《The Epoch of Magic》Battle


Since he had a schedule to keep, he quickly put on the armour he had removed and left his room, following the directions from people he met along the way to make his way to the training grounds.

"You arrived on time." Nodded Sir Fals, the knight who was trained by Sir Zack.

"Alright, whoever comes a second after this very moment will be considered late and will have to run 5 rounds around the castle after the training or they will not get dinner." He continued in a harsh voice which reminded Daron of the Drill Sergeant from Earth.

"First of all. Since we have a new recruit, I must introduce what it means to become a knight."

"Daron, I'm sure you would have met some of these new knights in training during lunch or elsewhere."

Daron nodded and said, "I got to know about Internal Energy."

"That is good. I will skip all of that then. However, you should know this. While you are still a Novice Knight, which none of you are yet, but even when you do become one, you will still be no different than a normal human."

"Imagine normal humans being empty buckets. Now all Novice knights fill their bodies with Internal energy and are considered buckets filled with water. Although you can carry around the Internal energy, you cannot use it in any way or benefit from it. That is until you form your Internal Energy Core and become an official Knight. At this point, you can be considered watering pot with a hole to utilise the Internal energy, as well as control over how much you use."

"Alright. This will not affect most of you for the time being. Only those who spend at the very least half a year to dense Internal energy will need to know this."

At this moment, Fey, and William who had been waiting at the venue even before Daron noticed tom and Rachel running up to the training grounds in a hurry. Shaking their heads, they sighed, while Sirious explained something to Daron.


[Analysis on them shows that the two knights in training Tom and Rachel have been exchanging saliva.]



'Wtf. Why would kids who are both below the age of 10 be kissing. What is wrong with this world.'

[It's not like it does not happen on Earth either.]

'Ack…' Daron simply put aside that uncomfortable conversation for the time being and returned his focus back on those who were present.

Other than himself, William, Fey, and the apologizing Tom and Rachel, there were another 4 people. In the new recruits, there were Tom, Rachel, Daron and William who were all below the age of 10, with Daron being the youngest. Followed by that was Fey who was 12. Next came the other 4 people who were all between 13 and 16.

Although they were also there at the table during lunch, they were simply ignoring Daron, William, Tom and the gang.

"Alright. You know the punishment. Complete it after training and get back in line."

"Good. Now, everyone we will begin today's training. Since your bodies will remain weak even once you become a Novice knight, it is imperative that you increase your body's strength through conventional methods. We will begin with 5 laps around the training grounds followed by 100 push-ups. Finish this in 20 minutes. Go!"

Quickly, the group of new recruit knights in training obeyed the orders of their superior and completed his tasks, huffing and puffing by the end. Even Daron was short of breath and was bent over, breathing raggedly.

"Alright. Break is over. We will begin the sparring sessions. It will take too long to teach you guys techniques on fighting. Instead, actual combat will help you improvise your fighting styles on your own."

Quickly, everyone formed a circle around Sir Fals, waiting for him to pick out the two who would spar first, and Daron simply went along.

"You and you, come up and stat whenever."

For some reason, Daron was picked to go first. As soon as he entered the circle and put on combat stance, spreading his legs slightly apart and lowing his body to stabilise himself, Sirious spoke up as he was staring at his opponent, one of the 4 other new recruits.


[Combat system activating]

Suddenly, Daron felt like he had entered a real VR Game, equipped with the full HUD interface, live as he was looking at the man who was 13 years old.

'Combat system?'

[This is another one of the Main system's auxiliary functions. It proves live combat information as well as possibilities of threats and attacks within a 20 m radius.]

'So, the range of your scanning also increased?'

[The range for recording and normal scanning is actually at 50m, but the combat system takes up a lot of processing power, and so the radius has to be temporarily reduced to 20m. this range will continue to increase with every Version Update]

'Wait! What Version Update?'

[Every so often, the main system will undergo a Version update, which will progressively take longer and longer to complete, during which the back-up system will take over. The next version update is estimated to be available in 1.5 years, and will take an approximate time of 5 days to complete. After the update, there will also be a period where you must no longer by conscious so that changes can be made to your body to suit the improved system, called the Installation period. This period will be approximately 3 hours.]

[Remember, the Version update will not ask for permission and will automatically begin the Installation period when everything is updated.]


[The enemy is approaching]

The last part after explaining how long the Installation period would take was said at a speed that Daron could barely hear it. However, instead of asking any further, Daron had to brace himself for the enemy's attack.

Thankfully, the combat system calculated the speed, direction, force put into every step, wind speed, and a multitude of other factors and showed Daron all the different possibilities that the enemy could take.

As the enemy got closer, bare handed, the possibilities became fewer in number, and when the possibilities became small enough for him to see an opening, Daron just jumped straight into that opening, landing diagonally behind to the right of the opponent who took a few steps to stop himself.

However, by the time he did that, Daron had already reached out his hands to put the enemy in a chokehold with his left arm wound the enemy's neck, while his right pulled back on his left. He then leapt into the air and used his legs to wrap around the enemy's legs and completely pin him down, waiting for his struggles to slow down.

Knight Fals saw the entire thing. He was first thinking in his mind,

'What kind of fool is this brat. He is only standing there doing nothing while the enemy charges at him.'

However, the next moment, that fool of a child did something that completely stunned him. Somehow, the kid had jumped into the one spot where his enemy would not be able to attack him no matter what based on his current momentum. Being an official Knight himself, Fals could already see the various possibilities of the two children, just like Daron could. The only difference was that he was using his Internal Energy to do this, to understand the possibilities of anyone winning, and so could point out the mistakes to the loser and winner alike, no matter who lost.


However, that was not the end of his shock. The kid named Daron had perfectly stopped him body from moving forward in but a single step and then rushed towards his opponent who was still staggering from his reckless charge.

Then, the kid did some move that seemed as though it had been honed through years of practice, and had been expertly performed.

And the result was out. The poor kid who was facing Daron had tapped out just before he fainted from the lack of oxygen.

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