《Mage》Prolouge - Reincarnation


I died.

I know, what a way to start a story, but get this: I was also reincarnated into a fantasy world. Though I wish I got a warning. I was suddenly taken from the nice, cosy embrace of the void into the womb of my mother, who proceeded to give birth to me, plopping me into this new world, where I immediately began crying. It hurt, my skin was sensitive and my eyes were blurry; everything stung. I just cried while flailing to get used to my new body and people moved around me, but who cares about them? My mind was all on how I got reincarnated, and cringing at the cliche, or would be if I could focus through all the blurry and confusing messages my body was sending me. Eventually though, I managed to calm down in the arms of my presumed mother, which looked like a blur to me. The towel, or cloth, was very comfortable and eventually my body calmed enough to immediately go to sleep. And now I'm here, in a small crib.

This is all very cliche, if I'm being honest. I died because of a truck, and got reincarnated into a fantasy world. Or I think it's a fantasy world? Haven't seen anything fantasy around, no magic lamps, no wands, no goblins, no magic. And that was concerning. What if I am reincarnated into a medieval world? Well, I would most likely die within the next few years and meet a lot of siblings, which wasn't very pleasant, if I'm being honest. Siblings I have no opinion on, having none in my previous life, but dying isn't that nice. And I can have an opinion on that because I have died before.

I looked around my room, and couldn't discern anything through the blurriness. Damn human brain development and skull to pelvis ratio, making me develop outside the womb. Everything was black and white, and grey, and my sense of touch only told me the crib was made of something solid. I looked around more and then I saw a face, or something I knew was a face through my intuition, and could discern through the blur. It spoke and I couldn't understand anything. Not because of lack of trying, I really want to hear what they have to say, but because 1. I can't hear very well, and 2. They're speaking a different language.


I knew I could at least know if someone was speaking English, even if my hearing was muffled, but that language was different than English, or French, or Spanish. I didn't know any languages fluently apart from English, and only a bit of French and Spanish from school, so they could've been speaking Polish or something, but now I knew that whoever or whatever reincarnated me did not give me a free translation tool. Or anything for that matter. No cool pop up stat screen, no weird organ that I could gather qi with, no amazing physique, nothing. Well. I hope I get those later, can't rule them out just yet.

I looked at the face and it did some motions with what I think were its hands before speaking again. I just looked back at it and blinked. It reached out and grabbed me, warming up my little hand and shook it, then it picked me up and hugged me. It kept speaking and I couldn't understand it, not until it brought something up to my mouth that I did understand. I drank. I would be embarrassed to do this, but I was a baby in a brand new world and therefore manners or social status means jack to me. It, who I assumed was my mother, pulled me away after I stopped eating and placed me down in my crib again, handing me something out of wood, which I assumed was a toy. I expect a lot of the early days, or weeks or reincarnation forbid months, will rely heavily on assuming things. However right now I didn't have to assume I was sleepy, I knew I was, and it seemed I showed it because my mother picked my toy up, probably taking it away before I could hurt myself, and stroked my head. This kind of repeated itself a few times, so I started to think back on how this all happened.


How I died.

I was walking down the street, going to college. When suddenly a white truck appeared to my right. Now that wouldn't be unusual as the road was there, but this one was driving towards me.

It crashed.

Missing me by a centimetre and crashing into a home. I have escaped death but not for long, because I stepped backwards, recoiling from the fast moving vehicle.

And straight into an open manhole where a few construction workers were working on, and who would've caught me if they hadn't dodged out of the way of the truck. I fell down into the sewers below, but didn't die, unfortunately. I broke both of my legs, and almost started to drown on the sewage around me, but I managed to stay above it, looking up at the light above, wishing it could take me to it, both literally and metaphorically. The people above started to move around and would've probably gotten to me, however it seems that the construction crew was working on fixing the manhole ladder which was broken, and they therefore couldn't save me. Eventually someone got a rope and reached me, however by that time, I had already bled out, or drowned, or something because I was in a black void, which felt a little cosy, and then all of this happened.

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