《The Epoch of Magic》Company


Since it was around 5 am, and normally the restaurant would open at around 6:30, Daron was intrigued as to why it was open for business.

Walking up to it, he noticed that the people entering were no the commoners of the city, but the only the high-class members of the city.

A frown suddenly appeared on Daron's face as he had a strange feeling of something he did not like happening.

Walking in, Daron saw that the restaurant was no longer divided into two, and only had Large tables where multiple people were enjoying their breakfast this early in the morning.

'What the hell. They changed the structure of the Food 1 in under a month?'

Noticing Daron, the waiter quickly ran inside, and out came Hans and Greta with a smile on their face.

"Come to the kitchen and explain everything." Daron said coldly

"So, you people thought that we would earn more for doing less by only selling to the rich?"

Hans, Greta, Mako, Lily, and Joanne simply nodded.

Although they had all decided their future paths. They would only begin training in their profession around the age of 10. And Lily, the oldest of the lot, was still only 9. Therefore, they were all working at the restaurant. However, they had a thought that increasing the price and selling only to the rich would reduce their work load and still maintain income.

"Such a bright idea!" Daron exclaimed, which made Hans and Greta beam in joy, until they raised their heads and saw the cold expression on Daron's face.

"Why the hell would you do this? I made this restaurant as a daily necessity for the poor. Not a leisurely past time for the rich, who could suddenly decide to not come here ever again."


"Tch. I am going to the castle and registering Blaze as an official company, and Food as a subsidiary company to it. Food 1 will be part of Food Company. I will also be keeping 100% ownership of Blaze with me, and 90% of Food with me. I will give each of you 2% of Food. And you will receive a salary for any work you do here. You are not allowed to make such drastic changes without me. Even if I die, my inheritor will take over this 90% of Food and 100% of Blaze. Also, 70% of profits from Food will go towards Blaze as it is a subsidiary company. No buts."

"I will manage that soon. But for now. I need all of you to bring back this place to what it was originally. You know what? Just remove the rich person section. Food 1 will only have a commoner section."

"Also, I just learned about the existence of Servant and slave contracts. Although each servant contract cost 1000 copper, I will buy two for Sharon and Jack and give them the recipe. Priestess Joanne will no longer have to spend a long time working here as the cook. You can just teach them everything and enjoy your 1%. Since you have not taken any money so far, we will remove 20000 copper from the profits of the company and give them to you for all the effort you have given and all the investment the company received before."

"Lastly, you guys need to create a bank account in the 'Union Bank'. And the 2% from the 30% of profits left over for Food will go directly into the banks, and you can only withdraw half the money for day-to-day expenses etc. The rest of the money needs to be kept in the account for emergencies."


"Alright then, now that all of that is done and over with, let's close the restaurant for the day and return to the church for now. I have a day off and I need to get a lot done. I will be going to the castle to register the company and buy the servant contracts, since the slave contracts are really expensive."

"Till then, finish serving the customers and close the restaurant. We will meet in the church on an hour or two."

With that, the 6-year-old Daron turned around and left the dumbfounded children, and a Joanne who had mixed emotions. She was flustered at the way a 6-year-old, one that she herself had raised, had spoken to her as though speaking to an employee. On the other hand, she was satisfied the way he had handled the situation, taking control of the company while making sure to keep some income for his brothers and sisters.

"I need to register a company."

At first, the receptionist at the counter of the Company Registration Department (CRD) looked at the 8-year-old body of Daron and scoffed in his mind. But when he saw the knight in training uniform the kid had worn, he instantly saluted and said,

"Of course. Please fill out this form."

The CRD, a subdivision of the Company Management Unit which was established by the kingdom of Pierre for the control and support of new businesses, was set up in every city by the kingdom of Pierre. Any company registering here would have laws it needed to follow, and a tax rate it needed to pay; however, it also had many laws which protected its interests in exchange for the tax and restrictive laws.

Daron took the form and began filling it out.


Name of Company: Blaze

Owner's Shareholders: Daron (100%)

Sub-companies: Food

Subcompany's shareholders: Daron (10%), Blaze(70%), Joanne (2%), Lily (2%), Hans (2%), Gretta (2%), Mako (2%), Retained profits (10%)

Income split: Food: 70% to Blaze, 30% to shareholders accounts.

Blaze: 50% to Account number xxxxxx, 50% to account number xxxxxx

Note: All companies earning between 0-10,000 copper per month need only cover a fee of 100 copper per month. Every company earning between 10,000 and 50,000 copper per month need to give a tax of 2000 copper. Any company earning more that 500 silver per month is required to pay a fee of 10,000 copper.

Please circle which income bracket your main company, and sub-company fall under. A tax officer will randomly make rounds to ensure the right amount of tax is given.


After some thought, Daron thought it to be best to keep some money from Food as retained profits for future use.

"Oh! Young man, are u sure you are the owner of Blaze?"

"Yes. I am Daron."

"Alright then. If you are not the owner of Blaze: Food 1, then you should know that doing this will not affect that yet to register company in any way, and only slightly irritate them for choosing a new name or negotiating the name from you."


Daron had learned about the existence of companies from William, whose father was a merchant, who had registered his merchant group as a company a long time back and had been enjoying the benefits, while also enjoying the benefits for being a merchant within the Merchant Association.

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