《The Epoch of Magic》Gaining Control


After registering the company, Daron went to the Church and withdrew 3000 copper from the company's funds, before going into a part of the city he had not been to before. However, Sirious had already constructed a map of everything within the city, and so Daron was walking with a sense of purpose, swiftly making turns and finally arriving outside a rather large shop.

Ignoring the name of the shop, Daron went in. This was one of the largest shops in the city, located extremely close to the castle where all the rich lived. It was essentially a 3 floored building with numerous rooms holding the different categories of products.

Daron left the store and headed back home after nearly 10 minutes of haggling the price down to 1700 copper on 2 servant contracts, and a promise to come back and buy more servant contracts, and maybe even the much more expensive slave contracts. These slave contracts were especially crafted to not work on humans, only on sub-human species and those that were not human at all.

Once he was back at the church, he called Sharon and Jack over.

"I am going to have to have the two of you sign this contract. Read it first. It states that the two of you are not allowed to divulge the ingredients and methods of making the food we serve an any way, shape, or form to anyone, or anything without my explicit agreement. Naturally, doing so even if your life is in danger, although will not stop you from divulging the secrets, your soul will be harmed in the process."

"That soul part will not affect normal people like you too much, so it should be fine. Since this is not a slave contract, I will not have complete control over you and you can choose to go against my order if they put your life in danger, however it will be impossible for you to harm me or put me in harm's way."


After the two read through the entire thing, they nodded.

Since this was not a slave contract, they did not have much against it. Many organisations, even within this city used such contracts for their employees. The two were just wondering when that would happen to them.

They had already signed such a thing in their previous work-place, and so used a knife to slightly cut their right thumb enough for blood to come out and stamped their thumb on the contracts, much like how Daron had done on the Company Registration form.

"Good. Priestess Joanne will explain to you how to make the food later. For now, the two of you are free to go and enjoy the rest of the day off. It will be counted as a working day so do not worry about the pay."

Once the two employees nodded and left the church, Daron turned to the 5 people in front of him and asked.

"Who all other than Mako have a Union Bank account?"

In the end, only Joanne and Mako had an account, and so Daron took the rest and completed the registration process, as well as creating one for the company. He then linked Blaze's account to his own normal account, as well as his incognito account, along with Food's account. Then he linked his own two, Mako's, Lily's, Hans' and Greta's and Joanne's account to Food's account, and set the distribution process per month.

After everything was done and dealt with, Daron brought everyone back to the church and used some of his money to cook them a new dish. Naturally, he kept the recipe a secret and they group all enjoyed the rest of the day off. When it turned night time, Daron bade the group farewell after painstakingly explaining how his life over the past month had been to priestess Joanne.


Nearing midnight, Daron returned the castle after showing his knight in training identification card, and went to bed from exhaustion.

The next day, Daron proceeded through just another normal day.

When he returned to his room to recover his completely drained social battery, he sat down cross-legged and entered his subconscious to see the state of the Internal Energy.

Since it was still very far away, Daron gave the energy rope connecting his [Force of Will] to the prison for the Internal energy 100 quick pulls, before rushing into the prison and saw that the Internal Energy was still scared of him.


Just as he was going to pet it, it flared up again, trying to take advantage of the moment of carelessness Daron showed. Naturally, that was something Daron intentionally showed to see its reaction.

Casually reaching out his hand, Daron held onto the Internal Energy and began crushing it inside his right hand.

"I tried this hard to get you, and you act like this to me?"

However, it just kept on struggling in his hand.

"You that you do not exist without me right? Why are you acting so hostile to me, the reason for your creation as well as continued existence?"

Suddenly, the Internal Energy completely halted its movements. Seeing this, Daron sighed as he let go of the Internal energy, that just remained motionless even thought it was now free to struggle as much as it wanted within the prison.

"Good. With this, I can assume you are not a complete savage, and can at the very least, understand my, and think for yourself. I will leave you to it them. Just keep thinking. I'll be back tomorrow. I hope to have a proper answer by then. Whether you want to be trapped here forever, beaten up by me every day, or help me grow, and live properly along with me."

With that, Daron returned to his body and went to sleep.

The next morning, Daron woke up to Sirious' message.

[Master Daron. Based on scanning and analysis of your body and subconscious, it has been concluded that the Internal Energy has submitted to you completely. It has given up all resistance. It has also sent over a part of its core being, which is similar to a part pf the soul of a human for the power. It is its sign of loyalty.]

'So quickly?'

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