《Mr. Montgomery》Chapter 4 - The truth of the Universe


“Just mentalize the interface,” Cedric said.

I did just that and felt a thug from a brief second, like my mind was pulling something out of some unknown place inside me. It didn’t hurt, since it wasn’t a physical thing, but in front of my eyes this hologram-like page appeared.

“Archnet initializing...

Hi, I am Molly.

Welcome aboard agent Ernest Montgomery.

Congratulations on becoming an agent, I can see this is the first time you logged in. Given how complex this panel might seem to newcomers the options available are currently hidden or simplified. If you would like to access the system in its entirety, you can change your options at any given time.

But first, would you like to access your panel? (Y/N)”

I mentally confirmed and to my amusement the system reacts instantly.

“Access denied. Agent unverified.

If you are not an agent working for our Company, please leave this application and contact our support team. To have access to this specific data while not under a contract by this enterprise is an offense punishable by death, following the Accords and the Intergalactical Statute of Secrecy and Corporate Ownership.

If you are an agent, you must allow our Rules and Regulations to be imprinted into your cortex in order to gain access. Failure to do so in thirty days is a punishable offense.

Would like to imprint our Organizations’ rules now? (Y/N)”

“Molly is asking me to imprint rules and regulations into my skull.” I mumbled.

Without interrupting his dinner, Frank just motions with his hand for me and I do as I am told.

For the second time I am caught inside an endless stream of information, just raw data overflowing my senses. The experience is intense but not hurtful and yet I find myself clenching my fists, completely taken aback by how this tremendous amount of knowledge was stored in my mind.

After a couple minutes things start to become normal again. The information was now navigating through my unconscious mind, waiting for me to search for it instead of just being in the forefront of it, all at the same time.

It was astonishing the way I could foresee the consequences of my actions when I thought about them. Just like you know that murdering somebody is wrong, I had the same intuition about actions and things I could barely pronounce or understand but yet I had this deep feeling telling me if I should or shouldn’t do something. Not only that, I knew the consequences of those actions like a well seasoned lawyer would, the possible punishment, the definitions and the grey areas in between.

I thought about illegal weapons, and immediately I would know what kind of weapon would be considered illegal and who would be illegal for me to acquire them from or sell them to, even though I never saw the weapons or the people in question. Sighing, I tried to move on.

“Do you guys ever heard the term giving somebody a heads-”

“System updated. Agent Ernest Montgomery is now verified.

Opening panel…"


“Agent Ernest Montgomery is under direct supervision of Agent Francis Orion Carruthers.

Status: Rookie agent.

Specializations: none.

Banner: Pascal Training Team.

Branch: Orion.

Pending contracts: 0

Accepted contracts: 1”


“Agent Carruthers updated your status…

Agent Montgomery is currently being mentored by agent Cedric Lowell Cunningham.”


“As the only agent of this company currently living on Earth, a title was added to your status…

Agent Ernest Montgomery is Earth’s Official Representative.

Due to the nature of your title a free enhancement is now available to you.


Three new enhancements are available and waiting to be installed. Would you like to see your options at this moment? (Y/N)”

“Molly has gifts to bear.”

“Read what they do and install them all. It is really not much, but it comes from the heart.” Frank put his hand over his chest and Cedric just shook his head.

Confirming once again, a new window opened up.

“First enhancement.

Language acquisition (I).

Due to your status as the Earth’s only representative working for this company, a free enhancement was given to you. The first upgrade in language acquisition sharpens your mind as a whole, but it is particularly effective in storing information, especially new words. This update also improves your ability to understand speech based on context and comprehend grammar more intuitively.

Would you like to install Language acquisition (I) now (Y/N)?”

I wished to confirm right away since learning new languages was always something that lingered in my to do list, but something else made me curious.

“Why not just imprint all the languages directly into my mind like you did with all the regulations?”

Frank nodded in response. “That’s a good question. Imprinting is never as effective as learning it by yourself. Rules and Regulations are imprinted into your mind because it is imperative that you know what you should and should not do.”

My new boss had his arms crossed, shifting lazily as he rested his head on his hand.

“However language acquisition doesn’t work solely to speak and understand language, you can improve however you see fit, it is just a recommendation after all. You can use your time to understand body language for example. If you do the work, you can improve several aspects of your mind using just one enhancement and this can not be created artificially.”

“Once your body is transformed by the Antiquarian, your brain becomes far more sophisticated than it was. Imprinting kills your ability to improve those areas by stiffening your neural pathways in order to store information. That is why I changed Molly’s priorities toward improving instead of imprinting in all your recommended updates. Many branches of our firm choose to just do it and focus on improving naturally only the important stuff.” Frank does air quotes when he says important.

“And in the few events that you face an agent that did the work along with his updates.” Cedric whistles after he says that. “It is a whole other ball game, Ern.”

“We’re old school, Ern.” Frank said with his hands on his pockets and his shoulders back.

Hearing this, I confirmed. The stupid grin in my face was something that couldn’t be hid. Since I was already old, becoming old school was just another update. I sighed. A fascinated boy now shared the place where a lonely wrinkled man once lived and they were both fools.

“System is installing language acquisitions (I)...

Language acquisitions have been installed.

Effects might take between three and five hours to be completely operational.”

“Gracias, Molly.”

“De nada.”

“¿Cómo estás, muchacho?” Frank asked with an atrocious pronunciation.

There was no reason to lie.

“I don’t feel that much different. I can understand what you’re saying but it is not like I wouldn’t understand before the enhancement.”

Frank tried to open up a bottle of wine unsuccessfully, strangely enough Cedric just pulled out a corkscrew right out of the inside pocket of his jacket, like it was the most common thing.


“As a rule of thumb most of your first updates would put you on the very edge of what would be considered normal for our race. In other words this upgrade most likely turned you into a genius when it comes to learning languages, but unless you were already a genius to begin with, you should not be able to dazzle people with your french out of the bat, mon chéri.” Frank batted his eyelashes.

My Rosetta stone books will feel my wrath very soon.

“Second enhancement.

Bought by Agent Frank Orion Carruthers.

Time-measurement enhancement (NA).

This ability allows you to keep track of time in any circumstances as well as knowing the measurement of everything around you with great accuracy from millimeters to kilometers.

Would you like to install the Time-measurement enhancement? (Y/N)”

I once again confirmed my option.

“System is installing Time-measurement enhancement...

Time-measurement has been installed.

The enhancement is fully operational.”

The upgrade wasn’t anything crazy, but it was still magical to finally be able to feel something extraordinary happening to me for the first time. At that very moment I knew exactly what time it was, down to the hundredths of a second. It felt like it was carved into my soul. I acquired an intrinsic connection to it instantly.

The second effect was very strange. I just knew the exact measurement of everything. Cedric was exactly six foot three. Frank was exactly six feet tall. I knew the measurements of every crevice of my house including the height, width and the square space. It was a fantastic feeling although a useless one.

Even though I was grateful, I was also puzzled by this ability. It was nice to not need a clock ever again and maybe I could use it to become an incredible Architect if I needed to, but besides that it felt more like a party trick than anything else. It seemed that my mixed reaction was visible because Frank hastily explained.

“Time-measurement is an enhancement created by yours truly.” Frank had his arms wide open, chin up and eyes closed, a glass of wine still in one hand waiting for accolades that would never come.

A second goes by and Frank opens a single eye which he used to scan the room for his missing praise. Cedric responded by giving him the most joyless single clap I've seen in my entire life. Unbothered by the lack of enthusiasm Frank continued.

“It can only be purchased by agents working under my branch, even though other factions are able to somewhat replicate the effects. However this single skill has many applications and to this day it is one of the most important abilities that I have and I have many.”

“One good example of your ability to keep time allows you to realize any mental interference that you can be subjected to. No mind altering ability to this day was able to fabricate an illusion that could sync smoothly with your internal clock.”

Frank took a sip of his wine, his brows furrowed.

“If you see time missing or even a fraction of a second that seems to be slower or faster than it should be, one hundred percent of the time you are under some sort of mental alteration ability. This reason alone would make this ability worth it but, as you will see later, there is much more to it. This ability is one of the cornerstones of our training method and you will become very acquainted with it. Trust me.”

The man looked dead serious, so I promised myself to take it seriously too.

“Saved my life bunch of times. Some species prey on this kind of mind tempering technology,” Cedric complemented. Pouring wine for both of us before Frank could drink the bottle by himself.

“I appreciate it, guys,” I said sincerely. Despite my thirst for extraordinary abilities, I roughly understood what kind of deal I agreed to. Besides that, it seemed that they had a plan in mind about what they were giving me, so I chose to trust them because it felt right and because I had no other options. I was all in.

“That’s ok, Ern. There will be time for the fancy stuff.” Cedric told me. “Open your last enhancement.”

“Third enhancement.

Bought by Agent Frank Orion Carruthers.

Elemental manipulation (I).

Elemental manipulation is the most versatile form of any kind of energy manipulation, since it seeks to establish control over energy in its purest form. Due to its nature, it can emulate any and all other forms of energy, being a staple to all agents working under agent Francis. However, this type of manipulation has the most severe drawbacks, being often regarded as the weakest manipulation form and the most training intensive of them all.

This enhancement is permanent and if accepted will prevent you from accessing any other forms of energy manipulation. User discretion is advised.

Would you like to install Elemental Manipulation (I) now (Y/N)?”

Despite the seriousness of the message, I confirmed the enhancement immediately, trusting my colleagues’ experience and also the clues left by Molly herself.

“System is installing Elemental manipulation (I) enhancement.... Elemental manipulation has been installed.

The enhancement is fully operational.”

At first I felt pressure. Something inside of me began to simmer. It was like a small puddle had appeared in the pit of my stomach. After two point five seconds, the puddle of energy began to stir inside of me, ramping up and down searching for a place to be released. I didn’t know what to do, Cedric and Frank were looking at me attentively.

“Just let it go, Ern. Let nature do its own thing.” Frank commanded.

Releasing my grasp, the energy just flowed through me. I looked at my arms and the blue color of my veins would change to a light orange and then back to blue. It was pleasant so I closed my eyes to appreciate the moment. Every heartbeat brought a new wave of this warm feeling. It was like having the most fantastic massage all over your body, all at once.

The guys got back to chatting and eating, leaving me be for a while. Those waves continued to wash over me for some time, slowly losing strength. At some point, Frank brought dessert.

“Flourless chocolate torte with homemade whipped cream.” For some reason he bowed, a waiter’s cloth on his arm.

It was a feast for the senses. My hunger was endless, so I devoured the treat in front of me immediately. The buzz going through my body combined with my sensible palate made this one of the most pleasurable moments of my life.

As if this night couldn’t get any better, Cedric asked me to snap my fingers, his expression was unreadable.

I did it and an almost translucent blue flame appeared on the tip of my finger.

“Huh. Look at that.”

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