《The Epoch of Magic》Vol 2: Chapter 4: Internal Energy


After lunch, Daron returned to his room after being informed by the servant who had been waiting outside his room that he had 2 hours of free time before he had to go to the training grounds to begin his training as a knight in training. [1]

‘Sirious, utilise the information given by Rachel to form a basic description of Internal energy and name it so. Also create a ranking description for the different levels within a knight’s training.’

[Analysing complete]

[Internal Energy: It is a form of energy that exists within once’s own body, and in certain herbs and beast cores, without existing in the rest of the outside world. You need to first sense the internal energy in your body. This task usually takes around a year to complete.]

[Next is the process of gaining control over the energy within your body. This also takes about a year to complete. When you can complete this step, you officially become a Novice Knight of rank 1]

[Once you can control this energy, you need to increase the amount of internal energy you possess by eating herbs or beast cores.]

[Naturally, you cannot just keep eating these herbs since taking in too much energy without bringing it under control could result in explosion]

‘Call it losing control and fatality.’ Daron interrupted, almost feeling like explosioning himself[2]

[I am sorry, Master Daron.]

[…resulting in losing control of all you Internal energy and possibly death in the worst case, or crippling for life in the best case]

[That is why, there is a limit to how much one can grow, and that depends on the speed at which you can take control of your Internal Energy.]

[As soon as your Internal energy reached a particular level, you will feel the change and increase in rank to rank 2, 3, 4 and then 5. This amount of energy for each level depends on each individual, and the more energy it takes, the stronger the person will be in the future if they are able to make it to an Official Knight at Rank 6.]


[Once you reach the Novice Rank of 5, you must then use all of your Internal Energy you have accumulated so far for compress it and form an Internal Energy Core within your body.]

[At this point, you are called an official Knight having the Rank of 6.]

[Further information is required for further analysis on this topic.]


‘But have you thought of a way to sense my Internal energy?’

[Yes. There are actually 3 ways I have analysed. One is to let another person’s external force, which does not have malice towards you, enter your body. This way, I will be able to fully and thoroughly analyse Internal force to the point where I can help you reach the stage that person injecting the internal energy was at when he did so.]

[Another is to train continuously and meditate right after so that your body is in its most fatigued state, allowing your mind to sweep through everything in search for Internal energy without the resistance of your body.]

[The third is to enter your subconscious and search for Internal Force.]

[Personally, I would suggest the first-]

‘Right then, off we go to my subconscious!’ Daron exclaimed as he unintentionally cut Sirious off and went ahead into his mind.

‘Great! I’m here now. But what now?’

[Master Daron. You should try to listen to me fully before doing things like this. Although you have already created a stable connection with your subconscious, searching for Internal Energy will still be incredibly dangerous.]

‘What kind of protagonist does not take risks? What is the point of coming to a world of magic, like I always dreamed about, and not being able to become a mage because I was too focused on staying safe? I’d rather die than play it safe forever.’


[Alright. For this method, you will have to extend your [Force of Will] into the subconscious and search around. This method is trial and error and is likely to fail 98% of the time due to the infinitely large amount of space your subconscious in particular takes up]

‘How bug is my subconscious compared to others?’

[Around 2000 times larger]

‘Wow! I feel so much better about myself. My Ego is 2000 times more than normal humans. Alright then. Let us begin the grinding process.’

2 hours later, Daron came back to his body, sighing in defeat. HE had found the Internal energy, but could not move his [Force of Will] fast enough to reach it, and it always escaped.

But at least there was hope. He had seen it nearly 32 times, despite the supposed 98% failure rate, and if he kept trying, he would sooner or later get his desired outcome.

[The problem is not my analysis, but your luck Master Daron. It goes beyond understanding.] [3]

[1] God that a lot of training in one sentence.

[2] I know, wrong spelling. But that is the feeling I want to portray. Sirious had made a mistake.

[3] Yes, and we writers and readers call that plot-armour. Thick-as* plot-armour.

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