cage drops out of the darkness of the stadium ceiling and covered the ring just beyond the ropes. As it touches down a massive wedge thing wall of flames sprang up just outside the cage and several fireworks cracked overhead to the cheers of the crowd.
"We now have our stage set, our combatants look eager to try and tear each other apart! Let's all start our first," the entire crowd screamed along with the next three words, "ROYAL ROAD RUMBLE!"
Inside the cage the referee dropped his hand signaling the fight to begin. Three of the caged fighters remained in their corner cautiously eyeing each other up, one grinning young man however steps forwards arms out wide and smugly stated, "Why don't you three just give up now? You don't have a chance to beat me after all."
The other three all exchanged a look and a second later Pawn lashed out with her fist, the arm stretching to catch the referee in a stunning back hand that knocked the poor man to the ground.
"Oh and Pawn's starting the match out by knocking out the referee!" Randy shouted excitedly from his booth, "This could be about to get ugly folks!"
Peerless smirks and opens his mouth to say something only to get swept off his feet as something slams into his navel knocking him off his feet. He glances down in surprise to see a javelin apparently made from a human spine has speared him through the gut. He looks up to see Carnivore bent over a massive hole in his back that was already closing. Peerless chuckles, the damage having already healed around the weapon, but blinks in confusion when he finds he still can't stand. The weapon still embedded in him seeming to have pierced his own spine and preventing it from healing, more over the spine javelin is embedded in the turnbuckle behind him further holding him in place.
Before he could even move to grab it, Peerless found himself dazed as Black Cat sprints across the ring and delivers a drop kick to the left side of his face. Before Black Cat has even rolled away, Pawn danced in, a long blade having emerged from her heel as she nearly decapitates Peerless with a slash across his throat. The wound vanished in an instant heat haze, yet Peerless still found himself beset as Predator shoulder tackled his chest with a shoulder suddenly coated in sharp bone spikes. The smug youth found himself further rammed into the corner as Pawn shifts her stance and brought her heel down in a swift overhead ax kick the drove the blade into his brain where she left it before darting back. Black Cat seeing how quickly their mutual foe is healing, and the abilities his two temporary allies of convenience were wielding, held up a small silver device on his wrist to his mouth and stated, "Limiter Override function, Code 786-09. Release Limit A."
The device chirped happily and an odd hissing, twisting, arches of oddly fluid electricity began to dance along Black Cat's body and reaching out to gnaw ineffectively at the ring around him. The other two stepped back warily of this new development as Peerless clumsily tried to remove the javelin from his spine. Black cat stepped forwards and delivered a spinning low kick into Peerless' arms that exploded in a burst of his unnatural energy that caused Peerless' entire torso and upper arms to vanish in a burst of ash. Only for them to nigh instantly regenerate again.
"Pawn, Predator, and Black Cat are really going to town on our Peerless Champion!" Randy crowed all but bouncing in his seat as the crowd roared along witnessing the beat down, "They aren't holding anything back and delivering lethal blow after killing blow! This match isn't suppose to be a murder round but by gods are they trying their damnedest to make it one!"
"Predator and Pawn are fighting smartly," Tessa calmly declares next to the excited man, "It is very clear that both of them have dealt with regenerator s before. They're restricting his movements, leaving things in his body to disrupt his regeneration, and inflicting grievous wounds to try and make Peerless' body run out of juice. Black Cat is using some solid techniques, but while his attacks are doing a lot of damage, he seems to be getting in Predator and Pawns way with that damage field of his."
Peerless himself barely noticed as he was struggling to think with the large blade embedded in his brain, he knew he should do something about that, but he was having trouble remembering what. He also kept getting distracted by how numb his legs felt and small flashes of pain. He needed to do something but his world seemed oddly narrow, and now it was spinning all of a sudden.
"The referee is getting back up!" Randy announced, "There's not much he can do about the spear already in Peerless' guts, but if the others want to stay in this fight they are going to have to cut back on killing attacks."
"Ah it seems like Black Cat has figured out the solution to the so claimed Peerless Champion's regeneration problem." Tessa announced with a small smile.
In the ring Black Cat grabbed Peerless by the leg and rotated him around the axis of the spear, bringing his torso to the floor where he immediately pressed down on the larger man's shoulders. Pawn and Predator seeing this immediately leapt forwards and held the pinned man's arms away from the ropes. The referee shook his head to clear it before spotting the pin threw himself to the ground and started slapping out a count the crowd echoed.
"ONE! TWO! THREE!" the crowd exploded.
"And it looks like the so named Peerless Champion is down! What a shame he went and made himself a target for everyone like that! But he's now out of the match!" With Randy's declaration Peerless' form vanished in a burst of lightning, teleported away to the hospital. "Now we have only three contestants remaining and their impromptu truce is over!"
The three remaining fighters were once more warily looking each other over. Black Cat still crackling with unnatural power as Pawn's limbs seemed to lengthen and twist her hair taking on a visage of something more akin to a nest of serpents than hair. Carnivore took all this with a frown and made an odd sweeping gesture.
"It looks like Carnivore has taken control of the fire surrounding the ring!" Randy crows, "And judging by Black Cat's desperate dodging his powers can't do anything to stop the flames. Pawn also seems to be on the defensive now as well! Has this just become Carnivore's game!?"
"I don't think so Randy," Tessa states her coolness cracking as she gets drawn into the excitement as well, "I think Pawn's about to counter-attack."
And indeed she did, leaping up to the top of the cage to dodge the latest sweep of flames. The shapeshifter instantly reoriented and hurled herself down at Carnivore who barely avoided being speared by his kick. Pawn's follow up attack was revealed as the serpentine tendrils of her hair were now revealed to end in wicked looking black blades that all began to stab and slash at the man in a storm of blades. Carnivore showed impressive skill dodging or deflecting a lot of them even as his own regeneration closed the wounds and his own form slowly distorted. Yet his powers didn't seem to match the speed of his foe and he was getting backed into a corner.
Making a desperate ploy Carnivore attempted to dive through the storm of dancing blades to slam into the woman controlling them. His attack failed as the woman easily side stepped the charge leaving Carnivore to take an attack that had been aimed at Pawn's back.
"Oh that looked like it hurt! I'm not sure if that was a planned team up attack of simply bad luck for Carnivore but taking one of Black Cat's charged up electrical drop kicks seems to have put him down for the count!"
Carnivore moaned feeling at the wet mess of his chest where most of his rib cage had been reduced to dust and organs were clearly visible. His regeneration and shape shifting were already working in tandem to close the wound but he was still nearly blind with pain. He only barely noticed Pawn baring down on him and forcing his shoulders to the ring floor.
"ONE!" the crowd shouted.
Black cat tried to rush in and prevent the pin, but the swirling nest of blades forced him back.
Black Cat came back in swinging his charged attacks and cascading bolts of desolation severing the tendrils and the knives they carried as he drew closer to pawn. He reared back to kick the shapeshifting woman in the face, quietly hoping it wouldn't kill her.
Pawn leapt away from the attack clinging to the cage like an insect as Carnivore was teleported away.
"And then there was two! Only Pawn and Black Cat remain in the match and both have shown themselves to be crafty and deadly fighters!"
"It could be anybody's match Randy," Tessa now sounding nearly as excited as her co-host. "These two have both shown themselves to be skilled fighters with exceptional powers. While Pawn seems to have more raw skill and technique, Black Cat's damage field and matter destruction abilities are a hard counter to Pawn's shape shifting! Will Pawn be able sneak in a knock out blow or will she be ground to dust by Black Cat's power?"
The next few exchanges were cautious probes from each fighter. Pawn tried shifting her many tendrils into a handful of extra long and dexterous ones but failed to get through Black Cat's field. Black Cat himself attempted several times to close the distance or pin Pawn against a corner using his field only for the quick and nimble assassin to slip away every time. The crowd was not board by the careful probes and maneuvering, instead seeming to build in excitement like a calm before a storm.
Finally both fighters tensed, getting ready to engage their plans when a happy chime echoed through the ring.
"Re-engaging limiter." A mechanical voice happily declared.
Black Cat suddenly went pale looking at the device in horror. Pawn instantly sprang from he prech and slammed into Black Cat, driving the smaller man to the ground with a dive kick that forced the air from his lungs. Black Cat still tried to wheeze out, "Limiter-mph!" Pawn put an end to this by cramming her elbow into the man's mouth before grabbing his leg and rolling over to pin him to the ground. Black Cat struggled but Pawn had fully anchored herself to the floor and was not going to let them man kick his way out of the pin.
"ONE! TWO! THREE!" The crowd roared.
"Well that was a rather sudden and unexpected end to fight," Randy laughed, "Looks like Pawn managed to steal a roll up victory there at the end due to some bad timing on Black Cat's part."
"Indeed Randy, "Tessa likewise bearing an amused smirk, "And a marvelous first match to the season with fighters like this I think we can look forwards to an interesting championship."
"It's sure looking that way! Now lets take a five minute break to show some commercials and prepare for the next match!"
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